Eternal Reverence Chapter 1067: Situation, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Eternal Supreme!

“Has he already touched the realm of God?”

Looking at all of this, the pupils of the Lord of Light and Darkness shrank.

Flying to become a **** is the dream of all demigods, as well as the dream of the Lord of Light and Darkness.

There are two ways to become a god.

The first method is to devour enough divinity, condense the gods, and then raise the level of life to the level of gods in one fell swoop. As for other aspects, it can be gradually improved.

However, this method is limited to the Protoss, don’t even think about other races.

The second method is to break through to the **** level in realm.

Know that once the realm breaks through, whether it is life level, power bloodline, true spirit or soul, it will break through together, all reaching the level of gods.

“The Abyss of Light and Darkness.”

The Lord of Light and Darkness couldn’t save the power of the demigod, and used the strongest killer move for the third time, and this time the goal was Li Fuchen.

At this moment, Li Fuchen had just given out his infinite sword aura, and when the old power had gone and the new power had not yet been born, he was instantly swallowed by the abyss of light and darkness.

But soon, a sword light shone, and Li Fuchen swept out of the abyss of nothingness.

The strongest killer move of the Lord of Light and Darkness can trap top ship semi-artifacts, but obviously can’t trap Li Fuchen.

“Anyway, I hurt me, looking for death, and buried forever.”

The power of the demigod in the main body of the Green Bone God exploded, and between the heaven and the earth, countless bones quickly emerged, and like a sharp arrow, they shot at Li Fuchen frantically.

Boom boom boom boom…

Bone bones are powerful, but it is also difficult to break through Li Fuchen’s defenses. During the impact, they quickly exploded into white powder.

For a time, the white powder gathered more and more, instantly forming a white coffin, which sealed Li Fuchen inside.

In the white coffin, Li Fuchen felt a terrible power infiltrating his body. This power was similar to the power of catastrophe, but with the smell of corruption.


The white coffin shattered, and a sword light burst out.

Li Fuchen’s swordsmanship undoubtedly broke through the realm of Consummation, no matter where the Bone Divine Lord could seal it.

However, whether it is the strongest killer move of the Light and Dark Lord or the strongest killer move of the Bone Lord, Li Fuchen consumes the power of the demigod to deal with it. So far, the power of the kendo demigod in his body, It has consumed as much as 50%.

Naturally, the Bone God Lord did not expect to be able to solve Li Fuchen with one move. This is impossible. His goal is to consume more of Li Fuchen’s demigod power. Without the demigod power, it is equivalent to becoming a sourceless one. Water, no matter how powerful swordsmanship is, it is useless.

“The power of the demigod of the Lord of Light and Darkness and the Lord of Blue Bone, should be able to persist longer than me.”

Li Fuchen roughly calculated the residual power of the two demigods from the fluctuations in the power of the demigod of the Lord of Light and Darkness and the Lord of Blue Bone, and calculated that he could not consume more than two of them.

After all, in any case, the power and quality of the demigods of the two are more than ten times that of him, even though his swordsmanship has reached a more mysterious level, it can be divided into the power of a demigod. It exerts an effect of ten to twenty points, but there are limits.

“Restore the power of the kendo demigod first.”

Li Fuchen’s aura changed, the power of the demigod of Sword Dao within his body instantly converged, and the power of the demigod of Fire Dao poured out.

“Looking for death.”

The Divine Lord of Light and Darkness and the Lord of Crimson Bone didn’t know Li Fuchen’s plan, and the ultimate move rushed over.

“The sword sea has no boundaries.”

The crimson sword sea immediately surrounded Li Fuchen.

It’s not impossible to use the power of the fire and demigod to use swordsmanship, but the effect will be greatly reduced.

If you say, the power of using the power of the kendo demigod to promote the sword is ten.

Then the power of using the power of the Fire Dao and Demigod to spur swordsmanship is only one or two.

However, the power of the fire demigod can only be used to activate the Yuanji sword technique, and there is no way to activate the Infinite Sword Qi.

Boom boom boom…

With the red flame suit, the original armor, the immortal body, and the tree of life, Li Fuchen’s defense is several times stronger than the imagination of the Lord of Light and Darkness and the Lord of Bone. In addition to the consumption of the two Li Fuchen’s fire demigod power can’t do anything, although it won’t be long before they are sure to exhaust Li Fuchen’s fire demigod power.


Thirty percent.

When the power of the demigod of the fire road was less than 30%, Li Fuchen switched to the power of the demigod of the kendo.

At this time, after absorbing the top grade demigod stone, Li Fuchen’s kendo demigod power had recovered from 50% to 60%.

