Eternal Reverence Chapter 716: Analysis of Kendo, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Eternal Supreme!

“He is transforming into a cursed warrior.”

Qu Qingyan connected.

The cursed warrior did not appear out of thin air, but was transformed by mistakenly entering the cursed temple. The stronger the cursed warrior during his lifetime, the stronger the curse rules contained in his body after he was transformed into a cursed warrior. If it is the transformation of the emperor For the cursed martial artist, no one was able to fight against him except Li Fuchen, and even Li Fuchen would not be able to kill a cursed martial artist of this level.

“Senior curse.”

Li Fuchen stepped forward, putting a hand on Emperor Wu’s shoulder.

The shoulders are cold, like ice cubes. At the same time, a strong curse aura spreads to Li Fuchen along the shoulders of Emperor Wu Wu. This time, Li Fuchen’s soul aura did not annihilate the curse aura. Of course, the curse breath also seemed to encounter a barrier, and in any case, it did not spread to Li Fuchen.

“What a strong curse rule!”

Li Fuchen cast an evil curse on Emperor Wu Yan.

The evil curse is a low-level curse, which can get rid of evil spirits.


If Li Fuchen’s evil curse is a small flame, the curse rule on Emperor Wu is the Yangtze River, and the small flame extinguished as soon as it approached.

Li Fuchen, who was unwilling to reconciled, cast another intermediate curse to imprint the heart-clearing spell.

The Qingxinsuo curse has no effect on the rules of expelling the curse, but Li Fuchen felt that Emperor Shuyan Wu should still retain a trace of sanity. As long as this element of sanity is protected, there is a way to exorcise the rules of the curse.

Sure enough, as the Qingxinsuo spell was finished, the sage in Wudi’s eyes condensed a little, and he hurriedly said: “Take me out.”


Li Fuchen grasped Emperor Wu’s shoulders and was about to leave.

In the void, a big gray hand grasped Emperor Wu’s calf.


Li Fuchen slashed the big gray hand with a sword.

A click.

The big gray hand was cut off. The next moment, Li Fuchen and Emperor Shuyan disappeared.

“Let’s go too.”

Qu Qingyan and others retreated one after another.

In the depths of the void, Li Fuchen waved his sword and cut off a large gray hand.

Finally, the two came to the outside of the cursed temple.

After a while, Qu Qingyan and others also came out.

Seeing that Li Fuchen really rescued Emperor Wu of the curse, the five were very impressed, Qu Qingyan said: “The curse rules on him are too strong. If it is not resolved, he will still be transformed into a cursed martial artist, but it will be transformed. The speed will be slower.”

The Emperor Wu nodded and said with a wry smile: “Unexpectedly, I am still under the curse of Emperor Wu. His curse originates from the cursed temple. Even if I escape to the sky, once I lose control of my mind, I will walk involuntarily. Curse the temple.”

Back then, Emperor Wu of the Evil Curse did not chase him, but the other party actually passed the curse on him with a breath of breath. After so many years, he still could not resist it. Without Li Fuchen, it is estimated that in this world, He will no longer curse Emperor Wu.

“How to cancel?”

Li Fuchen asked.

The Emperor Wu said: “If I can control my mind, I am 50% sure to get rid of it. After all, he is only cursing me with his breath.”

After being cursed, his mind was not concentrated day by day, and his mind gradually became distracted.

“Leave this to me.”

Li Fuchen’s curse imprinted one, and he was confident that he was not inferior to Emperor Wu. If he casts the Qingxin Locking curse once a day, he should be able to maintain the opponent’s sanity.


The Emperor Wu of Shuyan also knew that Li Fuchen is no longer what he used to be.

Worrying that the curse on Emperor Shuyan Wu would be passed on to others, Li Fuchen arranged Emperor Shuyan Wu on a barren mountain, and there was no one around the barren mountain.

As time passed day by day, Li Fuchen’s star rules gradually became stronger, but there was still a long way to go before he could comprehend the hand of the stars.

Li Fuchen is not in a hurry. It has been ten years and two years have passed. There is enough time for him to improve his strength.

One year, two years…

Cultivation has no years, no one in the mountains, three years, like a white horse passing through a gap, fleeting.

“Finally the five realms of Dharma Phase Realm.”

In addition to the previous few years, it took Li Fuchen more than six years to break through from the Triple Stage of the Dharma Realm to the 5th Stage of the Dharma Stage. The ultimate spiritual stone of aura, Li Fuchen’s current cultivation base is estimated to be stuck in the fourth stage of the Dharma Phase Realm, and it is impossible to reach the fifth stage.

For more than six years in the dual realm, this is a bit unbelievable for Li Fuchen’s progress in the past.

But Li Fuchen knew that this speed was already reaching the extreme.

The top genius in the history of the Ditian Continent, at the level of the Dharma Realm, it takes at least ten years to break through the first realm. It takes no more than one or two hundred years to cultivate from the first stage of the Dharma Realm to the 9th stage of the Dharma Realm. ,almost impossible.

Only Li Fuchen, an anomaly, has been promoted to two levels in more than six years, even if he has the best spirit stone.

The main reason why he was promoted so quickly is because Li Fuchen’s Shenhuo Sword Yuangong has reached the high level of the Heavenly Fire Sword. If it is the middle level of the Heavenly Fire Sword Yuangong, it will take more than six years for Li Fuchen. No one can break through a realm.

But three years later, what made Li Fuchen depressed was that the Shenhuo Sword Yuangong still failed to reach the 42nd floor.

Li Fuchen estimated that it has something to do with Huo Dao Xin.

At the beginning, I was able to train into the Xutian Sword Realm because it condensed the Void Dao Heart.

Now if you want to break through the Shenhuo Sword Yuangong to the forty-second level, it is estimated that you need to condense the flame Dao Heart.

But to be honest, Li Fuchen didn’t want his sword element to be mixed with other attributes. He planned to eliminate the flame attribute and make his practice pure kendo practice instead of flame kendo practice.

He already feels that when using Shenhuo Sword Element to use Void Dao Sword Technique or Feng Dao Sword Technique, there will be some awkwardness and unnaturalness. This is the reason for the mismatch of attributes.

At the thought of doing it, Li Fuchen immediately began to eliminate the flame attribute.

This is a very hard road, because from the beginning, he practiced the fire method, and later added the kendo attribute, but now he has to remove the most important fire path attribute, which is almost equal To create a complete heaven-level high-level exercises.

In order to make the process smoother, Li Fuchen first collected kendo techniques on the mainland. Only if he has enough kendo techniques can he take the best of hundreds of schools and create his own with the foundation of Shenhuo Sword Yuangong. Kendo exercises.

In addition, Li Fuchen also spent some price, in exchange for some kendo techniques from Emperor Jagged and Emperor Zizhu.

As for the kendo techniques in the treasury of the Red Moon Kingdom, Li Fuchen had already searched it over.

In just three months, Li Fuchen had hundreds of kendo techniques in his hands.

These swordsmanship techniques have everything from prefecture level to heaven level. It can be described as shallow to deep.

“Almost five years, it should be about the same.”

In this way, in addition to studying the rules of the stars, Li Fuchen spends all his remaining time analyzing and studying kendo techniques.

With the analysis and study of kendo techniques, Li Fuchen feels that his kendo background has become much broader.

Kendo achievement requires not only height, but also width.

In the past, Li Fuchen’s kendo achievements have reached a high level.

But the width is not enough.

Now, the width is making up.

Of course, occasionally Li Fuchen would also gather with his parents and sisters to enjoy the family happiness, which is considered to be relaxing.

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