Everlasting Dragon Emperor Chapter 1022: Qizhen Spirit Wine

Huang Kui looked at Lu Ming and sneered with contempt.

Lu Ming frowned slightly, he didn’t say a word when he came in, but Huang Kui came to him automatically.

“Huang Kui, Brother Lu has enough qualifications to enter here!”

Chu Kuang said with a calm face.

“Haha, qualifications? Do you rely on qualifications? Then anyone can bring people in, are there any rules?” Huang Kui sneered, then looked at Fairy Sandalwood and said, “Fairy, I It is recommended to kick this person out”

But Huang Kui hadn’t spoken yet, but saw the sandalwood fairy Yu’s hand slightly lifted, interrupting Huang Kui’s words, and said: “Brother Huang is not more than talking, I know Brother Lu, he is qualified to enter here!” /

The crisp voice spread throughout the audience, making many people’s eyes move a little surprised.

Fairy Sandalwood actually knew this young man surnamed Lu? What is the origin of this person? Is it also a third-class arrogant? Then why haven’t you seen the battle of luck?

There are many questions in everyone’s mind.

Huang Kui’s face was stiff, and then his face flushed red, embarrassingly to death.

Before, he yelled at Lu Ming, saying that Lu Ming was a waste and was not qualified, but the next moment, Fairy Sandalwood directly said that he knew Lu Ming, Lu Ming was qualified, which was equivalent to slap him in the face in public.

He was furious and dissatisfied with Fairy Sandalwood, but he didn’t dare to show it.

“It’s all Chu Kuang, and this kid is embarrassing me!”

Don’t dare to be dissatisfied with Fairy Sandalwood, Huang Kui could only transfer his anger to Lu Ming and Chu Kuang, took a sip from the wine glass, his eyes cold.

Chu Kuang and Zhang Wenjing were also a little startled. Fairy Sandalwood actually knew Lu Ming? Are Lu Ming and Fairy Sandalwood old acquaintances?

Everyone has different thoughts, and even Lu Ming’s face changed slightly.

“Is it recognized!”

Lu Ming couldn’t help but think.

“Brother Lu, please come to the table!”

Sanxiang waved her hand now, Qiao Yanran, and pointed to their table.

At this moment, the scene exploded, and everyone’s face changed.

“What? Fairy Sandalwood asked this person surnamed Lu to sit on the top table, and that table can only sit on the second-class Tianjiao. This person surnamed Lu is qualified?”

“How is it possible? How many second-class Tianjiao is there? I haven’t seen this person in the battle of luck, how could he be the second-class Tianjiao?”

“Then why did Fairy Sandalwood tell him to sit here?”

Many third-class Tianjiao are discussing in a low voice.

But everyone has doubts and eyes.

Even Jingkongling, Yin Bupo, Jun Yue and others, their expressions changed slightly, and they looked at Lu Ming curiously.

The expressions of Chu Kuang and Zhang Wenjing are even more exciting.

Lu Ming himself was also a little dazed.

“Brother Lu, please!”

Fairy Sandalwood invites again.

“Okay, Lu Shaoqing, thank you Fairy!”

Lu Ming clasped his fists, not being polite, and stepping straight up.

“This kid really went up, does he really dare to go up?”

“Does he really think he can compare with the second-class Tianjiao?”

Lu Ming’s move caused another quiet discussion.

“This kid”

Huang Kui’s face is even more ugly.

Lu Ming didn’t care about the gaze around him. He stepped forward. He was sure now that Sandalwood recognized him now. Now that he did, he had to face it. The big deal is to pay the elixir to Fairy Sandalwood. That’s it.

“Boy, get out, you can’t come up here!”

Just when Lu Ming walked up to the pavilion, a cold drink sounded in Lu Ming’s ears. This was used for sound transmission, and no one else could hear it.

Lu Ming raised his brows and looked at someone.

Blood Luozi!

This is a gorgeous dividing line

Friends please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

This is a gorgeous dividing line


The words just now were clearly made by Blood Luozi.

At this time, Xue Luozi had a bad look, staring at Luming.

There was a sneer at the corner of Lu Ming’s mouth, and then, without a glance at Xue Luozi, he continued to step, came to the table in the pavilion, and sat down directly on an empty chair.

Completely ignoring Blood Luozi, which made Blood Luozi’s face look ugly, and a ray of murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

Jing Kongling, Jun Yue and others also looked at Lu Ming curiously.

“The time is almost here, we won’t wait anymore, now we have wine!”

The sandalwood fairy’s voice came out, and then he patted his hands gently, and several young women brought a jug of fine wine.

A small pot of fine wine is placed in front of everyone.

“The first wine to serve is called Flame Burning Heart. You can taste it!”

Sandalwood Fairy said softly.

As soon as Sandalwood Fairy’s voice fell, some people couldn’t wait to pour some fine wine and drank it all in one go.

Lu Ming also poured a glass for himself. The wine was poured into the glass, and a layer of flame appeared on the surface of the wine, beating in the glass.

“Curious and wonderful wine!”

Lu Ming secretly praised, then picked it up and drank it all.

The taste of the wine is mellow and sweet, but when it slides down the throat into the stomach, it burns like a flame.

In particular, there was a rush of heat flowing into the heart. Lu Ming felt that the heart was burning, but there was no pain at all. Instead, he felt warm and very comfortable.

“This wine can also burn and condense the true essence!”

Lu Ming’s eyes lit up suddenly, and he found that his true essence was a little firmer.

“Good wine!”

Lu Ming couldn’t help but poured another cup and drank it again.

Next, Lu Ming poured a few cups, and soon he drank a pot of wine.

Lu Ming licked his lips, with a look that was still unfinished.

Others are the same. Even some women who don’t usually drink well are all drunk.

“Good wine, burning heart with flames, and wine as its name!”

Beside Lu Ming, a young man in white sighed again and again.

This person is the peerless Tianjiao of the World College, Kong Xin.

“It’s really good wine!”

Jun Yue also admired, the magic light flashing faintly on his body, the power is compelling.

“Everyone likes it, and it’s not a waste of my little sister’s hard work. Next, please taste the second wine!”

Fairy Sandalwood chuckled, then clapped her hands, and another young woman brought a pot of wine.

“This kind of wine is called Qingshen Minglu!” Sandalwood Fairy introduced.

With the previous blazing heart-burning wine, many people couldn’t wait and started drinking.

Lu Ming poured out a glass~IndoMTL.com~ and drank it all in one go.

This kind of wine is completely different from the previous blazing heart-burning wine. This kind of wine enters the stomach, and a cold sensation spreads throughout the body, and finally gathers in his mind. Suddenly, Lu Ming feels very incomparable. Sober, active thinking, several times stronger than usual.

Lu Ming’s heart moved, and he carefully sensed the artistic conception of the earth. He found that his understanding of the artistic conception was several times faster.

This kind of wine can actually improve the comprehension of the martial artist. Of course, this is temporary. The miracle medicine is incorporated into the wine. Once the power of the medicine is over, the effect will naturally disappear.

But it’s amazing enough. If you take it for a long time, your cultivation speed can definitely be greatly enhanced.

One cup after another, and soon, a pot of wine was drunk again.

Later, Sandalwood Fairy ordered people to bring out several kinds of wines. The effects of each wine are different. It is not as simple as a simple wine. Each wine is made by smelting an elixir and wine. All tastes are different, which is so addictive.

(End of this chapter) *bq5*


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