Eternal King Chapter 682: Mission completed

  Three undercovers were caught on the spot.

   Many disciples outside, witnessed the arrest of Heavenly Spider Organization members with their own eyes, and their hearts were very shaken.

  They are overwhelming majority people, almost never seen members of Heavenly Spider Organization.

   Then the disciples exclaimed.

   “It’s amazing!”

   “The man just now was so flamboyant that he saw the identity of the undercover!”


  Luo Tian and the search team caught three undercovers and left the outer disciple area.

   “Sir, this time thanks to you, I grabbed the undercover all at once.”

  The captain of the search slaps the **** all the way.

   Not long ago, Luo Tian just pulled out the undercover young man with a pimple.

   Then, three undercovers were found by Luo Tian!

   This is simply too efficient!

   Their search team has been established for half a year. On weekdays, they searched for clues and scrutinized suspicious disciples. For so long, they didn’t even catch an undercover.

   “Don’t worry, maybe there is still a fish that missed the net? Later, let me interrogate these three people.”

  Luo Tian calmly said.

   arrived at the interrogation room, and Luo Tian cast Demonic Will Technique on these three people alone, invading their spiritual consciousness and looking for related clues.

  Without wasting time, he found two other undercover codenames.

   “Go and grab Chen Song and Qian Yue’er!”

   walked out of the interrogation room and Luo Tian said to the search team leader.

   “Yes, yes!”

   The search leader was so excited that he couldn’t even speak.

  He is really unimaginable. At this moment, Luo Tian forced out the identity of the other undercover?

   Didn’t say that the undercover of Heavenly Spider Organization is not afraid of life and death, is it difficult to torture information?

  The search team leader did not neglect, and immediately took the person to the outer door area again, grabbing the two undercovers.


The undercover incident quickly disturbed the Cloud Wave Sect seniors!

In one day, six undercover identities were found out, which surprised and delighted them!

   Surprisingly, Cloud Wave Sect has so many undercovers?

   It’s natural that the expert invited by Great Elder(s) successfully resolved the matter.

   As for the true identity of Luo Tian’s, only a few high-level executives of Cloud Wave Sect know that Great Elder(s) has already told them to keep the identity of Luo Tian’s secret.

   That day.

  Cloud Wave Sect high-level gathering hall.

  When Luo Tian arrived, it attracted a lot of high-level curiosity.

  The mysterious master who pulled out the undercover is so young?

   “Thanks to your Excellency, this time, I used my own eyes and pulled out the undercover.”

  Cloud Wave Sect Master personally expressed gratitude.

   “The method of your Excellency is admirable.”

   “We are helpless, and you have solved it so easily…”

   Afterwards, the rest of Cloud Wave Sect senior officials expressed their admiration and gratitude.


  Luo Tian looked calm and said: “Don’t let go, let’s pay attention to all the disciples who go out in the near future!”

   The undercover he grabbed is not necessarily all, saying there is no deeper hidden.

   But he grabbed six undercovers all at once. If there were other undercovers, he would definitely be scared and want to escape from Cloud Wave Sect.

   recently suspected of leaving Zongmen.

   as expected.

   Three days later.

   An inner disciple was found out.

The    incident further fermented.

   Luo Tian’s prestige, has been followed and discussed on Cloud Wave Sect, and won great praise.

   Subsequently, Cloud Wave Sect cooperated with the nearby family forces, and without mentioning the point, Luo Tian grabbed several undercovers!

  After hearing these news, Great Elder(s) was filled with emotion.

   What he thought was that Luo Tian showed his identity and vigorously promoted it to deter the undercover.

  Luo Tian adopts the same method.

   But he used the results to deter the undercover, making them mess up, showing his feet and being pulled out.

   is also a shock, but the result is completely different!

   The former seems very helpless, while the latter is extremely powerful, which makes the enemy panic and fear.

   “Teacher Luo, we found three suspicious persons in ‘Pinglan City’ near Cloud Wave Sect, cultivation base is not low… suspect they are members of Heavenly Spider Organization!”

  Great Elder(s) reports to Luo Tian.

   Recently, in order to search the undercover, Cloud Wave Sect was sent up and down, and all suspicious people will be followed.

   Then, Great Elder(s) talked about the characteristics of the three people.

  After listening to Luo Tian, he was very surprised and immediately smiled and said: “These three are not undercover.”

  Great Elder(s) has a different face, Luo Tian has not investigated it, and has not conducted divination. How can he be so sure?

   But now he has great faith in Luo Tian’s, what Luo Tian said, that is what.

   Ten days later.

   Things are almost resolved, Luo Tian’s mission is over, ready to leave.

  Cloud Wave Sect Master is kindly reserved, and a banquet entertains Luo Tian.

   at the banquet.

   “Teacher Luo, things are over, do you need to be…”

  Great Elder(s) came to ask.

   “No more.”

  Luo Tian shook his head. The task was done. After this banquet, he would leave Cloud Wave Sect. It would be meaningless to say his identity at this moment.

   “Hey, this Teacher Luo is very young, but there is no publicity of young people at all, it is more like an indifferent worldly fame…”

  Great Elder(s) sighed.

   at the banquet.

  Cloud Wave Sect‘s high-level executives all smiled and toasted Luo Tian one after another.

   Luo Xiating was also received with hospitality and was embarrassed to be praised.

   For this task, she really didn’t do anything to help, and the teacher could easily handle it by herself.

  At the same time.

Pinglan City near Cloud Wave Sect.

   “Have you heard? Cloud Wave Sect invited a mysterious expert and found several undercovers of Heavenly Spider Organization!”

   “Really? Is Heavenly Spider Organization‘s undercover so easy to check?”

   “It is said that the mysterious master is still very young…”

In the restaurant, many martial artist are talking.

  Yan Mingxuan listened to the sound of discussion around him, and said with a cold face: “This kid, actually has this ability!”

  After learning about the Luo Tian’s mission, he concluded that Luo Tian was difficult to complete and had a great possibility of failure.

   So he ambushed on the way back to Limitless Saint Court from Luo result.

Within a few days, Yan Mingxuan heard such big news.

  Luo Tian not only found all the undercovers of Cloud Wave Sect, but even some of the nearby undercovers were also found.

   This is an over-completed task, and it is related to Heavenly Spider Organization, and may receive special awards.

   “He is really capable, but people who have the ability will also die, and often die more easily, because this kind of person will offend people!”

   Opposite of Yan Mingxuan, Yu Caixuan coldly spoke.

   glanced at each other, and both smiled faintly.

   At this time, a burly middle-aged man sitting between the two of them suddenly said: “Yan Mingxuan, this time the goal is not simple, Spirit Essence Coin plus one million!”

  Yan Mingxuan frowned: “Five million is already high!”

   At the beginning of Cloud Wave Gathering, he experienced the strength of Luo Tian’s.

   One-on-one, he is not sure at all, and may be killed by Luo Tian.

  Even with Yu Caixuan, the two are worried that Luo Tian will run away.


  Yan Mingxuan also invited a strong man to sit down to ensure foolproof!


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