Eternal King Chapter 743: Immortal Palace turned on

In the sky, three “Immortal Palace” suddenly appeared, filled with mysterious and ethereal artistic conception, exuding a sacred and majestic atmosphere, deterring all creatures!

Everyone below looks up and looks dull, incredible!

“How is this possible?”

Immortal Palace really appeared!”

Everyone was shocked and speechless.

The key point is that Luo Tian reached out and knocked on the stele without doing anything else. Is the switch in the stele activated? Immortal Palace appeared?

The mentors cannot understand.

In the past few days, almost every inch of the mysterious stele has been touched by them, and I haven’t seen anything!

As a party, Luo Tian is also very sad!

He really knocked on it casually, and he hasn’t asked about the secret of the Heavenly Book stele. The way to open Immortal Palace is like this.

Luo Tian also has no idea what happened.

Teacher Luo, you are too powerful, so Immortal Palace is so easy.”

Ye Shuiyun looks surprised, and the adored looks at Luo Tian.

Teacher Luo is really a **** and a man. The knock just now seems to be very casual, but it actually contains a unique technique that triggers the organization of the stele…”

“The five bodies admired under the ground.”

A sound of admiration came.

“Uh, it just happened.”

Luo Tian did not dare to accept such honors.

However, he is even more pretentious in the eyes of everyone, ashamed.


The most embarrassing thing in the audience is Ji Hailin.

He was confused, watching Luo Tian become the object of praise, and he was very angry.

Oh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

A mentor flew into the sky, near three mysterious Immortal Palace.

“The door is closed, you can’t get in!”

“Why is this, do you need other keys?”

Several mentors were intercepted outside Immortal Palace, a little depressed.

“This Immortal Palace door is open!”

A Intermediate Teacher shouted.

Three Immortal Palaces in red, silver and white colors.

At present, only the red Immortal Palace door is open and accessible.


“Red Immortal Palace, hurry in and seize the opportunity!”

All the mentors’ brains poured into the red Immortal Palace.


Luo Tian and Ye Shuiyun also flew up immediately.

Looking at the small red Immortal Palace below, you will experience its magnificence and magnificence only after you get close.

Before entering the red Immortal Palace, Luo Tian looked up at the plaque on the gate, there were four Immortal Clan ancient writing.

He took another look at the other two Immortal Palaces. There were four ancient writings on the plaque above.

Luo Tian’s consciousness came to Heavenly Book’s World.

Heavenly Book, what do these words mean!”

After consuming two pages of power, a line of words appeared on Heavenly Book: Monster Slaying Immortal Palace, Thousand Machines Immortal Palace, Myriad Thunder Immortal Palace.

After the puzzle.

Luo Tian also asked a question by the way.

“Am I a human race?” He was lost by the mysterious stele.

Heavenly Book hasn’t moved, it seems to be confused by the owner’s question.

Don’t you know your race?


Heavenly Book gave the answer without spending a little energy.

“It is a human race! Why is that…”

“Gaga, juvenile, the switch on this stone tablet has been changed, and even Immortal Clan cannot be turned on. Only when a creature with a certain blood power touches, it will be activated!”

The crow yelled.

That is, someone has entered here before and made changes.


The outside world, Flying Snow Saint Court.

The martial artist of many human races is watching the situation in Immortal Clan Ancient Land on the sky dome.

They looked weird when they saw the beast tide suddenly stop.

“There seems to be something stopping the monsters from going forward, they can only stop.”

A Heavenly Billows Saint Court elder.

“What the **** is going on there? Nearly a hundred mentors have gathered together for several days.”

A senior family member of the big family is puzzled.

The blurry picture observed from outside, the group of mentors have been gathering without fighting, are they talking and playing?

Many high-level executives, as well as martial artist, which has countless Saint Court figures, have already seen this scene.

None of them can understand what the mentors are doing.


The place where the group of mentors gathered gathered a strong bright white glow. As if a stone fell into the water, the ripples of the one layer layer spread all around!

“What happened?”

Everyone was alarmed.

You can observe such a clear picture from the outside. It is conceivable that the inside of Immortal Clan Ancient Land must be more amazing.


Three floating palaces appear!

“This… Instructor Luo Xiao, is this the test you mean?”

The dean of War Martial Court looked surprised, then looked at Luo Xiao.

The rest of great expert also stared away.


Luo Xiao nodded, and then said: “This is the trial left by Immortal Clan.”

Three Great Saint Courts, Ten Great Top Academies, use the ranking results of this trial to complete the outcome of the bet.”

I heard this.

The high level of Three Great Saint Courts and Ten Great Top Academies are all moving.

These three Immortal Palace, but they are related to their gambling contract, involving immense huge benefits, affecting the whole situation of Pale Ring!

And more people present are just pure curiosity, what exactly is the trial left by Immortal Clan.

But everyone here can only observe the obscurity here and cannot intervene.

When everyone’s eyes are focused on Immortal Clan Ancient Land.

Luo Xiao always has a calm look, rarely moving, staring at the red Immortal Palace, and sighs in his heart: “Tian’er, if you can complete the trial of Immortal Clan, be in the top ten, and tell you everything you want to know for your father. “


Within Immortal Clan Ancient Land.

The tutors gathered around the mysterious stele entered the red Immortal Palace immediately.

The amazing visions and breath of the three Immortal Palace also attracted the mentors in the vicinity or far away, and came desperately.

“What the **** happened there?”

“Come and see!”

The tutors all over the ancient land are attracted to the past.

The beast tide that has stopped.

A lot of monsters are looking up at Immortal Palace, and there is a strong hatred.

“Trial is on and the killing is about to begin!”

A two-meter-long demon bird with a resentful voice.


Nearly 100 mentors such as Luo Tian entered the first Immortal Palace. The interior space is wide and the decoration is antique, which is quite artistic.

In front of it, there is a huge white jade slab, which is eye-catching.

Other than that.

The sides of Immortal Palace are divided into several floors, with hundreds of separate rooms.

The internal structure of Immortal Palace is very peculiar.

After the mentors came in, the first thing that came to mind was to find treasures. The bricks and tiles here are extraordinary. Some decorative objects are rare treasures. It can be said that the entire Immortal Palace is a treasure.

“Can’t take it away?”

However, after all the mentors tried, they found that no items here could be put in storage items.


In the Immortal Palace, there were flashes of light inside, and an ethereal voice reverberated: “Monster Slaying Immortal Palace, the trial starts…”

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