Eternal King Chapter 908: Purple Sun Sect

   half a day later.

  Heavenly Cold Mine.

  hunting down the Luo Tian’s team is back and bringing back several bodies.

   “Catch it back?”

  Mei Qianzhe.

   is it wrong? There are a lot of bodies.

   “Sir, the subordinates are incompetent, let Luo Tian escape!”

  The old man in black knelt down.

  He is a strong Limitless Realm, leading the team to hunt, but let Luo Tian escape.

   Even the old man in black feels humiliated and feels ashamed.

   “Run away?”

  Mei Qianzhe was dumbfounded.

  He is also ready to ask why Luo Tian betrayed himself.

   He fixed his gaze on the bodies and was the guard of the back door of the mine.

  Luo Tian‘s escape time is very short, how did he kill the chase guard in such a short time, and escape the tracking of the old man in black?

   The seniors present looked at the bodies, and they were also thinking about this issue, which was incredible.

  A foreigner, actually has this ability?

   “I didn’t catch anyone, do you have a face back?”

  Middle-aged golden armor looks cold!

   His mine will never allow this kind of thing, otherwise there will only be more and more escapers in the future.

   And this incident happened exactly when Mei Yanyu came and was returned to the family. What other face did he have?

   “Use all my strength to capture the two people who fled, otherwise everyone will be punished!”

  Jinjia middle-aged cold drink!

   Everyone in the hall looked panicked and left in a hurry.

  Mei Qianzhe felt his father’s anger and left in a pretense manner.


  Jin Jia middle-aged suddenly shouted.

  Mei Qianzhe froze in place, and dared not take a step forward.

   “You are also responsible for this incident. According to the previous rules, your father should be fined you for three years!”

  Jinjia Middle-aged Road.

   “Father, I was wrong!”

  Mei Qianzhe immediately knelt down and begged for mercy.

   This Heavenly Cold Mine is very boring, and there are few women. If he stays here for three years, he will be crazy.

   “After half a year, “Purple Sun Sect” will recruit disciples nearby. You need to enter the previous three grades to enter it, and you will not be held responsible for your father!”

  Jin Jia middle-aged Shen Sheng said!

   “Father rest assured that his son will not let you down.”

  Mei Qianzhe gritted teeth.

After Mei Qianzhe left, he was relieved.

   “Purple Sun Sect? My father looked down on me too much. The first three are not difficult for me…”

  Mei Qianzhe cold hum.

The sect power of the    human race is divided into three steps.

   The first staircase is the gathering place of the two major “divine sect / gate” human race geniuses.

60% of the big names in    people are from Two Great Divine Sects.

  Mei Yanyu is a disciple of the “Wan Fa Men”, and the original goal of Mei Qianzhe is also the Wan Fa Men.

   The second step is Six Great Sects, Purple Sun Sect is one of them.

  Mei Family is also one of the Ten Great Imperial Families. Mei Qianzhe didn’t think Purple Sun Sect was so great.

   inside the hall.

  Middle-aged Jin Jia told Mei Yanyu: “The age of Qianzhe is older than you, but his ability is far worse than you.”

After a few words, Mei Yanyu offered to leave.

   “Six Uncles, can there be a portrait of Luo Tian’s?”

When    left, Mei Yanyu asked.

   “What do you want his portrait to do?”

  Jin Jia middle-aged asked back, his face was a little bad, should Mei Yanyu intervene in this matter?

   This is a matter of his mine, he hopes to solve it by himself.

   “Look!” Mei Yanyu didn’t explain much.

   in a while.

   took a portrait he had just drawn and handed it to Mei Yanyu.

  Mei Yanyu stared at the man in the portrait, his mouth raised.

   “Thank you Sixth Uncle, Yanyu said goodbye.”

  Mei Yanyu returned the portrait and left quickly.


  嗖! Whoosh!

   Luo Tian and Teng Yuanxing are still on their way, away from Heavenly Cold Mine.

  After all, Luo Tian escaped, betrayed Mei Qianzhe, and exploded the mine. Mei Family would not let them go easily.


  Teng Yuanxing is like a walking dead.

  He was really incomprehensible. Luo Tian had a good life, but actually blew up the mine and escaped.

  Is this sick?

   just came to Divine Territory Continent and offended one of Ten Great Imperial Families!

   But Teng Yuanxing thought about it, Luo Tian didn’t seem to have reached Shattered Ring, and offended Sea Demon Palace of Three Great Overlord Rank Influences.

   “We cannot escape, Mei Family is one of Ten Great Imperial Families, the energy is huge…”

  Teng Yuanxing sighed.

  On the two of them, how can they compete with Mei Family?

   “Then you go back.” Luo Tian said.


  Teng Yuanxing is speechless and wants to swear, but still chooses to shut up.

  Luo Tian didn’t take Teng Yuanxing seriously.

  In the eyes of today’s Mei Family, the two of them are as trivial as ants, and at most Heavenly Cold Mine launched a hunt for them.

   Two months later.

  Luo Tian and Teng Yuanxing came to a prosperous city.

After entering, Luo Tian learned that this is a Martial Town!

   rules are similar to Martial Town Spirit Temple, and Martial Town of Eastern Chen Continent, and belong to neutral forces.

  Of course.

  The scale of this Martial Town is dozens of times larger than that of Martial Town of Eastern Chen Continent!

   “Temporarily settled here.” Luo Tian said.

  At Heavenly Cold Mine, he had a certain understanding of the entire human race, but not much, and little understanding outside the human race.

   The supervisor didn’t know much. He spent half of his life in the mine and never left the human forces.

   believe that this Martial Town will allow Luo Tian to have a clearer understanding of the entire Divine Territory Continent.

   did not take a few steps.

  Luo Tian will see the most striking position directly in front of it, there is a solemn palace.

  People walked in and out again.

  Luo Tian was a little curious and walked in and looked at it.

In the palace, a 100-meter-high statue is enshrined.

   It was a woman with soft facial features and all over the country, but when she stared away, she felt the supreme majesty, as if she saw the Holy Light scattered and surrounded by auspicious clouds.

  Luo Tian suddenly felt awe, lowered his head unconsciously and wanted to bow down.

   “This is…”

  Luo Tian woke up suddenly and was amazed.

  Look at his side, Teng Yuanxing has kneeled down with respect, and thumped three heads.

   “She could just be…Moonlight God!”

  Luo Tian secretly said.

   He heard the supervisor say that there are two supreme Spiritual God human beings, and Moonlight God is one of the goddesses!

   After hearing about the dedication of Spiritual, you can be blessed, Hong Fu Qi Tian, ​​Wu Yun is unobstructed.

  At this moment, many martial artists that entered the temple one after another were bowing down to worship, and even Luo Tian also saw an Limitless Realm Martial Venerable and also bowed prayerfully!

  Luo Tian and Teng Yuanxing soon left and lived in a restaurant.


  Luo Tian is eating and drinking in the restaurant, listening to the discussion of many martial artist around, and getting information.

   Most of the information is about the human race, and occasionally you can hear things outside the human race.

   “I heard that, Purple Sun Sect of Six Great Sects will recruit students nearby in four months!”

   “Really? This is one of Six Great Sects.”

  ”Purple Sun Sect places, I will reserve one first!”


   In recent days, almost all discussions about Purple Sun Sect.

  ”Purple Sun Sect?”

  Luo Tian whispered.

  He came to Divine Territory Continent to seek opportunities and improve his strength!

   Loose Cultivator martial artist is definitely better to join the sect forces.

   And Luo Tian was also hunted down by Mei Family people. If he can join Purple Sun Sect, he will get some protection.


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