Everlasting Chapter 2604: Jokes

In a very short period of time, the blood essence of these monks was plundered by Chen Feng seven or eighty eight!

But Chen Feng is not satisfied. Although these blood essence can increase some cultivation base, what Chen Feng needs more is the spirit of these monks!

Fortunately, there was a fat man who helped. Chen Feng also cast a soul-suppressing spell and successfully swallowed the souls of several monks. Although it is not as good as the quality of the souls of the original thousand souls, it is not bad. Of course, under normal circumstances Chen Feng wouldn’t do this, but now Chen Feng needs to quickly improve his cultivation, and when he was attacked by the opponent just now, some anger and murder arose in his heart, which just happened to be released.

A few people still escaped. Chen Feng and Fatty did not chase them down. Chen Feng was a little bit satisfied, as if he had eaten a lot, and then during the digestion process, Chen Feng saw the surprised look in Fatty’s eyes. A move in my heart, I know what the other person is thinking!

“I am a chaotic body, and I have made a breakthrough before, and I need some energy.” Chen Feng said.

The fat man nodded, got it!

“No wonder you collected so many life fires before, so the time it took you to cultivate to this point must be far less than other monks, otherwise, I’m sorry for the chaotic body system.” Fatty said.

“Well, it’s not the time to talk about this now. Let’s go and see what treasures are there.” Chen Feng said. Just now the fat man helped out and expressed his kindness. Chen Feng also accepted his love, and the relationship between the two parties was a little closer.

“Alright, anyway, the most in this universe are skeletons. In the future, there will be opportunities to collect the fire of life.” The fat man said with a smile.

The energy of the stormy sea is constantly being transmitted from the front. I don’t know how many magic weapons are flying, there are also divine lights running around, and there are some strange innate treasures of the gods level. Chen Feng even saw a few mouthfuls of chaos. Ancient wells, and in these ancient chaotic wells, colored light spurted out!

This situation is like a treasure vault is opened, and then all the treasures stored in it fly out.

Snatchers are naturally adventurers and numerous skeletons, but there are some other lives, but the number is extremely small.

“There are a lot of good things.” Chen Feng said that he had begun to take action.

While the two grabbed their hands, they were also fighting with the surrounding skeletons, but there was still something in their hands.

The Ancient Chaos Well obtained by Chen Feng is directly collected into the body, and the energy in it is converted into cultivation bases. As for the Law of Chaos and other congenital gods, they are collected by Chen Feng at will. These things are attracted to Chen Feng’s book The power is not too great, and Chen Feng had also gained a lot in the Source of Good Fortune and other universes!

With Chen Feng’s current strength and vision, in addition to some peculiar treasures, only the magic weapon of chaos can attract Chen Feng. Besides, Chen Feng now has a lot of magic weapon of chaos!

What Chen Feng and Fatty need is the real power of Hunyuan Jinxian.

“Go away!”

A man who is as strong as a sacred mountain rushed over from nowhere, his dark body shone with metallic luster, this is a very strange physique.

This person went for a chaos law, and many skeletons were broken along the way, but unfortunately the way forward was facing Chen Feng and Fatty, which was a bit sad.

“Go away!”

This dark big man is like a demon **** coming out of chaos. He smashed the skeleton in front of him with his fist, and then smashed it down at Chen Feng and the fat man!

“This guy is a fool!”

“It looks a little stupid!”

Chen Feng and Fatty looked at each other, exchanged opinions, and then said so.

So Chen Feng shot and grabbed the opponent’s fist directly. Chen Feng’s arm shook and made a roar.

Chen Feng was a little surprised. He didn’t expect that the opponent’s power was so strong. Even some special giants and other beings would not have such a strong power.

Because this is pure strength, the pure strength of Da Luo Jinxian’s cultivation has reached this point, which shows that the opponent is mostly talented, or just born like this.

Chen Feng was surprised, and the other party was even more surprised. Originally, this special man didn’t pay attention to all the existence in front of him. Who knew that the punch he threw out was caught. This had to make people feel shocked!

