Eternal King Chapter 80: Let’s kill all together

  Luo Tian runs Viewing Qi Technique.

  The clear air column above the head of the young boy with yellow skin is entangled with a red grievance, and is enveloped by the dark fog of one layer, as if foreshadowing the person’s fate, he has been hiding in the dark and carrying many lives.

   “This fate is very different from ordinary students.”

  Luo Tian has a heart in his head, and he is 90% sure that this yellow-skinned boy was the killer at the beginning.

   compared to Saint Mansion.

   The environment of the beast tide is very chaotic, which is convenient for the killer’s sneak attack, and it is easy to escape after the success.

   “The killer is in the dark and the threat is the greatest. It is better to put him in my sight.”

  Luo Tian suddenly came up with a plan.

  If you pull the killer to the bright side, it will weaken its battle strength. If those hidden weapons are launched positively, the threat will be reduced by half.

   “Slow down! My team is also short of people.”

  Luo Tian has a strong face, shouting at the young boy with yellow skin.

When    said this, Li Hai was furious.

When    hunted monsters before, Luo Tian robbed him of his exploits, and now he robs him again.

   is simply too deceiving!

  In several teams of Chasing Sun Saint Mansion, Li Hai suffered the most losses, and it is urgent to replenish staff.

  In the eyes of onlookers, Luo Tian is deliberately targeting and retaliating against Li Hai.

   As for robbing people, it is just a guise.

   “You have to think about who the team is.”

   Li Hai yelled, staring at the young boy, threatening.


  Yellow-skinned boy looks embarrassed.

   “Oh, our team has zero casualties. Look at the Li Hai team, the mortality rate is nearly half.”

  Luo Tian Shengyou is holding it.

   “I…I join the team of Senior Luo.”

  Yellow-skinned teenager was a little flustered, and finally seemed to be thinking about his own life, followed the steps and joined the Luo Tian’s team.


  Li Hai‘s forehead has straight green bars and fierce eyes, staring at the yellow-skinned boy.

  The choice of the yellow-skinned boy has caused him a serious loss of face.

  Li Hai remembered this person’s appearance and must make him regret it.

   “Welcome to the team.”

  Chen Haofei, warm welcome, I don’t know the details of the young boy.

   “Next, please take care of Senior Luo.”

  Yellow skinned boy complimented.


  Luo Tian nodded casually, his attitude was cold.

   looks like he grabbed the yellow-skinned boy, just to fight Li Hai, and has no interest in himself.

  Seeing this, the suspicion disappeared in the eyes of the young boy, and a trace of cold sarcasm flashed.


  Luo Tian’s spiritual consciousness, to control the actions of the yellow skinned boy.

  This person’s hidden cultivation base can’t escape his senses, it is the pinnacle of Vein-Opening 7th layer.

   The opponent is a killer. Head-on combat is not a strength. Luo Tian is confident to kill him alone, but find a good time.

After joining the team,   Yellow-skinned youth joined forces with Luo Tian and others to hunt down the monsters and beasts.

Outside the village, the beast tide offensive continues.

   This place seems to be stared at by the monster of Heaven’s Top Mountain Range. The pressure it bears is far beyond the surrounding area.

   the next half day.

   Some martial artists from the surrounding villages, Zhanbao, came to support one after another.

  In reinforcements, there are many Saint Mansion students, and Silver Student is not a minority.

   “Ji Xingjun is here too!”

  The arrival of a long arm Silver Student has attracted the attention of Saint Mansion students

  In Saint Mansion, Ji Xingjun is well-known, below Gold Student, almost rampant.

   “Brother Ji, you are finally here.”

  Li Hai looked upset and greeted him.

  According to their plan, anyone who finds the whereabouts of Luo Tian’s will notify several others.

   “Hey, this kid is really here.”

  Ji Xingjun looked at Luo Tian not far away, and a bit of cruelty was raised in the corner of his mouth.

  ”Let’s wait, Lord Hou is still on the way.”

