Eternal Reverence Chapter 715: Meet the curse again, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Eternal Supreme!

The body of the cursed warrior who was split was closed again, but everyone found that the speed of the cursed warrior’s recovery was slower this time.

Although it was only slower, it also gave everyone hope.

For a time, everyone bombarded the cursed warrior frantically, trying to make the opponent’s recovery slower and slower.

But everyone found that their attacks really didn’t make much difference.

Qu Qingyan said: “To deal with the cursed warrior, we must be truly powerful enough. Our true will is not as good as the sword emperor.”

Li Fuchen nodded, Qu Qingyan was right. To deal with cursed warriors, one must rely on true intentions. Cursing is actually a kind of avenue rule, so it can only be killed by the true meaning of the rules.

“Burning sword!”

Li Fuchen sent a sword, and the hot waves swept across the cursed warrior.

Visible to the naked eye, the body of the cursed warrior was burned to ashes.

But these ashes did not dissipate, and regrouped into a cursed warrior.

“I don’t know how powerful this sword is.”

Li Fuchen followed and issued a sword, which was impressively from the Xutian Sword Realm.

A sword came out, the sword light bloomed, and everyone’s eyes flashed.


A pile of ashes fell on the ground and could no longer condense.

“What, a sword killed the cursed warrior?”

Qu Qingyan looked at Li Fuchen in shock.

The others were also surprised.

In their view, even Li Fuchen would need at least dozens of swords and hundreds of swords to kill the cursed warrior.

How do they know that Li Fuchen’s move in the Void Heaven Sword Realm slowed the cursed warrior’s speed thousands of times. At that moment, Li Fuchen had already attacked thousands of times.

As the cursed warrior died, the ominous aura that pervaded the world gradually dissipated. Li Fuchen’s spiritual sense sensed that people who were cursed, as long as they did not die, have returned to normal, they are very weak, as if they were sucked away. It’s the same as the spirit.

“How could the cursed warrior run out of the cursed temple.”

The master of Kongkong Mountain was puzzled and looked at Qu Qingyan. Among the people, Qu Qingyan undoubtedly knew the cursed temple best, even if the other party was not from the Ditian Continent.

Qu Qingyan said: “Someone should have entered the Temple of Cursed and moved the things inside, so that the Temple of Cursed was changed.”

“Who can enter the cursed temple and move the contents inside.” Honghua Kingdom said.

Li Fuchen said: “I know such a person, but I don’t know if it is him.”

The person who chased Emperor Shuyan Wu came out of the Temple of Curse, and according to Emperor Shuyan Wu, if the other party could come out, he should have realized the high-level curse.

Of course, other people are not excluded.

Soul Emperor, Dark Night Emperor, these people are all possible.

For fear of the cursed temple running out of the second cursed warrior, the six rushed to the cursed temple.

The curse temple is not big. From the outside, it is a temple complex covering an area of ​​hundreds of miles.

But everyone knows that this is just the appearance, and the hidden layers of space in the cursed temple, if you are not careful, you will fall into it, and you will not be able to get out.

Li Fuchen’s spiritual sense swept in and found that there was too much space inside, some of the spaces were connected, and some of them existed independently. His spiritual sense seemed to be trapped in a maze, and it was impossible to see everything.

The most important thing is that the cursed aura inside has extremely limited spiritual consciousness. In the area in the center of the temple, Li Fuchen can’t sense anything at all, and some are nothing but nothingness and unknown.

When Li Fuchen withdrew his spiritual consciousness, the curse aura followed.

It’s just that these cursed breaths suddenly melted before Li Fuchen, as if a candle met the sun.

Li Fuchen knew that since his soul turned purple, even mixed with red, it has become extraordinary, and it can be said to be invincible.

Of course, when it used to be lavender or even blue, it can actually be said to be invaded by all evils.

But at that time, only the soul was not invaded by evil, but the body was not protected.

Now, the aura that the purple soul automatically emits is enough to annihilate the curse.

In this regard, Li Fuchen was not proud of this. These are just cursed breaths escaping from the cursed temple. Compared with the cursed breaths inside, they are not worth mentioning. Even the cursed breaths on the cursed warriors are far away. Not comparable.

“Let’s go in and take a look!”

Li Fuchen intends to get acquainted with the periphery first.


Everyone nodded in agreement, cursing the periphery of the temple, for the emperor, the danger was not too great.

Entering the cursed temple, everyone feels that they have come to a different world. It is quiet and outrageous. At the same time, even the color of the space is greatly different from the outside. Walking between the temples, everyone only hears their own words. Footsteps and heartbeats.

Kang Dang!

Some temples have walls. When passing near a walled temple, there is the sound of pots and pans falling down.

Although everyone is a great emperor, except for Li Fuchen, everyone else was taken aback.

The sound of footsteps sounded, and a cursed warrior appeared in front of everyone.


The cursed warrior had not had time to attack in the future, and was chopped into ashes by a sword light.

The Void Sky Sword Realm is too powerful, more than ten times stronger than the Void Blade, the second move of the Void Sky Sword Technique.

Anyone, as long as the defense is not strong enough, without the help of external forces, will be killed by the Xutian Sword Realm.

Even if the quasi-demon saint came over, Li Fuchen was confident that he would kill with a single sword.

As for trying to dodge, that is impossible.

It may be because of the curse of the temple, he has become a cursed warrior of ashes. He still wants to condense, but after condensing for a long time, it still fails. A stray wind blows in and the ashes disperse.

Although I have seen Li Fuchen’s Xutian Sword Realm before, everyone was still shocked this time.

This sword is very powerful.

The point is, facing this sword, they can’t feel anything, just feel that their eyes flashed by the sword’s light.

“With his strength, even in the Holy Spirit Continent, it is estimated that he can rank in the top 100 of the emperor’s list!”

Qu Qingyan secretly said.

On the Ditian Continent and Tianzhu Continent, there are only about ten emperors.

But in the Holy Spirit Continent, there are so many great emperors, and there are only 10,000 emperors on the list of great emperors.

Generally, those who can make the list of great emperors are relatively powerful emperors.

The one who can rank in the top 1,000 is the extremely powerful emperor.

The one who can rank in the top 100 is the Great Emperor Against the Heavens. Any one of these Great Emperors against the Heaven is enough to kill most of the Great Emperors in seconds.

Don’t think that the soul emperor is very powerful, but in the eyes of Qu Qingyan, the soul emperor will not be ranked in the top 1,000 when he arrives in the Holy Spirit Continent.

The other thing to say is that in the Holy Spirit Continent, there is no distinction between a great emperor and a quasi-sage. As long as there is no promotion to the holy monarch, they are all emperors.

And among the top 100 on the Great Emperor’s List, there are many quasi-sages.

It is conceivable that Qu Qingyan thinks that Li Fuchen can be ranked in the top 100, and he is already very high.

“Senior curse.”

After walking for a while, Li Fuchen saw a familiar figure.

This figure is impressively cursing Wudi.

The Emperor Wu of Shuyan exudes an unknown aura, and his expression is sometimes hollow, sometimes mad, and sometimes remains awake. At this time, he puts his hands together and is walking toward the depths of the cursed temple, every few steps, He would kneel down once, as if something was guiding him.

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