Then the dark guy saw Chen Feng and Fatty.

I have to say that this guy is really too big, and he didn’t even notice the existence of Chen Feng and Fatty.



At this time, the dark guy immediately felt the danger, his hairs were erected, and he also understood that he had made a big mistake and provoke such a master!

But even if the opponent is a master, he is not afraid, so another fist of the dark man blasted directly at Chen Feng’s head.

At this time, the fat man did not take action. Instead, he took two steps back and made a gesture of watching the excitement. In fact, the fat man had already seen the origin of the black man, so he wanted to see the next battle, because The fat man already knew the result of this battle. Although the dark guy was also talented, he was still a little worse in the face of Chaos Body!


Two explosions, the black man’s fist didn’t hit Chen Feng, but Chen Feng was thrown into the air with a fist, his chest collapsed, and I don’t know how many skeletons were knocked over!

Then the dark guy got up and turned around and left. He didn’t mean to continue fighting Chen Feng!

“This guy.” Chen Feng was a little surprised. Before seeing the other party being so arrogant and pretentious, he thought that the other party would continue to do it with himself, who knows how familiar.

“The opponent comes from a family of supernatural powers, with a natural and special physique, and can be regarded as a little famous in the free space.” said the fat man.

“The supernatural power family, I have never heard of it.” Chen Feng shook his head!

“I know the Pan clan.” Chen Feng continued.

“The two are about the same strength,” said the fat man.

The two also charged some resources while talking, and Chen Feng was a little curious: “Even Hunyuan Jinxian shouldn’t leave so many things, I feel like I have gone to the source of good fortune.”

“Haha!” The fat man shook his head!

“You have a lot of treasures on Friends, right.” The fat man asked!

Chen Feng nodded and understood what the other party meant. If he had a problem and left the inheritance, then naturally there would be a lot of treasures. There were a lot of magic weapons of Chaos, but Chen Feng wanted to come even if he encountered a situation. Will leave things in the clan for family and friends.

But now I don’t know the situation of the Hunyuan Jinxian, so everything is just speculation!

At this time, a blood cell suddenly appeared, and the blood-colored light was shining. Even if there was something in front of it, it couldn’t block the image of the blood cell. For example, there were many skeletons in front, but Chen Feng could not see clearly!

“This is the blood of the Golden Immortal Hunyuan. Although it is only a blood cell, it can cover a star field after it bursts.” Chen Feng said.

In the past, Chen Feng had obtained the blood of the Golden Immortal Hunyuan, but some blood filled Chen Feng’s internal world, and at that time Chen Feng’s internal world had advanced to the point of a small universe!

“This blood cell is good. After getting it, you can improve your cultivation.” Chen Feng said with a smile.

“Does the Daoist just want to promote the monk? This is an excellent thing. After others get it, they will definitely want to practice it, and understand something from it,” said the fat man.

“Next, it can only be divided.” Chen Feng said.

Sure enough, the blood ball exploded, and then it turned into a sea of ​​blood and rushed around. Whether it was a skeleton or an adventurer, everything plus the space was occupied by the sea of ​​blood!

There were even a large number of skeletons who could not bear the power of the sea of ​​blood and fell. Although the sea of ​​blood was boiling, Chen Feng could still see the fire of life in the skulls’ heads extinguished under the force of blood. The skeleton’s body remains, but it will slowly melt over time!

“What a pity!” Chen Feng said, thinking how great it would be if the fire of life fell in his own hands.

The fat man said: “Even the skeletons were killed. Is it possible that this Hunyuan Jinxian is not a skeleton, not a life of undead.”

“It’s possible too!” Chen Feng said, letting the blood of Hunyuan Jinxian wash on his body, and at the same time, several whirlpools appeared on Chen Feng’s body, and he began to devour the blood frantically!

It was the fat man who used the secret technique to restrict the area under the cloth around his body, to separate the washed blood, and he didn’t seem to want to get it on himself.


