Eternal Reverence Chapter 734: Jiangzhou Tongjia, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Eternal Supreme!

“Extreme Kendo!”

The Great Emperor Man Yue felt as if he had been electrocuted.

The confrontation between Emperor Jianyu and Li Fuchen would not have such a feeling if it were just a strong offensive power.

The reason for this feeling is that their understanding of martial arts has reached a higher level, a level far beyond his reach.

Heaven-level martial arts, one world at the first level.

Sky-level high-level martial arts is the threshold to become a great emperor, but there are also high and low levels of heaven-level high-level martial arts, which determines the strength gap between the great emperors.

The strong emperor can kill the weak emperor with one move. This is because the farther back you go, the closer you are to the extreme realm of martial arts.

What is the extreme realm of martial arts, naturally it is the martial arts of the highest rank.

Yes, martial arts reached the top of the sky, and it was already at the top.

The martial arts to the top means that it involves the movement of the heavens and the mysteries of the universe.

In the early stage of martial arts, even if there is a difference of one rank, the power will not differ too much. Several times and ten times are great, but starting from the high-level of the sky, ten times, a hundred times, or even a thousand times are easy.

Of course, the two have not really reached the extreme state of kendo, but their swordsmanship is undoubtedly very close to the top-level swordsmanship of the sky, close to the extreme state of kendo.

Finally, the two swords confronted each other.


On the shoulder of the Great Emperor Jianyu, a blood arrow burst out, and there was also a blood stain in his throat.

Immediately afterwards, bloodshot flew on his cheeks.

The Great Emperor Jianyu flew back, flying back at an astonishing speed.

Because of the retreat too fast, it gives people an illusion of leaving the world in front of them.

Li Fuchen’s eyes lit up, and Emperor Jianyu was undoubtedly the most powerful emperor he had ever met. Facing the Xutian Sword Realm, he was able to withdraw and retreat.


Xutian Sword Realm can’t be avoided by retreating quickly.

The Xuantian Sword Realm contains the rules of emptiness. The Great Emperor Jianyu seems to be retreating quickly, but in fact he is still within the range of strikes.

Blood arrows kept blasting on Emperor Jianyu’s body. At that moment, the picture was extremely stunning and strange.

Suddenly, countless blood arrows burst from Emperor Jianyu, and then, a **** shadow flew out.

“It’s worthy of being Emperor Jianyu.”

Li Fuchen didn’t chase after him. The speed at which the opponent burst out at the last moment far surpassed him. It is estimated that what is the secret method to stimulate potential.

This battle made Li Fuchen realize his kendo strength.

Faced with the top hundreds of emperors on the emperor list, Li Fuchen could only defeat, but was difficult to kill.

Even if the opponent is the top 100 emperors on the emperor list, Li Fuchen is likely to lose.

You know, Emperor Jianyu is only ranked 283rd.

Although the ranking may not be accurate sometimes, maybe the strength of Emperor Jianyu has broken through, and the actual strength has entered the top 200 or even the top 100, but this probability is relatively small after all, and while you are improving, others may not There is no breakthrough.

The battle between the two was too intense and too short, so that Emperor Man Yue and the others had not recovered, and Emperor Jianyu was defeated.


The group of emperors brought by Emperor Jianyu was stunned.

They thought that the Great Emperor Jianyu would decide victory or defeat with a single sword. Unexpectedly, Li Fuchen was stronger than they thought, and was even close to the Great Emperor Jianyu, but they were not worried that each of the top emperors on the Great Emperor Ranking had its own. These ultimate moves are enough to make his own strength explode several times, but Li Fuchen also has ultimate moves, and he is stronger and more terrifying than Emperor Jianyu. Under a single sword, he defeated Emperor Jianyu instead.

And looking at the final appearance of Emperor Jianyu, it seems that the speed is a little slower, and he is about to die under Li Fuchen’s sword.


One of them wanted to take away the top flying silver ship, but was twisted into a blood mist by Li Fuchen’s sword. The others were still in charge of the top flying silver ship, fleeing frantically one by one.

“Did you defeat the Great Emperor Jianyu?”

The Great Emperor Man Yue still didn’t believe it.

“The Great Emperor Jianyu is indeed very strong, but he is not yet my opponent.”

Li Fuchen thought of Yan Qingwu.

Yan Qingwu’s Black Knife· question is undoubtedly extremely powerful, but because the cultivation base has not reached the peak, and the Dao heart is not as concentrated as Li Fuchen, so it can only be regarded as an ordinary emperor’s strength.

