Eternal King Chapter 860: Sensation Pale Ring


When the senior Ning people heard this, their faces suddenly felt bad.

With the previous attitude of the Ning people towards Luo Tian, it is inevitable that some people will do something extraordinarily in private, which is completely imaginable.

However, no one has ever heard of betting with Luo Tian.

Then it is very likely that the young people of the Ning nationality have come up with it.

The Ning patriarch looked at his six son “Ningwu”, and his gaze scolded: “Xiaowu, are you?”

Ningwu’s stared scalp felt numb and quickly said: “Not me.”

“Who is it? Don’t stand up to admit mistakes yet?”

Law Enforcement Elder shouted very positively.

Before, he made trouble for Luo Tian many times.

Since Luo Xiao showed his strength, Law Enforcement Elder‘s heart has been hanging, afraid of Luo Tian‘s revenge, come to him for trouble.

At this moment, Law Enforcement Elder hastily stood up and said yes.

But he noticed that eyes suddenly gathered around him.

Ningzu Law Enforcement Elder froze, didn’t you bet on Luo Tian?

He then reacted, and the little daughter Ning Feiyu next to him raised his little hand.

At this time, Law Enforcement Elder also felt that his face could not be held, and was embarrassed to reprimand his daughter.

“What bet you made with Luo Tian?”

Inquiry from Law Enforcement Elder.

Ning Feiyu panic, dare not say.

Ning Wu knew the content of the bet and said: “Betting Luo Tian can be the first, marrying cousin Xueyao, if Luo Tian wins, Fei Yu will apologize in public. If Luo Tian loses…”

“If you lose, you must admit that you are waste, and draw a line with Xueyao, you have to apologize to Fei Yu…”

Ning people listened, and their faces were even worse.

The content of this bet is a little bit deceiving, and even makes people feel that Ning Feiyu is forcing Luo Tian.

If Luo Tian loses, it is completely abolished and becomes a laughing stock.

But then think about it.

Since Luo Tian has agreed to a gamble, it proves that at the beginning, he is sure to win the first place?

Thinking about this, the top Ning people were shocked.

“Feiyu, do you have to apologize?”

“Apology is not enough, you need to realize your mistakes deeply, and do things for others in the future, don’t be so arrogant!”

“Xiaoyu, you have done too much about this!”

Ning clan leaders reprimanded one by one.

Luo Tian, sorry, I was wrong, I apologize to you!”

Ning Feiyu gritted his teeth and apologized to Luo Tian.

This time, she lost so much that even her father couldn’t defend him.

Even, Ning Feiyu’s father, Ning Law Enforcement Elder, had to help him plead with Luo Tian.

Little Friend Luo, the little girl already knows the wrong thing. I hope your grown-ups don’t remember the little ones, and don’t know her like.”

The iron-faced selfless, cold and harsh Law Enforcement Elder shows a trace of pleasing smile.

“Normal betting, if you agree to bet you must accept to lose, no big deal.”

Luo Tian waved its hand and did not continue to investigate.


Luo Tian and Luo Xiao, and the Ning people’s high-level leaders enter the lobby.

The forces of the other clans gathered here have dispersed.

That day.

Everything that happened to the Ning people spread throughout the world!

In particular, Scarlet Fire Old Ancestor was slammed by the fan, and it was the most intensely circulated, which was discussed by countless people.

Limitless Realm great expert is flying by the palm? Although I am still young, don’t lie to me!”

“It’s true, at that time, Scarlet Fire Old Ancestor of Yan Family, just like the good grandson, please Luo Xiao!”

“I didn’t expect the legendary mentor Luo Xiao to hide so deep, so it is calculated that Ning Ancient Clan is so close to the thigh, which is much better than marriage with a big family!”

“Ning nationality is in sight!”


Gradually, the Luo Xiao incident has alarmed many Limitless Realm great expert in the human race!

The Limitless Realm Martial Venerable of the human race is closed for years, but it is not really not about the world, it is just a general thing, and there is no need to report to them.

And Luo Xiao fan fly Scarlet Fire Old Ancestor, these big things must be reported!

Kong’s, Montessori, Luo Ancient Clan, Lin Family, Dong Family, Di Family of Ten Great Major Aristocratic Families and Limitless Realm Martial Venerable of Three Great Saint Courts, all got the news.

Luo Ancient Clan.

The ancestor’s condition has been completely cured. He left the underground dormitory and retired in the practice room of underground.


Hear the sound, Luo Clan ancestor lightly said: “Come in!”

After a Luo Clan senior came in carefully, he told the truth about the Ning’s marriage.

Little Friend Luo first?”

When the ancestor Luo Clan learned this, he was a little surprised, but he thought it was expected.

Then, ancestor Luo Clan learned about Luo Xiao.

“Are you sure? Scarlet Fire Old Ancestor was fanned out?”

The ancestor of Luo Clan was condensed, and a violent and terrifying breath filled the entire practice room, and the oppressed elder couldn’t breathe.

“It’s true!” the elder said hoarsely.

Luo Clan‘s ancestor frowned, still unbelief.

At the same time, the ancestor Luo Clan felt a light pressure and crisis.

He, Scarlet Fire Old Ancestor, Qingyuan Martial Venerable, etc., some Limitless Realm great expert, are the top powers of the entire human race, occupying a world and dominating all directions!

There are almost no people who can absolutely suppress them. They are the most powerful characters of the Pale Ring human race.

As a result, a person suddenly appeared, flying Scarlet Fire Old Ancestor away!

Then, Luo Clan ancestors will be beaten in the face of Luo Xiao!

Their status will change!

Even though Luo Xiao is the father of Luo Tian’s, the ancestor of Luo Clan is still resistant.


Even the ancestors of Luo Clan suspected that Limitless Realm great expert of other forces naturally strongly questioned it.


The Limitless Realm Martial which is closed for many years among the human races is rare. The whole Pale Ring is sensational.

Scarlet Fire Old Ancestor thought he was not ashamed, but in the end he became the most embarrassing and was continuously discussed by countless people.

There was even a Limitless Realm great expert who came to me and asked for details about Scarlet Fire Old Ancestor.

Scarlet Fire Old Ancestor returned to Yan Clan for the first time, decided to retreat for hundreds of years, and would never go out.


At the same time.

Deeper in the endless universe.

Outer World Void, gray storms are rampant, and thousands of kilometers of gray tornadoes stir the world and destroy everything.

Various creatures of various shapes are present near the gray scroll.

Suddenly, within the tornado, a dark claw covered with scales protruded out, grabbed a giant beast of three or four hundred meters, and dragged into the storm.

This is Storm Ring!

The environment is harsh and dangerous.

Generally Heaven Pool Realm is here, I am afraid that it is difficult to resist the harsh environment here, and it will be frozen to death in Outer World Void.

At the moment.

Storm Ring, within Winter Moon World.

A giant iceberg rises to the sky. Upon closer inspection, the entire iceberg is made up of countless buildings.

In a secluded hall at the top of the iceberg.


Suddenly there was a bead, surging the scarlet glow, illuminating the whole hall.

But only for a moment, the light dissipated instantly, and the hall returned to normal.


In the darkness, a pale and dry hand grabbed the bead and murmured: “You finally appeared again!”

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