Eternal Reverence Chapter 1007: Sword embryo, please, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Eternal Supreme!

In six hundred years, Yuanji swordsmanship has been promoted from the middle star field level to the late star field level. This is somewhat beyond Li Fuchen’s expectation. He thought that within a thousand years, it would be difficult for him to break through. ?

“The fruit of the world has a well-deserved reputation, but I am afraid that few people know that you must first be recognized by the fruit of the world before you can enter the fruit of the world. This is more than a hundred times stronger than the fruit of understanding the world outside.”

The fruit of the world is too rare, even rarer than the leaf of the world. If the understanding is not enough, you can only use time to make it together. To be recognized by the Fruit of the World, of course, it is also possible that you will not be recognized by the Fruit of the World for the rest of your life, and you can only comprehend it outside.

In the universe, in addition to having chance, you must also have the ability, otherwise you won’t be able to grasp the chance.

“A thousand years from the promise of the Scarlet Fire Sword Ancestor, there are still four hundred years, we can’t waste it.”

Li Fuchen began to comprehend the rules of time and space.

In the 20th year, Li Fuchen’s time and space together reached the middle of the city master level.

In the fiftieth year, it has reached the end of the city lord level.

In the hundred and twentieth year, it reached the consummation of the city lord level.

In the 380th year, Li Fuchen’s time and space together finally reached the star field level like Yuanji swordsmanship, although it was only the star field level early stage.

“Time and space speed up!”

Li Fuchen waved his hand, a force of time and space enveloped him.

Two times.

Three times.

After the time and space reach the star-level level together, Li Fuchen can accelerate the time and space he is in.

Although it’s only three times, it’s better than set in stone.

Be aware that Li Fuchen is the Invincible Emperor, and it is a great thing to accelerate the time and space where the Invincible Emperor is located.

Of course, this does not mean that Li Fuchen can accelerate time and space for other invincible emperors.

First, Li Fuchen gave himself time and space acceleration because he did not resist, and other invincible emperors would resist. In addition, if the goal was himself, it would have a strengthening effect to some extent.

Secondly, even if other invincible emperors would not resist, it is still impossible to accelerate an invincible emperor in time and space, unless Li Fuchen’s time and space together can reach a higher realm.

From the fruit of the world, Li Fuchen said to the Emperor of Immortality: “Don’t resist, I will speed up the time and space where you are.”

Speaking, Li Fuchen released a space-time force to cover the immortal emperor.

Five times.

Ten times.

Twenty times.

In the case of the immortal emperor not resisting, Li Fuchen’s limit is to accelerate the opponent twenty times.

After all, with Li Fuchen’s time and space, the level of theory is similar to that of the immortal emperor. They are all at the level of ordinary emperor. If the opponent resists, it will not accelerate twice.

“Your time and space together?”

The Immortal Emperor was surprised.

The acceleration of time and space by 20 times means that his efficiency will be increased by 20 times. The outside world has been 10,000 years. In fact, he has been comprehending for 200,000 years. The price is to sacrifice some time, but time is for the emperor. It is meaningless to say.

For the immortal emperor, the speed can only be up to twenty times, and for the werewolf incarnation, it can be speeded up to two hundred times.

The gap between the star field-level heavenly monarch and the city master-level heavenly monarch is still extremely huge, which can be seen from this point.

“Two hundred times the acceleration of time and space is enough to make the werewolf incarnation become the emperor within a thousand years.”

A two-hundred-fold acceleration in a thousand years would be 200,000 years. If this is not the case, Li Fuchen does not know what to say.

However, he believes that the incarnation of a werewolf who takes his own soul power as the main body is not so bad in comprehension. A thousand years is only the bottom line of Li Fuchen. In his opinion, it basically takes less than a thousand years.

Li Fuchen did not accelerate time and space for other people. Even if it was Yan Qingwu, her lifespan was only a few million years. If Li Fuchen accelerated the opponent with all his strength, it would be enough to accelerate to thousands of times and thousands of times. As a result, a thousand years from the outside world, she is equal to the past one million years and several million years.

After the other party becomes a heavenly monarch, it will not be too late to accelerate her time and space.

“It’s time to get the sword.”

Li Fuchen looked forward to what the Yuanji sword embryo looks like.


Red Sword City, Red Sword Villa.

The Scarlet Fire Sword Ancestor has not yet come out. He has been in the Sword-forging Hall for more than 980 years. During these 980-odd years, the red light of the Sword-forging Hall has leaked out, and the high temperature is pressing. Never stopped.

“Everything and everything has a unique power, and so is the **** gold. As the top ten **** gold in the universe, it is not an easy task to deal with the power in the chaos bronze mother. It is not easy to deal with it. , It is easy to damage the power source of Chaos Copper Mother.”

To create a sword embryo is not to create a shape. If you just create a shape, Li Fuchen can do it himself, wherever he needs the Red Fire Sword Ancestor.

Li Fuchen didn’t wait long. Three years later, the Scarlet Fire Sword Ancestor came out.

“Haha, fortunately, your sword embryo is ready.”

The ancestor of the Scarlet Fire Sword flew towards Li Fuchen with the bronze sword embryo in his hand.

“It’s heavy.”

Li Fuchen only felt his hands sink when he took the embryo of the sword.

It seems that this is not a sword embryo, but hundreds of stars.

Spirit consciousness invaded the sword embryo, and Li Fuchen discovered the power source of the sword embryo inside the sword embryo.

