Eternal King Chapter 88: Monster Emperor’s bone

   “This product actually put Black Feather Great Monster‘s concubine to sleep?”

The Luo Tian not far away is also stunned.

No wonder.

   This year’s animal tide has so many monster birds.

   That Black Feather Great Monster is even more crazy and desperate to kill.

   Switch to any normal man, if his woman is asleep, it will not be more sane than Black Feather Great Monster.

   “Uh… this God sleeps more than a hundred beautiful female birds, this is Black Feather Great Monster‘s concubine, the most flavorful.”

   The crow whispered in whisper, as if to think back to what he had never thought about.


  Luo Tian has a messy heart, and knowing the “truth” is really bad for describing the crow’s ability to break into trouble.

   “Luo Tian you bastard! This crow is back to you, I… want to return it!”

  Yue Jing reacted, his eyes were flushed and his face was grim.

   This crow must be an ominous thing, used by Luo Tian to harm himself.

  If the situation is not critical at this moment, he must be unable to bear it. He must peel this a person and a bird to cramp and peel his heart.


  Yue Jing didn’t dare to stay for a moment, throwing away the crow, turning into a residual image, and ran deep into the castle.

   “Don’t be too close to me!”

  Luo Tian also did not hesitate, immediately avoided the crow, and went to the bunker to find a bunker to hide.


  The city walls cracked and various defensive buildings collapsed. Seeing that Black Feather Great Monster, it was unstoppable to kill in.

   “Sinker, die!”

   Suddenly, a thunderous voice echoed into the world.

   I saw a middle-aged Xuan robe, who appeared at the top of the battle fort. There was a deep blue air flow around him, which stirred the world.

   “Yue Vice-Mansion Lord!”

  Chasing Sun Saint Mansion‘s tutors and students couldn’t help but be silent.


  Yue Jing seemed to see a savior, and he was relieved.

   I saw the Vice-Mansion Lord robe flying, photographing a vast blue and vast palm light, such as the stunning waves patting the shore, bombarding Black Feather Great Monster endlessly.

   That terrifying power and momentum made the martial artist in the audience depressed, not even Spirit Rank martial artist.

   Bang Bang!

  Black Feather Great Monster was suppressed by Vice-Mansion Lord‘s palm strength, and he couldn’t get in any more, and a trace of fear appeared in his sharp eyes.

  After a while.

  The addition of many Spirit Rank martial artist finally forced the monster army led by Black Feather Great Monster a few hundred meters away.


  In the entire battle fort, many martial artist breathed a sigh of relief.


  The Black Feather Great Monster, still hovering in the sky outside the battle fort, stared at him with an angry hate.

   “Send a rescue signal.”

  岳Vice-Mansion Lord Seeing this scene, frowning slightly, immediately commanded.

  He feels that this Black Feather Great Monster will not give up, will definitely attack, and even have an accomplice.

   as expected.

   Less than half an hour.

  Heaven’s Top Mountain Range, there are a lot of monsters and beasts, this time the majority of beasts.


  The many monsters before the battle fort, creeping and trembling, took the initiative to separate a road.

   dong dong! Boom!

  I saw a two-headed giant lizard with green scales, two meters high and ten meters long, stepping on the ground like giant pit-like footprints.

  The two heads of the monitor lizard, four pairs of eyes flashing fiercely, exuding a mighty dominance.


   The two-headed monitor lizard spit out a blue venom and directly corroded a few meters thick city wall into a hole.

Several martial artists in the vicinity of    were splashed by the venom, and all turned into a pool of blood instantly.

   “God! Bi poisonous double heads!”

   “This is a big demon at the same level as Wuyu Demon King! Even more terrible!”

   present all the martial artist and took a breath.

   Yue Vice-Mansion Lord and some other high-level Saint Mansions are also looking down.

  If you remember correctly.

  Wuyu Demon King is the ruler in the birds, and the Bi Venomous Double-headed Lizard is the overlord among the beasts. The relationship between the two parties is not harmonious.

   But at this moment, the two great monsters have joined forces to attack!

   is okay.

  Yue Vice-Mansion Lord has sent out a rescue signal, and some powerful Spirit Rank martial artist are coming one after another.

   “Turn on formation!”

   Yue Vice-Mansion Lord continued to order.


  one layer light red giant light film illuminates, covering the entire battle fort.

  At the same time.

   Black Feather Great Monster and Bi Venomous Two-headed Lizard lead a huge army of beast tides and launch a crazy attack on the battle fort.

  Yue Vice-Mansion Lord is responsible for handling the highly mobile Black Feather Great Monster.

  The rest of the elder Spirit Sea Realm, and the reinforcements who arrived, used the power of formation to block the attack of the poisonous two-headed lizard.

   On the city wall, at the corner of the collapsed building.

   “Ugly bird! Have you done any other bad things? This poisonous two-headed lizard is not a bird.”

  Luo Tian looked bad, Shen Sheng asked.

  Bi poisonous two-headed lizard is a kind of beast. It has nothing to do with the more than one hundred female birds that sleep with the crow.

