Eternal King Chapter 850: No. 3

The shameless approach of He Tu makes people disdainful, and the He Family senior of Ten Great Major Aristocratic Families feels a little embarrassed.

But this shameless approach is used against Luo Tian, seems to be acceptable?

The senior of the overwhelming majority force present, applauded secretly in his heart, a smile on his face could not help.

Especially Ning Ancient Clan, Yuan Ancient Clan, Yan Family.

On the stone steps.

The rest of the recruiters who were overtaken by Luo Tian saw that Luo Tian was deliberately blocked by He Tu, and all of them felt comfortable.

They are all True Martial Realm Martial King, and they are embarrassed by a Heaven Pool Realm transcendence. Naturally they don’t want Luo Tian to dump them too much.

Not to mention, most of them have a holiday with Luo Tian.

“Good dogs do not block, get away!”

Luo Tian frowned.

The practice of He Tu is really shameless, seeing no one else being excellent, and being unable to keep the third position with insufficient abilities, he uses bad means to stop the way of others.

“Obviously you have been following my buttocks, you must roll yourself!”

He Tu sneered at the corner of his mouth.

Luo Tian‘s eyes sank.

He Tu, as one of the strongest three heroes in the marriage, is much stronger than Yan Feixiao, and it is impossible to defeat by three strokes.

Killing with such an enemy will definitely waste a lot of time.

“Although a good dog does not block the road, but do you think that a dog can really block the this Luo‘s road?”

Luo Tian sneered.

“Oh? Then you try.”

He Tu‘s mouth is full of smiles.

He spiritual consciousness locks Luo Tian. Once Luo Tian has any action, he must take measures to stop Luo Tian behind him.


spiritual consciousness of He Tu sensed that Luo Tian moved to the right.

He Tu immediately moved to the right, but almost instantly, his face changed.

Because spiritual consciousness simultaneously perceives a figure moving to the left.

“Avatar movement technique!”

The He Tu immediately judged it, and immediately showed surprise!

He and Luo Tian are at the sixty-first and sixty-second levels, respectively.

The gravity and Great Power of the World pressure at this location are extremely heavy, and it is difficult to walk. Luo Tian can still play movement technique?

It’s unimaginable!

This is naturally because Luo TianHeavenly Furnace Treasure Bodyperfection is highly resistant to gravity. Coupled with Incomplete Divine Vein, his physique is very different from the presence of Martial King.

And Luo Tian’sjīngdivine power, is to crush all the Martial King on the stone steps, Great Power of the World‘s oppression of the jīng **** level is like a small wind and little waves, no effect.

In the eyes of outsiders, Luo Tian tried his best to sprint from the beginning.


Luo Tian has always been moving at a constant speed while preserving its strength.

At this moment, he performed “The Shadow of the Moon” and deceived He Tu.

Then Luo Tian took two steps in a row, directly surpassing He Tu!

All of this made He Tu unexpected, and the audience all around exclaimed!

“While performing movement technique, it also takes two steps!”

“This proves that Luo Tian hasn’t shown its full strength yet, it’s easy!”

Before everyone remembered, Yan Feixiao attacked Luo Tian for the first time and was also avoided by Luo Tian with movement technique.

It was just that at that time, Luo Tian was still around level 30, which made people ignore these.

Now, the Luo Tian is at level 60 and above, and all the talents will appreciate it.

“Not only that, Luo Tian is now ranked third!”

“It’s too fierce!”



He Tu was shocked by this scene.

It’s that simple, he was surpassed by Luo Tian?

The third position was taken!

He Tu stared at the back of Luo Tian’s and felt an unprecedented shame!

He is a peerless genius of True Martial Realm Martial King, He Family, and he wants to look up to a Heaven Pool Realm background!

Luo Tian, this is what you asked for!”

He Tu‘s eyes are amazing!


He slammed with a palm, and his thick, mountain-like palm light shoved away.

He is very close to Luo Tian’s. In this case, Luo Tian can’t avoid his attack, and it’s even hard to react, so he can only passively defend.

He Tu is confident that he will defeat all the defenses of Luo Tian’s with a palm and knock him out!

Luo Tian’s is really difficult to react.

He gave up the attack and urged Nether Dragon God Vein!


Horrible and dark cold vortex swept through, and frost dragon phantom looming.

Luo Tian urged martial vein cold power, instead of attacking He Tu, but controlled the cold power to a very small range, and then frozen himself!

In the blink of an eye, a huge ice stone appeared on the stone steps!


He Tu smashed into the palm, the ice burst and shattered, and the ice chips scattered all over the place.

But Luo Tian didn’t move at all and was not injured.

The heavy ice has greatly weakened the palm technique power of He Tu, plus Heavenly Furnace Sword Body and [Moon Scale Soft Armor], Luo Tian is not a big deal.

Not only that.

Frozen freezes him with the stone steps.

The stone steps were built by the Ning nationality, and they can withstand the full-strength attack of True Martial Realm in the middle period, and they are extremely stable.

So the palm technique attack of He Tu did not shake Luo Tian in the slightest!

“Is this useful?”

He Tu sneered and gave palm again.

For the first time, Luo Tian defended itself with ice, and even stabilized with stone steps.

But the thickness of the ice on the back of Luo Tian has been weakened by 90%, and the second palm will definitely hit Luo Tian.

The point is.

Luo Tian was frozen by the ice and could not avoid it.

This is almost a live target!

He Tu, what are you laughing at? You have been eliminated.”

But Luo Tian suddenly smiled.


He Tu couldn’t help smiling, ready to ridicule Luo Tian.

Okay, why did you get rid of it?

But he suddenly remembered something, looking at the gems and flowers on the left hand, the seven sèWonderful Colored Flower, I don’t know when it was covered with one layer frost, life force was strangled and withered!

The third test rule.

Leave the stone steps, or the flowers and gems are destroyed, even if you are out!

So He Tu,…”

He Tu points to Luo Tian, fingers tremble!

His madness made him speechless.

It turns out that Luo Tian just showed a very passive side, fully defending the attack of He Tu, secretly controlling Divine Vein cold power to destroy Wonderful Colored Flower of He Tu.

Luo Tian‘s use of Divine Vein‘s cold power has already reached a brand new situation, and can achieve relatively fine control.

He Tu, get out!”

Law Enforcement Elder sighed and announced the result.

He feels sorry for He Tu.

At the same time, I think He Tu is too stupid to be eliminated.

He Tu walked helplessly.

He stared at Luo Tian’s, his eyes full of hate.

He must destroy Luo Tian.

He Tu looked at other marriage applicants and thought of a way.

“Make deals with other marriage candidates who have not been eliminated… Whoever can make Luo Tian eliminated, I will issue 10 million Spirit Essence Coin!”

There are so many enemies offended by Luo Tian, and the rewards given by He Tu are so generous that no one promises!

He Tu stares at Di Yinglong, ready to transact for trading.

But he found that the **** of Di Yinglong was a bit wrong.


Several couples of entourage around the eyes are not right, all staring at Luo Tian, revealing Ling Xian chill!


Five of the five recruiters behind Luo Tian shot at the same time, launched an attack, the target is Luo Tian!

He Tu was shocked!

What’s going on? Haven’t said anything about the transaction yet, there are four Martial King who started on Luo Tian?

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