Eternal King Chapter 614: Severe punishment

  ”Teacher Liu saw me alive? Seems disappointed?”

  Luo Tian‘s mouth twitched with a playful smile.

  Liu Luke is more than just disappointed, he can’t control his emotions, and even wants to kill Luo Tian himself!

   “Where, the Luo Tian tutor is still alive, that would be great.”

  Liu Lu’s voice was low and a ugly smile squeezed out.

   “It’s just amazing that Teacher Luo escaped from the female boss, it is really amazing, I am very puzzled, how did Teacher Luo do it?”

  Liu Lu asked his doubts.

   “It happened that I met an expert on the road and rescued me.”

  Luo Tian made up a reason, and the tone is casual.

   Liu Lu’s mouth twitched, knowing that it was false, he was not wrong, and he was more angry.

   “Teacher, you are still alive, it’s really nice.”

   “The teacher is so powerful that he escaped from the female leader. Gongsun Tutor was just given the female leader to instakill!”

  Luo Tian’s students, one by one excited.

   “Oh? Did the female boss encounter you again?”

  Luo Tian pretends to be unwitting.

   “Teacher Liu, I made repeated mistakes for this mission to proceed smoothly. I don’t know if Teacher Liu killed Captain Blood Blade and the female leader?”

  Luo Tian has a hint of questioning tone.

  Liu Lu’s face was somber and very embarrassing.

  Captain Blood Blade escaped, and he was also hit hard.

  Lu Hongyi also fled, killing his woman.

  Luo Tian’s words, speaking of Liu Luxin went up, making him ashamed, angry and resentful.

   “Huh? What’s going on with Liu Lu’s face and eyes?”

  Luo Tian then asked.

  Liu Lu was even more faceless, and his angry face was shaking.

  The Luo Tian count dropped a bit, and I didn’t go on to say more. After all, the dog would jump the wall if he was anxious.


   Two months later.

   Everyone successfully returned to Limitless Saint Court and came to Sect Business Hall to settle the task.

   “Dead to a tutor, eleven students?”

  deacon‘s eyes are low.

  Saint Court proactively released tasks are generally considered and not too dangerous.

  The losses of Liu Lu and others are relatively large, and there may be insider information, so you need to ask for review.

  ”What about encirclement and suppression?”

  deacon Then ask.

   “Slay 46 robbers, 5 Heaven Rank robbers, the leader… escaped!”

  Liu Lu reported the situation.

   “The task is not completed well, and the rewards will not be too much.” deacon shook his head.

   “This time, there was no problem at first, but Teacher Luo has poor ability to work, and even made a major mistake and was caught by the enemy. This led to heavy losses, and the Gongsun Ling instructor was sacrificed.”

   “I was also seriously injured and blinded.”

   Liu Lu groaned, looking very helpless.

  He easily blamed Luo Tian.

   “Is that so?”

  deacon glanced at several other mentors.

  Hu Chao and mature middle-aged, dare not say more, silent.

   “Teacher Luo, if it is because of your problem, the team has suffered heavy losses. And if you do not make any contribution, you may not get any rewards, and you may even face punishment!”

  deacon looked at Luo Tian with a solemn tone.

   “So what if Liu Lu made nonsense?”

  Luo Tian looks calm and does not panic.

   “You need to show evidence.” deacon lightly said.

  General team tasks, the leader has a greater right to speak, Luo Tian must show evidence before he can refute the leader.


  Luo Tian takes a blood red package from the storage space and throws it in front of deacon.

   “This is…”

  deacon and Liu Lu and other mentors urged spiritual consciousness to penetrate into it!


  Liu Lu stayed in place, unbelievable!

  Hu Chao and another mentor were also very surprised, then stared at Luo Tian in shock!

   “This is the first level of Captain Blood Blade!”

  deacon took a deep breath!

  Luo Tian took back the first level of Captain Blood Blade, this is the achievement!

   Poor handling ability, it is impossible to get a leader of the leader!

   light alone.

  Luo Tian may be the biggest hero of the entire team.

   “This time, there are many deaths and injuries. You need to be reviewed by Sect Business Hall.”

  deacon looks right and acts according to rules and regulations.

   Inside Sect Business Hall.

   Luo Tian and other four instructors were asked separately.

   “Teacher Luo, talk about the mission situation.” deacon asked.

  Luo Tian except for concealing the part of acting with Lu Hongyi, all the others are told truthfully.

   When deacon asked him how to get break free from the female boss, Luo Tian still said as before, he met a senior Shuihe World and was rescued.

  Same sentence, different tone, different effect.

  deacon did not cause much doubt.

   “When I was looking for the team, I happened to encounter the seriously injured Captain Blood Blade and killed him by sneak attack…”

  Luo Tian is finished.

   In fact, it was Lu Hongyi who found the severely damaged Captain Blood Blade, killed it, and gave the first level to Luo Tian.

