Eternal Reverence Chapter 541: Yanxing Grass, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Eternal Supreme!

“Asshole, **** it.”

In the raging thunder and burst of light, a huge figure shot out.

Ten miles away, the fire demon’s body is full of scars, two of which are the most deadly. One is the collapse of half of his shoulder, which was smashed by the Thunder Hammer, and the other is the sword hole in the chest and heart. , This is penetrated by the golden lightsaber.

Can’t be flamed. In addition, under the devil’s wounds, the fire demon sturdyly withstands the full blow of the two people. If it were replaced by a human of the great master level, it would have died long ago. As long as the demon can hold it.

Fire broke out from the wound, and flesh and blood grew again.

Huo Demon stared at Li Fuchen with a murderous expression.

How he didn’t know that among the three, Li Fuchen was the most threatening to him. Without Li Fuchen, Lei Donghai and Gu Jiuye’s hard work would only cause him a little skin trauma. They wanted to really hurt him. It’s as hard as it gets to the sky.

“Fire Demon Armor.”

The blood of the fire demon was boiling, and on the surface of the fire demon, a layer of bright flame armor instantly condensed and formed.

It’s also a talent ability. Fire Demon Armor is different from Flame Formation. Fire Demon Armor can be activated as long as the blood is stimulated, and there is no need to consume the mind afterwards. Flame Formation requires constant consumption of mind, so once the demon spirit When hit, the flame will end.

Faced with the heavily armed fire demon, Li Fuchen once again issued a bird sting.


The fire demon roars in pain.

Li Fuchen’s bird assassination is too powerful. Although he is a pure blood fire demon, the demon spirit is much stronger than the demon spirit of the fire feather wolf, and stronger than the true spirit of Huo Tiancheng, but facing The horrible burst of bird thorns is still difficult to resist easily.

“Thor Hammer!”

“Sword of Light.”

Lei Donghai and Gu Jiuye seized the opportunity and joined forces to attack the fire demon.

As pure-blood fire demon, they know the power of fire demon well. In today’s battle, the ultimate goal is to defeat the annealing demon, not to kill the fire demon.

Because it is too difficult to kill the fire demon.


The Fire Demon was bombarded by the Thunder Hammer and the golden lightsaber back and forth, and the Fire Demon’s armor was covered with cracks.

“Damn, damn, you all deserve to die.”

The fire demon was extremely angry, and the fire demon’s gas exploded frantically, swelling to a huge fireball, spreading and raging in all directions.


Lei Donghai reminded Li Fuchen.

Without Lei Donghai’s reminder, Li Fuchen has already flew away.

The fire demon is much more difficult to deal with than Huo Tiancheng. Huo Tiancheng faced Li Fuchen and didn’t even have a chance to shoot, but the fire demon was able to reluctantly launch an attack, even though it was just a simple explosion of demonic energy.

A great master-level demon erupted with demon qi, and its lethality was comparable to that of a top master with a full blow, so Li Fuchen was naturally unwilling to resist.

In the process of flying back, another bird stabbed out.

One cup of tea, two cups of tea…

This battle lasted more than half an hour.

Under the attack of Li Fuchen’s spiritual sense, the fire demon’s strength could not be used for three times. Lei Donghai and Gu Jiuye have been squeezed and beaten.

“It is worthy of being a pure blood fire demon. Under the sting of dozens of birds, he can actually fight.”

The fire demon’s spirit is unexpectedly tough, and its strength is only slightly stronger than Huo Tiancheng’s true spirit.

What Li Fuchen didn’t know was that the natural growth limit of the pure blood fire demon was the demon king, with high natural potential, and the demon’s potential was naturally high. Although limited to the current level, Li Fuchen could not resist Li Fuchen’s bird sting, but Li It is not so easy for the flying bird stabbing to pierce its demon.

For more than half an hour, the fire demon was full of scars, and Lei Donghai and Gu Jiuye were also slightly tired.

The explosion of supernatural powers continues, even at the level of both of them.

“The Thorns of Light.”

Gu Jiuye pierced the fire demon’s body with a sword, and the next moment, countless sword lights burst from the fire demon’s body.

It’s just that the fire demon’s vitality is too terrifying, even if it can’t be flamed, its vitality alone is enough to repair this serious injury.

“Thor Hammer-Thor Shock!”

Leidonghai hit the void with two consecutive hammers, and the void suddenly trembled. From the trembling ripples, countless thunder snakes sprang out and bound towards the fire demon.

At the same time, Li Fuchen’s bird thorn, along with Leidonghai’s thunder hammer magical power, acted on the fire demon’s demon first.


The fire demon’s body appeared annihilated and collapsed. At this moment, the fire demon felt the threat of death.

Continuously withstanding attacks, his vitality has consumed more than 70%. Once the vitality is exhausted, he will undoubtedly die.

And all this is caused by Li Fuchen.

If there is no Li Fuchen, he can completely flame, so that Lei Donghai and Gu Jiuye can’t hit his entity.

“Work harder, his vitality is running out.”

Lei Donghai said loudly.

The vitality of monsters and monsters is extremely terrifying, but in comparison, monsters are undoubtedly more abnormal. They are only a few feet in size, and their vitality is comparable to monsters of hundreds of feet and thousands of feet. It is conceivable. How strong and solid their vitality is, it is estimated that a drop of blood contains the vitality of an ordinary person.

“Fire Piercing.”

The fire demon retreated, but before leaving, he still wanted to try whether he could kill Li Fuchen.

I saw his hands snap together.


The land of the Fire Demon Secret Realm trembled crazily. In the next moment, dozens of flame spikes rose into the sky, and several of them slammed towards Li Fuchen.


Li Fuchen’s scalp numb, and the whole person is like a fire, flashing one after another.


Although Li Fuchen dodged quickly, he was still rubbed by a flame spike.

A mouthful of blood spurted out, and Li Fuchen felt half of his body numb, and immediately felt a burning pain.

The power of the flame spikes is very huge, even if it is just wiped, the damage is comparable to the full blow of a powerful top master.

Of course, this is mainly because Li Fuchen slackened and did not activate the bird sting in time. Otherwise, the fire demon would not be able to perform this attack.

“Damn it.”

Glanced bitterly at Li Fuchen, Huo Demon turned and flew towards the distance.

In addition to the consumption of more than 70% of his vitality, his demon is also very damaged. If the demon recovers by itself, it will take at least several years to recover.

“Regardless of him, let’s find Yanxing Grass, it should be underground.”

Yanxing grass, as a heaven-level herb, can be moved. The last time Leidonghai saw Yanxing grass, it was above the ground.

“I found it.”

Li Fuchen swept away his spiritual consciousness, and saw an extremely terrifying golden-yellow grass in a small underground space at a depth of six kilometers.

This golden-yellow grass exudes infinite heat. Li Fuchen’s spiritual sense was melted by the heat as soon as he approached the past, so he can’t even see the specific shape. He only knows the flame rules contained in it, and the concentration is still To be above the flame rules of the Fire Demon Realm.

ps: The routine of life is quite difficult to change. I go to bed too early and I feel uncomfortable. I get up too early and feel groggy all day long. However, the update will be in the daytime, and I will return to normal as soon as possible.

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