Eternal Reverence Chapter 1162: Twilight Stone (third more), the fastest update to the latest chapter of Eternal Supreme!

What Li Fuchen didn’t know was that not long after he left the Hongye shop, a woman in red rushed to the Hongye shop.

“Three Valley Lord.”

Seeing the woman in red, the middle-aged man with a square face greeted him respectfully.

The woman in red is no one else. It is Jinqiu, the master of the Three Valleys of the Red Leaf Valley. Her strength is unfathomable. She can at least rank in the top 100 among the upper true gods in Twilight Square.

“Are you sure he is just a middle true god?” Shang Jinqiu still couldn’t believe it, a middle true **** has such a high net worth.

Fang Lian said with a certain middle-aged: “Extremely sure.” What he said was a true **** with a veteran high-ranking brand, and it was impossible to even lose sight of the opponent’s level.

“The big business of two hundred and eighty trillion yuan, which is rare in the history of our Hongye store, send people to stare at him.” If it is only twenty-eight trillion yuan, Shang Jinqiu will not care too much, but this It was two hundred and eighty trillion, and it was hard for her to not care. She firmly believed that there must be some big secret hidden in Li Fuchen.

Huoyun Pavilion, Huoyun Education Store.

“Does he possess dozens of real artifacts? If nothing else, he should have entered the Lingyun Guest’s cave and gained a lot. Staring at him, as long as he leaves Twilight Square, he will immediately take it.” The person is Feng Langtian, the vice-master of Huoyun Sect.

At the same time, more than a dozen big forces, including Yi Yuanzong and Skull Valley, sent people to stare at Li Fuchen.

As the upper level of Twilight Square City, they have so many eyeliners. What happened in the Hongye Store can’t be concealed from them.

Li Fuchen didn’t know that he had become the fat in the eyes of many forces. Of course, even if he knew it, he didn’t care.

With his current strength, as long as he is not a spirit god, he has no fear.

I’m really going to provoke him, he doesn’t mind turning Twilight Square upside down.

In a flash, three days later, the auction was held as scheduled.

This auction was hosted by Yi Yuanzong.

Due to the limited space, the auction seat is charged.

Ordinary seat 1 billion defective stone, VIP seat 10 billion defective stone, ordinary box 50 billion defective stone, VIP box 200 billion defective stone.

After spending 50 billion inferior sacred stones, Li Fuchen chose an ordinary box.

Although the seat cost is very high, the auction has not yet started and there are already full seats.

Soon, as the auctioneer took the stage, the auction officially began.

“The first auction item, a perfect mid-level true artifact, a Qinglong sword, has a reserve price of 15 trillion inferior **** stones. Each increase in price shall not be less than 100 billion inferior **** stones.”

The first auction items in general auctions are all good things, mainly to stir up the atmosphere and make everyone more emotional.

Sure enough, the appearance of the Azure Dragon Sword ignited the auction scene.

Don’t think that everyone is basically a high-level true god, but many people use lower-level true artifacts. Those who use middle-level true artifacts are generally average-level and intermediate-level. Unforgettable encounters.

“Sixteen trillion.”

“1.65 trillion.”


The price of the Qinglong Knife was rising steadily, and finally, it was auctioned off by the upper true **** in an ordinary box at a price of 22 trillion.

The next few auction items will not be so precious. The starting price is only one or two trillion, and the transaction price does not exceed 500 million.

“The thirty-fourth auction item, an ordinary high-ranking real artifact, a unicorn armor, has a starting price of 50 trillion yuan, and each increase in price shall not be less than 100 million.”

There is no doubt that the Kirin armor is one of the final auction items of this auction. The starting price of 50 trillion yuan is enough to make ninety-nine percent of the upper true gods stare.

“Fifty-five trillion yuan.”

“Five-eight trillion.”

Those who can afford this price are either high-ranking powers or some top high-ranking true gods.

Seeing that the price of unicorn armor climbed to nearly one trillion, Li Fuchen looked a little moved.

This is just an ordinary high-ranking true artifact, and it’s the worst among the high-ranking true artifacts.

He has a lot of high-level real artifacts on his body. If all of them are sold, his net worth will be at least tens of trillions.

This is still excluding flying true artifacts and true artifact spacecraft.

Generally speaking, the price of flying true artifacts is several times that of true artifacts of the same level. The price of true artifacts is more than ten times that of true artifacts of the same level. If it is a large-scale true artifact, the price is hundreds of times and hundreds of times. It’s all normal.

Finally, Qilin Kai was taken away by a mysterious uppermost true **** in the VIP box for a price of 92 trillion yuan.

“The thirty-fifth auction item, a group of Twilight Stones, each group of ten, the starting price is 60 trillion inferior **** stones, and the price increase shall not be less than 100 million.”

Unlike usual, this time the Twilight Stones are auctioned in groups instead of one by one.

“Twilight Stone, our company is bound to win.” In the VIP box, the green-haired young man with his eyes closed suddenly raised his eyelids. What kind of eyes are they? At this moment, it seems that There was a pause.

“Sure enough, there are Twilight Stones, and they are a set of ten.”

Li Fuchen’s eyes shone with precision.