  Li Hai smile contains a murderous opportunity.

   Their purpose this time is to completely remove Luo Tian, so naturally there is a thorough siege plan.

   That night.

   Little Hou Ye led a team to arrive.

   “Luo Tian…You will never have to return to Saint Mansion for this Beast Tide mission!”

  Tang Wei‘s heart is killing intent Rin, glance at the back of Luo Tian’s.

   Now, his cultivation base has broken through Vein-Opening 7th layer and became Silver Student, whose strength has been more than doubled.

   “These guys, have all come together?”

  Luo Tian frowned slightly.

  He is preparing to deal with the killer, but I didn’t expect these couples to come together.

Fortunately, one thing is certain.

  The killer and these people should not be together.

  Because Tang Wei, Li Hai, Ji Xingjun, etc., all got offended after entering Saint Mansion.

   The killer, as a freshman, premeditated infiltration.

   late at night.

  Luo Tian felt several shares of killing intent from Ji Xingjun, Li Hai, Tang Wei.

   also has a killing intent, which is more subtle and convergent, coming from the yellow-skinned boy in the team.

   is at this moment.

In the night sky, a large black spot appeared densely, and thousands of birds came.

The number of monsters on the ground suddenly climbed.

   “Not good! The scale of the beast tide has expanded!

   “The birds are here again, more!”

The martial artists in the village have a numb scalp.

   is more terrifying.

   This time, two Spirit Rank birds appeared in the sky, one of which was the former blue feather bird, and a helper was also found.

On the ground, an Spirit Rank beast also appeared.

   The three breaths are comparable to the huge breath of Spirit Sea Realm and come under pressure.

   “Three-headed Spirit Rank monster! What the **** is going on, a village will be taken care of by beast tide?”

  Luo Fat’s face changed a lot.

  A small village is facing pressure comparable to that of a battle fort!

  If it is dead, it will only be wiped out by the whole army!

   “Retreat! All evacuate here!”

   Luo Fat’s loud voice resounded through the village and gave orders.


  Fat Luo came forward alone, blocking two Spirit Rank birds.

  The Spirit Rank monster on the ground is jointly controlled by five or six Vein-Opening and martial artist.

   “Hurry up!”


   The scene is extremely chaotic, and many martial artist have fled the village.

   “Youth! Hurry… Hurry!”

   The crows looked at the many birds and madly killed them, shaking with black hair.

   “Quick withdrawal!”

  Luo Tian gave it a hard look.

  The pressure of the beast tide here is probably inseparable from this ugly bird.

  Luo Tian is preparing to put it into Heavenly Book, but the crow has already been guarded against, and cunningly flew a few hundred meters away.

   Its disengagement attracted a large amount of monsters’ firepower.


  Luo Tian found something strange: those targets attacking crows will have various anomalies, either attack offset, or after approaching, be injured or disturbed by nearby attacks.

   In short.

   Attacking crow monster birds and birds, will be bizarre “abnormal”, almost always hurt the crow.


  The pressure on Luo Tian was greatly reduced, and the team evacuated from the village with no surprises, and rushed to the nearby fortress.

When passing through a dense forest.

  call! Tweeted!

   A huge black bird fluttered in the sky, the sharp claws were like hooks, and there were still flesh and blood residues on it.

   “Not good! 1-Star high-level monster!”

   Chen Haofei The face of several people has changed greatly. This huge black bird has the peak strength of Vein-Opening 7th layer.

  If it is normal, everyone can certainly kill it together.

   But at this moment, a beast tide broke out in the rear, and once entangled, the consequences would be disastrous.

   “You withdraw first! I will lead it away.”

  Luo Tian makes a decisive decision.


   He leapt up with the trees on both sides, and the sword in his hand bloomed sharp and cold Star Glow, attracting the huge black bird into the woods.

   “Brother Luo Take care!”

  Chen Haofei A few people understand that their own strength is too weak, which will only drag down Luo Tian and quickly withdraw to the nearby battle fort.

   the other side.

