Eternal Reverence Chapter 1300: Sky Sword Domain, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Eternal Supreme!

While practicing the rules of space, Li Fuchen did not give up creating the magic skills of the Kendo domain.

After the kendo rules reached the upper level domain god’s consummation state, Li Fuchen created the ultimate lower level kendo domain magical skills. I don’t know how many times it was easier.

The forty-eighth gate, the forty-ninth gate, the fiftyth gate…

Incorporating 50 ultimate level lower-level kendo domain magical skills, Li Fuchen still didn’t feel any sense of saturation in his body.

According to the truth, he, a high-ranking profound god, can’t bear so much profound power.

Comparing the upper profound **** to a bucket, the profound power is the water in the bucket. When the water is full, it will overflow. If you close the lid and forcibly pour water into it, the bucket will only explode.

The bucket of Li Fuchen seems to be a bit big, thousands of times the size of other high-ranking Profound Gods, and the water has not been filled up to now.

Li Fuchen guessed that this might be because he understood the essence of kendo and ascended to the Xiaocheng realm. Therefore, the bloodline of kendo is exceptionally powerful, and can incorporate more magical skills and contain more profound magical powers.

In addition, the spirit of the upper domain **** level also allows him to easily control so much mysterious power.

As for whether there are other reasons, Li Fuchen doesn’t know.

“Maomao, you are advanced.”

On this day, the pet bag automatically opened, and Mao Mao flew out of it.

Li Fuchen saw that Maomao had already become a four-star high-level phantom being, equivalent to the upper Profound God in the Protoss, and the same level as Xiaohu.

Maomao curled his lips, “If I don’t advance, I won’t be confused.”

Before, his combat power far surpassed Li Fuchen. At that time, there was no Xiaohu?

Later he was overtaken by Li Fuchen, and he recognized it.

After all, Li Fuchen is too abnormal to be calculated by common sense.

But after being surpassed by Xiaohu, he couldn’t accept it.

Of course, he was able to advance so quickly, mainly because Li Fuchen’s spirit level increased so quickly, otherwise, he would not be able to become a four-star high-level spirit being in such a short period of time.

The other **** pet bag opened automatically, and the little tiger flew out.

With a provocative expression on his face, Mao Mao said: “Little tiger, you and I will fight again.”

Xiaohu’s strength is extremely strong. When Maomao was in the four-star middle class, although he did not lose to the opponent, he also failed to beat the opponent.

“Okay.” Xiaohu is very aggressive, although he knows that he shouldn’t be a furry opponent.

The descendants of the life of the Eight-Star God Void are worthy of being the descendants of the life of the Eight-Star God Void. Maomao’s strength is too strong, Xiaohu can’t catch Maomao’s first move, and he is directly blown out.

“Little Tiger, you are not convinced.” Mao Mao said.

Little Tiger said loudly: “Come again.”

He can allow himself to lose, but he will never allow himself to lose so badly.

A flaming golden light burst out from his body, and the little tiger roared and attacked Maomao again.


The gap between the two was too big, and Xiaohu was blown out again.

“Are you still not convinced?” Maomao said.

“Not satisfied.”


The little tiger was bled with blood from his seven orifices.

“Not convinced.”

“Not satisfied.”


Little tiger’s skin is spattered.

On the side, Li Fuchen frowned, but he didn’t stop him.

Maomao is not the kind of domineering person, it is impossible to bully Xiaohu for no reason.

There must be some reason.

Could it be that he could see that there was a stronger bloodline of the beast hidden in Xiaohu’s body.

Li Fuchen suddenly thought of a possibility.

Every kind of beast contains countless kinds of bloodlines of the beasts, but these bloodlines, except for the bloodlines of the main beast, some of the bloodlines of the other beasts are very thin, almost negligible, and some have only a faint trace, and never will The possibility of activation, some are relatively richer, under certain circumstances, there is a certain possibility of activation, and some are second only to the blood of the main divine beast, and can be actively activated under strong stimulation.

It may be that too many mutant divine pills were swallowed. In the little tiger’s body, the bloodline of a divine beast, second only to the bloodline of the Fighting Soulsplitter Tiger, gradually became active, which was only discovered by Li Fuchen later.

“Are you still not satisfied?”

Maomao blasted Xiaohu’s flesh and blood with one move. People who didn’t know it thought Maomao was going to kill Xiaohu.

“Unacceptable, ah!”

The light on Xiaohu’s body began to change, from the original flaming golden light to a hint of black light.

The appearance of this black light made Xiaohu’s aura more domineering, and at the same time, there was a bit of darkness in the dominance.


Maomao is even more merciless.

Boom boom boom…

As Xiaohu’s injuries became heavier, the golden light on Xiaohu’s body became dimmed, replaced by a thick black light.

At the same time, Xiaohu’s strength is also rapidly improving.

Of course, compared with Maomao, the gap is still a bit obvious.

Maomao is the Eight-Star God Void Life. Although he hasn’t grown up yet, his strength has already surpassed the level of the Profound God, I am afraid that they have reached the level of the Domain God.

I don’t know how many times I was blown away by Maomao, the golden light on Xiaohu’s body finally disappeared completely, and the terrifying black light broke out uncontrollably.

At the same time, the form of the little tiger began to change.

On his back, a pair of black fleshy wings grew, and most of the hair on his body became black, only a few of them were golden, and the tail became longer, section by section, like one The black iron whip had a black flame burning at the end. This black flame contained indestructible characteristics. No matter how the little tiger swung it, the black flame did not shrink in the slightest.

