Eternal King Chapter 899: Hard journey

   After entering Storm Ring, Teng Yuanxing in Captain’s Room suddenly looked dignified.

  Falcon Ship slowed down.


  Outer World Void of ash-gray, the storm is rampant, like an angry beast with open teeth and claws.

   Coupled with the extremely low temperature, the Falcon Ship‘s defense cover condenses one layer ice and leaves a frantic scratch.

  Falcon Ship needs to continuously add Spirit Essence Coin to maintain the defense cover, which consumes a lot.

  Once the shield is completely broken, the Void Ship will be exposed and may be damaged.

  In addition.

   In this environment, the born void creatures are more powerful!

   “Damn, you can’t see anything!”

  Teng Yuanxing widened his eyes and found that he could see at most a hundred meters away.

   For Heaven Pool Realm, 100 meters is very short, if it is in danger, it is too late to avoid.

  Teng Yuanxing doesn’t know, who’s site they came to, in case of any sinister land, then it’s over.

   “Cquack, go left.”

   crows shouted.

  Teng Yuanxing The blue muscles on his forehead burst, and he was upset by the crow’s cry.

  He has long wanted to escape.

   But every time he had acted, the crow sang, making Teng Yuanxing unhappy.

   Sometimes he would kill the crow in desperation and forget to run away.

  Sometimes I will worship the crow inexplicably, not willing to leave.

   Another time he danced uncontrollably and wanted to go but couldn’t go.

   And now entering Storm Ring, Teng Yuanxing gave up this idea, he dare not wandering alone in Outer World.

   “The route of Falcon Ship, I have the final say!”

  Teng Yuanxing sneered, ignoring the words of the ugly bird.

   but it didn’t take long.

   Suddenly there was a strange sound in front of me, and a large swarm of birds came.

  These birds are only three or four meters long, the flesh is translucent, and the black bones inside can be seen.

If you don’t pay attention, you will think that the bones of birds are flying in the sky.

   “It’s not good, I’ve encountered a void creature!”

  Teng Yuanxing‘s complexion changed.

   “It’s really an ugly bird.” crow cried.

   “You are ugly countless times better than them!”

  Teng Yuanxing scolded in his heart, but had no time to control the crow, he controlled Falcon Ship to avoid this group of void creatures!


   This group of “Black Bone Birds” quickly caught up and pointed their sharp claws across the defensive cover of Falcon Ship.

  In the blink of an eye, hundreds of scratches were left around the defense cover.


  The defense cover on the top of Falcon Ship cracked and a hole appeared!

   The biting cold wind blew in, and the black bone bird also flew in, preparing to destroy the Void Ship with its claws.

   “It’s finished!”

  Teng Yuanxing looks pale.

  His cultivation base is Heaven Pool Realm 7th layer, and among this group of black bone birds, cultivation base is more than a dozen stronger than him.

   Faced with this situation, Teng Yuanxing is hard to resist.

   This is Storm Ring!

   just entered here and encountered such a crisis, and Teng Yuanxing has no way.

   is here.


   A white figure flew out of the cabin, rushed upwards, and beheaded a black bone bird flying in directly.

  Luo Tian passes through the hole in the defensive cover and stands at the top.

   叽叽叽! Twitter!

The black bone birds around    came from a chaotic and noisy sound, and both eyes flashed red awns, rushing towards Luo Tian.

  Luo Tian is carried on both hands, looking at everything indifferently.

   He suddenly released an extremely cold chill, and directly sealed the hole in the defense cover to prevent other black bone birds from entering.

   followed immediately.

   The terrible coldness spread quickly around.

The black bone bird approaching    was quickly frozen.

   They struggled hard, gradually showing fear and fear.

  Storm Ring temperature is very low. The overwhelming majority void creatures here have strong cold resistance, but the chill released by Luo Tian makes them feel scared.


After the ice of ash-gray spreads in all directions, a thunderbolt quickly spreads, and all the black bone birds are suddenly paralyzed by electricity.

   “Electricity, Thunderbolt!”

   Crow hides in the corner.

   Before, it thought Luo Tian was pretty good. But now it often sees Luo Tian playing video, which is terrible.

  Luo Tian is within a few hundred meters.

   All the black bone birds are still in the void, life force quickly disappears, and many of them directly perish, becoming ice sculpture bodies.


  Falcon Ship quickly detached from the monster group, out of danger.


  Teng Yuanxing was relieved.

   He looked at Luo Tian, with a complex look.

   thought that when he was in the Bandit King treasure, Luo Tian was an unknown soldier in his eyes.

   is available now.

  Luo Tian’s‘s strength has surpassed the entire Sea Demon Palace to the extent that he looks up to.

   “Don’t stay in Storm Ring, go directly to Divine Territory Continent.”

  Luo Tian dropped a sentence and returned to the cabin to retreat.

   “After breaking through True Martial Realm, cultivation efficiency is greatly reduced!”

  Luo Tian sighed.

   These three years, he has been practicing, but the progress is very slow.

   It seems that True Martial Realm is a threshold.

   broke through this threshold, Martial Path’s Road suddenly became steeper, covered with thorns, and progressed slowly.

When    changed to Luo Tian under True Martial Realm, it was more than enough for him to break through the 1st layer state in three years.

   and now.

  Luo Tian is still in the early days of True Martial Realm.

  In addition to the difficulty, there is another reason. Vein-Opening Realm, Spirit Sea Realm, Earth Essence Realm, Heaven Pool Realm, each big realm is divided into nine small realms.

  From True Martial Realm, it is divided into early stage, middle stage, late stage.

   “Once you enter Divine Territory Continent, you can change this status quo.”

  Luo Tian secretly said.

   So he told Teng Yuanxing to arrive at Divine Territory Continent as soon as possible.

  cultivation base progress is slow.

   But Luo Tian’sSupreme Yin Ice and Lightning Body” has made great progress and has been trained to first layer Xiaocheng, which is very close to great accomplishment.

  His physical defense has greatly increased, and the power of the attack method “nine yin thunder power” has also been greatly improved.

   Just now, he used the results of his “Supreme Yin Ice and Lightning Body” practice to instantaneously control six or seventy black bone birds.

  Luo Tian continues to retreat, and now mainly practice “Nameless Sword to understand the sword.


  The journey of Pale Ring is relatively smooth. The speed displayed by Falcon Ship is enough to get rid of and deter most troubles.

   But in Storm Ring, the speed of Falcon Ship drops, and Outer World Void is full of crisis.

   from time to time will encounter the void creatures, Teng Yuanxing can not win, every time it is Luo Tian to solve.

  Luo Tian is not disgusting.

Combining closed-door practice with actual combat has made even greater progress.

  At the same time.

  Storm RingWinter Moon World“.

The top of a giant iceberg composed of countless palaces.

   The quiet and dark hall.


   Suddenly there was a bead flashing a faint red glow.

There are a total of four guards around the main hall of the   . The scene was disturbed and approached.

   “Is there a vision in Soul Blood Space Locking Bead?”

   “Elder Xuesha did not say before leaving, the trace of Luo Xiao has been confirmed, Soul Blood Space Locking Bead will no longer move…”

   “Soul Blood Space Locking Bead can’t go wrong, there must be something wrong…go to the report.”


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