Eternal King Chapter 905: Top 10 Emperor Clan

   the next day.

  When Teng Yuanxing got up to work, he found that the Luo Tian next door was not there.

   “I heard that Luo Tian was reported, has he been executed?”

  Teng Yuanxing guess.

   came to work.

  Teng Yuanxing still did not find Luo Tian, he is almost certain now that Luo Tian suffered an accident.

   he was overjoyed!

  This demon destroyed Sea Demon Palace, and brought himself to Divine Territory Continent, and was finally retaliated.

   “Being out of the control of this demon, I only need to survive… One day, my Teng Yuanxing will break out of the world in Divine Territory Continent and become a man!”

  Teng Yuanxing‘s inner rhetoric.

   At this moment, Teng Yuanxing heard the sound of Luo Tian’s, he even thought he had hallucinations!

   looked back.

  Luo Tian is talking and laughing with the supervisor.

   “This… how is it possible? He wasn’t dead? Did he stump to the supervisor?”

  Teng Yuanxing dumbfounded.

  He came here for a period of time. The supervisors here are very self-confident. Some people sent a kind gift to please. The supervisors accepted the gifts, but they did not put people in the eyes.

How did   Luo Tian get stuck?

   “Brother Li, I am new to Divine Territory Continent, please tell me about the situation here.”

  Luo Tian does not shy away from inquiries.

   “No problem, everything I know tells Brother Luo.”

   “This Divine Territory Continent is vast and vast. If True Martial Realm‘s cultivation base is used to cross the continent, hehe, I am afraid it will not be possible for hundreds of years.”

   “Of course, most True Martial Realms don’t have this ability, Divine Territory Continent Myriad Clans is lined up, and they rush into other people’s forces, and they may never come out again…”

  The supervisors talked a lot and talked a lot about Luo Tian.

   This job is boring, and finally there is someone to talk with, he knows everything.

   What’s more, Luo Tian‘s current status is higher than that of the general supervisor, he also wants to stifle Luo Tian.

   “How powerful is the human race? How strong is Mei Family?” Luo Tian then asked.

   “The human race is very powerful, but compared to the entire Divine Territory Continent, it is very small…”

   “Speaking of Mei Family, this is a super family. Generally, outsiders have worked for five years. Even if they stay, it is extremely difficult to really integrate into Mei Family.”

   “Brother Luo is now under Young Master Mei. Among the many outsiders I have seen, you are the luckiest one…”

  Supervisors envy.

   He, a native, has no such opportunity as Luo Tian.

   Next Luo Tian learned.

  Mei Family is extremely strong among the human forces, and is one of “Ten Great Imperial Families“!

On top of True Martial Realm, it is Limitless Realm Martial Venerable, and above it is “Heaven Connection Realm Martial Emperor“!

  Pale Ring, except Luo Xiao, there should be no other Martial Emperor.

  Storm Ring, according to Luo Tian’s, there are not many forces with Martial Emperor.

   but Divine Territory Continent.

   Martial Emperor has a lot of family power.

   Among the top ten strongest family forces, collectively referred to as Ten Great Imperial Families!

   “So strong?” Luo Tian was surprised.

   “I happen to have a strong name of Luo Family in the Divine Territory Continent family, just surnamed Luo?”

  Luo Tian quipped.

   “There is Luo Family, and it is also one of the forces of the Emperor Rank family. It is far worse than Mei Family. And Luo Family is in conflict with Mei Family, Brother Luo is best not to have any relationship with Luo Family.”

  Supervisor seriously said.

  Luo Tian was expressionless, but his heart sank.

   He is almost certain that Mei Family is his father’s enemy.

   And he accidentally hit the site of the Chou family by mistake, if he is found, he will definitely die.

  Luo Tian suddenly decided to leave!

   “Are there any gods in the human race?”

  Luo Tian asked for other information.

  So far, he has only heard of “God” in the legend, and the legend itself is unknown.

  For God, Luo Tian is curious, yearning and admiring.

   “Nature, Divine Territory Continent, is the territory of various Gods.”

   “Without the protection of Spiritual God, no racial forces can stand on Divine Territory Continent, either be expelled or annexed…”

   The look of the supervisor is solemn.

  Teng Yuanxing looked back from time to time, watching Luo Tian not working, talking with the supervisor, and it was very unpleasant.

  And he feels that the supervisor’s attitude towards Luo Tian’s even has a flattering meaning.

  What’s going on?


   Dropped very quick rubble over his head, hitting Teng Yuanxing on his head.

   followed immediately.


   There was a loud noise in front of me, and the terrifying cold waves rolled out.

   “Not good, something happened!”

   “Quick withdrawal!”

   The supervisor changed his face, shouted a few words, and quickly fled.

  Luo Tian followed the supervisor and escaped from the cave.

  Teng Yuanxing escaped, his chest undulated violently, and he was almost buried just now.

   “Unfortunately, the probability of Heavenly Cold Mine accidents is very low. I have encountered them all, and this month’s salary will be reduced again.”

  The supervisor scolded.

   Swish swish!

   in all directions, many figures came one after another.

  Luo Tian even saw two Martial Venerables. The old man in black who caught Luo Tian was among them.

   A group of people are busy, checking the casualties, determining the cause of the collapse, etc.

   “Let’s go.”

  Luo Tian shouted to Teng Yuanxing.

   “Workable…” Teng Yuanxing is hesitant.

  ”Brother Luo let you go, you go quickly.”

   Supervisor scolded.

  Teng Yuanxing realized that Luo Tian’s status seems to be above this supervisor!

  Bring Teng Yuanxing to his residence, Luo Tian said: “From now on, you are my servant, remember to clean regularly.”


  Teng Yuanxing has anger in his heart.

  He’s genius Sea Demon Palace genius, actually reduced to the point of being a messy man.

   “If you don’t want it, forget it.” Luo Tian said.

  Teng Yuanxing is about to leave, but he suddenly realized that Luo Tian can allocate his work?

  As long as you are a Luo Tian’s servant, you don’t need to mine. In contrast, the former is easier and more comfortable!

   And Luo Tian can assign his work, proving that his status is not simple. Even the supervisors have been stammering Luo Tian.

   “Sir Luo, although I used to be a genius of Sea Demon Palace, but I was born at ordinary age, I learned to cook as a kid when I was young, or should I start working now?”

  Teng Yuanxing turned around awkwardly, then he took the rag and started to wipe the wall.

  Luo Tian smiled and said nothing.

   “Luo Tian, Young Master Mei is looking for you.”

   At this bodyguard arrived.

   “Well, clean the house.”

Before leaving, Luo Tian ordered a sentence.

   “Young Master Mei? Mei Qianzhe?”

  Teng Yuanxing was shocked.

  Luo Tian actually stumbled into the son of Heavenly Cold Mine master!

   In the following days, Luo Tian is more leisurely. You don’t need to do anything on weekdays and concentrate on practicing.

   In just two months, his cultivation progress is comparable to the two years in Outer World Void!

  At the same time.

   Luo Tian has a general understanding of Divine Territory Continent and human forces.

  He also thought about countermeasures for slipping away.

  ”Implement in one month!”

  Luo Tian makes a decision.

   but suddenly.

  Luo Tian‘s eyes flashed a deep blue light, the eyelids could not help beating, creating an inexplicable sense of crisis.

  Luo Tian looked stunned for a moment, and then looked dignified.

  He became a member of Mei Qianzhe and his status has soared. Who else will be against him?

   “Luo Tian, a big man arrives, Young Master Mei asks you to meet him with him.”

  A bodyguard arrived.


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