Eternal Reverence Chapter 747: Swordsman Guild, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Eternal Supreme!

It has been a long time since the shocking demon saint slaughtered the human race, and the human race and the monster race have gradually forgotten this matter.

Whether it is a monster or a human race, there are too many members, and the number of new births every day far exceeds the number of deaths.

Especially for the saints, their life span is more than one hundred thousand years, and they have long been used to life and death. They don’t care about this disaster at all.

Autumn Leaf City, in a manor covering an area of ​​one hundred acres.

Li Fuchen slowly opened his eyes.

“Yuanji Sword Skill is in the middle of the 42nd layer.”

It has been more than two years since the last incident.

For more than two years, Li Fuchen has made further progress, and Yuanji Sword Skill has entered the middle level of the 42nd level.

Don’t underestimate the improvement of a small realm. Only Li Fuchen knows how much change this small realm has brought about.

After all, the closer to the extreme, the more difficult it is to improve, and correspondingly, the more terrifying the improvement of strength.

It’s like the top ten and the top hundreds on the Great Emperor’s List. Everyone is close to the extreme, but the difference in strength is more than ten times.

At this moment, Li Fuchen’s kendo strength finally caught up with his body refining strength, and the two finally kept pace.

Standing up, Li Fuchen walked out of the house and came to the martial arts training ground covering an area of ​​tens of acres.

On the martial arts field, Wu Zhuo and Wu Xi are discussing swordsmanship.

In the past few years, Wu Zhuo is eleven years old and Wu Xi is sixteen. Both of them have cultivated to the triple realm of Douling Realm. This kind of cultivation speed is enough to scare people to death if they get the Ditian Continent.


The swordsmanship of the two is very exquisite, and the ordinary mysterious-level swordsmanship is carried out in their hands, which is comparable to the earth-level swordsmanship.

In recent years, Li Fuchen has allowed them to practice thousands of swordsmanship at least, and the foundation of kendo is extremely deep.


Wu Zhuo and Wu Xi fought hard and were about to stop.

“Go on, Wu Zhuo, don’t blindly look for the other party’s flaws. Without flaws, you can create flaws. Wu Xi, your sword is too gorgeous. After learning so many swordsmanship, can you only learn gorgeous? Yes, but all of this must be built on the basis of the more gorgeous and the more dangerous.”

Li Fuchen didn’t teach the two how to practice swordsmanship. He just taught them how to fight when they were discussing each other. The rest depends on their own destiny.

At Li Fuchen’s guidance, the scene suddenly became fierce.

Li Fuchen continued to call the two, as if to push the limit of the two.

“Wu Zhuo, the sword is faster. Do you know why your sword is not fast enough, because your heart is not sincere. Only when you are religious enough to kendo can you truly achieve the realm of kendo as you want.”

Li Fuchen discovered a shortcoming of Wu Zhuo.

The opponent may be talented in kendo, and learn the sword very fast, and have a feeling that the sword is not so deep. Although the foundation of kendo is thick, it is not deep enough.

Of course, it is also possible that Li Fuchen’s requirements are too high. After all, the other party is just an eleven-year-old child, who has just embarked on the road of martial arts in Donglin Continent at this age.

This competition has been going on for an hour. When the two stopped their hands, they were already sweating and their faces were pale.

Li Fuchen’s instructions seem to have a magical nature, allowing them to unknowingly squeeze out their own potential. The side effect is that they consume a lot of energy.


Autumn Leaves City, a very prosperous city.

The reason why I lived in Autumn Leaf City was not because Li Fuchen felt that his strength had risen so much that he could ignore the ninth-level low-level formation.

In fact, with his strength, he is still a lot worse against the nine-level low-level formation.

Li Fuchen dared to come in because this city is the city of the Swordsman Guild.

The so-called Swordsmen Guild is an organization established by swordsmen. From top to bottom, there are all swordsmen in it.

Lian Sword Emperor and Sword Emperor are also members of the Swordsman Guild.

According to their strength and contribution to the Swordsman Guild, the swordsmen of the Swordsman Guild are divided into nine levels.

If you want to become a first-level swordsman, you must first cultivate your base to reach the realm of law, and then you must pass the guild’s first-level swordsman test.

Becoming a Level 2 Swordsman, in addition to passing the Level 2 Swordsman Test, you also have to accumulate 100 Guild Contribution Points.

Becoming a Level 3 swordsman, you have to accumulate 500 guild contribution points.

And so on.

It is said that the sword emperor and sword emperor are already eighth-level swordsmen and honorary elders of the swordsmen guild.

The status of honorary elders is comparable to that of club presidents.

Be aware that being a member of the Swordsman Guild has many benefits.

First, you can hide in the swordsman guild and seek shelter from the guild when you are chased. Although many cities do not have a swordsman guild branch, there are also many cities that have a swordsman guild branch. As long as you hide in the swordsman guild branch, even The enemy is the strong one on the emperor’s list, and he is afraid to break in. Otherwise, he will be the enemy of the Swordsman Guild, and he will die.

Second, discounts are available for purchasing residences in the guild city. The higher the level, the more discounts.

Thirdly, you can use contribution points to purchase the required resources within the guild.

Fourth, when the level reaches the sixth level of swordsman, you can publish tasks in the swordsman guild.

In short, in the Swordsman Guild, the higher the level, the more benefits you can enjoy. Some swordsmen who have no background are proud to join the Swordsman Guild.

Li Fuchen is currently a level 4 swordsman. The reason why he has not become a higher level swordsman is because he has no contribution points. If the contribution points are enough, it is not difficult to become an eighth level swordsman.

“It’s time to earn contribution points.”

Li Fuchen is not so arrogant that he does not need any background.

