Eternal King Chapter 91: 1 Jian Langjun

   in the jungle.

   Nearly ten Silver Students, surrounded the escaped Azure Wind Wolf.

   With this lineup, even though Azure Wind Wolf is comparable to Vein-Opening 8th layer, it is famous for its speed and it is hard to escape.

   “Everyone compares, whoever kills this wolf first, and who wins the battle.”

  A Silver Student suggested.


  This statement won the unanimous approval of all students.

  嗖! Whoosh! Whoosh!

  Several students who are good at movement technique shuttle through the jungle at an amazing speed.

   this one.

   With that charming girl of Vein-Opening 8th layer, movement technique is the fastest and is at the forefront of the team.

   Luo Tian and Nangong Yu, at a glance, there is a contest in the eyes.


  The two of them turned into afterimages, flew through the trees and traversed the forest, with a speed faster than most Silver Student, second only to the charming girls.

   “I won’t lose here.”

  Luo Tian looks confident.

  嗖! Pedal!

  He cast “Cloud Travel Step“, his figure fluttered like a feather, moving in the jungle, constantly leaping with strength, and his advantage was getting bigger and bigger.

   to the end.

   He not only stabilized Nangong Yu, but also slightly better than the charming girl.

   “That kid’s movement technique speed…”

   The charming girl was surprised. She didn’t expect Luo Tian to have such a mysterious movement technique, especially good at borrowing.


  She took the lead and caught up with Azure Wind Wolf.

  Luo Tian went around from the other side and did not rush forward to fight.

   That Azure Wind Wolf is good at speed, and also very flexible in the jungle. It is not so easy to kill quickly.

   after a while.

  Nearly ten Silver Students were present, presenting an encircling circle, limiting Azure Wind Wolf to within a hundred meters.

   poo poo!

  Azure Wind Wolf was trapped in the encircling circle of many people, and suffered many injuries.


   This wolf is very cunning and flexible. With the help of forest cover, he keeps moving and has been looking for opportunities to escape.


  Azure Wind Wolf found that there was a gap somewhere in the encircling circle, and the youth standing was the weakest, only Vein-Opening six heavy cultivation base.

   this boy is naturally Luo Tian.

   He deliberately exposed a gap to lure Azure Wind Wolf to be fooled.


  Azure Wind Wolf growled, turned into a blue shadow, and flew past.

   “Luo Tian! This wolf is very cunning, don’t let him run away.”

   The charming girl grunted.

  She doesn’t believe that Luo Tian can kill Azure Wind Wolf, just don’t let it run.


   Seeing the blue wind leopard, rushed to Luo Tian.

   “Come well!”

  Luo Tian saw no one within twenty meters of the circle, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

   this moment.

  The “Monster Emperor’s bone” of the Heavenly Book seal is slightly loosened, releasing a faint whiff of a demon emperor.

  Luo Tian immediately urges Good Fortune Secret Art, spiritual power to consume, store that breath, and perform the technique of simulation.


  Luo Tian exudes a horrible breath of ancient demon emperors sweeping the world.


   killed the nearest Azure Wind Wolf, his body stiffened, and his eyes showed fear, as if he saw a majestic and ancient immortal demon emperor, with the instinctive trembling deep in his bloodline.


The [Wind and Snow Sword] in Luo Tian’s hands turns into an Star Mark cold electricity and pierces the abdomen of Azure Wind Wolf.

The whole process of    is only half a breath.

  Even if you are a caring person, you can only see that Azure Wind Wolf pauses a little, revealing flaws, and is slayed by Luo Tian.

   “What’s going on!”

   “Azure Wind Wolf was actually killed by Luo Tian?”

The presence of Silver Student in    showed surprise and anger.

   The speed and flexibility of the Azure Wind Wolf is far beyond the same level, and escapes with the help of the jungle environment.

  Everyone spent so much energy, but none of them succeeded.

How did    get in front of Luo Tian and kill it with a sword?

   “Everyone, this demon core is owned by this Luo.”

  Luo Tian haha, ecstatic.

   Just a moment ago, he simulated the breath of the demon emperor and directly made the Azure Wind Wolf of Vein-Opening 8th layer lose its resistance.

   inferred from this.

   Even if it is the Vein-Opening nine heavy monster beast, it is difficult to have resistance.

   I just don’t know.

  The effect of this simulated demon emperor’s breath on the Spirit Rank monster.

   “Huh! Let this boy pick a cheap one.”

  The purple-haired boy grumbled coldly.

