Eternal King Chapter 9: Fighting beast

   “Within Vein-Opening 3rd layer, who can beat my War BeastIron Thorn Water Bull’, this young master rewards every class martial skill(s).”

  Du Yuncheng stands on the high platform, with an arrogant look on his face.

  The monster beast and War Beast are essentially the same.

   The difference between the two is that one is wild and the other is domesticated.

   The voice fell.


   There was a lot of sensation in the field. Many martial artists were excited and furious.

   “Fan class top grade martial skill(s)? Is this true?”

   “In Qingchang City, only Da Shijia has the top grade martial skill(s), and the scattered flow martial artist is simply not accessible.”

On top of the basic martial arts, is the martial skill(s) practice.

   is Fan level, Spirit Rank, Earth Rank, Heaven Rank, etc., each level is divided into inferior, middle and upper grades.

   Where the top grade is martial skill(s), it is corresponding to Vein-Opening 7th layer or above, and the power can be imagined!

   top grade martial skill(s)?

  Luo Tian is a little bit emotional. He still cultivates basic martial skill(s) in the college. After advanced Vein-Opening, he chooses at most one ordinary middle class martial skill(s).

   Vantage middle class and Vandin top class, these two are very different in power.

   “I’m coming!”

  A 20-year-old commoner entered the Colosseum.

   This clothed man is a stray martial artist, cultivation base is a double peak, more than half of the Gao Xuan and cultivation base encountered by Luo Tian.

   “A’Niu, crush him.”

  Du Yuncheng eyes are full of bloodthirst and excitement.


  War BeastIron Thorn Water Bull“, roaring and roaring, the ground fluttered for a while, killing the common man quickly.

   “When I get to the top grade martial skill(s), it is possible to avenge my father!”

  The common man in war was raging and greeted Iron Thorn Water Bull.


  clothed man escaped the sprint of Iron Thorn Water Bull and smashed it with a punch.

   Masculine fist!

   punched out, true qi hot flow rolling, strong and powerful.


  Iron Thorn Water Bull was hit, the body surface was slightly concave, but there was no obvious scar.

   “Good defense!”

  Clothed man, his face condensed, ready to pull away.


  Iron Thorn Water Bull yelled loudly, huge body, and slammed into the common man.


  The clothed man was rolling in embarrassment, but was stabbed by the “meat thorn” on the back of Iron Thorn Water Bull.

   That War Beast‘s body is like a steel needle.


  The clothed man’s blood screamed in pain and screamed in pain.

   “I admit defeat, I surrender!”

  clothed men fear.

   As he ran, he begged Du Yuncheng for mercy.

  As long as Du Yuncheng commands, Iron Thorn Water Bull will stop attacking.

   “Hum, since you are in the Colosseum, you must abide by the rules here, regardless of life and death.”

  Du Yuncheng indifferently said.


  The Iron Thorn Water Bull didn’t stop at all, its huge body stepped on the clothed man’s body.

   After several screams.

   The clothed man was trampled into a patty and swallowed by War Beast.

   “Haha, A’Niu is doing a good job!”

  Du Yuncheng laughed.

  He raised this War Beast and loved its thrill of brutal killing.

   “Is there anyone else?”

   “My War Beast is only low-level 1-Star, and cultivation base is quite below Vein-Opening 3rd layer.”

  Du Yuncheng proudly said.

  1-Star low-level War Beast or monster, equivalent to human Vein-Opening 1st layer to 3rd layer cultivation base.

  1-Star Intermediate level, equivalent to Vein-Opening Realm 4th layer to Liuzhong.

  1-Star is high-level, equivalent to Vein-Opening Realm 7th layer to Jiuzhong.

   “Although War Beast and cultivation base of Du Yuncheng are only equivalent to Vein-Opening and 3rd layer, there is a trace of ancient barbarian blood flowing in this animal body, plus training, it can be invincible below 3rd layer.”

Under the scene, an elderly martial artist analyzed.

   “I will try it.”

  A martial artist of Vein-Opening 3rd layer entered the Colosseum.

  Vein-Opening Realm 3rd layer, the strength is much stronger.


  This Vein-Opening 3rd layer martial artist, after fighting a dozen of Iron Thorn Water Bull, he was injured and retreated, barely saving his life.

   “Even Vein-Opening Realm 3rd layer is not an opponent.”

Outside the Colosseum, many people sighed.

   at this moment.

The people on the crowd basically gave up.

  Everyone agrees that Iron Thorn Water Bull is invincible within Vein-Opening 3rd layer.

   “Let me come.”

  A man in a black robe wearing a mask slowly steps onto the Colosseum.

   This black robe is Luo Tian.

  Luo Tian‘s eyes showed war intentions and expectations, and he was very tempted to the top class martial skill(s). It is also a good thing to give Du Yuncheng some blood.

   “Just you? District Vein-Opening 1st layer.”

  Du Yuncheng disdains, there is only one qi vein true qi fluctuation on Luo Tian.

   Off-site, a crowd of martial artist shook their heads one after another.

  Luo Tian’s behavior, in their view, is tantamount to death.

   Even the double peak of Vein-Opening Realm was crushed, and Vein-Opening 3rd layer was hit hard.

