Eternal King Chapter 946: Emperor Rank Sword Technique

“If you have any questions about your spiritual practice, you can ask me.” Great Elder(s) Lie Xiongyun said.

Luo Tian knows that it has gained some trust from Great Elder(s).

However, even if he encountered problems in Martial Path practice, he could not easily ask Lie Xiongyun.

After all, the martial skill(s) and exercises learned by Luo Tian are completely different from the original Mei Qianzhe. If the old Lie Xiongyun is found to be wrong, all the recent efforts of Luo Tian will be in vain.

The only thing I can ask is the cultivation of “Nameless Sword Scripture“.

This sword skill is very difficult, and some problems encountered by Luo Tian came straight out.

Embarrassment is that Great Elder(s) Lie Xiongyun is not sword training, and has not practiced “Nameless Sword Scripture“, even if he is Heaven Connection Realm Martial Emperor, it is difficult to give instructions on kendo.

“Problems with swordsmanship cultivation, you can just ask my other disciples. If there is nothing else, you can leave.”

Lie Xiongyun expressionlessly said.

“Master, disciples have a little thing…”

Luo Tian is hesitant, not knowing how to speak.

“Say anything if you have anything.”

“The disciples recently investigated the clues and consumed all the spirit crystals in their hands, making life difficult.”

Luo Tian said with a laugh.

Lie Xiongyun did not respond, what did Luo Tian say?

“Can the Master… borrow a little spirit crystals from the disciple and help the disciple get through the difficulties first? I will let my father send someone to send spirit crystals as soon as possible.”

Luo Tian stubbornly said.

Luo Tian among male disciples and female disciples have borrowed spirit crystals and cannot borrow money frequently.

If you let those disciples who borrowed Luo Tian money know that Luo Tian borrowed money from many people, they will definitely be suspicious.

So in the circle of disciples, Luo Tian will not borrow any more money.

But Luo Tian in the elder circle has not borrowed.

What identity is Lie Xiongyun? There is almost no intersection with the circle of ordinary disciples, which is a good goal.


Lie Xiongyun is speechless.

He feels that his new disciple’s guts are not so great, he actually asked him to borrow money!

To be honest, Lie Xiongyun didn’t want to borrow, and even felt that a disciple who borrowed money from Master was very incompetent.


Luo Tian’s‘s ability to work is very reliable, and it is all to help him, to consume the savings in his hands.

If you have no money, Luo Tian will not be easy to do next.

In addition to the previous Luo Tian questions about cultivation, Lie Xiongyun also failed to answer. The number of his masters seems useless.

“Yes, this is three thousand spirit crystals!”

Lie Xiongyun agreed, the sleeve robe waved, and three thousand spirit crystals appeared on the ground.

He has planned to accept Luo Tian as Official Disciple in a few days. If such behavior spreads, you will also get a reputation for caring for your disciples.

“Thank you Master!”

Luo Tian looked excited and immediately took away spirit crystals.

So far, he has borrowed money on Purple Sun Sect many times, but no one has borrowed more than two thousand.

And Lie Xiongyun borrowed three thousand spirit crystals of Luo Tian all at once, which is really extravagant and unexpected to Luo Tian’s.

“Maybe for Heaven Connection Realm Martial Emperor, three thousand spirit crystals is simply insignificant…”

Luo Tian secret road.

It is indeed the truth. The same number of spirit crystals is different in the eyes of Heaven Connection Realm and True Martial Realm.

Lie Xiongyun is not very clear, how significant this number is for ordinary True Martial Realm.

He just thinks that three thousand spirit crystals should be almost enough for the middle of True Martial Realm, without thinking too much.


Leaving Great Elder(s) mansion, Luo Tian is in a good mood.

“These three thousand spirit crystalss alone are worth the worship of this teacher.”

Luo Tian said with a laugh.

After a while, he found Lie Qian.