“Wu Jianqi.”

Sword Qi flashed across the Divine Lord of Light and Darkness and the Divine Bone Lord, and the power of the two demigods was annihilated in an instant.


On the other side, the sailing ship where Yan Qingwu was on, broke through the light and dark abyss of the Lord of Light and Darkness.

“What a powerful killer move.”

Yan Qingwu has lingering fears.

This trick consumes most of the power of the demigods of everyone on the sailboat. It is not difficult to imagine that without the protection of the sailboat, they would not be able to hold a single breath and would be annihilated in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, the flying moon warship of the Sword God Haoyue also broke through the abyss of light and darkness.

At this time, Haoyue Sword God and others were languishing, and the power of the demigods was almost exhausted.

Without any hesitation, at Yan Qingwu’s invitation, Haoyue Sword God and others boarded the sailing boat together.

As a result, the number of demigods on the sailboat has reached more than seventy, which is a considerable number.

Looking at this scene in my eyes, the Lord of Bone Bone said to the Lord of Light and Dark: “Retreat!”

A Li Fuchen, they can’t cope with it, and with the top ship class and semi-artifacts with more than 70 demigods, they no longer have any advantages, staying, they will only fall into decline.

“I will let you go first this time.”

The Lord of Light and Dark took a deep look at Li Fuchen, and quickly left with the Lord of Bone.

“Good risk.”

The Haoyue Sword God, who has restored some of the power of the demigods, has a lingering heart.

This time is really too dangerous. Without Li Fuchen, the entire Kunwu Universe would be ruled by the Divine Lord of Light and Darkness and the Protoss, and other races would have no future.

Looking at the sailing boat, Yan Qingwu and others, Haoyue Sword God was very interesting and did not ask Li Fuchen how many semi-sacred artifacts he actually produced so many demi-gods. You know, even the demi-gods of the Protoss. There are more than thirty, and the number of demigods on the sailboat has exceeded fifty.

It can be said that whether it is the top combat power or the number of demigods, Li Fuchen’s power has already surpassed the eight superpowers including the Swordsman Guild, and only the Protoss can compete with it.

A person who created a terrifying superpower in such a short period of time is incredible when you think about it.

The Lord of Light and Darkness returns in terror, destroying the five major alliances, the Star Alliance, the Ten Thousand Demons Palace, and the Tower of War God, and severely injuring the Sword Alliance. The powerful strength makes the remaining superpowers, the Dark Council and the Judgment Eye, fearful. The superpowers naturally want to form an alliance with the Swordsman Guild. After all, only Yuanji Sword God can block the light and dark gods. However, the dark council president undead master and Li Fuchen have an unadjustable contradiction. The undead master does not think he admits a mistake. Li Fuchen would forgive him, and as a last resort, the undead master led all the dark council demigods to leave the demigod realm, intending to see the limelight.

The Eye of Judgment didn’t know its purpose, and like the Dark Council, it also left the Demigod Realm.

In this way, the demi-god realm connecting the Kunwu Universe is only left with the Protoss Temple and the Swordsman Guild. As for the Sword Alliance, it can only be regarded as a guest or vassal of the Swordsman Guild at present.

“Destroy the five major alliances, the Star Alliance, the Ten Thousand Demon Palace, and the Tower of Wars, and kill a large number of sword league demigods. There are a large number of demigods in the Lord of Light and Darkness, which is enough to create a large number of demigods. With a ship-like semi-sacred weapon, it will be extremely difficult to deal with.” In the hall of the Shenjian Peak Guild, Haoyue Sword God said his worries.

Li Fuchen nodded, “This is very likely. When the Lord of Light and Darkness returns, we have to face at least hundreds of Protoss demigods, and we have to guard against it.”

Sky Stabbing Sword Shendao: “There are not many emperors of the gods in the semi-god realm. If you want to mass-produce the demi-gods, you still have to go back to Kunwu Universe.”

“So, the battlefield is not in the demigod domain, it is Kunwu Universe.”

Sword God Haoyue sighed. The last war was fought in Kunwu Universe. The situation at that time was too tragic, but this time, it will be even more tragic.

“After all, there will be a battle. The malignant tumor of the Protoss should be removed long ago.”

Li Fuchen knows very well that this battle determines the future direction of the Kunwu Universe, whether it is the Protoss dominating the world, the hundreds of clans, or the loss of both sides, and the return to the original situation depends on this battle. the result of.

After thinking about it, Li Fuchen said again: “Kunwu Universe is going back, but not now. You will wait for me in Jagged City first.”

For the time being, he is not sure to deal with the Protoss, and he has to prepare one or two more.

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