“Dark Soul Breaker!”

Li Fuchen recognized at a glance that Xiaohu had evolved into a dark soul-splitting tiger.

I was very pleasantly surprised.

Fighting and fighting the soul-splitting tiger, the growth limit is the beast of the upper domain.

The dark soul-splitting tiger, the growth limit is the upper barren beast.

The wild beast, this is a terrifying existence that surpasses the realm beast.

In the Protoss, it corresponds to the Desolate God.

In the Shenxu life, it corresponds to the Seven-Star Shenxu life, which is only one level lower than Maomao.

The little tiger who evolved into the dark soul-splitting tiger was more than ten times stronger than a hundred times stronger, and Mao Mao slammed over, he caught it abruptly, and began to counterattack.

I saw a flap of black fleshy wings between his ribs, turning into a black light, swooping towards Maomao.

“Compared with me for speed.”

Maomao activates the magical action technique and quickly fights against Xiaohu.

Boom, boom, boom…

The two play fast, if it weren’t for Li Fuchen’s strong strength, it would be impossible to see the two.

“Little Tiger is still a little bit close.”

Li Fuchen secretly said.

He clearly saw that Maomao was not going all out, but forcing Xiaohu to use all his strength.


Hundreds of rounds in the battle, Xiaohu suddenly opened his mouth, and a ball of black light blasted towards Maomao.

“Come well.”

Mao Mao’s arthropod exudes colorful light, and it cuts the black ball of light all at once.

One thousand rounds, two thousand rounds, three thousand rounds.

No matter how little Tiger improves his strength, he still has nothing to do with him.

And with the passage of time, Xiaohu’s momentum has become a little weaker.

After all, he has just evolved, and his foundation is still a bit unstable.

“Okay, enough.”

Li Fuchen prevented the two from fighting.


Maomao and Xiaohu both stopped.

“Second brother, thank you very much.” Xiaohu said to Mao Mao sincerely.

He didn’t understand why Maomao irritated him in order to inspire the blood of the Dark Soulcracker.

Maomao said: “My brother, thank you, you hurry up and consolidate your blood! Next time you fight for 800 rounds.” The little tiger who has evolved into the Dark Soul Tiger can still make him a little more serious. It’s good. Sparring.

“Okay.” Little Tiger flew into the pet bag.

“Unexpectedly, you could actually see that the blood of other sacred beasts is hidden in Xiaohu.” Li Fuchen said to Mao Mao.

Maomao said: “This is intuition. After all, there is a secret connection between the three of us.”

“That’s true.” Li Fuchen nodded.

His soul is connected with Maomao and Xiaohu.

As Li Fuchen expected, Mao Mao’s strength is now comparable to that of the lower realm gods, and this is still just a step up.

“Big brother, I was young before and couldn’t use external force to improve myself. Now I can use external force. Please pay more attention to these things.” Mao Mao said.

Receiving the message from Mao Mao’s soul, Li Fuchen said: “Five-color broken virtual grass, what kind of magic grass is this, and where can I get it?”

Maomao said: “The five-color shattering grass generally grows in the gods, or on a certain **** star, or in some gods and dangerous places. Generally, a thousand low-level five-color shattering grasses can promote me. It is a five-star low-level divine life. It would be better if I could get the intermediate five-color vanity-breaking grass. As long as ten plants can get me promoted, as for the high-level five-color vanity-breaking grass, I can’t find it, one plant is enough to promote me to five stars. Intermediate phantom life.”

“Where is the life crystal?” Li Fuchen asked again.

Maomao said: “The life crystal exists in the life spring. There will be life crystals in the gods and gods. This is much easier to get than the five-color shattering grass. However, in the gods, most of the life springs generally have life crystals. Occupied by a powerful group of gods and virtual beings.”

Li Fuchen nodded, he didn’t know the life crystal, he still knew the life spring, it was a treasure that contained the rules of life origin.

“Don’t worry, I will pay special attention to it.”

Nowadays, neither Maomao nor Xiaohu can help Li Fuchen in terms of strength.

However, the potential of the two is very huge. If the opportunity comes, it may not be able to keep up with Li Fuchen’s footsteps.

The fifty-fifth gate, the fifty-sixth gate…

On the spacecraft of the domain artifact, it is quiet and comfortable.

Li Fuchen quietly practiced kendo and space together.

Occasionally, a domain **** who didn’t have eyesight wanted to **** the domain artifact spaceship, but Li Fuchen was blasted into nothingness by a random sword aura.

Of course, Li Fuchen doesn’t only know how to practice. Every time he passes through a **** city, Li Fuchen will stop and refurbish, walk around the city, feel the local customs of each **** city, and eat some special delicacies here. Is it a good life?

The fifty-seventh gate, the fifty-eighth gate…

The sixtieth gate.

On this day, Li Fuchen finally created the sixtieth ultimate level lower-level kendo domain magical skills. After incorporating the 60th ultimate level lower-level kendo domain magical skills, Li Fuchen’s kendo mysterious power index skyrocketed to One trillion eight trillion.

If he only created the sixtieth ultimate level lower-level kendo domain magical skills, Li Fuchen would not care much. Play a decisive role.

The main reason is that this sixtieth ultimate level lower-level kendo domain magical skill is a kendo domain magical skill.

A domain magical skill, but a magical skill in a magical skill. When fighting an enemy, a domain magical skill is more effective than ten ordinary magical skills.

Li Fuchen named this magical skill in the field of kendo, the field of heavenly sword.

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