But once the opponent’s cultivation base reaches its peak, even if its strength does not reach the level of Emperor Jianyu, it will not be far off.

Besides, weapons are also extremely important.

At the beginning, Yan Qingwu’s weapon was only a heavenly low-level sword, which limited her strength.

Li Fuchen estimated that Yan Qingwu in her previous life should have a strength of about one thousand on the emperor’s list, and probably less than one thousand.

As far as Qu Qingyan’s strength is concerned, it should be ranked relatively low.

The strength of the Soul Emperor and the Heavenly Eye Great Emperor should be about the same as Qu Qingyan.

However, the former’s Soul Dao methods are too powerful to be defensible, and cannot be calculated with common sense. If you can’t kill him in an instant, you may suffer a big loss.

“After arriving at the Holy Spirit Continent, her cultivation level should be able to reach the peak soon!”

Li Fuchen secretly said.

After refining the top flying silver ship, Li Fuchen put away his flying silver ship.

It was expected that it would take a few months to get to Jiangzhou Tongjia, but now it is estimated that it will take less than a month.

On the ship, the Great Emperor Man Yue and others were still in shock.

The Great Emperor Man Yue said: “The Wu family is a family of swordsmen. At present, the first master is Wu Chengkang’s younger brother Jian Jue Wu Chengjue. The Great Emperor ranks 98th, but as far as I know, Wu Cheng Jue It is not so easy to defeat the Great Emperor Jianyu, but there is no ultimate move between the two due to each other.”


Li Fuchen nodded.

Emperor Jianyu can be defeated without a killer move. There is no doubt that Jianjue Wu Chengjue’s kendo strength must be higher than that of Li Fuchen. Just known.

Of course, even if he fights for his kendo strength, Li Fuchen is confident that he must win in the end.

The immortal body is not a display.


In the sky, a blood shadow stopped.

The Great Emperor Jianyu’s breath was sluggish, and his injuries were obviously serious.

His face is rather gloomy.

Li Fuchen’s ultimate move is too powerful. What the Great Man Yue didn’t know was that he and Jian Jue Wu Chengjue had used the ultimate move against him, but Emperor Jianyu knew very well that Wu Chengjue’s ultimate move was not like Li. Floating dust is so strong, in terms of mystery, it is far worse.

However, Wu Chengjue’s ultimate destructive power is a bit more destructive. In the real World War, Wu Chengjue will definitely be injured. Of course, Li Fuchen will also be injured, and the injury will be more severe than Wu Cheng.

“The bitter wind and rain are not powerful enough. See you next time and I will definitely kill you.”

The Great Emperor Jianyu took a deep breath and hurried towards the Wu family.


Cangjiang City, the largest city in Jiangzhou.

There are many family sects around Cangjiang City.

Among them, Tong’s family is undoubtedly one of the most famous families.

Like the Wu family, the ancestor of the Tong family has also been born with a sage, and there is more than one. In terms of family heritage, the Tong family is still above the Wu family.

When I arrived at Cangjiang City, I booked a box in a restaurant, and the Great Man Yue sent a message to Wu Xi and Wu Zhuo’s aunt through a communication token.

Half a day later, a beautiful young woman rushed over.


Wu Xi and Wu Zhuo have met a beautiful young woman many times, so they recognize her.

This woman is Wu Feiyan, their aunt.

“Wu Xi, Wu Zhuo.”

Wu Feiyan’s eyes lit up, she hugged Wu Zhuo and held Wu Xi in her hand.

After learning about the situation of the Wu family from the Great Emperor Man Yue, Wu Feiyan’s face was cold and frosty, “Wu Chengkang is so bold.”

Father disappeared, elder brother and sister-in-law were killed, and now the two siblings are being chased down again, Wu Feiyan is furious, and she can’t wait to return to Wu’s house immediately and kill Wu Chengkang.

Just thinking about the situation in Tong’s family, Wu Feiyan’s expression dimmed again.

She is alone, but Wu Chengkang can’t be helped.

After all, she is just a daughter-in-law of Tong’s family.

“Wu Feiyan, I said, why did you go so eagerly, it turned out that the lover came.”

Outside the box, there was a frustrated voice.

Hearing this voice, Wu Feiyan’s expression changed, and Tong Qianshan actually followed her.

Li Fuchen frowned. He originally thought that if he sent his siblings to Tong’s house, he would be able to withdraw and leave. Now it seems that Tong’s house is not so reliable.

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