Eternal King Chapter 976: Get the quota

Xu Can really has no way, he can’t think of any way, he can only kneel down and beg for mercy.

Luo Tian looked at Xu Can who was crying and begging for mercy on the ground, stunned.

I didn’t do too much and actually scared Xu Can like this.

“Then forget it today.”

Luo Tian turned and left.

Xu Can was suddenly reborn and moved to zero.

Luo Tian walked out of Xu Can‘s room and found a middle-age disciple of True Martial Realm. This disciple once laughed at “Duan Mei Qianzhe overestimate one’s capabilities“, even in front of Luo Tian’s.

“This younger brother, I recently practiced a new palm technique. How about we learn from each other?”

Luo Tian active road.


This mid-True Martial Realm disciple raised his eyebrows.

In his opinion, “Mei Qianzhe” is here to strike and warn himself!

But he is not afraid, and even eager to try, defeating Mei Qianzhe, his reputation will increase.

“I broke through the True Martial Realm mid-earlier than Mei Qianzhe, and I have a 50% to 60% chance!”

He secretly said.

The two didn’t talk much nonsense and started to discuss.

The first move, Luo Tian took the advantage and injured the opponent.

The second move, the third move…the tenth move is still the same.

The situation is exactly the same as Xu Can!

After dozens of moves.

This disciple in the middle of True Martial Realm escaped and shouted before leaving: “Mei Qianzhe, we will discuss again next time.”

Luo Tian is very happy.

Ten days later, he beat the disciple again.


Luo Tian has a new target.

Four months.

Luo Tian has “teached” nearly 20 games with their peers, winning undefeated!

The opponent is from weak to strong!

The originally damaged reputation of “Mei Qianzhe” gradually became established.

At first, everyone disdain and think that Mei Qianzhe has no hope. Now their ideas have changed.

The progress of Mei Qianzhe in recent months has been amazing, maybe you can get a place!

In fact, these are all plays performed by Luo Tian, giving the illusion that his strength is rapidly improving!

There is a bedding.

After Luo Tian really won the place, there will not be too many surprises and doubts, especially the senior Purple Sun Sect, they can not make them suspicious.

Another month passed.

Luo Tian announced to the outside world that it has broken through the mid-term peak of True Martial Realm and must get the quota of Half-God Mansion!

He has once again become a popular candidate.

At this time.

In the identity token of Mei Qianzhe, his father Mei Zhenwu summoned and asked Mei Qianzhe to challenge “Jin Zhe“.

Jin Zhe, of the five disciples with places, is he the weakest?”

Luo Tian is thoughtful, not thinking too much.

After three days.

Luo Tian walked into the residence of Jin Zhe and challenged: “Senior Brother Jin, I want your place!”

“Oh, you can take it if you have the ability.”

Jin Zhe laughed.

The two came out and started to discuss outside the open space. A dozen disciples testified nearby.

Luo Tian directly takes out the palm technique that has been practiced recently, and will not use other martial skill(s).


A blue and bright palm light, rolling out the cold wind.

The first move, Luo Tian is restrained. He doesn’t want to be too brilliant.

He has already considered how to win this battle.

It must be difficult to fight, keep dragging on, and finally win.


Jin Zhe cut out a black and red intertwined blade of light, collided with Luo Tian’s palm technique, and both annihilated.

The first move, the two sides are evenly matched!

Luo Tian is a little surprised.

What’s going on.

Jin Zhe has the quota, the strength should be the top among Outer Sect disciples, it can’t be so weak.

Luo Tian is restrained, but deliberately keeps his hand, but plays a tie.

Ding Peng!

Luo Tian and Jin Zhe are fighting again.

Luo Tian reduced the attack power again this time.

However, what made him dumbfounded was that the attack power of Jin Zhe also weakened.

“Um? It doesn’t feel right.”

The viewers around me speak out.

I thought it would be a fierce duel. Although the expressions of Luo Tian and Jin Zhe looked vivid, they felt a little boring in the battle.

Fighting, the fighting power is getting smaller and smaller, as if playing.

“What’s wrong with this guy? So weak? It seems to be pretending to be intentional?”

Luo Tian is depressed.

And this time.

Jin Zhe transmitted voice to Luo Tian: “I said Junior Brother Mei, you want to get the quota at this level?”

“I promised your father that I deliberately put water to let you win, but I put so much water and I can’t put it down anymore… It won’t work, I will return the money to your father.”

Jin Zhe shook his head again and again, Mei Qianzhe was too weak, he could not perform anymore.

A disciple has seen around him that he has a deal with Mei Qianzhe.

Hey, what a shame.


Luo Tian‘s mouth twitched, and he finally understood.

Three days ago, the token of Mei Qianzhe received a message from Mei Zhenwu, which made Mei Qianzhe challenge Jin Zhe.

Luo Tian didn’t think much at the time.

It turns out there is an inside story.

It was Mei Zhenwu who paid the money, and Jin Zhe deliberately gave up the quota to Mei Qianzhe.

In fact.

Mei Zhenwu didn’t want to do this at the beginning, it was expensive, and it was not good to pass.

However, his son Mei Qianzhe has recently worked hard and constantly looking for people to learn and improve his strength.

Mei Zhenwu felt that his son had completely transformed, so he secretly reached an agreement with Jin Zhe and bought this place!

“Brother, watch palm!”

Luo Tian has increased its attack power.

He is completely relieved now, anyway Jin Zhe will accompany him to act and hand over the quota.


The boring and explosive battle just now became intense.

After dozens of moves, Jin Zhe is defeated!

Junior Brother Mei is very strong, my if you agree to bet you must accept to lose, Half-God Mansion quota is yours.”

Jin Zhe left with a sad gesture.

Mei Qianzhe won, he got the quota!”

An Outer Sect disciple exclaimed.

“Idiot, don’t you see it? Jin Zhe was deliberately lost to him.”

“There is a deal behind this.”


The matter spread quickly.

The strength of Mei Qianzhe is not good, but Mei Family has a lot of money, so I bought a quota for Mei Qianzhe!

The movements were so great that they even attracted the attention of the elders.

But the elders didn’t question, and no one in the whole family doubted it.

In their view, this shameless operation is the normal behavior of Mei Qianzhe.

Just like that, Luo Tian got a very high profile quota.

In more than a month, Half-God Mansion is about to open, and Luo Tian can finally calm down and prepare.


At the same time, Mei Family!

“During more than ten months of searching, Luo Tian was still not found, he may have escaped!”

In the hall, an Limitless Realm Martial Venerable bowed down respectfully, with an attitude of On the front chair, a beautiful lady in a dark red robe was lying lazy, she His eyes squinted, giving a chilling light.


Mei Longjiao indifferently said.

After so many years, Sesame has a big role, and he hasn’t caught it yet.

Mei Longjiao is very disappointed with these people, including daughter Mei Yanyu.

Now Mei Yanyu is preparing for Half-God Mansion, otherwise Mei Longjiao will have to scold her well.

“Next time, let me go.”

Mei Longjiao lightly said.

Limitless Realm Martial Venerable below suddenly looked up, surprisedly said: “You… you want to do it yourself?”

Once Mei Longjiao was one of Mei Family‘s most dazzling geniuses. Thirty years ago, she broke through Heaven Connection Realm and became Martial Emperor. Now she is the honorary elder of Wanfamen.

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