Eternal Reverence Chapter 1180: Drill into Kendo, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Eternal Supreme!

The rule of destruction reached the late stage of the upper true god, and the time and space rules reached the peak of the upper true god. Li Fuchen’s background was completely exhausted. Next, unless there is any chance, otherwise, in a short time, the two top rules, no There may be another major breakthrough.

“It’s time to concentrate on kendo.”

The reason why kendo was put last, apart from the help of kendo, which is not as good as the rules of destruction and time and space for the time being, the main reason is that Li Fuchen wants to study kendo wholeheartedly and put kendo in the front. , He can’t be single-minded.

Li Fuchen’s kendo rule level is not high, and he is currently in the upper true **** late stage, but Li Fuchen believes that it will not be long before his kendo rules can reach the upper true **** perfection and even the lower spiritual **** level, in Lingyun Kedongfu In the middle, he obtained a low-level kendo spirit magic skill, and also got many kendo spirit artifacts.

After the black tungsten meteorite group came out, Li Fuchen replaced the gale blue flame with a silver-winged spacecraft, and then began to study the magical skills of swordsmanship.

This inferior kendo spirit magical skill is called Jinghong.

A very concise name.

As you can see from the name, the person who created this kendo spirit magical skill should be a relatively pure swordsman.

Rainbow, as the name suggests, this is a powerful swordsmanship magical skill. When this sword is released, the sword is like a rainbow, shaking the earth, if the enemy is lacking in courage, they will often be suppressed by this amazing sword. Ten percent of strength can only show 70% to 80%.

A pure swordsman, creating pure kendo skills.

Pure kendo magic skills, only pure swordsmen can learn.

It can be said that Jinghong is very picky.

I am not a pure swordsman, and I often can’t learn to startle the rainbow, because I don’t have that kind of aura.

Is Li Fuchen a pure swordsman?

The answer is self-evident.

Li Fuchen is a pure swordsman, his purity is another kind of purity.

If the person who created Jinghong is a swordsman who is great at swords, Li Fuchen is a swordsman who is great at swords and detached from swords.

Li Fuchen is not obsessed with the so-called kendo in the eyes of others, he pursues his own kendo.

No one can define what Kendo is.

Li Fuchen only knew that the kendo he walked out of must be a unique kendo, not the kendo of his predecessors.

In just one month, Li Fuchen became Jinghong.

On the deck, as Li Fuchen swung his sword, a dazzling sword light, like the most brilliant rainbow, poured endless power toward the gods outside the shield.

“It’s worthy of being a lower-level sword-doing spiritual skill, and its power is more than ten times that of Yuanji Slash and Wujian Slash.”

The sword returned to its sheath, Li Fuchen closed his eyes, carefully recollecting the essence of the sword just now.

Within one month, the rules of kendo have been upgraded to two small levels in a row, from the high-level true god’s late stage to the high-level true god’s Consummation, Li Fuchen didn’t care too much.

Just kidding, his kendo talent is far above the destruction talent and time and space talent, and he has developed a subordinate kendo spiritual skill. If he can’t improve the realm of kendo rules, then it is a joke.

“It turns out that the essence of Jinghong lies in the superimposition of kendo rules.”

Li Fuchen knew it well.

Although he is not the creator of Jinghong, he can only comprehend 80% of the essence of Jinghong, but it does not prevent him from guessing the true essence of Jinghong.

Give him time, he may not be able to make up his own Jinghong.

However, this is not necessary. With this time, he might as well promote Yuanji Zhan and Wujian Zhan to the lower level of spiritual skills.


“Is this the shadow forest?”

From a distance, Li Fuchen saw an endless fuzzy forest. Around the fuzzy forest, there was still some fog.

With a light frown, Li Fuchen controlled the Silver Wing spacecraft to slow it down.

The Shadow Forest is very famous, and it is one of the rare four-star dangerous places in the Ziyun God Realm system.

Since it is a four-star dangerous place, there is naturally a four-star divine life in it.

The four-star imaginary life is equivalent to a profound god.

If possible, Li Fuchen would rather take a long way.

But the shadow forest is too big, it would take at least thousands of years to make a detour, and there is no road map around the shadow forest on the Amethyst Microscope.

Hesitated again and again, Li Fuchen chose to enter the Shadow Forest.

First, the Amethyst Microscope has a road map through the shadow forest.

Second, detours are a waste of time and may not be foolproof.

Third, the shadow forest is a four-star dangerous place, but it is impossible to encounter a four-star imaginary life casually, and even a three-star imaginary life is not so easy to encounter.

The fog around the shadow forest looks thin, but when it really enters the fog, Li Fuchen discovered that this thin fog clearly contains a special fog rule, and the divine power exploration has been weakened to the extreme. , Fortunately, the power of the soul has not been weakened much, and it has no effect.

Getting closer, Li Fuchen finally saw the true face of Shadow Forest.

Too big, too high.

The trees in the shadow forest are unbelievably large. Simply looking at it with the naked eye, it is impossible to see the whole of a tree, only a part of it.

