Eternal Reverence Chapter 1097: Leave, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Eternal Supreme!

Long Kun and Mayfit brought a lot of wealth to Li Fuchen. According to a rough estimate, the combined net worth of the two has reached two hundred thousand lower-grade **** stones, and the pure lower-grade **** stones are about 100,000.

So many low-grade sacred stones are enough for Li Fuchen to raise his divine power to a very high level.

“This golden pupil is interesting.”

Li Fuchen found a subordinate magical skill of pupil technique in Long Kun’s spatial ring.

This magical skill allows cultivators to easily see through the mountains and rocks the earth and see the divine light radiating from the metal deposits deep underground.

According to the above, the stronger the light, the more precious the metal deposits.

“In the eyes of some people, the value of the golden pupil is not inferior to the mid-level skill.”

You must know that even the lowest-level god-level metal deposits have amazing value. If it is a relatively high-level god-level metal deposit, it is enough to make the upper gods jealous.

It took only three days for Li Fuchen to become a golden pupil.

Activated the golden pupils, Li Fuchen’s pupils became golden. As far as his eyes, as long as it is metal, there will be light. Metals below the **** level emit very little light, almost invisible, **** The light emitted by Grade Metal is more intense, with a dazzling meaning.

In addition, Li Fuchen discovered that some top semi-artifacts and pinnacle semi-artifacts also have bright divine light, which obviously contains god-level metal.

70%, 80%.

With Li Fuchen’s insight, he easily trained the golden pupil to 80%, but unfortunately, afterwards, the difficulty of cultivation began to increase tenfold and tenfold.


The City Lord’s Mansion.

Seven middle gods gathered together.

“City Lord, what is the origin of this adult?

You don’t know the details! “It’s a burly man who speaks.

Qianshi said: “What can I know? At that time, I dared to say a word. Whether I can sit here and talk to you is unknown.”

“Long Kun and Mayfit are dead when they say they die. It’s really impermanent. In my opinion, no matter what this adult comes from, it has nothing to do with us. As long as we don’t bother him, he will probably not find us. Trouble.” Another middle **** said.

After hearing this, the **** Moon nodded, “It can easily defeat and even kill the city lord, which means that it can easily kill the seven of us, and it is indeed not to provoke.”

It’s not easy for them to cultivate to the realm of a middle god. If they die, they will really die in vain.

Finally, Qianshi set the tone, don’t provoke Li Fuchen, don’t disturb Li Fuchen, if Li Fuchen has requirements, please satisfy them at all costs.


“The supernatural power index is 13 thousand.”

With plenty of low-grade sacred stones, Li Fuchen’s kendo power has increased rapidly, from 11 thousand to 13 thousand in three months.

Don’t underestimate the improvement of these two thousand, it has made Li Fuchen’s strength increased several times.

In addition, after being promoted to the mid-level god, Li Fuchen’s understanding of the rules of the gods became more profound. The realm of kendo has risen, even if he has not reached the peak level of the mid-level god, I am afraid it will not be far away.

Under such circumstances, the magical swords of the domain are boundless, and it is logical to upgrade to the mid-level magical skill, and the power has increased by several times.

“It’s time to leave.”

On the top of the castle, Li Fuchen looked down at the scenery below, and said in his heart.

For him, Wasteland City is still too small, and he has never seen the scenery of the entire God Realm. How can he stay in Wasteland City all the time?

Summoning the lord Qianshi, Li Fuchen asked about the situation around him.

Senishi respectfully said: “The pale king of the beast in the gray wasteland is stronger than me, but his strength is limited, and he cannot be an adult’s opponent, so the adult left from the gray wasteland without hindrance. In the gray wasteland, it is the first-level **** city, Eagle City. Eagle City has more than a dozen middle gods…”

Senishi introduced the surrounding situation in detail.

Speaking of the Misty Mountains, Qianshi’s face became more solemn, “The Misty Mountains are very dangerous. Among them is a god-level being called the Mist Giant, whose strength has reached the level of a high-level god. The middle-level **** is just a ration in front of him, and if this is the outer periphery, no one knows what’s going on inside.”

“It is indeed a bit dangerous.” Li Fuchen nodded.


The next day, Li Fuchen left.

He did not die and walked towards the Misty Mountains, but chose the gray wasteland.

The gray wasteland was filled with many sacred beasts. Along the way, Li Fuchen met and did not know how many sacred beasts.

However, under the pressure of Li Fuchen’s divine power, these lower sacred beasts trembled one by one, where they dared to attack Li Fuchen.

Even the middle-ranked sacred beast, sensing the aura from Li Fuchen, one by one escaped far away, not daring to approach it at all.

In this way, Li Fuchen swaggered through the gray wasteland and came to the larger Eagle Grassland.

On the Eagle Grassland, there is a first-level God City, Eagle City.

Same as the first-level **** city, Eagle City is more prosperous than Wasteland City, and the number of middle gods is almost doubled, with more than ten people.

After staying in Eagle City for a few days, Li Fuchen left again.

His goal is the second-level **** city.

No matter how prosperous the first-level **** city is, it is only suitable for the lower gods, and the middle gods have few resources.

Like Qianshi in Wasteland City, they will go to the second-level **** city every few years and buy a lot of training resources.

“Is this the scenery of the God Realm? It is really strange and mysterious, magnificent.”

Traveling all the way, Li Fuchen’s vision has broadened and I don’t know how many times.

In the God Realm, there are three major life camps, namely the Protoss, the Divine Beasts, and all kinds of peculiar God-level beings.

The Protoss is the most intelligent race, which includes thousands of high-intelligence races such as the human race, the Titan race, the monster race, and the blood race.

The beast tribes are the beast tribes born and bred in the **** realm. It is extremely difficult for them to transform into form. Generally, they can completely transform into human form only when they reach the realm of true gods.

As for the peculiar god-level lives, they are relatively rare in the God Realm. Generally, such god-level lives appear only in rare and dangerous places.

“Unexpectedly, in the God Realm, I also became a Protoss.”

Li Fuchen gave a wry smile.

In Kunwu Universe, he took the lead in destroying the Protoss.

Of course, he also knows that the **** race of Kunwu Universe is not a specific race, as long as it is the blood left by the gods, it can be called a **** race.

For example, if Li Fuchen left his blood in Kunwu Universe, then his descendants can naturally be called Protoss.


The nearest second-level **** city is far away from Eagle City. It took Li Fuchen a few months to arrive without hurrying on his way.

This second-level **** city is called Ziyue City, and its prosperity is dozens of times that of Wasteland City, and more than ten times that of Eagle City.

Different from the first-level **** city, Ziyue City has upper gods, although there are only three upper gods.

As for the median god, there are too many. Anyway, there are eight hundred without a thousand.

Not to mention the lower gods, all over the street.

“I heard that artifacts will occasionally appear in the auction of the second-level **** city. I don’t know if I have this luck.”

After entering Purple Moon City, Li Fuchen was immediately attracted by the unique environment of Purple Moon City.

In the sky above Purple Moon City, there is a round of purple moon hanging there.

Li Fuchen could see that this purple moon was transformed by the power of the divine formation.

Assessing the level of the **** array, at least it has reached a two-star level.

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