“It’s a powerful source of power, and it’s a source of chaotic power without attributes.”

On the basis of the strength of the source of strength, the sword embryo is no less inferior to an emperor, and he is an emperor who has mastered the chaos.

The ancestor of the Red Fire Sword said: “The power of chaos can be perfectly transformed into any form of power. This is also the main reason why the chaos bronze mother is one of the top ten gods. In addition, you have given enough chaos bronze mothers. Therefore, the origin of the formed strength is also strong enough. It is not an exaggeration to say that even if the sword pattern is not injected, this sword embryo already has the power of the second-order supreme sword. Look now, your sword pattern can hold the sword embryo. To what extent is the power of yours increased.”

The power source of the sword embryo is equivalent to the power of the emperor, and the sword pattern is equivalent to the emperor’s ultimate move.

A powerful ultimate move, you can use one point of power to explode ten times a hundred times more damage.

Correspondingly, the powerful sword pattern can increase the power of the sword ten times a hundred times.

“Thank you Red Fire Sword Ancestor.”

Li Fuchen was very satisfied with the Yuanji Sword Embryo, and thanked the Chihuo Sword Ancestor again.

The ancestor of the Scarlet Fire Sword said: “In less than a thousand years, you have advanced from the ninety-ninth to the twelfth emperor list. Only you are worthy of this sword embryo.”

Now Li Fuchen has become one of the symbols of the Swordsman Guild. Before the Scarlet Fire Sword Ancestor had heard that there were many invincible emperors who were greedy for Li Fuchen’s fruit in the world and wanted to unite against Li Fuchen. Now These people should not dare to provoke Li Fuchen, this is the change brought about by strength.

“The Scarlet Fire Sword Ancestor praised it.” Li Fuchen shook his head.

The Scarlet Fire Sword Ancestor seemed to have something to say, but he hesitated whether to speak. Upon seeing this, Li Fuchen said: “Red Fire Sword Ancestor, is there something else?”

After gritting his teeth, the Scarlet Fire Sword Ancestor said: “Emperor Yuanji, I want to ask you one thing, no matter whether this matter is done or not, I will give you three million elder points.” For countless years, the Scarlet Fire Sword The elder points accumulated by the ancestors are still a lot.

Li Fuchen said: “Please speak.”

“I want to ask the Emperor Yuanji to enter the Forbidden Grotto of the Ancient Stone Star Territory. When my granddaughter worshipped Moon Tianjun once in the Forbidden Grotto, she fell into the forbidden curse of the Forbidden Grotto and would go crazy every 100 years. Once, this forbidden curse can only be lifted by the forbidden stone in the forbidden grotto, there is no other way.” Thinking of the tragedy of his granddaughter, Scarlet Fire Sword Ancestor looked sad.

Li Fuchen curiously asked: “Is this Forbidden Grotto very dangerous? Other invincible emperors can’t do it?” With the strength and identity of the Scarlet Fire Sword Ancestor, it should be easy to go either by himself or inviting an invincible emperor to go. , Why should I ask myself specially.

The Scarlet Fire Sword Ancestor shook his head and said: “I went into the Forbidden Grotto. There is a monster in it, called the Forbidden Rock Monkey. Not only is it indestructible, it is also extremely powerful. The three heads can match the invincible emperor. With my ability, one-time It can only deal with ten forbidden stone monkeys, but there are hundreds of forbidden stone monkeys in it. There is no absolute strength, and there is no room to find the forbidden stone.”

He is ranked more than one hundred on the emperor’s list. He can’t do it, so few people do it. It is estimated that only Li Fuchen, the top ten invincible emperor, has some hope.

“This forbidden curse, can the emperor who has not practiced the curse be solved?”

In the universe, there are many emperors, and there must be emperors who practice curses together, and there is a curse of heaven on the deep blue plane. After so many years, maybe they have become emperors just like the immortal emperors.

The Scarlet Fire Sword Ancestor smiled bitterly: “I have found three emperors who majored in cursing one, the strongest of them was a pinnacle emperor, but they were helpless, maybe only the invincible emperor who majored in cursing one. There is hope to untie the taboo curse, but as far as I know, none of the invincible emperors on the emperor list is cursed, but there are so few curses concurrently, which are not enough.”

Li Fuchen nodded, majoring and minoring are two different things. For example, he majored in Yuanji Swordsmanship, reached the peak invincible emperor level, and the time and space of concurrent training was at the ordinary emperor level, and the gap was too big.

“Okay, when I inject the sword pattern into the sword embryo, I will find a chance to go to the Forbidden Grotto.” Three million elder points are still very tempting to him.

The Red Fire Sword Ancestor said: “Emperor Yuanji didn’t know that the forbidden curse would happen once in a hundred years, and when it happened 99 times, it would turn into a monster. Times.”

He is reminding Li Fuchen that there is only about 7,000 years left before his granddaughter turns into a monster, so don’t delay.

Of course, he will not put all the treasure on Li Fuchen. Over a thousand years ago, he had already spent a lot of money to invite two powerful and invincible emperors in the top 50, but there is no news yet, it is not safe. He decided to invite Li Fuchen.

“I see.”

Li Fuchen nodded.

About seven thousand years, it was enough for him. Injecting the sword pattern, normally it should be very fast.

There was no plan to inject sword patterns into Yuanji sword embryos outside. Just in case, Li Fuchen decided to return to the deep blue plane to complete this matter.

What’s more, it’s very convenient to go to the Forbidden Grottoes from the Donglin Continent.

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