Chen Feng not only used the swallowing technique, but also released the avenue of blood, with some vortexes on it.

As a result, Chen Feng can swallow blood faster, and even the fat man is surprised!

Because the fat man discovered that Chen Feng had collected one-tenth of his blood in a short period of time. For other monks, the deadly blood placed in front of Chen Feng was a great tonic. Chen Feng only wanted to improve. Only repair!

In the end, the place where Chen Feng stood turned into a huge whirlpool, and more blood was pulled over. It was not until the blood completely dissipated that Chen Feng stopped the swallowing technique!

As a result, 20% of the blood rushed to other areas of the starry sky in the universe, Chen Feng collected 20%, and the remaining 60% was divided by other monks and skeletons!

Then I don’t know how many adventurers and skeletons have focused on Chen Feng, and some are eager to try and want to do it!


However, at this time, a powerful wave of power broke out again, and groups of divine lights flew around, and the adventurers and skeletons present became excited again.

This is the will thought left by the Hunyuan Golden Immortal, and it is also the most precious thing of the Hunyuan Golden Immortal. Whether it is the memory of the soul or the origin of the will, these thoughts are crystallized.

It is said to be a crystallization, but it is actually the size of a star. I think Chen Feng had such a harvest at the beginning, and at that time Chen Feng entered the sea of ​​knowledge of the Daluo Jinxian. What he encounters now is the crystallization of the idea of ​​the Hunyuan Jinxian. So Chen Feng was a little excited and surprised!

“Daluo Jinxian is the crystallization of thoughts, so is the Hunyuan Jinxian, what is the difference.” Chen Feng muttered!

Of course, it’s not the time to think about this. Others have already started to take action, and Chen Feng and Fatty also took action immediately.

It seems that these thought crystals are wrapped in divine light and are only a mass, but in fact they are really as big as stars, even surpassing some giant stars. Of course, scale is one aspect, and the most important thing is quality. Hunyuan Jinxian But it was a life level higher than Da Luo Jinxian.

This time the crystallization of the idea of ​​snatching is extremely fierce, especially the skeletons, there are too many, and there are some masters in the back, and there is not much preparation for the previous blood, but this time after the appearance of the crystallization of the idea, the army of skeletons suddenly happened. Some changes!

Some skeletons go to **** the crystallization of thoughts, and some skeletons go to block other monks, so Chen Feng and Fatty were attacked.

The opponent is not just as simple as attacking, but blocking, entanglement, and stalking. As long as you can hold the two for some time, it is enough. A little time is enough to collect the thoughts!

“Looking for death!” Murderous intent appeared in the eyes of Chen Feng and Fatty. This is something better than the blood before. As long as it is something that the Da Luo Jinxian needs, even the top Da Luo Jinxian will **** something. At this time After being blocked, the crystallization of an idea had already fallen into Skeleton’s hands. Of course, Chen Feng and Fatty were a little anxious.


“Joining hands.”

“No, it should be using the strongest force.”

Chen Feng and Fatty hesitated for a while, and immediately performed the strongest attack. Chen Feng still spurred the origin lamp to free his fighting power. Fatty also has his own means.

The next moment the two of them have undergone earth-shaking changes, two energy fluctuations swept away, and the skeletons that besieged and blocked them all fell down. At this time, Chen Feng was too lazy to collect the fire of life, so he killed the other party directly. fastest.

After sweeping the obstacles in front of them, the two of them began to **** the thoughts. When each thought was crystallized, they felt the weight of the stars, and the other’s soul impact. Only by withstanding these thoughts can they truly be grasped. Crystallized away.

However, for Chen Feng and Fatty, this situation can be dealt with. After all, this is only part of the power of Hunyuan Jinxian, so the two soon collected several energy crystals.

Boom! Bang! Bang!

The magic weapon of chaos that disappeared before appeared again, and a series of attacks on Chen Feng and Fatty blocked the actions of the two, which made Chen Feng a little depressed, because Chen Feng discovered that the magic weapon of chaos did not attack the skeleton at this time. Locked himself and the fat man!

