Eternal King Chapter 678: Illegal ethics

Luo Tian and Luo Xiating led to Cloud Wave Sect under the leadership of Great Elder(s).

The cultivation base of Cloud Wave Sect Great Elder(s) is higher than Luo Tian, but he has to lower his posture in the face of the mentor of Limitless Saint Court, and even report a respectful attitude.

“Dare to ask which mentor you are from and which branch of Limitless Saint Court?”

Inquiry about Great Elder(s).

Luo Tian’s looked very young and brought a student.

Can such a lineup handle the mission?

Great Elder(s) even suspects that Luo Tian is just a junior tutor.

Luo Tian, Heaven’s Edge Court.”

Remember Great Elder(s), send someone back to find out.

“Instructor Luo Tian travels a long distance, and I will let people set up a banquet to catch up with you.”

Great Elder(s) asked again.

“No, we are here to investigate the clues of the members of Heavenly Spider Organization, which is too publicity and not good.”

Luo Tian refused.

Great Elder(s) has a strange face, and I don’t think this young Saint Court tutor can successfully complete the task.

After all, it is Heavenly Spider Organization. It’s secret, powerful, and tricky. How can it be so easy to solve?

The original idea of ​​Great Elder(s) was to attract the attention of Limitless Saint Court and let them send people to deter Heavenly Spider Organization members.

He didn’t even think about catching people at all, just deter members of Heavenly Spider Organization.

But Luo Tian told him not to be public, to act in a low-key manner, Great Elder(s) can only do so.

Great Elder(s) has arranged an elegant and secluded courtyard for Luo Tian and Luo Xiating.

In the lobby.

“Tell me about the specific situation.”

Luo Tian took the tea cup and took a sip.

“A few years ago, the family forces near Cloud Wave Sect had the figure of Heavenly Spider Organization, and my Sect also ordered people to search, and there was nothing to gain…”

“And half a year ago, a group of disciples of my Sect went out to perform tasks and encountered the infamous bandit forces…”

Great Elder(s) tells.

According to the leader of the bandit, they could have easily killed the squad of Cloud Wave Sect disciples.

But a Cloud Wave Sect disciple suddenly broke out of his extraordinary strength, killed more than a dozen robbers, almost escaped, and was finally killed by the robber leader.

When checking the loot, the leader of the robber discovered Heavenly Spider Organization‘s token, so he disclosed the news to Cloud Wave Sect.

“Those robbers aren’t too bad.”

Luo Xiating muttered.

“The old man suspects that the members of Heavenly Spider Organization have penetrated the outer door of Cloud Wave Sect.”

Great Elder(s) looks dignified.

If it is not dealt with this morning, sooner or later it will infiltrate the inner door, even Cloud Wave Sect high-level.

Undercover is difficult to investigate, not to mention the mysterious organization like Heavenly Spider, Zongmen seniors find it difficult to handle.

So Great Elder(s) wants to borrow the prestige of Limitless Saint Court to deter the undercover.

In the process of Great Elder(s), it clearly implies that Luo Tian only needs to cooperate to deter the undercover of Heavenly Spider Organization, which is enough.

But Luo Tian has taken care of this task.

The robbers all knew the hazards of Heavenly Spider Organization and disclosed the news to Cloud Wave Sect.

Luo Tian doesn’t want to be perfunctory, he wants to find members of Heavenly Spider Organization.

“In addition, at present Zongmenli has established a search team and secretly investigated… Teacher Luo can arbitrarily dispatch the search team.”

Great Elder(s) continued.

After the situation is almost finished, he got up and handed Luo Tian a summons, saying: “If there is anything else between the two, you can directly contact me through this summons.”

After finishing talking, Great Elder(s) left.

“This mission just happens to sharpen your personality. You first investigate the information yourself, and report to me immediately if you have something.”

Luo Tian vs. Luo Xiating.

