Eternal King Chapter 989: Friendly help

In the Dragon Valley, the melee is terrifying.

   In mid-air, the crow screamed incredulously: “Cquack, ugly, ugly…”

  The genius elites and the dragons are killing the sky, but at this moment, an idea suddenly emerges, why not stop and kill this crow first?

   But many geniuses still dare not start with the crow, after all, this is Ji Hongyu‘s spirit pet.

  Ji Hongyu frowned, trying to shut up the crow.

  But he found that the crow’s singing has a greater impact on the Jiaolong group, which can effectively interfere with the state of the Jiaolong group and end the battle as soon as possible.

   So Ji Hongyu endured, at the same time thinking about how to train the ugly bird afterwards.

   “What about cousin?”

  Mei Yanyu suddenly found that Mei Qianzhe hadn’t been seen for a while.

   She looked carefully, but she didn’t even see it.

   “Mei Qianzhe is gone?”

   The female disciple of the surnamed Feng smiled happily.

   Is that useless waste finally dead?

  Mei Yanyu glanced coldly at the female disciple Feng, if Mei Qianzhe really died, she would punish this person.


   In the deep corner of Dragon Valley, Luo Tian concealed breath, and stuffed treasures into the storage ring.

  No one has found him yet.

   The ability of crows to attract attention is too strong, and Luo Tian’s‘s hiding power is also very high.

   “There are a lot of babies in this dragon valley. On weekdays, these dragons are idle, so go out and collect babies everywhere?”

  The treasures are mainly various spiritual ores, Dragon Clan seems to prefer beautiful gems.

  Biyun Mine, Dishengjing, Ghostcracker, etc.

  spirit materials is also available, the number is relatively small.

  Now, Luo Tian has got a dozen samples of spiritual ores. After going out, they can create a top grade or even top grade Saint Artifact.

  True Martial Realm late stage generally uses middle grade Saint Artifact.

  Only Limitless Realm and above can afford the top grade Saint Artifact.


   In the distance, the thunder dragon’s eyes burst into fierce light, and a beam of thunder and lightning erupted, containing a breath of destruction and terrifying power.

  Luo Tian thought he had been found, his hair covered up, ready to run.

   As a result, he saw that Thunder Dragon’s blow was killing the ugly bird.

   “quack, thunder, thunder, thunder!”

   The ugly bird shouted in panic and escaped wildly.

   Its fear of lightning is several times stronger than that of rats and cats.

   The crow flapped its wings, thrillingly avoiding the Thunder Dragon’s attack, and suddenly dared not rush into the battle circle, and stopped singing.

   “Come back.”

  Ji Hongyu said to the ugly bird.

  The genius has a great advantage here, killing five dragons. This group of dragons can be solved without the ugly birds singing to interfere with the enemy.


   Everyone is so vigorous.

  As long as you kill this group of dragons, you can divide the many treasures in Dragon Valley.

   This time.

   Jiaolong group suddenly found something was wrong and someone was stealing their baby!

  Jiaolong group is furious!

  When did this human get behind them, a glance at the Jiaolong group would know how many babies were missing, and the eyes were **** red, killing intent monstrous!

  They are going to smash Luo Tian to pieces!

   “Damn, the ugly bird ran away!”

  Luo Tian feels bad.

   But he “deeped into the enemy camp”, no ugly birds attracted attention, the enemies came, and Luo Tian was over.

  Luo Tian is now using the hole card to escape, it is too late, and it is totally worth it.

   Regarding his current harvest in Dragon Valley, the total value is estimated to be close to 20,000 spirit crystals, which is an unimaginable number for True Martial Realm late stage.

   But Luo Tian did not use the hole card to escape.

   “What’s the matter with these dragons? How did they run back?”

   “They know that they are not our opponents and plan to withdraw.”

   “You can’t let them escape with treasure, kill, kill!”

  Many genius martial artists are in high spirits, chasing after the victory.

  Jiaolong group will be handed over to this group of human martial artist, which is very fatal. Suddenly the dragon group suffered heavy damage and directly fell two dragons.

   seeing this scene, Luo Tian didn’t use the hole card.

  The violent attack of many geniuses martial artist brought a deadly threat to the Jiaolong group and eased the status quo of Luo Tian’s.

  Luo Tian decided to take some risks and stay here to search for baby.

   “Yin Ice Thunder Cover!”

  Luo Tian urges Supreme Yin Ice and Lightning Body, and displays defensive secret skills, condensing the one layer ice and lightning shield.

   Most of the dragons had to fight the geniuses in the rear again because of the threat of the enemy.

   There are two dragons. cultivation base is Half-Step Limitless Realm and launched an attack on Luo Tian.

  Luo Tian has just broken through True Martial Realm late stage, and its strength has improved. It is easier to deal with Half-Step Limitless Realm.

   He trained “Supreme Yin Ice and Lightning Body” to be good at defense, and blocking the attacks of these two dragons is not a problem at all.

  Peng! Punt!

After resisting the attack of two dragons, Luo Tian crouched down and took two pieces of spiritual ores.

   this time.

   Thunder Dragon in the sky stared at Luo Tian, showing strong hostility.

   This Thunder Dragon is True Dragon and cultivation base True Martial Realm in the middle of the day, no one on the scene can hardly resist its blow, unless the life-saving card is used.

   Thunder Dragon didn’t attack directly, fearing that the baby would be destroyed.


   The Thunder Dragon swooped down, the huge dragon claws wrapped around the blue Thunder, and the Luo Tian was torn apart!

   “No, Thunder Dragon rushed down!”

   “It must be desperate with us!”

   “Quickly use the cards, killer!”

   Many geniuses were frightened when they saw the abnormal behavior of Thunder Dragon.

   They are very afraid of Thunder Dragon, even if they have a life-saving bottom card, but if they are caught by surprise, even if they have no time to play, they will be instakill.

   “In front of our Xuanhuang Sect disciples have already used a hole card, this time it is your turn to all means.”

  Ji Hongyu looked at the disciples of Wan Famen, and his eyes fell on the woman named Feng.

   He has an impression of this woman, and he is a little disgusted.

  Feng surnamed woman is very reluctant, why should I?

  But she didn’t dare to offend Ji Hongyu, so she took out a small metal sword, like a sword-shaped dart.

  Feng surnamed woman poured into true essence, urged the metal sword, and threw it out.


   The little sword burst out with an amazing orange glow, exuding sharp kendo will, and charged directly cut a dragon into two halves, and then killed Thunder Dragon!

   This sword is close to Limitless Realm late stage.

   Thunder Dragon instantly sensed the strong crisis and hurried upwards, without completely avoiding it.

   The sword light stabbed the dragon’s tail and nailed it to the rock wall!


   Thunder Dragon roared in shock and shook the Quartet!

   Below, the Luo Tian’s crisis was resolved again.

   He suddenly felt that this group of human geniuses were really friendly and helped Luo Tian resolve the crisis twice.

  Especially this time, it was the female student of the surname Feng who helped Luo Tian.

   This sword will chaos the battlefield, and cut a straight and smooth road, and everyone’s eyes immediately saw the innermost situation.

   They saw the small metal sword and nailed the thunder dragon’s tail to the rock wall.

   also saw many precious spiritual ores.


  Why is there another person?

  How is this possible?

How can anyone be in the depths of    Dragon Valley?

   “Who…Mei Qianzhe?”

  The woman with the surname Feng stared carefully, and immediately screamed in surprise.


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