“The will of the universe should have intervened,” said the fat man.

A few energy crystals were collected again, and then the energy crystals disappeared!

This time is different from before. Although the two have used the strongest strength, they are still not satisfied. The energy crystals they have collected are not as much as the essence of blood!

“This is a good thing. In fact, it’s not bad to get one. Be content.” said the fat man.

“I don’t know what else is there.” Chen Feng said.

“Essence and blood and thought crystallization have already appeared, there should be no more things, right.” The fat man said.

“That’s not necessarily.” Chen Feng said.

Then there was an extremely terrifying aura rising from a distance, and Chen Feng could see that this aura came from the place where the crystal of thought just appeared.

Then a huge bone appeared, or a skeleton appeared.

It looks like an ordinary skeleton, and there is nothing special except for a larger scale, but the terrifying coercion exuded by the opponent is really terrifying!

“Hunyuan Jinxian!” Chen Feng and Fatty looked at each other!

“In this way, the other party is really a skeleton.” Chen Feng said.

“I wanted to leave, but now it seems interesting next.” Fatty said so too.

After this skeleton appeared, it was just a phantom at first, as if it existed in other universes, and then it gradually consolidated!

The pressure is getting stronger and stronger. The monks and skeletons who are close to each other back again, but there are divine lights in their eyes. This is a golden fairy of Hunyuan. If you can get a bone into your body, you will have strength. Great increase, you can mobilize the power of Hunyuan Jinxian to attack, just like the fingers of Hunyuan Jinxian that Chen Feng merged back then!

Then a flame suddenly burned in the skull’s eyes, as if a vitality was injected into the skull!

The pressure exuded is stronger!

“Good thing, the fire of life, it’s not right, how could it be possible that the other party is still alive, what does this mean?” Chen Feng thought.

Although Hunyuan Jinxian appeared, Chen Feng still thought that the other party had only left some will, but it didn’t seem to be the case now.

Even the fat man has a strange look in his eyes!

“It’s really weird. Let’s take a look at the situation first. Even if the other party is really or, it is impossible to kill everyone present.” Fatty said.

As he was talking, the skeleton started, and the huge claws swept away. I don’t know how many skeletons and monks were swept away.

There was no killer, but this kind of behavior was even more scary. Think about it, the other party just waved his palms and arms easily, and the big Luo Jinxian present was fragile and flew out like a scarecrow.

Hundreds of skeletons and monks were beaten up in the blink of an eye!

No one has fallen!

This is another weird thing!

“Weird!” Chen Feng said.

But soon Chen Feng and Fatty’s face changed, because the skeleton seemed to be coming for them.

Soon, the skeleton and the monk in front were separated, and Chen Feng felt that the other person was staring at him, and then the skeleton shot at them.

Different from before, this time it is clearly a killer!

“Sure enough, it was for us.” The fat man shouted, and then sacrificed the big seal and smashed it down!

Chen Feng blasted out with a punch, roaring and washing away.

At this time, both Chen Feng and Fatty are still in the strongest state, so they blocked the opponent’s attack!

But soon a line of fire flew out of this skeleton’s eyes, leaving a blood hole in Chen Feng and Fatty respectively!

Then the huge palm grabbed the two again!

This is not a simple attack, but a powerful attack secret technique, or magical power!

The battle turned the stars, the world turned around, the look tranced, and the soul was wounded. Then Chen Feng and Fatty saw that each other’s palm had replaced everything, and wanted to grab them both.

At this time, the two felt that once they fell into the palm of each other, it would be difficult for them to escape!

Boom! Bang!

Chen Feng and Fatty still blocked each other’s attack, but the two of them were in bad condition. The attack just now caused confusion in the energy fluctuations of their bodies, and problems with their powerful strength!

“Not good!”


Anyway, the other party is Hunyuan Jinxian after all, and his life level is a level higher. It is useless even if two people have Origin Lingbao. It is the best situation to keep themselves. Besides, the two are in In the suppressed universe, if you are in free space, your combat effectiveness will increase!

