Eternal King Chapter 922: The first assassination

Luo Tian looked at the huge slate and found the task that the veil woman said.


Luo Tian nodded and agreed.

“Do you need time to prepare? Or leave now?”

The veil woman smiled and asked.


“The younger brother is so eager to perform the task?”

The veil girl chuckled.

Oh! Whoosh!

Without much chat, the two left Killing House in preparation for the task.

The veil girl glanced at Luo Tian slightly, and said inwardly: “Just like a stupid boy, without precautions, he is easily fooled. Blood Drop Blade boss needs such attention?”


Netherworld Inn.


A shadow came to Blood Drop Blade and said: “boss, Luo Tian and Blood Fox are going to perform the mission together.”

“It became so soon?”

Blood Drop Blade was surprised.

He just urged Blood Fox to hook up Luo Tian, perform tasks together, and killed Luo Tian.

But Blood Drop Blade did not expect much.

It turned out that it became so fast.

“It seems that I overestimate Night Wind and overestimate this kid too. It is estimated to be a lecher, so easy to hook.”

Blood Drop Blade sneered.

But that’s fine. He will soon see a scene of Night Wind apologizing and abandoning his arms.

After half a month.

Night Wind exits.

Blood Drop Blade‘s verbal skills are very poor, but he is strong and insidious. I have to tell Luo Tian to be careful about Blood Drop Blade secretly making trips.”

Night Wind underpass.

If it is just a Demon Shadow Ore bet, Blood Drop Blade will not play tricks at the beginning.

But Luo Tian also asked for a bet of three thousand spirit crystals, making this bet a “big bet”, Blood Drop Blade will definitely take it seriously in order to guarantee foolproof.

Night Wind soon discovered that Luo Tian was not there, and learned that he was out to take the task.

“Damn, this kid is so daring. He didn’t ask me for the first time on a mission.”

Night Wind is rather speechless.

Night Wind, Luo Tian seems to go out with Blood Drop Blade‘s younger brother.”

A killer suddenly said, with a smile on his lips, he seemed to be gloating.


Night Wind is ignorant!

Luo Tian is too silly, just drop into the pit.

“What task is he going to perform?”

Night Wind decided to waste time and went for a trip in person, absolutely not let Luo Tian have an accident.

Night Wind you forgot, the task the killer accepts is confidential.”

“Ten spirit crystals!”

Night Wind expressionlessly said.

Once the killer accepts the mission, it is indeed confidential.

But there are so many killers in Killing House. When Luo Tian took over the task, many killers saw it.

“You are too stingy, one hundred!”


After some bargaining, Night Wind took out fifty spirit crystals and learned about the Luo Tian’s mission.


Over the mountain forest, Luo Tian and the veil girl flew quickly.

“My name is Blood Fox, I don’t know what you call it?”

The Veil Girl Blood Fox asked.

God Luo!” said Luo Tian.

Blood Fox froze.

God Luo?

In the name of Luo Tian’s, the word “God” is actually included, which is too bold!

“Such a stupid and ignorant person, it is impossible to become an Silver Rank killer in five years, and boss cannot lose.”

Blood Fox secretly said.

However, if she can solve Luo Tian in advance, she can get the reward of Blood Drop Blade, so she is very happy to send Luo Tian to the road.

“The task is solved first, and then maybe the power of this kid will be used.”

Blood Fox decided to wait first.

Once the mission is accepted, if it fails, there will be punishment, and even affect the assessment of the Silver Rank killer promotion.

There are too many failed tasks, and you may never be able to advance to the next level.

After three months.

The two arrived in a prosperous city, slightly smaller than Peak Pool City where Luo Tian had been.


The two paid a certain fee and mixed into the city.

“Before the assassination, you must make sufficient preparations, first inquire about the information of Heavy Sea Chamber of Commerce and the assassination target, make an assassination plan, and then take action!”

Blood Fox vs. Luo Tian.


Luo Tian nodded.

For the first mission, it’s okay to follow Blood Fox first.

Then the two were walking around the city and asked for relevant news.

Heavy Sea Chamber of Commerce ranks among the top five in many chambers of commerce here. The assassination target Second Elder is in the middle of True Martial Realm. Luo Tian and Blood Fox join forces to kill this person.

But there are more than 30 strong True Martial Realm in Heavy Sea Chamber of Commerce, and the president is True Martial Realm late stage!

Once surrounded, or encountering the president of the chamber of commerce, it will be a dead end.


It is the three elders of the Chamber of Commerce who issued the assassination mission.

Five days later.

Luo Tian and Blood Fox met.

Blood Fox stared at Luo Tian, the greedy color flashed away.

During this time, when she was investigating Heavy Sea Chamber of Commerce intelligence, she accidentally learned of the Luo Tian’s wanted reward.

Most of the killers of Underworld Cave are wanted, which is normal.

But the initial peak of True Martial Realm in Luo Tian, the reward amount is 5,000 spirit crystals, which is 50 million Spirit Essence Coin, which is too high!

This huge amount of wealth even makes Blood Fox want to give up the task and kill Luo Tian directly.

The punishment for mission failure is really nothing compared to five thousand spirit crystals.

Luo Tian also knows about his reward.

“Is Heavenly Cold Mine increasing its reward, or are there other Mei Family executives involved?”

Luo Tian feels that the latter is more likely.

As a result, his situation is even more dangerous, he must improve the strength of cultivation base as soon as possible.

It is necessary to become a Silver Rank killer within five years. If you win, you will have three thousand spirit crystals.

“The Second Elder of Heavy Sea Chamber of Commerce will go to ‘World Casino’ every once in a while, and we will definitely not bring too many people. We stab on the road and evacuate after we succeed.”

Blood Fox vs. Luo Tian.

She also wanted Luo Tian to take risks and kill Luo Tian.

But now, Blood Fox feels that she wants to protect the vault of Luo Tian, and after solving the task, she will personally kill Luo Tian.


Luo Tian nodded in agreement.

The following days, the two ambushed on the only way to Heavy Sea Chamber of Commerce leading to World Casino.

Ten days later.

The target appeared!

Blood Fox observed in the dark and concluded: “Well? The target is with two high-level weapons Refinement Store, three True Martial Realm, assassination difficulty increased!”

The two top executives together with Heavy Sea Chamber of Commerce Second Elder, cultivation base are just the pinnacle of the initial stage of True Martial Realm. If the three join forces, they can completely resist Luo Tian and Blood Fox.

When the time delays, reinforcements will arrive.

Do you want to give up or continue?

“Wait for other opportunities.”

Blood Fox flinched.

If you can’t do it, you will give up, and it will be a big profit to solve Luo Tian.

“I have a way!”

Luo Tian said to Blood Fox.

“What way?”

“I enter World Casino, and will bring Second Elder out Tian.


Blood Fox immediately denies.

The Luo Tian’s method is too dangerous, and the contact of strangers can easily make Second Elder vigilant.

She would rather give up the task and solve Luo Tian alone, rather than let Luo Tian go into danger.

“Relax, I’m sure.”

Luo Tian went out.

His face and bones shifted slightly, changing his appearance, and he looked very uncoordinated and even ugly.


Luo Tian approached World Casino.

Blood Fox was too late to stop Luo Tian and was secretly anxious.

At the same time she is a little curious, what is the solution for Luo Tian? Can the Second Elder of Heavy Sea Chamber of Commerce be led out separately?

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