Senior Brother Lie, I just borrowed money from Master, and I plan to go to Purple Martial Pavilion to choose a powerful king-level swordsmanship. You are a disciple of Nei Zong, you know a lot of knowledge, can you help me see it?”

Luo Tian smiled at Lie Qian.

His goal is Lie Qian, first contact with Lie Xiongyun, just to dispel the doubts of both.

Lie Xiongyun didn’t expect that the killer didn’t avoid him, but actually approached.

In Lie Qian‘s opinion, the people around Grandpa must be fine.

Not to mention Grandpa also borrowed Luo Tian.

“Little things.”

Lie Qian nodded.

In a little while, Luo Tian has exchanged for a higher-grade sword skill, which is already the sixth.

Senior Brother Lie, are there any suspects recently? I can help you investigate.”

Luo Tian asked.

“No more, the last two suspects, one was executed and the other proved innocent.”

Lie Qian lightly said.

There are fewer and fewer killers, and he gradually relaxes.

“It seems that the methods of Senior Brother Lie and Master’s deterred the killers, they dare not come again.”

Luo Tian compliments.

“Still not careless, these killers are willing to do anything for money.”

“Waiting for the strength of the boy’s strength to exceed the difficulty of the reward task is only considered insurance.”

Lie Qian said with great confidence.

A lot of times, the target of the reward is not resolved for a period of time. As a result, the target cultivation base breaks through, the strength rises, and the difficulty of the task increases, so there are not many killers to manage.

“Are Senior Brother Lie cultivation base breaking through?”

Exploratory inquiry about Luo Tian.

“Not yet. If you want to break through True Martial Realm late stage, it will take at least two or three years.”

Lie Qian shakes his head.

Two or three years is very short for True Martial Realm.

After leaving with Lie Qian, Luo Tian returned to his residence.

“The next step is to prepare for action, and to resolve him before Lie Qian breaks through.”

The Luo Tian looks firm.

It is getting closer and closer to the five years of betting.

If the time is exceeded, Luo Tian will bet or lose even after completing the Silver Rank task.

In addition.

Luo Tian does not intend to continue collecting swordsmanship.

Heavenly Book, deducing my powerful swordsmanship martial skill(s)!”

Luo Tian’s consciousness came to Heavenly Book’s World.

At present, he has collected six king-level high-grade swordsmanship and deduced the high grade swordsmanship, which can reduce many consumptions.

After consuming hundreds of pages of energy, the Heavenly Book deduction is completed and several options are given.

The first one: “Thunder Absolute Sword Technique“, a respected medium-grade swordsmanship, sword like thunder, extinction of all things…

The second kind: “Nine Firmaments Cold Wind Sword“, a superior-grade swordsmanship, the sword is out of the cold wind…

The third kind: “Heavenly Shadow Cold Moon Swords“, Emperor Rank inferior swordsmanship…

The first option, the power of swordsmanship is very strong, but rank is the lowest.

The second solution is very suitable for Luo Tian. It is good in every aspect and has no obvious also has no great advantages.

“The third option is actually Emperor Rank swordsmanship!”

Luo Tian breathing hard.

Even in Purple Sun Sect, disciples Outer Sect can’t get in touch with Emperor Rank martial skill(s) at all, and disciples Neizong have to pay an unbelievable huge price.

In Underworld Cave, a killer organization that wants to acquire Emperor Rank martial skill(s), it is necessary to complete a certain number of ultra-difficult tasks. For the current stage of Luo Tian, it is impossible to complete the death task.

At this moment, Luo Tian can play the Emperor Rank swordsmanship through Heavenly Book.

Although the first two swordsmanship are more compatible with Luo Tian, it is easier to practice.

But Luo Tian cannot resist the temptation of Emperor Rank martial skill(s)!

Heavenly Book, how many pages of energy is needed to develop the training content of “Heavenly Shadow Cold Moon SwordsTrue Martial Realm?”

Luo Tian has predicted that the consumption of this Emperor Rank swordsmanship must be amazing, so it is very interesting to only deduce the training content of True Martial Realm.

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