With these Twilight Stones, his time and space rules may not have no hope of breaking through to the realm of the middle true god.

Once his time and space rules break through to the realm of the middle true god, he will be of great help. At least he will not be helpless when he falls into a dangerous place like the heavy Saturn.

“Sixty-five trillion yuan.”

There are many people who need Twilight Stone. In the VIP box, a skinny old man with a hump back made the first offer.

“Seventy trillion.”

The second offer was for a young woman with a charming charm.

“75 trillion.”

The third quote was for a cold man with slender eyes and pale skin.

If anyone is here, they will definitely recognize that the cold man is the top 20 high-ranking power in Twilight Square, called the cold-blooded snake god, whose strength can be ranked among the many high-ranking true gods in Twilight Square. The first five hundred.

Don’t underestimate the number of the top five hundred. You must know that there are so many high-ranking gods in Twilight Square. Except for the lowly occupations such as shops, inns, restaurants, and teahouse buddies, more than 90% of Twilight Square is High-level true gods, and among these high-level true gods, the three powers have the most masters. There are more than a dozen top powers in one family, and only a few top powers can barely compare with them. In addition, there are some very famous high-level true gods. , The cold-blooded snake **** can rank in the top five hundred, which is already commendable.

After all, the cold-blooded snake **** is not the number one master in his power, just ranks in the forefront.

The reason why the cold-blooded snake **** needs the Twilight Stone is because by chance, he learned the rules of time through the Twilight Stone, and pushed the time rule to the late stage of the upper god. As long as a few more Twilight Stones, he There is a trace of certainty, pushing the time rule to the lower realm of true gods.

For so many years, the cold-blooded snake **** knows how valuable the time rule is. In many places, there is not much requirement for strength, but the requirements for other aspects are greater, just like Lingyun. In the guest house, there is a floating cloud phantom array. This floating cloud phantom array most tests the sense of time of those who enter the formation. People who don’t have a strong sense of time can easily get lost in it. Comprehend the time rules to the realm of the upper gods, I am afraid that I have long been lost in it, and I will participate in the auction here.

So, he needs this group of Twilight Stones.

“One trillion.”

The green-haired youth Si Hai Wuya sneered at the quote.

“Damn it, it reached one trillion so early.” Many high-ranking true gods still wanted to compete, but when they saw Si Hai Wuya’s offer, they immediately dismissed their minds.

Just kidding, now it has reached one trillion, and it must be far more than this number. They are just cannon fodder in bidding.

“One hundred and five trillion.” The young woman gritted her teeth and then quoted.

“One hundred and ten trillion.” The humpbacked old man followed closely behind.

When he saw this, the cold-blooded snake **** frowned. He knew the two people who quoted. The charming young woman was called Madame withered grass, who practiced the rules of the wood road and the withered rules derived from it. The strength is extremely strong, at least the cold-blooded snake **** Unsure of dealing with the opponent, no three points of confidence, the humpbacked old man is even more remarkable. He is known as the undead turtle ancestor. He is one of the top ten masters in Twilight Square City. The opponent needs the Twilight Stone. Many, I want to understand the rules of time and postpone the time limit.

“One hundred and twenty trillion.” But it is impossible for him to give up the Twilight Stone by the cold-blooded snake god.

“Forget it, the price is too high to be worth it.”

Mrs. Hay gave up the bid.

She is different from others. She needs Twilight Stone just to get herself back to youth.

Although the true **** has a life span of more than a million years, the true **** will also age, but it ages very slowly. In addition, she has practiced the rules of withering, which leads to her appearance aging faster.

“Hey.” The immortal turtle ancestor stopped bidding, and a murky murderous intent flashed deep in his eyes.

“One hundred and twenty trillion, will anyone offer a higher price.” The auctioneer said loudly, regardless of who the cold-blooded snake **** is.

“One hundred and thirty trillion.”

Si Hai Wuya added ten trillion yuan in one breath.

He regretted it a little bit. This time he went to Ziyun God Realm and he brought too few inferior sacred stones. He had known that there were good things like Twilight Stones, so he should bring hundreds of billions more.

“One hundred and thirty-one trillion.” The voice of the cold-blooded snake **** rang out, and at the same time he transmitted his voice to Si Hai Wuya, “Your Excellency, the righteous Zong Qingyun of the Xiabai Poison Cultivation, give me a face.”

“What are you? Get out.” Si Hai Wuya added 4 trillion yuan, making the price rise to 135 trillion yuan.

“Okay, okay, let me see how you died.”

The cold-blooded snake **** Zong Qingyun forcibly suppressed the cold murderous intent and stopped making offers.

In his eyes, Si Hai Wuya is already a dead person.

It doesn’t make much sense to bid with a dead person.

“One hundred and thirty-five trillion, is there any higher.” The auctioneer shouted hoarsely.

“One hundred and fifty trillion.”

A clear voice came from an ordinary box.

Li Fuchen made a bid.

“Hehe, there are so many unsatisfactory things in an auction. Forget it, let you first, anyway, it will be mine sooner or later.” Si Hai Wuya has only more than two trillion defective products. The God Stone, with his strength, spending so many times to bid for the Twilight Stone, it is really unnecessary.

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