Eternal King Chapter 77: Materials like God

  Forging Workshop.

   Seeing that Luo Tian and Ji Xingjun are in conflict, Li Hai sneered secretly.

  Ji Xingjun has always been narrow-minded, and Luo Tian swept his face, wouldn’t he just give up?


  Ji Xingjun is very good at making friends and has a very good relationship with Gold District boss ‘Yue Jing’.

   Luo Tian fighting him is a dead end.

   “Luo Tian! Senior Ji is a veteran of Silver District and a brother of the gold boss ‘Yue Jing’, do you understand humility?”

  Li Hai shouted loudly.

   “Humility? You are not worthy yet.”

  Luo Tian is too lazy to pay attention, and is ready to enter Forging Workshop.

   “Hum! Every Vein-Opening six heavy weak chicken, shameless face!”

  Ji Xingjun looks shady and has cold eyes.


   He drew his sword and cut out an arc-like cold sword gas, as fast as thunder.

  Ji Xingjun has also developed a broken sword spirit, plus his Vein-Opening 7th layer peak cultivation base, this sword can cut a half-meter thick wall into two pieces.

   “Spirit Rank martial skill(s)Swift Lightning Sword Art“, known for its speed, is considered top among the Spirit Rank products.”

  Li Hai‘s eyes brightened.


   The swift and fierce sword gas attacked from behind and slashed to the arm of Luo Tian’s, it was difficult to dodge.

   “Even if you lose your arm, Yue Jing boss is the nephew of Vice-Mansion Lord, and I won’t be heavily punished.”

  Ji Xingjun looked stern.


   turned his back on his Luo Tian, and immediately produced a sword, sweeping out a Star Glow blooming cold sword gas.


   The tips of the two swords were stabbed together, and the sword qi collided and annihilated.

  Not only that.

   The sharpness of the sword exploded into a powerful power and shocked Ji Xingjun.

  Luo Tian’sHeavenly Star Swordsmanship“, at the Star Glow level, has a strong single explosive force.

Not to mention   .

  He is also at the peak of Star Glow level.

   “This guy, what swordsmanship…”

  Ji Xingjun is not surprised.

  Although his sword is reserved, he dare not really kill the public.


  Luo Tian complexion sank, after blocking a sword, counterattack quickly.

  Poof! puff! puff!

  He has a long sword in his hand, which transforms into a few blooming sword shadow cold stars, pointing at the shoulders, arms and other parts of Ji Xingjun.

  Ji Xingjun‘s complexion changed, and in a hurry, he could not tell the true and false of these sword lights.

   This is the second form of “Heavenly Star Swordsmanship“, Shifting Star Changing shadow!

   Ding Ding Ding!

  Ji Xingjun only wields his sword and tries his best to block.

   Some sword lights seem to be phantom, but suddenly burst like stars, producing terrible power.

  Some seem to be real, but they block a void.

After a few strokes.


   A seemingly disappeared swordmand of phantom, turned into a dark star-like sword glow, leaving a half inch deep blood on the arm of Ji Xingjun.

  Ji Xingjun groaned and panicked.

   “Ji Xingjun was hurt by Luo Tian?”

   Some Silver Student were present, who were surprised and deeply surprised.

   “Luo Tian, you are going to die!”

  Ji Xingjun is ugly and screams.

   Just now he did not do his utmost, plus the light enemy, he was suppressed by the Luo Tian’s strange swordsmanship, and suffered a loss.

   “Noisy! Forging Workshop is where you make trouble?”

   A rough loudly shouted sound came like a thunder, which made the eardrums tingling and blood was floating.

   There was silence on the field.

   All the students did not dare to show up, and looked in awe at the black iron giant building.

  In the Forging Workshop of this Saint Mansion, there is a cultivation base with deep and grumpy Refining Great Master.

  Even if Saint Mansion is a senior, he is very respectful of this Refining Great Master.


  Ji Xingjun glared resentfully at Luo Tian, depressing his anger and waving away.

   “It is Saint Mansion, even Forging Workshop has hidden masters.”

  Luo Tian sighed inwardly.

  He did not dare to neglect, walked into the black iron giant building, and took out [Gold Mail Armor].

  The back side of this chain mail has a few cracks.

  【Gold Mail Armor】In the lower-grade treasures, the class with poor quality was damaged by an assassin attack last time.

   “I want to repair the armor and inlay this shell on the chest area…”

  Luo Tian explains the intention.

   “We provide materials and consume three hundred contribution points, which will be taken after three days.”

  A refining man is impatient.


  Luo Tian decisively paid three hundred contribution points to complete the task delegation.


   Three days later.

On a short peak of Saint Mansion, there are more than 20 students, mostly Bronze Student and a few Silver Student.


  Saint Mansion will arrange a group of students here to go to the front to resist the tide.


   Suddenly, a handsome young man with silver identity arrived.

   “Brother Luo.”