However, Chen Feng also knows that even in the free space, he is not an opponent of this level.

So the two turned around and left!

Then the skeleton chased after him, and the other monks and skeletons also chased after him.

The two left this area, and soon flew in the starry sky for dozens of light years, and then felt more comfortable, because the skeleton was not too fast!

“Not a complete golden fairy.” Chen Feng said.

“Of course, if it is a real Hunyuan Jinxian, we are dead.” said the fat man.

“In that case, let’s stay and fight with each other.” Chen Feng suggested!


The skeleton launched an attack, and Chen Feng and Fatty dodged, wondering how many stars would be broken!

Chen Feng and Fatty stopped. They mobilized the Origin Treasure to increase their strength, and mobilized several Chaos Magic Weapons, which actually blocked the skeleton’s next attack

Just as the two sides were fighting, two torrents of energy suddenly hit this Hunyuan Golden Immortal, and then the huge skeleton rolled out directly.

Chen Feng and Fatty were a little surprised. The two torrents of energy just now came to the skeleton army and adventurers.

These guys still chose to attack the Hunyuan Skeleton together!

The reason why the skeleton hunted down Chen Feng and Fatty was because of the treasures of their origin. Chen Feng and Fatty also thought of this!

The skeleton army and adventurers don’t think so. These people are here for the sake of the golden fairy. Even if they can **** one or two bones, it is good, so after a little discussion, they will take action!

Even if it is the Golden Fairy of Hunyuan, it can’t hold it under the attack of so many monks!


At this time, Chen Feng and Fatty could leave, but the two chose to stay, also wanting to **** something.

Compared to other monks robbing bones, Chen Feng wants to get the fire of life more. This is the fire of life of Hunyuan Jinxian. It is comparable to the fire of life of a hundred and a thousand Daluo Jinxians. The most important thing is The quality of his opponent is extremely high, and Chen Feng even thought of what would happen if he got it!

Boom! boom!

Chen Feng and the fat man kept shooting, using the technique of attack and killing, and bombarding the skeleton constantly!

As for the skeleton army and other adventurers, the attack was even more rapid, and soon this skeleton was overwhelmed by the attack energy!

Hun Yuan Jinxian was angry. He was originally only trying to hunt down Chen Feng and Fatty. Now the situation has changed, so you don’t have to be polite!


The soul fluctuated, and then the palm was stretched out. With a sudden grasp, dozens of skeletons were shattered!

Following several bursts of fire, several more adventurers were penetrated through their bodies!

But the next attack almost knocked down this palm, and the bones started to loosen!

“Take him down.” A monk yelled.

In the chaotic attack, the Hunyuan Jinxian finally heard a cracking sound, and a bone flew out!

Then they snatched them from various directions, and eventually they were snatched by the skeleton army. After all, the opponent’s strength was the strongest.

Then the second bone and the third bone were also beaten out, and also snatched by the skeleton army!

This time, both the adventurer team and Chen Feng are a little upset, or they are worried!

Next, there were bones flying out again, Chen Feng and Fatty finally grabbed one each. Although the adventurers also grabbed one, after all, there are a lot of people and they are a temporary team, so there are some internal disputes!

Seeing that this Hunyuan Golden Immortal was about to be dismantled, suddenly a burst of energy came down through time and space and fell on Hunyuan Golden Immortal.

Then a tornado soared into the sky, and some of the crumbling skeletons had regrown bones, and the aura became stronger, and the flame in his eyes burned more intensely. Chen Feng felt the fire of life in the opponent’s body more and more!

At first, Chen Feng thought it was blessed by the origin of the universe, but soon he knew that was not the case.

“An expert has used the technique of power projection from other areas. This method is very good. The person who shot is Da Luo Jinxian.” Chen Feng said.

At this time, Chen Feng remembered the sacred tree of the week that had been chasing him before, and Chen Feng saw this scene again.