   “Did you see that, there are three inscription flashes in the sword in Luo Tian‘s hand”

The charming girl is very attentive, staring at [Wind and Snow Sword] in the hands of Luo Tian.

   “It turned out to be a top-notch treasure! It has accelerated inscription. His sword just now was so fast. In addition, Azure Wind Wolf was injured and lacked strength, and was killed by his sword.”

  Purple-haired teenager jealous of unwillingly said.

   top-quality treasures, worth more than three hundred Spirit Essence Coin, a big number for Silver Student!

   “Let him win again.”

  Nangong Yu is a little bit unwilling, he practiced “Heavenly Astral Extreme Essence Art“, he would ban half of the power on weekdays.

  After a while.

  Public Silver Student, and gathered in front of Yue Jing and Liu Ziyan.

   learned that Luo Tian killed Azure Wind Wolf, the two gold gangsters didn’t care about it, they should just be lucky.


   In the next half day, Luo Tian’s‘s terrible record made the members of the two teams shocked and hated.

  Since a sword killed Azure Wind Wolf.

   Since then, all monsters hit by Luo Tian, without exception, were all killed by a sword.

   never missed!

   What makes people most resentful is that Luo Tian basically does not independently kill monsters, and chooses monsters that others fight or chase to start.

   a moment.

  A monster beast close to Vein-Opening Nine Heavy was killed by Yue Jing and ran away.


  Luo Tian came out abruptly, and the breath of the demon emperor was released at close range.


   The monster that is close to the Vein-Opening Nine Heavy has an inexplicable stiff body.


   A Star Mark cold-powered sword light kills this monster with a sword, neatly.

   “Luo Tian! You…”

  Yue Jing complexion sank, the nameless fire ignited, and his body exudes powerful might.

   “Haha! How can Senior Xue Yue fail, should he deliberately give me the demon beast’s fighting skills?”

  Luo Tian is not in a hurry and laughs.

  Yue Jing‘s voice was sluggish, his face was somber, and his heart was angry.

  He is a big brother of Gold District, how can he admit that Luo Tian has robbed the monster because of his miss?

Not to mention   .

  The team said in advance, whoever killed the monster, who will be the hero. If it is a joint killing, the person who finally kills the monster will also account for the big head.

  Luo Tian kills the monster with such a simple sword.

  Yue Jing has a face, self-deprecating identity, to divide the little merit of the little head?

   The whole day has passed.

  The two teams fell into a strange atmosphere.


   Two teams nearly 40% of the achievements were snatched by Luo Tian alone.

  You need to know.

  The two teams, including the two largest Gold Student, have a total of eleven people.

   nearly 40% of the achievements were robbed by Luo Tian alone.

  What a terrible thing is this?


   The facts are in front of you.

  Luo Tian is so evil, movement technique is clever, the gods are out of the ghost, and the sword is amazingly fast!

  The monsters that he was watching were all killed with a sword.


  Luo Tian not only grabs the monsters of Silver Even the monsters chased by the gold boss dare to grab.

   so much.

   As long as Luo Tian shows up, students in the vicinity must be alert and hostile.

   “Be careful! “Yijian Langjun” is coming!”

  One man, one woman, two Silver Student, are fighting together to kill a monster of Vein-Opening 8th layer, see Luo Tian, suddenly face alert and alert.

  One sword Langjun?

   Hearing this title, Luo Tian had a toothache.

   It turns out.

  Luo Tian The evil gate ability of a sword robbing monsters left a shadow on everyone, so he took off this nickname.

  One sword Langjun, sounds domineering.

   is actually “a cheap man.”

The students in the team, including the gold boss, hated Luo Tian.

   Other people must kill monsters, there must be a process, fighting, circling, chasing and fleeing, or even letting the monsters escape.


  Luo Tian is always a sword lore, and never misses, letting the people in the team hate their teeth.

   This is a terrific job, it is too cheap!

   But someone else can’t learn.

   Seeing it.

  Luo Tian made the two teams panic-stricken and resentful.

  Yue Jing‘s face sank, and the internal fire quickly suffocated; Liu Ziyan‘s face was cold and frosted, silent.

   Yue Jing‘s team is okay, they are all his own.

  Liu Ziyan team, several Silver Student shouted, to be separated from the Luo Tian team.

  Yue Jing and Liu Ziyan also thought about stopping Luo Tian’s.


   In the beast tide, what is the reason to stop a passionate young man who is desperate to kill a demon?

  Luo Tian has such a splendid record. The efficient “One Sword” kills the demon and puts it in the eyes of the instructor. I am afraid it will be set as a model.

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