Eternal King Chapter 797: Precious gifts

The cold and gray Outer World Void.

A man in black is suspended quietly, his eyes closed tightly, and the back of his black robe has a red nine-eyed spider patterns.

According to Heavenly Spider Organization information.

Luo Tian is very likely to return Flying Snow World.

He was here to “stand by and wait for the rabbit” to intercept Luo Tian.

“Who are you waiting for?”

Abruptly, in the sky sent an inquiry.

The black robe suddenly startled, and Thunder turned around.

Someone nearby?

He was unaware!

Luo Tian?”

The man in black robe saw a man whose face was blurred by the wind and the gray mist, and it was similar to Luo Tian.

In the next moment, the true identity of the person in black robe!

The legendary mentor of Pale Ring, Luo Xiao!


The black robe instantly turned into a dark aurora, and disappeared in the gray Outer World Void.

In the information, the legendary mentor Luo Xiao is a Martial King, but the specific strength is unknown.

But just now Luo Xiao appeared near him, but he didn’t notice it. This shows that Luo Xiao‘s strength is far superior to himself.

“Where do you want to go?”

Luo Xiao‘s calm and leisurely voice came from behind.

Cold sweat oozes from the forehead of the black robe, and his own secret technique bursts at an extraordinary speed, but the Luo Xiao can easily keep up.

“Instructor Luo Xiao, just passing by here, did nothing evil, why do you struggle so hard?”

Black robe begs for mercy.

“Do you think I’m so fooled?”

Luo Xiao said slightly ironically.


The mist around was violently boiling, and the world seemed to be blocked by imprisonment, and the terrible power was squeezed from all directions!

“No, let me go!”

The black robe shouted in horror!

Finally, the space of several kilometers in size was reduced to the size of nails, and the black robe was squeezed into **** dust, dissipating into the gray void.

“This kid is really uncomfortable, so quickly an enemy has come up.”

“But then, I won’t shoot again.”

Luo Xiao lightly said, body shape vanished from sight.

He also wants to protect Luo Tian all the time, but he can’t do this forever.

If Luo Tian can’t survive these difficulties, why not talk about revenge.


It didn’t take long for Luo Tian’s Void Ship to pass by quietly.

“The battles that took place here have the remnants of the power of Martial King Rank…”

Luo Tian feels something.

After a few days.

Luo Tian returns to Flying Snow Saint City.

Now, the first battles of Immortal Clan Ancient Land and Heaven List are long over, but Flying Snow Saint City is still noisy.

The appearance of Luo Tian’s has attracted more attention.

He returned to Star-Moon Restaurant and planned to say goodbye to his father and Ning Xueyao before returning to Limitless Saint Court.

I just arrived at the restaurant.

Luo Tian encountered several senior members of Ning Ancient Clan.

The old man with white eyebrows and others saw Luo Tian, and his face suddenly sank.

Luo Tian, even if Ning Xueyao and Yan Feixiao have been disengaged, Xueyao has more excellent options.”

White-browed old man indifferently said.

“All of our top executives are against you, so you give up.”

Another old lady said the same.

In fact, Luo Tian is not bad.

But Ning Ancient Clan clearly has a better choice and can marry the top Yan Family in Ten Great Major Aristocratic Families, which is of great significance to the bottom Ning Ancient Clan in Five Great Ancient Clans.

The result was disturbed by Luo Tian, and even made Yan Family uncomfortable to a certain extent!

This makes Ning Ancient Clan extremely resentful to the bad guy Luo Tian.

Luo Tian ignored these high-rise Ning Ancient Clan and entered the restaurant directly.

In his view, the future of Ning Xueyao should be her own decision-making power, rather than being dictated by the family.

In the room.

Luo Tian, Luo Xiao, Ning Xueyao three people get together.

Once in Eastern Chen Continent Qingchang City, the three had lived for several years, but now they are reunited, and the scenes of the past are only happy and beautiful.

Xueyao, your parents are no longer there. If you have any questions in the future, you can tell Uncle Luo.”

“If you don’t mind, you can treat me as your father.”

Luo Xiao has a deep meaning.


Ning Xueyao‘s jade face rose slightly, and nodded slightly.

When Eastern Chen Continent took refuge, Luo Xiao took great care of her, such as her biological parents.

Not to mention now, it is possible between her and Luo Tian.


Luo Xiao couldn’t help smiling, something suddenly appeared in his hand.

It is a water-blue leaf, which is as clear as crystal, but soft as water, exuding a dazzling and magnificent glow.

“This gift is for you.”

Ning Xueyao saw this leaf, and although he didn’t know it, he could judge the value of this thing only by its amazing vision and breath.

She opened her mouth and refused. Luo Xiao‘s face slightly rose, and Ning Xueyao had to accept it.

The aqua blue leaves fell into the hands of Ning Xueyao, and immediately radiated a more brilliant glow, one layer rich Mizuki breath diffused out.

In the next room.

The old man with white eyebrows and other high-level Ning Ancient Clans looked dull.

Xueyao is becoming more and more disobedient!”

“This time, it’s up to her. When you return to the family, you must admonish education.”

“In any case, the old man absolutely disagrees, Xueyao and Luo Tian are together.”

Several senior executives discussed that Luo Tian ruined Ning Ancient Clan and Xia marriage contract.


They all felt a breath of amazing energy.

Several people stopped discussing immediately.

After a quiet breath.

“What happened next door?”

“This energy breath is the treasure of Mizuki!”

Several Ning Ancient Clan executives have their eyes hot.


Luo Tian stared at the water blue leaves in Ning Xueyao‘s hands, he could not recognize them, so he used the power of Heavenly Book to infer.

Sky Wood Immortal Water Leaf: Rare Mizuki Treasure…

As for usage, that’s more.

Alive and dead, as long as you have a breath, you can save this leaf by taking this leaf. Some broken arms and feet can also be cured easily.

For example, when Yan Feixiao was injured by Luo Tian, taking this leaf will cure all injuries in a short time.

In addition.

Sky Wood Immortal Water Leaf is the main material for refining Liuxing high grade spirit pill(s).

Six-star spirit pill(s), which corresponds to Limitless Realm Martial Venerable!

Taking Sky Wood Immortal Water Leaf directly can also regenerate bones, improve physical fitness and increase potential.

There is also a certain probability of giving martial artist “special physique ~ ~ martial vein everyone, special physique can not be met, some special physique, can give martial artist super potential, and some can increase battle strength.

As cultivation base improves, special physique will also improve, which is of great effect.

Luo Tian looked at his father in surprise!

Luo Xiao actually has this kind of treasure, so it is given to Ning Xueyao.

Ning Xueyao knows that this leaf is not simple, but does not understand. If she knows the true value of Sky Wood Immortal Water Leaf, I am afraid it will not be easily accepted.

Luo Tian didn’t say much. It was obvious that my father was able to give such a gift, so he was very satisfied with the “child daughter-in-law”.

Of course, Ning Xueyao is still not a daughter-in-law, and you have to rely on Luo Tian to try to achieve this.

“How much innovation this Sky Wood Immortal Water Leaf can bring you depends on your own chance…”

Luo Xiao smiled.

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