Eternal King Chapter 848: 3 fingers

On the gray-white stone steps leading to Ning Xueyao, ten marrying persons carried the gravity of formation and the suppression of heaven and earth forces, and slowly moved forward.

The rules allow mutual interference.

But the test has just begun, and no one shot easily. It is not good to offend people rashly.

After all, except for Luo Tian, these ten recruits come from different forces.


Luo Tian even surpassed several young Martial King, ranking sixth.

The four Martial King behind him stared away, and there was surprise and jealousy!

“The first test and the second test are not as good as him, and I recognized it, but this third test is pure competition for strength, am I not as good as this kid?”

A thick-browed man’s face is cold, quicken his pace!

Not only him, but the other three also accelerated their pace, unwilling to lose to a Heaven Pool Realm.

Luo Tian, do not want to surpass me!”

No. 7 is Yan Feixiao!

His eyes are red, chasing after Luo Tian.

Originally, he has signed a marriage contract with Ning Xueyao, but it was destroyed by Luo Tian!

In Flying Snow Saint City, he was defeated by Luo Tian, and his reputation plummeted.

After breaking through True Martial Realm, he recovered his confidence and vowed to be ashamed!

The result is Ning Ancient Clan.

He was suppressed by Luo Tian from beginning to end!

Quick! fast! fast!

Yan Feixiao moves fast!


Unsteady, he fell on the steps and rolled down nearly ten meters.

The faster the speed, the greater the interference, and it is easy to make mistakes.

And this mistake made Yan Feixiao instantly return to the tenth place!

Look up at Luo Tian.

Luo Tian surpassed Di Yinglong and ranked fifth!

“Damn it!”

The Yan Feixiao‘s chest is angry, and there is a strong unwillingness!

A ants who had just entered Saint Court, he can be pinched to death, why should he look up to this ants?


Yan Feixiao shot!

His left index finger true essence surged, and a faint blue cold light suddenly cut through the void, killing Luo Tian’s‘s back!

The third test allows mutual interference.

Yan Feixiao is the first shot!

The high-level leaders of the major forces and many great experts stared away, and their interest was mobilized.

For them, a simple “race” is completely boring, and it’s only now lively!

“This kid really has a lot of enemies, so soon someone has shot him.”

The black-faced elders of the Ning tribe laughed, and he is not worried now.

“I think Luo Tian will be eliminated soon!”

Ning Dongping Road.

Only the faces of several high-ranking Limitless Saint Court are not very good. Although Yan Feixiao represents Yan Family, it is also the mentor of Limitless Saint Court, and actually shot the mentor in the same school.


In the pavilion, Ning Xueyao overlooked everything below, watching the Yan Feixiao suddenly attack, she could not help clenching her jade hand.

But she saw that Luo Tian smiled at herself slightly, suddenly moved her body one step, avoiding the Yan Feixiao attack.

Ning Xueyao breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time she realized that she was too underestimating Luo Tian.

Luo Tian can go to this step, plus the nine sèWonderful Colored Flower and Heavenly Dawn Green Jade in his hand, which proves that his strength is not simple.

In addition.

Luo Tian responded to Yan Feixiao‘s sneak attack and was distracted to tease her.

Boo! Punt!

Yan Feixiao shot down into the air, hitting the stone steps, splashing dust, leaving only a shallow mark.

“Avoid it!”

“Quick response and movement technique!”

It is a pity that many hatred of Luo Tian’s forces.

But Yan Feixiao did not disappoint them, and shot again.

“With me, you never want to succeed!”

Yan Feixiao has no hope of marrying Ning Xueyao, but it will definitely not make Luo Tian successful or make him feel good!

Luo Tian’s slowed down.

Di Yinglong has a tendency to overtake.

The third test, the interference of a Martial King is still very troublesome.

After all, facing formation interference, you will be injured if you are careless.

Once the injury is absent, it is difficult to win.

Yan Feixiao, don’t shame your face!”

Luo Tian cold drink!

“Oh, Luo Tian tutor, when I lost one battle to rì, is it better to have a match now?”

Yan Feixiao mouth corners are raised.

Teacher Yan, you want to discuss with Teacher Luo, you can wait for the test to end.”

An elder Shen Sheng of Limitless Saint Court spoke up.

“Why wait for the test after the end? Isn’t the opportunity right now?”

Through Martial King supports Yan Feixiao.


Luo Tian turned slowly, holding Heavenly Dawn Green Jade and Jiu Wonderful Colored Flower at the same time with his left hand, his right hand freed up, and extended three fingers.

Yan Feixiao stared at the Luo Tian’s gesture without understanding the meaning.

All of a sudden.

The Luo Tian is full of golden light, like a dusty peerless sword out of the sheath, the light is four, the sword is shocking all directions!

Spirit Wind Sword】Appears with the hand as if it is one with the Luo Tian human sword.

Then, Luo Tian urged “Battle Spirit Art“, the light of the golden and white sè erupted, and the elegant phantom, holding the sword, completely overlapped with Luo Tian!


A sword was cut out, the black cold gold sword light shone, carrying the violent sword intention of killing intent, and left the sky!

Luo Tian’s suddenly broke out, leaving Yan Feixiao in shock and waiting for it!

He can only free one hand and use **** attacks.

Chi Pun!

The black gold cold sword light smashed the blue streamer and smashed the fingers of Yan Feixiao!


The screams came out, the blood splashed, Yan Feixiao had **** cut off by Luo Tian, and his palm also left a deep blood stain of the bone!

The third test.

Fresh flowers and gems must be displayed, which limits the strength of Yan Feixiao. He suffered immediately when Luo Tian’s suddenly broke out.


Crisis is coming, another sword light full of killing intent is beheaded, Yan Feixiao forehead oozes cold quickly releases the worms!

Buzz! Punt!

The sword of Luo Tian fell into the dense swarm of grubs, the attack power was dispersed, and suddenly a large number of grubs fell!

But the guts of Yan Feixiao did not completely block the sword Luo Tian!

The explosion was startled, and the sword was agitated.

True Essence Cover on the surface of Yan Feixiao was smashed, leaving a few blood marks on his body, and his body retreated backward.

“The third sword!”

Luo Tian spoke out coldly, and another sword fell down, which is the ninth style of “Heavenly Wind Divine Sword“.

After all, Luo Tian’s Storm Sword Intent, realized Martial Path True Meaning.

The ninth type Divine Wind, with the blessing of Martial Path True Meaning, set off a turbulent storm of gold sword gas, which caused the spiritual qi fluctuations in all directions!

“Ah! Fight with you!”

Yan Feixiao felt a strong crisis, dropped the gems and flowers in his hand, and exhibited “Blue Moon Finger” and “Scarlet Moon Palm” at the same time, and the breeding worms were also killed!


However, under the strangle of the Golden Sword Storm, everything was engulfed and destroyed!

This is the crush of absolute strength!


Yan Feixiao was blasted, his body rolled down the stairs, and fell to the ground in embarrassment!

“How is it possible?”

Yan Feixiao is shocking!

I broke through True Martial Realm!

But the gap between him and Luo Tian’s not only did not shorten, but grew bigger and bigger, and he was more easily defeated by Luo Tian!

At this moment, Yan Feixiao understood the gesture of Luo Tian just now!

“Three strokes defeat Martial King!”

Patriarch Yunxiang took a breath.

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