  District Vein-Opening 1st layer, what is it?

   “Mr. Du, don’t talk too much, wait for me to kill your War Beast, but don’t feel bad.”

  Luo Tian wore a mask and his voice was deliberately lowered.

   “Hahaha… It’s such a big joke!”

  Du Yuncheng almost burst into tears, and the cruel color on his face was more intense.

   “A’Niu, crush him!”

   Moo! call!

   Iron Thorn Water Bull sprints, the ground shakes, and hits Luo Tian with a violent momentum.

   “Fast speed, but very bulky.”

  Luo Tian commented indifferently.

   at this moment.

On the Heavenly Book in his mind, a pictorial book appeared with a lively War Beast, which is Iron Thorn Water Bull.

  Illustrated books clearly analyze the capabilities and weaknesses of Iron Thorn Water Bull.

Red dots are displayed in several weak spots.

   It turns out.

  Luo Tian before the battle, let Heavenly Book promote the Iron Thorn Water Bull‘s various abilities and weaknesses.

  This deduction consumes a quarter of the power of Heavenly Book “page”.


  The Colosseum.


  The moment Iron Thorn Water Bull was about to get close, Luo Tian made a sharp turn.


  Iron Thorn Water Bull is too big to make a turn, he can’t stop, and dashes forward.


  Luo Tian loudly shouted hit Iron Thorn Water Bull‘s abdomen with one blow.


  The punch of true qi burst out and the cold penetrated, making Iron Thorn Water Bull stiff.


  Iron Thorn Water Bull did not suffer obvious damage. With a roar, he stabbed Luo Tian with a flesh stab on the back.

   “I hide!”

   Luo Tian is finished, immediately pull away the distance.

  Under the control of spiritual consciousness, every action of Iron Thorn Water Bull cannot escape his control.

   After a few breaths.

  Iron Thorn Water Bull sprinted again.

   “Ah, say you are stupid…”

  Luo Tian was prepared in the same way. After War Beast rushed to the front, it suddenly turned sharply.


  Iron Thorn Water Bull is too big to be able to keep up with the rhythm of Luo Tian after each sprint.

   “I fight!”

  Luo Tian made another punch, a cold force hit Iron Thorn Water Bull‘s abdomen.

   “I hide!”

After   , Luo Tian opened the distance again and never fell in love.

Every time you approach, you only hit once.

   “You idiot! Vein-Opening 1st layer can only tickle A’Niu, even if you are tired, you can die.”

  Du Yuncheng laughed.

   “I fight!”

   “I hide!”

   “I fight!”


  In the Colosseum, Luo Tian attacks again and again.

   At the beginning, many people were laughing.

  However, when Luo Tian played Iron Thorn Water Bull five or six times in a row, many people’s faces changed.

   “The action of Iron Thorn Water Bull has been dulled twice.”

   “The offensive is also reduced by three points.”

   some martial artist, incredible way.

  Those who are interested will find that every time Luo Tian’s attacks, it hits the area of ​​the abdomen.

   “Humph! The part I attack each time is closest to the viscera area of ​​War Beast.”

  Luo Tian sneered.

   at this moment.

  Iron Thorn Water Bull‘s abdomen position, one layer frost has condensed, and his movements are getting slower and slower, which can no longer pose a threat to Luo Tian.

   played several more rounds.


  Luo Tian urged Divine Vein, and a deep, deep blue breath appeared between the fists.


  Iron Thorn Water Bull‘s frost-covered abdomen suddenly burst and ice smashed blood.

   One blow is deadly!

  Iron Thorn Water Bull made a startling——A’Niu! “

   “You stop me–“

  Du Yuncheng “Teng” got up and roared.

  Peng! Punt!

   Luo Tian showed no mercy, and beaten Iron Thorn Water Bull with two consecutive punches.


  Iron Thorn Water Bull roared, his eyes were red, his body swelled abruptly, emitting a dangerous breath.


  咻! call out! call out!

  Iron Thorn Water Bull, a steel needle-like meat thorn, rushing in all directions.

   “That was the attack before ‘Iron Thorn Water Bull’ dying!”

   “self-exploding‘s vitality blow, every flesh thorn, is quite the full blow of the peak of Vein-Opening 3rd layer.”

   off-court martial artist, exclaimed.

It’s a pity.

Many people are sorry.

  As everyone imagined, Luo Tian was shot as a hedgehog.


The next scene on the scene is even more surprising.


   Before the stab started, Luo Tian rolled towards the bottom of Iron Thorn Water Bull‘s abdomen.

  Iron Thorn Water Bull‘s flesh thorns, although shooting in all directions, but only the dead corner under him.


   All the stings of the flesh are shot into the air, and a ripple is caused on the formation light curtain around the Colosseum.

  ”Sure enough.”

   Luo Tian mouth twitched a light smile.

  Iron Thorn Water Bull‘s various abilities and weaknesses are back in his grasp.

   “Asshole! You killed A’Niu, I want you to die better than you!”

   Outside the Colosseum, Du Yuncheng roared with rage, killing eyes, staring at Luo Tian.

   (The second shift arrives, in the early morning, there will be three shifts, making new books list~)

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