Eternal King Chapter 713: Furious Martial King

? Luo Tian and Yan Xiaoxia simply strolled around the bedroom and found nothing very precious.

“It seems that Red Lotus Martial Venerable said that the inheritance of mantle should be the first bookstore, where there is Martial Path knowledge accumulated in his life…”

Luo Tian and Yan Xiaoxia went back to the bookstore again and carefully read through to find the practice “Scarlet Yang Heavenly Fire Art” practiced by Red Lotus Martial Venerable.

In addition, there are swordsmanship “Scarlet Lotus Sword Art“, movement techniqueFire Dances to the Nine Heavens“, and two secret techniques.

All are Martial Venerable Rank and others!

Everything placed on the outside world alone can set off a **** storm, even an interface war!

Luo Tian and Yan Xiaoxia, after seeing many of the previous treasures, quickly calmed down.

Inheritance of Red Lotus Martial Venerable, if the inheritance is specified in a mysterious way.

Luo Tian is not too suitable. For Yan Xiaoxia, he will get nothing.

But in this way, Luo Tian can also be viewed.

Browse it through Luo Tian, low mumble: “The skills are not suitable for me…Swordsmanship can be used for reference…movement technique is good, you can consider practicing…”


Martial Venerable Rank movement techniqueFire Dances to the Nine Heavens” is too mysterious and profound, making it difficult to practice.

Luo Tian’sMoon Shadow Escape to the Sky“, more than half of the cultivation, has reached the point of perfection.

If you suddenly repair “Fire Dances to the Nine Heavens“, the effect may not be as good as the former.

After some consideration.

Luo Tian decided to write down the content of “Fire Dances to the Nine Heavens” first, and then talk about it later.

Yan Xiaoxia’s is definitely taking the Red Lotus Martial Venerable heritage.

She is pregnant with Yang Flame Body, inherits everything from Red Lotus Martial Venerable, and even hopes to surpass Red Lotus Martial Venerable in the future.

However, Yan Xiaoxia can only practice at this stage, only “Scarlet Yang Heavenly Fire Art“, swordsmanship and movement technique and those two secret skills, the practice is too difficult.

“Xia Xia, I plan to stay here for a while, how about you?”

Luo Tian inquiries.

His previous plan was to return to Limitless Saint Court, retreat for two years, and do his best to improve the strength of cultivation base.

And now.

Unexpectedly came to “Red Lotus Residence“.

Here, Spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth is rich, and the training environment is much better than Limitless Saint Court Intermediate Teacher residence.

Luo Tian is no longer necessary to run back.

What’s more, this bookstore contains many exercises, secret techniques, and Martial Path perceptions of Red Lotus Martial Venerable, which is a huge treasure trove.

“Then I will also retreat here.”

Yan Xiaoxia didn’t think much, and gave the answer.

In Supreme Essence Sect, she has become a splendid figure.

But when she came to Pale Ring, she saw too many geniuses who were even better than herself, and saw too many powerful and terrifying strongmen, and was somewhat hit by some, eager to improve her strength.

This is similar to when Luo Tian first came.

What’s more, Yan Xiaoxia intends to inherit the mantle of Red Lotus Martial Venerable, and the most suitable for her at this stage is closed retreat.


Luo Tian and Yan Xiaoxia stayed at Red Lotus Residence temporarily.


Maple Sea World.

Near the huge ravine.

In the beginning, Yuan Family occupied here, and then the other major forces arrived, and even had fierce conflicts.

In the end, the strength of several parties stopped and they explored the secrets of this place together.

This day.

The major forces sent out men and women to explore the magma pool together.

“You enter, if you encounter Luo Tian tutor, please rescue him.”

Luo Xiating is also here.

She didn’t contact Luo Tian, so Luo Tian is likely to go in, maybe in danger.

Several powerful people looked at Luo Xiating and nodded slightly.

After all, it is the genius of Luo Ancient Clan, not to mention the person who is looking for is Intermediate Teacher of Limitless Saint Court.


Several powerful people entered into the magma river space. Not long after walking, they found that the front was blocked.

After digging for a while.

They found a corpse, only burnt black bones were left.

The initial judgment is that the old man is very old.

Next, the major forces sent many people to dig inside.

But the amount of engineering is huge.

It took only three months to reach the end.

Here, they found several bones and a completely closed door.

Several black skeletons were brought out.

“Four middle-aged and one young man, about 30 or 40 years old.”

A Yuan Family person reports the situation.

The high-level leaders of many forces present frowned.

Before them, have so many people entered it?

And Luo Xiating on the side, staring at the bone of the young man, his eyes flashed with tears.

“Is he the teacher…”

The size and age of this skeleton are very consistent with Luo Tian.

“No, the teacher will not die!”

Luo Xiating does not want to believe.

But after so long, Luo Tian didn’t come back and didn’t contact her, it was probably an accident.

At this time!

A massive and immense pressure, covering a hundred miles!


On the sky dome, there appeared a straight figure, whose eyes seemed to be sparkling with electricity, which was breathtaking!

Martial King?”

martial artist of several big families is terrified!

“Goodbye “Elder Yuan Li“!”

The head of Yuan Family sees the figure in the sky, immediately kneels down, then all Yuan Family people kneel down!

Yuan Ancient Clan is one of the Pale Ring Five Great Ancient Clans, the family is flourishing.

In addition to the main family, there are many tribes.

This Yuan Family head is a member of the tribe.

And this “Yuan Li” elder is the elder of Yuan Ancient Clan.


The next moment, Yuan Li appears at the bottom of the gully.

A few powerful men, all in awe, bowed and bowed their heads, saying hello.

“I didn’t expect this, it actually alarmed Elder Yuan Li.”

Yuan Family is the master.

Elder Yuan Li looked indifferent and ignored the head of Yuan Family. He glanced over the bones in front of him, and immediately rested on the young bone.


Yuan Li approached suddenly, his eyes burst into fierce cold light!

A terrible momentum spread out, surrounded by extreme depression, as if standing on the edge of a volcano about to erupt!

Everyone was terrified and wanted to retreat, but their figure was difficult to move!

They even felt the death crisis.

I am afraid that the horrible volcano Yuan Li will suddenly erupt and bury them all!

“Is this person…Yuan Cong? Son of the elder Yuan Li?”

What the Yuan Family owner remembered, his legs were shaking!

“Elder Yuan Li, we don’t know anything about the death of your son. This bone was also just dug out.”

The Yuan Family head said immediately.

“Who else is inside?”

“Who are the other bones?”

The elder Yuan Li questioned Who are the other bones? It is unclear.

But who else entered it…

The martial artist of the major forces present all looked at Luo Xiating.

Luo Xiating was sad just because of the young bone.

As a result, this is actually the skeleton of Yuan Cong.

She fell into a dull moment.

At the moment, in the face of the many eyes of martial artist present and the eyes of the anger Martial King containing huge oppression, she hurriedly said: “My teacher suddenly disappeared, he just may have entered inside, I am not sure.” ()

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