In the Holy Spirit Continent, any holy monarch can easily kill him. If he has the background of the Swordsman Guild, the other party will be more or less cautious.

But the premise is that the level must be high enough.

A first-level swordsman, the swordsman guild will not put too much energy on you. At most, when you hide in the guild, it will only shelter you and will not give you any other help.

In the Swordsman Guild, there are two ways to earn contribution points.

The first is to complete the guild mission.

The second is the exchange of the above-grade spirit stones.

However, this exchange rate is very high. Only one thousand high-grade spirit stones can be exchanged for one contribution point, and ten million is 10,000 contribution points, which is not even enough to become a level five swordsman.

Li Fuchen guessed that this is a rule for those swordsmen who are extremely powerful and are unwilling to do low-level tasks. After all, in the Swordsman Guild, if you want to accept tasks, you also need to look at your own level. If you are just a first-level swordsman. , It is impossible to accept advanced tasks.

Li Fuchen’s ability to become a Level 4 swordsman is the result of spending 3 million high-grade spirit stones.

Of course, he can’t spend too many high-grade spirit stones to exchange contribution points.

After all, to become a fifth-level swordsman requires 20,000 contribution points, and to become a sixth-level swordsman requires 150,000 contribution points. This is not a small amount, even Li Fuchen will feel heartache. ?

When I came to the branch of the Swordsman Guild in Autumn Leaf City, Li Fuchen entered it and walked to the mission hall.

People come and go in the mission hall.

There are both guild-issued tasks and quests issued by swordsmen above level 6.

Generally speaking, the tasks issued by the guild are rewarding contribution points.

The task of private release is to add contribution points and high-grade spirit stones.

Ignoring the low-level tasks directly, Li Fuchen went to the intermediate task area.

As a fourth-level swordsman, he can accept intermediate quests.

“Ten Devil Emperor Hearts, 3000 Contribution Points.”

“The sword teeth of the sword tooth monster beast, two thousand contribution points.”

“On the side of Jianqi Lake, five thousand contribution points.”


Li Fuchen didn’t look at the private missions, all he saw were guild missions.

“This mission of Jianqi Lake and Lake Water is okay.”

Li Fuchen nodded. What he needs is the kind of task that rewards a lot of contribution points. As for the difficulty, he doesn’t care at all. After all, with his strength, intermediate tasks are not difficult at all.

Tear off the task list, Li Fuchen left the club.


Jianqi Lake, one of the dangerous places in the Holy Spirit Continent.

According to the legend, Jianqi Lake was originally just an ordinary lake. Later, the corpse of a swordsman sage fell into the lake, causing the lake to give birth to will. This will is immortal, and the sword energy of Jianqi Lake is immortal. .

From a distance, Li Fuchen saw Jianqi Lake.

The Jianqi Lake is not big, only a few miles in size.

The water of Jianqi Lake, surging with cold light, does not look like lake water, but rather like countless thin sword blades.

In the sky above Jianqi Lake, there is a white mist. Take a closer look, where is the mist, it is clearly Jianqi.

“It’s peculiar.”

Li Fuchen secretly said.

There are many swordsmen collecting water on the shore of Jianqi Lake.

But the sword qi in the sword qi lake is too violent. From time to time, swordsmen are beheaded, and some swordsmen are more powerful and successfully collected the lake water, but they are also bloody, as if they have been stabbed by thousands of swords.

“Jianqi Lake is too dangerous. It took a month to collect a small bottle, and I couldn’t hold it at all.”

A short-haired swordsman with a seven-fold cultivation base of Dharma Realm sighed.

“Normal, even if you are the Sword Emperor, you can only collect a small bottle of lake water a day, let alone you.”

His friend said.

The short-haired swordsman said: “I heard that the Sword Emperor also came to fetch the water of Jianqi Lake, and he fetched one side in one day, I don’t know whether it is true or not.”

One party is equivalent to a tank, and he hasn’t collected so much water from Jianqi Lake in a hundred years.

“That’s the Sword Emperor, one of the most terrifying swordsman emperors. It’s not comparable to us.”


While the two talked, Li Fuchen had already come to the shore of Jianqi Lake.

“My friend, be careful, don’t get hurt by sword qi.”

When the two saw Li Fuchen walking straight to Jianqi Lake, they couldn’t help but remind.

Li Fuchen said: “Thank you for reminding me, I have my own measures.”

Ding ding ding ding ding ding…

Just as Li Fuchen approached the Jianqi Lake, a vast expanse of sword energy surged and cut into Li Fuchen’s body guard sword yuan.

“It’s no wonder these people have such a hard time getting water from the lake, and their sword qi is indeed powerful.”

The thought flashed in his mind, and Li Fuchen bent down and began to take water.

To get the water from Jianqi Lake, a special container is needed. Li Fuchen’s container is a water tank with dense lines on the surface of the water tank, and the formation is clearly arranged.

However, Li Fuchen did not dare to immerse the water tank directly in the lake water. In that case, the water tank was estimated to be unbearable and would break apart. Li Fuchen dipped his right hand into the lake water and stretched out his hand to inhale. Li Fuchen caught a ball of water. Throw it into the water tank.

“Fetching water directly by hand.”

The surrounding people are demented.

Generally speaking, they use spoons made of sky-grade metal to fetch water, and they fetch water very fast every time. Otherwise, the spoons will also be destroyed. Nevertheless, every time they fetch water, they are very careful. Most of the spoon water has to be spilled, and only a few drops are preserved. As for using a larger spoon or scoop to fetch water, it is not realistic at all, because the more lake water is collected, the more sword qi will be triggered. If they dare to collect it all at once Too much lake water, Jian Qi will cut them into blood mist.

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