  Chen Haofei greeted the crowd.

   “Go to Forging Workshop to get something, it’s late.”

  Luo Tian smiled.

  The Gold Mail Armor in his robe, the viscera area is inlaid with a large slap shell.

   “People are here.”

   deacon of a big-browed man, counting the number of people.

  With Luo Tian, there are five Silver Students on the field.

   “Luo Tian?”

  Li Hai is one of the five Silver Student, with a sly smile on the corner of his mouth.


   That thick eyebrow deacon led the people away.

  Chasing Sun Saint Mansion was built near Heaven’s Top Mountain Range.

   Two hours later.

   There was a mountain gap in front, blocked by a majestic tall fort, and a group of monsters were attacking.

  The fortified walls of the battle fort are over a dozen feet full of shocking marks and blood stains.

Around the city walls, the bodies of monster beasts piled up like mountains and blood flowed into rivers.

   “This is one of the important strongholds against the monsters on the front line. The battle is the most fierce. There are often two-star monsters.”

  Nongmei deacon introduced.

   “Fan deacon, are we going to fight here?”

   asked a Silver Student.

   Chasing Sun Saint Mansion‘s ordinary deacon is mostly Vein-Opening nine-fold or more. Some of them are Gold Student after they turn 20 years old, leave the students, and stay in Saint Mansion as deacon.

   “No! When you first arrived, first go to a nearby village to resist scattered monsters.”

  Nongmei Fan deacon Road.

  The battle fort is located near the gap of the mountain, and is one of the central points of the beast tide impact.

   But around the mountains, there will also be a beast tide, but it’s just a little stress.


  Fan deacon divides all the participants into five teams, each team has five to six people, and a Silver Student is the team leader.

  Luo Tian is also one of the captains, and Chen Haofei is assigned to his team with a total of five people.

  Li Hai leads a team of six, and is very skilled at assigning several Bronze Student‘s work.

   “This kid doesn’t have any experience, see how you go wrong.”

   sneered badly.

  Luo Tian is a captain, but he didn’t assign any tasks to the team members.

   That afternoon.

   Five teams led by Silver Student arrived in a large village with thousands of people nearby.

Near the village, there are their own martial artist guards, as well as students from other Martial Mansion, to help the defense.

   “Okay, I’ll give it to you here, based on the number of demon cores, to exchange for contribution points.”

  Nongmei deacon finished his account and left.


  Roar! Roar!

In the vicinity of    village, there are sometimes a few monster beasts, madly bloodthirsty.

   Most of these monsters are low-level 1-Star, which is quite below Vein-Opening 3rd layer, and the threat is not big.

  1-Star is also intermediate, but it is not difficult to deal with.

   poo poo!

   These monsters were only a few hundred meters away from the village, and were killed by the Martial Mansion students.

   “Senior Luo, all their contribution points were robbed by them. Do we have to rely on the previous one.”

  A bronze team member couldn’t hold back.

  Luo Tian led the team and stayed in the village without taking the initiative to kill the monster.

   “Brother Luo, are we conservative?”

  Chen Haofei puzzled way.

   “Don’t worry, you need to cultivate your own spirit first. This low-level monster, the monk has more meat and less meat, is not interesting.”

  Luo Tian looks calm.

  He has Viewing Qi Technique and senses the distant There is a wicked smoke approaching.


  His Good Fortune Secret Art also felt a touch of crisis.

  Luo Tian judged that when there was a delay, there must be a lot of monsters coming.

   and now.

  Li Hai and others struggled with each other to fight for the ownership of the two monsters, and almost clashed with other Martial Mansion students.

  Luo Tian can’t help but shake his head, let the players first recuperate.

  The night falls.

  Some students from each Martial Mansion are a little tired after a busy day.

   “Prepare for war!”

  Luo Tian shouted in a low voice, let Chen Haofei and other players get up.

   “Luo Tian idiot! The horizon is broad during the day, don’t go to kill the monsters. You should defend well at night, and you should be awesome.”

  Li Hai sneered and looked scornful.

   He got up and went to the corner to pour urine.


   The earth suddenly shuddered, and the dust rolled in the distance, and a large number of monsters were killed.

  At the same time, there are birds in the sky.

   Among these many monsters, there are even more than a dozen 1-Star high-level, and the entire mountain village is facing great defensive pressure.

   “Not good! Get ready to fight…”

  The students of major Martial Mansion hurriedly took up their weapons.

  Many people responded slowly, or they were exhausted from fighting in the daytime, and were injured and killed by monster birds.

   “Captain, you really are like a god!”

In the Luo Tian team, several players showed a little more awe and gratitude in their expressions.

  Poof! Sigh!

  Because of the Luo Tian’s prior reminder, several people were ready to fight and easily harvested a group of monsters.

   “Ah! How come!”

   On the other side, Li Hai‘s urine was halfway through. The birds in the sky struck, startled, and urinated directly onto the trouser legs.

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