So Chen Feng involuntarily used the technique of tracking, seeing through the distant time and space with his eyes!

“The power of the same origin.” Chen Feng said.

“The other party is not dead, it is impossible.” The fat man’s eyes showed a thoughtful look, and then he turned into an incredible look!

Chen Feng also had a flash of inspiration: “We can transform into undead creatures, and these skeletons can also become flesh and blood. The person who shot should be this golden fairy, but I don’t understand why the other party left the skeletons themselves. This universe.”

“The festival is not clear, but then it will be interesting.” The fat man said.

After receiving the blessing of power, this Hunyuan Jinxian performed an unprecedented attack and killing technique. Large blocks of skeletons began to roll out, and then some of them were directly extinguished by the fire of life. Chen Feng even Saw a powerful skeleton also fell.


Very dangerous!

Chen Feng has fought each other, knowing the strength of the other party, even the skeletons of that level are immediately dropped, if you change to yourself, even if it can be blocked, you will be injured!

Fortunately, the Hunyuan Jinxian did not attack Chen Feng at this time. Perhaps he was irritated by the previous series of things, so after the Hunyuan Jinxian got the experience, he started killing!

Skulls are constantly being killed, and those adventurers are also dead!

In the chaos, many people begin to fear!

“Don’t panic, even the real Hunyuan Jinxian is not our opponent, join hands and attack together!” one of the adventurers shouted!

The skeleton army is mobilized by masters to condense in addition to powerful attacks!

Then the two sides fought, the Hunyuan Jinxian was first resisted, and then suppressed, and could no longer kill indiscriminately like before!

Chen Feng and Fatty looked at each other, and the two began to discuss.

I have to say that Hunyuan Jinxian is not something that two people can deal with. If the other party chooses to attack two people from the beginning, the two are already injured. But now, although it is very dangerous to face Hunyuan Jinxian, Chen Feng and Fatty still have some ideas!

This is what greed is doing!

Hunyuan Jinxian is a treasure. I just got a bone. I already feel the powerful force in it, so I naturally want to gain more!

“Will you go or not!”

“Are you willing to go!”

“In that case! Then stay, watch the excitement, just attack it, the other party has already focused on us, so we don’t need to worry about it anymore!”

The two quickly made up their minds, but they didn’t get too close, but urged the magic weapon to attack from a distance!

The volatility caused by this battle was very large, even affecting the area one billion light-years away. As for the stars and other matter in this range, they were shattered. It may take hundreds of millions of years to calm down.

That Hunyuan Jinxian fell in the wind again!

One more thing, at this time the universe will once again intervened, but it was the Hunyuan Golden Immortal who attacked!

This is surprising!

But in this way, the Hunyuan Jinxian couldn’t bear it again, so the bones from his body were shot out again soon!


The power projection reappeared, and the billowing energy once again empowered this Hunyuan Golden Immortal. This time the projection power is even stronger!

Hunyuan Jinxian once again killed some monks, and then turned around and went to Chen Feng and Fatty. With a wave of his hand, the starry sky was directly imprisoned and moved away.

Chen Feng and Fatty continued to struggle, and after the two struggled out, they were in the free space.

The weakening strength of the two of them suddenly rose again.

Without the suppression of the universe, their cultivation bases are restored!

But when they saw the skeleton in front of them, they frowned again. This is a golden fairy.

“Hand over the Origin Treasure.” Hun Yuan Jinxian in front of him spoke.

“Sure enough.”

Chen Feng and Fatty looked at each other, they had guessed this before!

“If you want something, it depends on whether you have this ability.” Chen Feng said with a smile. After leaving the Undead Universe, Chen Feng’s cultivation base is no longer suppressed, but instead exerts his full strength. The Chaos previously collected Some energy resources, such as the ancient well and the fire of life, were also quickly absorbed by Chen Feng. Originally, activating the origin lamp has consumed a lot of Chen Feng’s vitality, but now it has recovered!

Another point is that Chen Feng can use other methods in the free space, such as Dark Fire!

