Eternal King Chapter 901: Divine Road

  Spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth suddenly thickened, and the surrounding storm was fierce.


   Suddenly a gray tornado several thousand meters ahead appeared, the storm dragged Falcon Ship, and the defensive cover was almost destroyed.

  Luo Tian controlled Falcon Ship to avoid to the left, but after flying not far, an amazing tornado storm appeared on the left.

   Even if True Martial Realm Martial King falls into it, it will be torn into powder instantly!

   “Void Storm, run away!”

  Teng Yuanxing yelled in a panic.

  In these years of coming to Storm Ring, I have also experienced Void Storm twice before, all of which are extremely dangerous, and escape from death.

   And now, the sudden appearance of Void Storm is much more violent than what happened before!

   “It seems that Divine Territory Continent is just ahead!”

  Luo Tian sighed inwardly, his eyes were burning!

When he asked about the news, he also probed Divine Territory Continent.

  The whole Divine Territory Continent surrounds the horrible Void Storm, True Martial Realm Martial King wants to enter Divine Territory Continent, all are dangerous.

   Even Limitless Realm Martial Venerable cannot guarantee foolproof.

  Luo Tian also saw.

   There are Void Ship on the left and right sides. It is difficult to move forward in the chaotic storm. The goal is the same as Luo Tian, all for entering Divine Territory Continent.

   These are things that Teng Yuanxing doesn’t know and can’t see.

   “Divine Territory Continent, it is not so easy to enter, but I must enter!”

  Luo Tian personally controls Falcon Ship and sails in Void Storm.

  Teng Yuanxing looked at the situation around him, and he was terrified, feeling that he would be torn to pieces in the next moment, and there would be no place to bury him.

  But Luo Tian seems to be crazy, not backing off, but heading towards the center of Void Storm.

   “It’s over, it’s over.”

  Teng Yuanxing screamed miserably.

   “Cquack, young boy, worthy of the this God fancy candidate, you can actually get to this point.”

   crow yelled.

  Teng Yuanxing did not expect that the crow was not afraid at all, but was very excited. He felt that this was a problem for the master’s favorite brain.

   the next three days.

  Falcon Ship has always been in Void Storm, in a crisis of death that may be destroyed at any time.

  Teng Yuanxing has been worried.

   But he felt something was wrong.

  Void Storm moves fast and should be able to pass through quickly.

   It’s been three days, and it’s still in Void Storm.

   This time they encountered Void Storm, which is really extraordinary.

   And what makes Teng Yuanxing even more admirable is that Luo Tian persisted in Void Storm for three days without any accidents. This method is simply amazing.


A black shadow appeared on the right side of   . It was an Void Ship, which was heading towards Falcon Ship!


  Teng Yuanxing screamed in horror.

  On the Void Ship that hit the front, a middle-aged blue man at the helm shouted, “Get out!”

   “Fuck things, don’t bother us!”

   There is also a big man roaring.

   “Obviously you are the one who hurts me!”

  Teng Yuanxing is angry.

   Seeing that two Void Ships are about to collide head-on, surrounded by tornadoes, there is no room to dodge.

   At this time, the hull of Falcon Ship tilted upward, and the “wings” on the side of Void Ship crossed the top of the opponent’s Void Ship.

   The tip of the other party’s Void Ship caused a little damage, but it didn’t hurt.

   Two Void Ship staggered past.

   “Hoo, escape!”

  Teng Yuanxing was relieved and admired Luo Tian’s’s imminent danger and superb skills.

   “We actually broke our ship!”

In the Void Ship opposite   , the big man was angry and rebuked.

   But the environment here is special, they dare not come to trouble, and soon disappeared in a gray storm.


  Falcon Ship successively encountered other Void Ship.

   “There are so many Void Ship in Void Storm?”

  Teng Yuanxing is unbelievable, which is completely different from the Void Storm he encountered two times before.

   These Void Ship seem to be in Void Storm, looking for something.

  Luo Tian was also puzzled, but did not care.

   His eyebrows Heavenly Eye cracked, and he used the method of deduction.

  He pushed the show and entered the hope of Divine Territory Continent, and then drove Falcon Ship over.


  Luo Tian arrived at an area where Void Storm was still rampant, but there were many Void Ship wandering nearby.

   One of the golden luxury Void Ship.

   “Grandmaster Dong divination, this time into Divine Territory Continent‘s “Divine Road” will appear near here!”

   “Everyone gets together and must enter Divine Territory Continent without fail!”

The majestic voice came from   Void Ship.

   The whole area of ​​Divine Territory Continent is full of Void Storm, it is very difficult to break into the front.

  Other than that.

   Void Storm outside Divine Territory Continent, every time, there will be some weak areas randomly, which can enter Divine Territory Continent smoothly.

   Over time, these weak areas have been called “Divine Road” by everyone.

   Some of the powerful people went to Divine Territory Continent, almost all of them will be divination and deduction, and then act.

   “On that ship… there are more than ten Martial King!”

  Luo Tian feels a little, and I feel shocked!

   When I first entered Storm Ring, Martial King was not very common. With the deepening, it is now almost everywhere.

  Of course.

   Without True Martial Realm‘s cultivation base, most people don’t dare to venture to Divine Territory Continent.

  But Luo Tian observed that on the luxurious Void Ship, more than ten Martial Kings were not important figures, but a noble and elegant woman in purple clothes.

   is in Void Storm, ordinary people’s vision is not more than 100 meters, but Luo Tian can see the specific image of the purple woman.

   The shocked appearance of celestial being made Luo Tian’s‘s eyes stunned for a moment.

  The woman in purple seems to be aware of the sight from outsiders. She glanced at Luo Tian and then returned her eyes. Her expression was calm and cold, and she didn’t seem to put anything in her eyes.

In the Void Ship around   , all the silhouettes pay close attention to the surroundings. If Divine Road appears, it’s a pity to miss it.

  In addition.

  Many Void Ships are also looking at each other. Perhaps after a while Divine Road appears, everyone becomes a competitor.

   After looking at Luo Tian’s Void Ship, he shook his head in denial.

   “This is a pure layman, didn’t you check the news carefully before you came?”

   “Not at all competitive, maybe destroyed by Void Storm later.”

  Luo Tian is also aware of the cause.

All Void Ships around    are more focused on defense and stability. After all, they are looking for “Divine Road” in Void Storm. Survivability is the key.

   And Luo Tian’s Falcon Ship, this is a short board, more emphasis on speed.

   “It was the ship just now!”

  Not far A faint voice came.

   Not far away, Void Ship, who had just collided with Falcon Ship just now, approached quickly.

  This ship Void Ship has three people, two True Martial Realm and one high-end Heaven Pool Realm.

  After seeing the situation on the Luo Tian ship, the three men showed contempt.

   “Boy, you destroyed our Void Ship just now, and almost let me wait for my death. What do you say about this?”

   A Chinese language is threatening.

   “This brother is definitely not intentional, it is a loss of eight million Spirit Essence Coin.”

  Another middle-aged blue man.

   The two sang one peace, threatening to blackmail Luo Tian.

  Teng Yuanxing was frightened when he heard that he had no savings of less than eight million Spirit Essence Coin.

   “Go away.”

  Luo Tian responded coldly.

   The situation just now is obviously a mistake made by the blue middle-aged and other people, and almost involved Luo Tian.

  If Luo Tian didn’t anticipate the situation in advance, and made countermeasures, otherwise they would be dragged down by these people.

   can also say that Luo Tian saved their lives.

   These people actually have faces to ask for compensation.


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