Eternal King Chapter 744: Demon Demon

? “Monster Slaying Immortal Palace, the trial is on!”

The ethereal voice suddenly echoed in Immortal Palace.

“Whose voice?”

“What a trial?”

The sudden sound surprised many mentors.

Looking around, no outsiders are found.

“There is also a spirit of wisdom in this Immortal Palace!” Yan Lingyue said.

“I am afraid that this spirit of wisdom is the master of Immortal Palace, we better not offend and follow its meaning.”

Han Que also said.

The general spirit of wisdom will only strictly follow the will of the original owner and accomplish certain things.

Immortal Palace’s spirit of wisdom seems to be responsible for a trial in accordance with the will of the original Immortal Clan master!

“What is the content of the trial?”

Han Que actively inquires and communicates with the wisdom spirit of Immortal Palace.

Monster Slaying Trial, everyone can participate, you can send it to any zone, kill monsters, score points… time limit, one month!”

The indifferent voice slowly tells the rules.

“Is it actually killing the monster? Is it the actual combat ability test?”

The rules are simple, and all tutors will understand them when they hear them.

“Huh, but only for some low-level martial artist trials, I am already the top Intermediate Teacher of Flying Snow Saint Court, do I still need to participate in this?”

But some mentors disdain this trial.

“I thought this Immortal Palace would be a treasure, and the result was a trial, which was really disappointing.”

“I’m leaving now. If you have time to participate in the trial, it’s better to dig other treasures.”

A disappointed voice came.

Waste a month of trials, it is better to explore treasures.

And in actual combat training, fighting with monsters and beasts is accompanied by great danger.

Monster Slaying Trial, in the final top 20, can get the opportunity given by Immortal Palace.”

The ethereal voice remembered again.

“Oh, Brother Li, you are right, you go quickly, I think this environment is good, I plan to stay for a while.”

“I also think the environment here is good.”

The mentors who threatened to leave just now stayed.

The opportunity given by Immortal Palace is not too bad.

If it is a terrifying opportunity, it would be a pity to miss it.

Monster Slaying Trial, all participants have two chances to get the highest score to rank. In addition, all participants encounter life threats and can urge the rune power to be transmitted to Immortal Palace.”

Two chances to get the highest score, you can come back directly in case of danger, and many mentors who plan to try it out feel relieved.


Around the Immortal Palace, red light clusters floated, and fell on the back of each tutor’s hand.

“Is this Immortal Clan rune?”

Luo Tian looks at the back of his left hand. There are two ancient and mysterious runes on it, shaped like the sun and the moon.

“The chance of Immortal Clan? Quack, this God will also participate!”

The crow yelled.


An additional rainbow of light wafted inside Immortal Palace and landed on the crow’s mouth, leaving two red runes.

“Crows are rushing to participate, there must be something good!”

Luo Tian thought to himself.

“You all know what you should know. One month later, Monster Slaying Immortal Palace is closed, and the trial is over!” Immortal Palace‘s spirit said.


In the very center of Immortal Palace, on ​​the huge white jade stone plate, a clear map suddenly appeared, and even the landscape forest and different terrains can be distinguished at a glance.

In addition.

There are also many flashing red spots, densely packed.

“Can this map be the entire Immortal Clan Ancient Land? And these red spots, where are the monsters distributed?”

Han Que guess.

“It seems so.” Yan Lingyue nodded.

Most of the original mentors, some still look down on the trial.

But now, all the mentors are a little surprised by the powerful means of Immortal Palace!

It seems that the entire Immortal Clan Ancient Land is under the control of Immortal Palace.

You can teleport to any place. If you encounter a death crisis during the process of killing the monster, you can teleport it back immediately!

In the top 20 points, you can get the mysterious and unknown Immortal Clan chance!

“I understand…”

Luo Tian suddenly remembered something and suddenly realized.

Why are the monsters here so fierce and violent that they attacked when they saw outsiders, and even launched a massive beast tide?

The monsters must know that once the trial is turned on, they will be attacked and slaughtered by the enemy and will be in a passive position.

Why have most mentors explored Immortal Clan Ancient Land so far and have gained little?

Because this is just a trial site, the real chance is in Immortal Palace!

Once, this was a trial of Immortal Clan, and the reward was also given to Immortal Clan‘s own family, wouldn’t it be stingy?

Times have changed, and now their group of human tutors are fortunate to enter here.

“I want to send it here!”

A mentor walked to the white jade slab.

The more monsters that are beheaded, the higher the points, and they are expected to enter the top 20, so this mentor picked a relatively dense place for monsters.


When the red light came, the mentor was sent away.

Later, some mentors stepped forward and observed the map before being sent out.

Luo Tian is not too urgent.

After a month, he intends to collect some intelligence and prepare to act again.

Luo Tian looks at both sides, there are several floors, hundreds of secret rooms, what are they doing?


Luo Tian came to the first floor and walked into a secret room with little space inside.

When closing the door, a piece of green and bright glow fell down. Luo Tian seemed to be bathed in the sun and spring breeze, all pores were open, cool and refreshing.

“This secret room has a healing effect!”

Luo Tian draws a conclusion.

He then entered other secret rooms, including the second floor.

“The secret room on the second floor has excellent cultivation effects, better than the residence of Limitless Saint Court Intermediate Teacher!”

Luo Tian has a happy face.

Walking through the secret rooms of every one layer building, Luo Tian reached a conclusion.

Only the secret room on the first floor can quickly heal injuries and restore energy.

On the other floors are practice chambers.

When Luo Tian came to the conclusion, his Teacher Yu also discovered the role of these secret chambers, and was very surprised.

This Immortal Palace is not only a venue for performing Monster Slaying Trial, but also includes healing, cultivation and other functions.

Yan Mingxuan walked into the secret room on the first floor with anticipation of rotting ghosts, and prayed, “Immortal Palace Immortal Palace, please cure my illness!”

The green light was scattered, and the Yan Mingxuan was comfortable. However, when the spiritual consciousness was swept, it was found that the rotten ghosts also showed the appearance of comfort and enjoyment.

Yan Mingxuan suddenly crashed!

It seems that the treatment room cannot treat all conditions.

“This is the trial of Immortal Clan…”

Luo Tian sighed.

In terms of richness and perfection, the trial that Luo Tian has experienced or heard of compares with the trial of Immortal Clan, the gap is really obvious.


Luo Tian picked a practice room and sat down cross-legged.

Remove [Earth Kun Bead], Luo Tian did nothing, Spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth came together, entered the body, and practiced by itself.

The door of the secret room is open. While practicing Luo Tian, I want to pay attention to the outside.

Maybe there is something new that he didn’t find.

It didn’t take long.

Wow! thump!

Suddenly a red light came to the Immortal Palace center. The first tutor who was sent out was sent back again and fell to the ground.

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