If you have a chance, you still have to arrange tasks for your students and sharpen them.

Otherwise, this task Luo Xiating may not need to do anything, it is over.

“Yes, teacher.”

Luo Xiating looks excited and is very interested in searching undercover.

After the departure of Luo Xiating.

Luo Tian uses the calculation method and uses Heavenly Eye to directly perform the deduction.

Without clues, deduction is very difficult.

Luo Tian finally got only a few clues, and it is not very accurate, he intends to personally confirm.

So the identity of the Luo Tian outside guests, hang out in Cloud Wave Sect.

In a blink of an eye, five days have passed.

Great Elder(s) mansion.

For the past five days, Great Elder(s) has been observing the situation of Luo Tian and Luo Xiating.

Great Elder(s) and Teacher Luo of Saint Court have done nothing but hang out in the past five days. His students are very active, and they are together with outside disciples, and they are investigating intelligence from them.”

A confidant reports details.

“Hey, a little girl, what can you investigate?”

Great Elder(s) sighed.

He has sent someone to check, Luo Tian is the new Intermediate Teacher of Limitless Saint Court.

A young man who has just reached the threshold of Intermediate Teacher, a younger disciple, such a combination can pull out members of Heavenly Spider Organization, which is really a ghost.


This day.

Luo Xiating has just returned.

Two men followed, sneaking along, and came outside the courtyard.

“This is the residence of Miss Xiating. She can have a separate courtyard in Cloud Wave Sect. Her identity is not simple!”

A golden robe whispered.

“However, this is just right, and I can barely be regarded as a householder!”

The mouth of the man in the gold robe slightly curled.

“The efficacy of Sanyue Ruanxiang San is estimated to be on the horizon soon, you give me the wind.”

Golden robe man’s mouth provoked a wicked smile, and patted the numb young man beside him.

“Master Mo Lan rest assured.”

The young man with a puffy face patted his chest.

The golden robe man “Mo Lan” walked in with a smile, but suddenly, he saw a young man in the other courtyard, his face could not help changing!

Miss Xiating, what’s going on? Why are there other men in your other courtyard!”

Mo Lan directly asked loudly shouted, I was a little bit angry!

The woman she likes has a man!

Luo Xiating looked back, Mo Lan actually came here, her impatient coquettishly: “It’s not your business, please leave!”


She inquired about the information and was very familiar with outside disciples. She accidentally caught the attention of Mo Lan.

The other party seemed to have a good future, and he proposed in person to let Luo Xiating be his woman.

Luo Xiating refused in public.

Unexpectedly, Mo Lan followed her here.

Luo Xiating didn’t want Mo Lan to disturb the teacher, so he drove him away.

Mo Lan ignored Luo Xiating, but stared at Luo Tian coldly: “Now! Immediately! Get out of here!”

Luo Tian frowned slightly, indifferently said: “This is my residence, it’s you who should be rolled.”

He doesn’t want to have general knowledge with this person, he directly orders the guests.

Mo Lan didn’t listen, and looked angrily: “How dare you, dare to tell me to go? Believe it or not, I won’t let you mix in Cloud Wave Sect?”

“Don’t believe it, you can give it a try.”

Luo Tian has no Hearing the noise, the young man with a grimacing face hurried over.

“I urge you to speak carefully, this one standing in front of you, you can not offend.”

Mai face youth told Luo Tian.

Luo Tian can see at a glance that the young people with Ma face are wearing the clothes of disciples outside, and Mo Lan should not be a disciple of Cloud Wave Sect.

Mo Lan, you think too much, this is my teacher. Please leave, don’t disturb us.”

Luo Xiating Shen Sheng shouted.


Mo Lan glanced at Luo Tian, and his age is not much different from himself. Can he also be a teacher?

“I think you must have used some deceitful means to deceive Miss Xiating. And teacher-student love is also unethical.”

Mo Lan looked at Luo Tian with contempt.

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