Eternal King Chapter 741: You can’t touch it

? Luo Tian is purely curious, and wants to observe the stone monument up close, and by the way, see how it reacts to the stone monument.

“If the old man’s speculation is true, the mysterious stele is the key to open Immortal Palace. Even if there is no Immortal Clan or its descendants, if I ask Heavenly Book, I should get a solution.”

Luo Tian thought to himself.

Han Que was a little dissatisfied with Luo Tian, but it didn’t stop.

But now.

“Slow down, this stone tablet, you can’t touch it.”

There was a cold voice in the distance.


Ji Hailin flew over.

He stared at Luo Tian with resentment and said, “Luo Tian, if you want to touch the stele, first pass our Flying Snow Saint Court mentor level!”

He alone represents all the Flying Snow Saint Court instructors present, what a arrogance!

But the mentors of Flying Snow Saint Court were not dismissed, they all stood beside Ji Hailin. After all, it was the grandson of the dean, and he did a small favor.

Han Que felt that Ji Hailin was too loud, but he did not wait to see Luo Tian, so he took a few steps and expressed his attitude.

All the mentors of Flying Snow Saint Court were present, as if an insurmountable high wall stopped Luo Tian.

“How can you do this?”

With such unfair treatment, Ye Shuiyun ignited his anger.

All of this is because of Ji Hailin. This person has a narrow mind and must pay attention, but he has great power.

There are also many instructors present at Limitless Saint Court.

But they are not willing to come forward for Luo Tian, and Yan Lingyue is nothing to do with themselves.

“Since this is the case, I will not touch it.”

Luo Tian turned around and left.

He originally thought that using the power of Heavenly Book, he might be able to turn on Immortal Palace soon.

Now that the Flying Snow Saint Court tutor is blocking it, forget it.

Ye Shuiyun also left, and said to Luo Tian after walking away: “Teacher Luo, shall we just give up here?”

She is a bit unhappy, in case there is a big opportunity here.

“If they have a way to open the Immortal Palace, the movement will definitely be great, and we will come again when the time comes.”

Luo Tian looks calm.

If these people are still unable to get involved, they will certainly not waste time all the time. When the crowd disperses, Luo Tian will try again, and may still be able to monopolize the benefits.

Ji Hailin looked at Luo Tian away, feeling a little proud.

But just like this, it’s hard to dispel his anger.

He also wants to find an opportunity to continue to retaliate against Luo Tian.

Brother Han, what is the situation here?”

Ji Hailin turned to look at Han Que.

Since entering Immortal Clan Ancient Land, he has seldom harvested, and his life-saving hole card has consumed one. Now he desperately wants to harvest treasures.

“There is only one mentor in my school who knows Immortal Clan ancient writing, and there are several mentors who understand formation, but when I can crack the mystery of this stele, I don’t know…”

Han Que soundtrack.

It is also because of this that he allowed other tutors to study the stele, hoping to work together to solve this matter.

One day passed.

A group of mentors surrounded the mysterious stele with little progress.

Many mentors’ heads were broken, and various methods were tried, but no results were achieved.

After three days.

This is still the case.

Now, nearly one hundred mentors have gathered here and still take the stone monument.

Some people even suspect that there are no secrets in the stone tablets. It’s because everyone thinks too much and wastes time here.

Several mentors are reluctant to continue to waste time and explore other places.

The fourth day.

Everything remains the same.

Until the advisor of Limitless Saint Court arrived, it attracted great attention and bursts of wonder!

The person who came was Yan Mingxuan, he did not die.

Teacher Mingxuan? Are you this?”

A Limitless Saint Court instructor stared at Yan Mingxuan in surprise.

On the top of Yan Mingxuan‘s head, there was a ghost with hair scattered, his face was pale, his eyes were like black holes, and blood was slowly flowing out.

This spooky and terrifying ghost, opened his mouth to bite on Yan Mingxuan‘s head, like a tarsal maggot.

Yan Mingxuan is a powerless look. When he saw so many mentors, he shouted a little excitedly: “Who can help me solve this guy, I am very grateful to Yan Mingxuan, thank you for your reward!”

Yan Mingxuan is really no choice.

On that day, he and his companions fought fiercely with the rotting ghosts. After destroying the Ice Palace, the rotting ghosts weakened their strength, and it seemed that they would disappear after a long time.

But at the last moment, the decaying ghost suddenly rushed to Yan Mingxuan, biting on his head.

This bite did not cause any substantial damage, but since then, the rotting ghost has been lying on his body, and he can’t get rid of it!

Not only that, but Yan Mingxuan was inexplicably bad.

“This… try old man.”

After an old grey robe approaches, he observes for a while and frowns.

Finally, he urged the law and tried it, but failed to solve it.

“Powerless.” The old man in gray robe went away.

Several mentors stepped forward and tried, but all failed.

The appearance of Yan Mingxuan is just an episode.

But gradually, Yan Mingxuan is more noticeable than that mysterious stone tablet. It makes people look at it from time to time, and it feels very strange and very funny.

Yan Mingxuan has long been accustomed to this kind of gaze, and his expression is silent.

Teacher Mingxuan, I remember you understand Immortal Clan ancient writing, or you try it to see if you can crack the mystery of this stone monument.”

A Intermediate Teacher who knew Yan Mingxuan.


Yan Mingxuan nodded.

Walking closer to the stele and observing for a while, he shook his head.

Because of ghosts above his head, he was in a poor state of mind, and he didn’t care much about other things, and quickly retreated.

“I remembered that I had heard about Martial Town Spirit Temple near Limitless World before.”

“The Martial Town Spirit Temple has a piece of formation plate left by Swire Immortal Clan, which was eventually deciphered by the Luo Tian instructor of Limitless Saint Court.”

“I heard that Yan Mingxuan wanted to compete with Luo Tian at the time, and it ended in defeat.”

A young tutor didn’t know where to hear it.

Luo Tian? He is so young, understand Immortal Clan ancient writing?”

Someone questioned.

“It’s more than understanding, it’s proficient. It is said that he has completely deciphered the Immortal Clan ancient writing on the entire Swire formation plate in less than a scent of incense.”

“You know, that Spirit Temple Temple Master was labor and material intensive, and it took less than half to crack in half a year.”

The young mentor continued.

This is an amazing attracted the attention of the mentors.

Yan Mingxuan, does this really happen?” Someone asked Yan Mingxuan for proof.

On this matter, if the Yan Mingxuan is known to be lying, it will only be more embarrassing.


Yan Mingxuan responded reluctantly.

“So, Luo Tian is really proficient in Immortal Clan ancient writing, is it a master in this respect?”

Han Que is stunned.

But just now, their Flying Snow Saint Court tutor drove away Luo Tian.

Suddenly, among the tutors of Flying Snow Saint Court, who just stood up against Luo Tian near the mysterious stele, their faces were a bit embarrassed.

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