Eternal Reverence Chapter 529: Top Grand Master Team, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Eternal Supreme!

Over the Flame Iron Mountains, the air is distorted, and layers of heat are rushing up from below.

Swish swish…

A three-person team is flying fast, seemingly not worried about being caught by the monster.

“With Junior Brother Wu here this time, I will definitely be able to solve the fire feather wolf.”

Among the three, one young man with a small figure and a sharp-mouthed monkey cheek grinned.

The scorched young man nodded, “Junior Brother Wu has already passed the third floor of the Grand Master Tower. Even among the top masters, he is a very powerful existence.”

When the strength is similar, no one can beat the superiority of the body-refining warrior against high blood. It is necessary to treat the body-refining warrior as a monster or a monster.

Wu Tianlang said: “I have also heard of the Fire Feather Wolf. This monster is not easy to deal with. I have just passed the third floor of the Grand Master Tower a few days ago. In terms of strength, I am afraid that I will not be as good as the Fire Feather Wolf.” /

“Junior Brother Wu, don’t worry, as long as you can hold the Fire Feather Wolf, everything is not a problem.”

The three of them are all top-level masters. Together, they can compete with a top-level master-level monster beast. If one of them is a top-level master-strengthening master, then killing the monster beast is also promising.

Soon, the three came to the center of the Flame Iron Mountain Range.

Here stands a ‘beehive’ mountain with a height of more than two thousand meters and huge holes all over it.

In the hive mountain peaks, from time to time, there are fires blazing out along the holes, like fire dragons raging. When the fires are dissipated, thick red smoke floats to the top of the mountain, covered with fiery red feathers, and the figure is close. The two-hundred-zhang demon wolf swallowed it into his stomach.

“Good luck, this fire feather wolf is consuming the lava essence fire.”

The eyes of the young man with sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks lit up.

Fire feather wolves do not always appear on the surface. Most of the time, they stay inside the beehive mountain.

This beehive mountain is so special that even a great master cannot destroy it.

The three found the Firefeather Wolf, and the Firefeather Wolf also found the three.

The scarlet gaze swept the three of them, and the extremely high perception of the Fire Feather Wolf told him that none of these three were as strong as him.

Standing, the fire feather wolf spread its red feathers, and gave a long roar to the sky.


Since the three came, they didn’t plan to return empty-handed.

Swish swish!

The three flew to the fire feather wolf.

A cruel gaze flashed in the eyes of the Fire Feather Wolf, and the fiery red wings spread on his back, and he flew towards the three of them.

“Nine Dragon Claws!”

Wu Tianlang’s blood wolf stepped on the weather force, and a blood wolf rose up. This was not over yet, as he punched out, a more powerful nine-headed dragon rushed towards the fire feather wolf.


The fire feather wolf was hit by the nine-headed dragon’s spirit and stopped.

“Cold tooth knife!”

The young man with sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks drew a scimitar and slashed it out with a single knife. The void was densely covered with tusks, as if he had entered the mouth of a giant beast.

“Snow Soul Sword Technique!”

The young man with a burnt face danced with a long sword in his hand, and heavy snow fell from the sky. The snowflakes, glowing with cold white light, immediately burst open when they came into contact with the body of the fire feather wolf, turning into countless swords. Cut and freeze the body of the fire feather wolf.


The fire feathers on the fire feather wolf exploded, shattering the frost sword aura and the fangs knife aura, a terrifying flame air flow spread in all directions, accompanied by patches of illusory fire feathers.

Boom, boom, boom…

The flame airflow made it difficult for the three of them to move, and the power of the fire feathers had to be higher than the frost sword aura. When they touched the trio’s protective body, it exploded frantically, and the flames shook the sky.

Except for Wu Tianlang, the scorched youths and the sharp-mouthed monkey-gill youths were all staggered back by the explosion, and blood boiled in their bodies.

“This fire-feathered wolf is stronger than the rumors.”

The face of the young man with sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks is a little ugly.

In terms of strength alone, the fire feather wolves are not weak among the top masters, and the three have only become top masters in the past one or two years, and Wu Tianlang has become the top master in the past month.

“I’ll hold him, you are waiting for the opportunity to attack.”

For Wu Tianlang, the fire feather attack is just drizzle, and he can resist it with his courage alone.

More than a thousand miles away, Li Fuchen gave a cry.

He just let go of his spiritual sense, and saw the scene of a three-person battle with a beast.

Judging from the strength of the three of them, they clearly surpassed the illusory swordsman on the third floor of the Grand Master Tower.

In other words, all three of them are top masters.

The monsters that can be dealt with by the three of them are naturally the monsters of the top master level.

“Fortunately, Senior Brother Wu Tianlang is carrying it, otherwise the two of them will be miserable.”

Li Fuchen recognized Wu Tianlang.

Among the disciples of the Red Rainbow Sect, there are only a few who practice the Blood Wolf Stepping Technique, and Wu Tianlang is one of the best.

I didn’t plan to step forward to help, Li Fuchen watched quietly.

This level of battle can give him a better understanding of the top-level master level, and when he meets it, he will not misestimate the enemy’s strength.

“Senior Brother Wu Tianlang’s body training should have reached the Great Spirit Realm, and his strength is stronger than that of the third-tier illusory swordsman. However, its defense is not comparable to even a great master. If it is a life-and-death battle, it will be great. It will be difficult for the grandmaster to kill Senior Brother Wu Tianlang for a while.”

Same as a refining martial artist, Li Fuchen deeply knows the terrible of a refining martial artist. Killing a refining martial artist is the same as killing a monster.

“The slender brother has an extremely powerful sword technique. In terms of attack power, he is three points stronger than Wu Tianlang. Senior brother with a burnt complexion, like me, is a swordsman. This Ice Dao sword technique is very weird.”

Li Fuchen watched with relish.

His observational power is nuanced, and he can see the inside through the surface. For the ordinary fighting spirit master, this is just a fierce battle, but for Li Fuchen, the offense and defense of this battle is already in him. I have simulated it countless times in my mind, and after each pass, there will be an accurate data in my mind.

That’s why, his estimates of his strength are generally very accurate.

After all, in terms of observation ability, he has reached the level of Yuanhai Realm.

A Yuanhai Realm king observes the battle of the Douling Realm Grandmaster, but he can’t see through it at a glance.

“Senior Wu Tianlang dragged the Fire Feather Wolf, and his hope of victory is about 60%, but I don’t know what the Fire Feather Wolf has.”


The wings of the fire feather wolf flapped, and a pair of huge fire feather wings appeared above its head.

The phantom of the fire feather wings split instantly, turning into countless tiny fire feather wings and slashed towards the three of Wu Tianlang.

Boom, boom, boom…

The sound of bursting came one after another. Except for Wu Tianlang, the other two were injured, and their bodies were covered with blood.

“A hundred miles of ice.”

The scorched-yellow youth exploded without hesitation, and suddenly, a terrifying cold air raged, almost in the blink of an eye, fist-sized ice crystals appeared in the void, and the fire feather wolf in the center of the cold air was on his body. The flame was instantly extinguished, and a layer of frost covered his body. After several blinks, the fire feather wolf was frozen in a huge block of ice.

“Wind Blade Slash.”

The young man with sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks roared, and the wind spirit power exploded, offering the wind spirit supernatural powers.

I saw a round of light blue crescent wind blade appear in the void, slashing towards the fire feather wolf.

It was visible to the naked eye that a smooth section appeared in the void, as if even the void had been cut open.

The two have gone through many battles together, and the cooperation is quite tacit.

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