Of course, Chen Feng would not use this method as a last resort, just like this time if the opponent is not Hunyuan Jinxian, even if there are more skeletons, Chen Feng will use his own strength to kill seven in and seven out. !

“Well, the dead Hunyuan Jinxian is so powerful, I am about to see and see.” Fatty said so too.

Although it is said that the opponent may be transformed into flesh and blood, the skeleton in front of him has been dead for many years, or sealed for many years, and does not have the power of the golden fairy of Hunyuan’s heyday, otherwise the opponent would not be with Chen Feng. Entangled for so long!

What’s more important is that the two of them are now more powerful and confident!


Chen Feng took the initiative to launch an attack, swiftly stepped forward, blasted out a punch, mobilized the power of the chaos body, mobilized the power of the volcano, the heart beat, and inspired the power of the innate heart.

No matter which one bursts out, these kinds of power are extremely powerful, urging them to the top can threaten Hunyuan Jinxian.

And Chen Feng urged it at the same time. This is also Chen Feng’s own chaos body. If it is replaced by another Da Luo Jinxian, even if Da Luo’s body urges such a fierce force at once, it will not last long. Will break the body into pieces.

In the face of Chen Feng’s punch, the flames in the eyes of the Hun Yuan Jinxian became more fierce, and then he stretched out his palm to grab Chen Feng’s fist!

Boom! Bo! Bo! Bo!

There was a loud bang, and the energy exploded one after another!

Chen Feng’s expression changed slightly. It seemed that the other party was fighting against him, but in fact, the other party used methods to resolve Chen Feng’s attack power!

“Awesome, worthy of being the Golden Immortal of Hunyuan, even without the power of the heyday, but the use of power surpasses the Golden Immortal of Da Luo.” Chen Feng said.


Chen Feng was a little bit emotional. When he was in the fairy universe, Chen Feng didn’t know there was a Hunyuan Golden Fairy for a while, and most monks in the universe didn’t know about the existence of Hunyuan Golden Fairy. , This is the realm and status in which you can reach different levels.

However, it was the first time for Chen Feng to fight face-to-face with Hunyuan Jinxian, and it had a great impact on Chen Feng!

Even if the other party is not the golden fairy of the golden age of heyday.

“Then let me see the power of Hunyuan Jinxian, this is an excellent opportunity, a rare opportunity, not to be missed, even if I am injured, I must see this power.”

It has to be said that the monks who dare to fight with Hunyuan Jinxian when they first entered the realm of Da Luo are extremely rare in all universes, and even fewer can survive!

But Chen Feng is different. Chen Feng has a certain degree of confidence. With the help of some special methods, Chen Feng is sure to save his life. Besides, Chen Feng is not alone. Chen Feng has partners and friends!

Chen Feng didn’t know if he was a fat man, he thought the same way.

Almost the instant Chen Feng took the shot, the fat man also shot, rushing directly to the top of the opponent’s head, urging Dayin to hit the skull’s head!

“The fire of life belongs to you, but I need more other things,” said the fat man.

“No problem!” Chen Feng was also very simple.

“The prerequisite is that I can deal with the other party.” Chen Feng said with a smile.

The next step is fierce battle! Chen Feng and Fatty recovered their full combat effectiveness, and spurred the Origin Treasures, and they even fought each other evenly!

However, Chen Feng was still very surprised, because Chen Feng’s current state is extremely strong, and the opponent is just an incomplete Hunyuan Golden Immortal, so powerful, so how amazing a real Hunyuan Golden Immortal should be!

“It should be possible to destroy some universes.” Chen Feng said.

However, after some time, the breath of the Hunyuan Jinxian weakened, and he was hit by Chen Feng and Fatty one after another!

“We are going to defeat a golden fairy.” Chen Feng said with a smile.

“Yes, a sense of accomplishment, but I don’t think we will be killed so easily.” said the fat man.