“This leaf is much larger than some lakes in the Yuguang God Realm. The drops of mist on it are almost no different from small lakes.”

Li Fuchen exclaimed.

In Kunwu Universe, the tree of the world is so big, but there is only one tree of the world, but there are countless trees here.

Compared with the shadow forest and the trees in the shadow forest, the Silver Winged spacecraft is not even dusty.

Without a sound, the Silver Winged spacecraft entered the Shadow Forest.

In the shadow forest, it’s not a lot of pitch black, and you can’t see your fingers. On the contrary, it’s brighter than in the gods.

Because there are luminous plants and divine life here.

Among the luminous plants, some plants are similar to lighthouses, emitting endless soft light, even if they are far away, there will be light and shadow coming; some plants are luminous flowers, which will change color. Sometimes it is red, sometimes purple, and sometimes blue, beautiful and intoxicating.

No matter what kind of luminous plants, they all have one thing in common, that is, they are big and scary.

In addition to plants that emit light, some imaginary beings living in the shadow forest also emit light.

Usually this kind of luminous life is not high-level, such as one-star low-level life-smelling odor bug, one-star middle-level life-saving fluorescent worm, and one-star high-level life: Zhu Huobird and many more.

But there are so many of them, and they appear to be a large area. Li Fuchen saw that on the branches of a big tree, there were several odorous insect nests, and they lived with each other. Obviously in a hostile state, as soon as Li Fuchen passed by, hundreds of stinky source inflammation insects were killed together, and the fighting was very tragic.

“It’s really a strange world.”

Li Fuchen controlled the Silver Wing spacecraft, advancing ‘slowly’.

A few days later, after Li Fuchen found that the Shadow Forest was not as dangerous as he imagined, he covered the shield of the Silver Wing spacecraft with a layer of spiritual power and continued to study kendo.

This time, Li Fuchen’s research object is the sword spirit artifact.

In the Resource Hall of Lingyun Kedong Mansion, he obtained many spiritual artifacts, ranging from lower-level spiritual artifacts to upper-level spiritual artifacts.

There are many swordsman spirit artifacts among them.

Although Li Fuchen has studied the gray shadow sword, the lower level swordsman spirit artifact, but the quality of the gray shadow sword is not too high. The kendo rules contained in it are only at the upper true **** level, so Li Fuchen did not jump directly over. Instead, he chose a lower sword spirit artifact to study it again.

This inferior sword spirit artifact is called Moon Mark. It is of perfect quality, and the sword rules contained in it clearly reach the level of the inferior spirit god.

“It’s a bit interesting, the kendo rules contained in the Grey Shadow Sword are not as high as the Moon Mark, and the Moon Mark’s artifacts are not as mysterious as the Grey Shadow Sword.”

Li Fuchen is very interested.

He guessed that the artifact master who forged the Grey Shadow Sword must be an artifact god, and the one who forged the moon mark might not be an artifact god.

Artifact gods can often perform supernormally, forging artifacts beyond their own level when their own rules are not high.

How high Li Fuchen’s savvy is and how talented is in kendo. After studying several lower kendo spirit artifacts including the moon mark, the realm of kendo rules suddenly stepped into the level of the lower spirit god.

At this moment, he feels that he has a higher degree of control over the kendo rules in the gods.

If he used to control only a few kendo rules, now he can control a few.

Don’t underestimate this thread, this is a qualitative improvement.

Li Fuchen believes that with the same kendo supernatural power, he can fully display several times the previous combat power.

This is the advantage of increased rule control.

“What’s going on? There seem to be more and more imaginary lives around.”

The power of the soul that Li Fuchen arranged on the shield of the silver-winged spacecraft has a warning effect. As long as any life is near the warning area, it will alarm Li Fuchen.

It’s okay if you don’t want to disturb Li Fuchen, unless the opponent’s level reaches a four-star low-level, or has some kind of powerful spirit talent.

In these days, Li Fuchen obviously felt that the number of phantom beings active nearby was increasing, and their levels were getting higher and higher.

In the beginning, there were only a few one-star imaginary beings, and now a large number of two-star imaginary beings have begun to appear.

“They all seem to be flying in that direction.”

It is said that curiosity kills people, and now Li Fuchen feels that his curiosity is very serious.

“Since I have encountered it, I have to go take a look.”

Li Fuchen waved his hand, and a layer of time and space supernatural power covered the Silver Wing spacecraft.

The next moment, the Silver Winged spacecraft disappeared.


Tens of thousands of miles away, there is a small lake with crystal clear blue light. In the center of the small lake, there is a small island. On the small island, there is only a small tree.

At this moment, on a leaf of the small tree, a colorful insect egg is flashing, emitting light of five colors.

As the light of the colorful insect eggs flickered, a wave of pure and extremely vital vitality was transmitted, and many of the divine beings who rushed over were greedy.

Intuition tells them that as long as they swallow this colorful worm egg, they can evolve.

This kind of evolution is not morphological evolution, but the fundamental evolution of life, the ultimate evolution from low-level life to high-level life.

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