   “After sleeping with some beautiful female birds, this God strolled around in the depths of the mountains, but picked up something.”

   The crow looked innocent, his eyes flashed, and he recruited some content.

  Pick it up?

   Luo Tian twitched the corner of his mouth, this crow may have stolen an important item in the mountains.

   It’s worth the monster of this level of the poisonous two-headed lizard to go out in person, I am afraid it is a certain great treasure.

   I am afraid that a certain breath from great treasure has led to the continuous killing of birds and beasts.

   As for sleeping some beautiful female birds, it should be secondary, resulting in more birds than before.

   “To be honest. What did you steal?”

  Luo Tian asked.

   “Youth… That was made by this God on your own, you never want to make an idea…”

   The crow looks alert.

  Luo Tian sneered, this crow has been covering up all kinds of excuses, and finally wanted to swallow the stolen great treasure alone.

   “Let me go back.”

   Luo Tian saw no one noticed, and the thought moved, and the Heavenly Book in my mind came with an invisible force.


  The crow turned into a black mist and ran into the body of Luo Tian, vanished from sight.

  At the same time.

   The two big demon who are launching a mad attack, and some Spirit Rank monsters, the offensive suddenly stopped.

   This detail is not noticed by others.

  Luo Tian can be seen clearly.

  In the next half hour.

  岳Vice-Mansion Lord and others found that the offensive of the beast tide weakened for the first time.

  The two great monsters lingered for a long time near the battle fort, unwilling to wear their faces, and finally suspended the attack and withdrew a dozen miles away.

   “Sure enough! Put the crow in Heavenly Book, the thing that attracts the monster, the breath is blocked.”

  Luo Tian nodded secretly.

   at this moment.

  Although the beast tide continues around the battle fort and the scale is large, at least there is no pressure to face the slaughter city.

  Luo Tian is back on the front line, actively fighting monsters, sharpening martial skill(s), and earning contribution points.

   That Yue Jing, after a long time, came to the vigilance near the city wall.

   “What about that crow?”

  Yue Jing‘s mind is tense, afraid of where the catastrophe popped out of, causing disaster to himself.

   This matter is not only his shame, but also left a shadow in his heart.

   “Run! This kind of ominous thing, still go as far as possible.”

  Luo Tian calmly said.

   Yue Jing Chang Song took a breath and regained his stern and tall image, directing the defensive operations in the area.

   That night.

In the depths of the battle fort, in a large hall.

   “Report Vice-Mansion Lord and all of you adults have found out the reason for the outbreak of the animal tide in advance.”

   a ghostly man in black, kneeling halfway on the ground.

   “Oh? I finally found out why.”

   Yue Vice-Mansion Lord, with a trace of interest and smile on his face.

   “Not yet!”

The elder Saint Mansion next to    is impatient.

   “According to investigation, in Heaven’s Top Mountain Range, a piece of ‘Monster Emperor’s bone’ was stolen. The ‘Black Wind Monster King’ was enraged and the beast tide broke out in advance.”

  The man in black quickly answered.

   “What! Monster Emperor’s bone?”

In the hall, some Cang Yun Country big figures were shocked and lost their’s Top Mountain Range traverses most of the continent, and the monsters in them are in the hundreds of millions.


  In this huge and endless mountain range, there are also several “demon kings” who command group monsters, which truly rule Heaven’s Top Mountain Range.

   These demon kings, cultivation base has a minimum of Earth Essence Realm, and each holds a piece of “Monster Emperor’s bone“, so that he can claim to be a demon king and rule over thousands of monster beasts.

   “According to the agreement between humans and several monster monster kings, Earth Rank monsters cannot enter human territories, the same is true for human Earth Essence Realm.”

   The white-haired elder, the grandfather of Nangong Yu, suddenly spoke.

   “It just happens that today’s siege “Black Feather Great Monster” and “Bi poisonous double-headed lizard” are both under “Black Wind Monster King“.”

   said this.

   There was a silence on the field, and some martial artist eyes showed fear.

  With the horror power of “Black Wind Monster King“, let alone a Cang Yun Country, it is not too difficult to destroy several nearby countries.


  Humans have agreed with several demon kings that Earth Rank strong cannot invade each other.

   “The analysis of Elder Nangong is correct.”

  岳Vice-Mansion Lord looked dignified and nodded slightly.

   “But this matter involves ‘Monster Emperor’s bone’, which is not something we can intervene at this level, and we have to send a message to Mansion Lord and the monarch.”

  岳 Vice-Mansion Lord seriously said.

  Monster Emperor’s bone, from an ancient demon emperor hundreds of thousands of years ago.

   This demon emperor fell behind and his bones were scattered. Any piece of Monster Emperor’s bone that falls into the hands of monsters is a terrifying opportunity.

   And those demon kings who have mastered “Monster Emperor’s bone” have monstrous strength, destroy the city and destroy the country, not to mention.

  Of course.

  Monster Emperor’s bone has no effect on the cultivation of the general human martial artist, unless it is used to refine the powerful Divine Weapon.

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