Chen Feng and Fatty’s attacks hit each other at the same time, and the powerful Golden Hun Yuan suddenly rolled out, but soon another wave of energy traveled through time and space, and the Golden Hun Yuan became alive again. stand up!

Chen Feng and Fatty continued to fight with each other helplessly.

When the opponent was blessed by power twice in a row, Chen Feng couldn’t bear it, because even if Chen Feng regained all his power, the treasure of Origin Lantern could not always be activated.

Now Chen Feng has felt some pressure. If all his energy is consumed by activating the Origin Lamp, then Chen Feng’s use of Dark Fire will easily experience some changes.

“I can’t go on like this,” said the fat man.

“Do you have any other means.” Chen Feng asked.

Fatty shook his head: “Do you think I still have the means? And I can’t hold on for long, because my body of Da Luo is not comparable to your chaotic body.”

Chen Feng nodded slightly, knowing that this situation was considered normal. If the other party had any means, then Chen Feng would be truly surprised.

Chen Feng hesitated, whether to use that kind of power, Chen Feng knew that after using it once before, it caused some burdens and hidden dangers.

However, the temptation on the Golden Immortal Hunyuan in front of him is really too great, as long as he can get the fire of life from the opponent, it is even equivalent to refining and devouring a powerful thousand soul! At that time, not only will your soul become stronger, but also the life potential will be improved!

Boom! boom! boom!

The three fight against each other, and the movement is getting bigger and bigger, and even the outer membrane of the universe not far away is shocked! There was a shock of energy!



Chen Feng and Fatty have a deep scar on their bodies. Chen Feng’s speed is faster, just a scar, and Fatty has an extra blood hole!


The fat man’s fighting spirit rose all over his body, and he seemed to have been touched by the injury, but he unexpectedly exploded with great power.

Speaking of the origin and strength of the fat man, Chen Feng is still very curious. In Chen Feng’s opinion, although the opponent looks ordinary on the surface, he is very mysterious and powerful, and it is also luck. Can a chaos magic weapon and a monk who may have the original treasure be simple?

Finally, Hunyuan Jinxian played a killer move, and at the same time, there was a strong pressure coming down.

Chen Feng and Fatty seemed to be trapped in the quagmire, and they were all restrained!

Then Hunyuan Jinxian’s attack hit the two of them~IndoMTL.com~Even if Chen Feng and Fatty urged the Origin Treasure Guard, they threw them away heavily!

“Hunyuan Jinxian directly attacked, it is possible that the other party is coming.” Chen Feng said.

Fatty’s eyes lit up, too: “I hope that’s not the case, otherwise we will be dead this time.”

The two have just stood firm, and the other party once again killed him. It was still a powerful killer move. Chen Feng used his magic trick to pull the fat man away quickly!

The opponent’s attack failed, and the billowing energy swept far away, and a group of free spaces far away 100 million light-years away were torn to pieces by this energy storm.


Chen Feng put away the power of the Origin Spirit Lamp, and the whole person became very weak. The fat man thought that Chen Feng could not hold on, and his eyes were surprised, because in the fat man’s opinion, Chen Feng should have a chaotic body better than himself Persistence is the only way to save, but then there was a roar in Chen Feng’s body. This was energy rolling, and Chen Feng’s weak state soon disappeared!

Enough energy!

“It just doesn’t work like this,” the fat man muttered.

Then a group of black flames exploded with a loud blast, and then wrapped Chen Feng’s entire body. The flame armor covered his entire body, changing rapidly, becoming a bit cruel, but still unable to stop the flame from burning!

The powerful aura began to soar into the sky, even more violent and vigorous than the power of the Origin Lamp.

Of course, this is not to say that it surpassed the Origin Light, but that Chen Feng did not fully urge the origin of the treasure.

“This guy actually has this hand. This is the source of the fire of the entire universe, and it is the kind of life that becomes life afterwards. Good guy, this is an excellent thing. I have been free from space for so long. I know this This situation is also very rare.” The fat man was surprised, seeing Chen Feng’s current state, I have to say that the fat man is very knowledgeable and unique.

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