  Luo Tian attracted the black giant bird to the jungle, which limited the mobility of the latter.

  Poof! Sigh!

  Luo Tian cast “Heavenly Star Swordsmanship” and waved a few fierce sword shadows that Star Glow bloomed, and soon left a **** mouth on the wings of the black giant bird.


  Luo Tian sensed that someone nearby was quietly approaching.

  The hint of sloppy killing came from the yellow-faced young killer.

   “Come well!”

  Luo Tian sneered in his heart. When he is prepared, he is not afraid of the other party.

   Moreover, in this jungle, his Divine Vein’s power can be urged without hesitation.


  His spiritual consciousness sensed again, a few shares of killing intent on the other side.

   over there, Ji Xingjun, Li Hai, Tang Wei, I don’t know what way to follow.

   “What a coincidence? Both sides are here!”

  Luo Tian has a heart.

   He urged a few points Divine Vein’s power, the long sword pointed out a few blue cold star-like sword lights, hit the black giant bird and hit away.

  Luo Tian has the ability to kill this bird, but it is deliberately reserved to guard against the approaching killer.

  At the same time.

   A young boy with yellow skin, quietly approaching the back side of Luo Tian’s, close to twenty or thirty meters.

  How can he know that he has already entered the Luo Tian’s spiritual consciousness range.

   “Why are you back?”

  Luo Tian fell to a tree, the body was slightly on the side, and the sight “just happened” to fall on the other side of the young boy with yellow skin.

   “Luo… Captain Luo, let me help you!”

  Yellow-skinned boy secretly squeezed a cold sweat to hide the poison dart in his hand.

   Faced with today’s Luo Tian, he is not sure about fighting head-on.

  Once you miss, there is no chance at all.

   “No, I just heard something moving in the west, you go and see.”

  Luo Tian looked cold and ordered as the captain.

   It’s so ugly!

  Yellow-skinned teenager didn’t want to cause Luo Tian’s suspicion, so he obeyed and walked west.

  The west side of the jungle.

   Ji Xingjun, Li Hai, Tang Wei, lowered their body, approaching Luo Tian’s.

   They saw mid-air, Luo Tian was fighting with a huge black bird, and then repulsed the giant bird rushed over and killed the kid! “

  Ji Xingjun has a vicious face, with excitement flashing in his eyes.

   “Luo Tian, let you be buried today!”

  Tang Wei is hard to hide the excitement.

   Although Luo Tian showed battle strength, it was slightly better than the general Vein-Opening 7th layer.

   But at the moment, their three major Vein-Opening 7th layer teamed up, among them Ji Xingjun is the pinnacle of Vein-Opening 7th layer, and there are other killer skills.

  If this can’t kill Luo Tian, what good reason?

  嗖! Whoosh! Whoosh!

  The three of them flew to death and suddenly saw a young boy with yellow skin coming in front.

   “There are other students!”

   Tang Wei looks changed.

  In Saint Mansion, it is a taboo to kill the same people. If this matter is leaked, even if it is the identity background of Tang Wei, it will be hard to escape.

   “This is the kid!”

  Li Hai‘s cold eyes stared at the yellow-skinned boy, remembering that during the day, the other party refused himself and joined the Luo Tian’s team.

   “A Vein-Opening is only fivefold, kill it! Our actions at this moment must not be known to outsiders.”

   Ji Xingjun looks decisive.


  Yellow-skinned boy was walking westward, and three people suddenly jumped across from him, startled.

   “Three seniors, don’t get me wrong…”

   Seeing the murderous three people, the yellow skin boy quickly explained.

   “Let’s talk nonsense, just kill!”

   “You can only blame you, appear in places that should not appear.”

  Three Silver Students of Chasing Sun Saint Mansion, almost without any pause, rushed towards him.

   “Not good! Was my killer identity seen?”

  Yellow skin boy’s complexion changed greatly.

   He vaguely felt something was wrong, listening to the tone, these three people meant killing and killing.

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