   This is also the request made by Luo Tian when discussing cooperation.

   “Teacher Luo has made a great effort this time.”

  deacon nodded slightly.

  After listening to the Luo Tian’s narrative, everyone knows that Luo Tian was targeted by Liu Lu.

  Luo Tian didn’t want to hide anything, and said his true thoughts: “Mr. Liu Lu’s mission was deliberately difficult because of some previous grudges, and almost caused more deaths and injuries!”

   “Teacher Luo rest assured, we will carefully review, if there is such a thing, Liu Lu will be subject to due punishment.”

  deacon is right.

  Luo Tian was slightly surprised, and found that this deacon was very friendly to his attitude.

   understands it with a little thought.

   should be because of rumors about yourself and Ye Shuiyun.

   The grandfather of Ye Shuiyun is the elder of the court, this deacon is too late to dare, and he dare not neglect Luo Tian in this matter.

  deacon will be dealt with impartially, if there is eccentricity, it is also towards Luo Tian.

   After several tutors asked questions.

   Sect Business Hall‘s deacon, and casually asked several students, the matter was temporarily ended.

   Instructor mission rewards, a total of three million Spirit Essence Coin, thirty Heavenly Spirit Pill.

  Although Liu Lu is the team leader, but the task is not completed well, he also made a mistake in his decision, which almost caused a bigger mistake.

  Liu’s personal contribution is very low, only 20% of the reward is allocated.

  Luo Tian alone, as many as 50% in solo battle.

  The remaining 30% is allocated by Hu Chao and another tutor.

  Other than that.

   The first level of Captain Blood Blade is awarded 1.5 million Spirit Essence Coin and ten Heavenly Spirit Pill.

   “This is a total of three million Spirit Essence Coin and twenty-five Heavenly Spirit Pill!”

  Luo Tian smiled and was very satisfied.

  He gained more by himself than the three mentors Liu Lu and Hu Chao combined.

  Martial Path world, except talent, resources are everything.

With sufficient resources, Martial Path’s Road can move forward smoothly.

  Guan Hongfei, Luo Xiating and others, only then did they realize that Luo Tian actually killed a leader!

  The two bosses are powerful, and they feel deeply.

Instructor Liu Lu was hit hard by counterattack, and Instructor Gongsun was attacked and killed by sneak attack!

  But when they thought that Luo Tian was dead, Luo Tian actually escaped and successfully killed a leader!

   The students of other tutors admire Luo Tian tutors.

   “Luo Tian, you are too lucky for this mission!”

  Liu Lu Yi pointed out.

   In this mission, Luo Tian’s really had nothing to say, which made Liu Lu depressed several times.

   He didn’t think much about it.

   Until Luo Tian took back the first level of Captain Blood Blade, he became suspicious.

   But what is the situation, Liu Lu hasn’t figured it out yet.

   “Some people are born with good luck, you don’t envy you.”

  Luo Tian smiled.

   “Don’t be too happy!” Liu Lu drank coldly, preparing to leave.

   “Mr. Liu Lu, please also stay. For this task, we have reported the relevant situation to the court, you can’t go anywhere now…”

  deacon shouted Liu Lu.

  Liu Lu saw that deacon did not stop other mentors, and had a bad hunch in her heart.

   “Song deacon, this mission is so big loss, I really have a responsibility, but I also tried my best, you see my heavy injury…”

   Liu Lu lowered his posture and showed a very innocent look.

  He also took out a bottle of immortality and prepared to stuff it to deacon, but was rejected.

   “Teacher Liu Lu, good luck.”

  Luo Tian laughed lightly and turned away.

  Hu Chao and the mature middle-aged man also left, only Liu Lu stayed in Sect Business Hall, waiting for the result…

   the next day.

  Luo Tian learned about Liu Lu’s punishment.

   was detained in the face of “Yin Wind Cave“, and after deducting two years of salary, he was also remembered.

   Within three years, Liu Lu was banned from taking part in the promotion assessment and could not advance to Intermediate Teacher.

  And three years later, he wants to advance to Intermediate Teacher, and he will face stricter assessment.

   Liu Lu’s punishment exceeded Luo Tian’s‘s expectations.

   He was originally sorry for not being able to get rid of Liu Lu this time. Once Liu Lu was promoted to Intermediate Teacher, Luo Tian is expected to face more difficult troubles.

   But for this punishment, Liu Lu can only be a junior tutor for three years.

   “Teacher Luo, early!”

   Not far away, a beautiful figure flying, it is Ye Shuiyun.

   “Thank you for pointing me to my students, this relationship, I have already paid it back.”

  Ye Shuiyun smiled.

   It turned out that the reason why Liu Lu was so severely punished was that Ye Shuiyun intervened.

   This incident is not too serious.

  Liu Lu did target Luo Tian, but Luo Tian did not have any major incidents, and the death of Gongsun Tutor had nothing to do with Liu Lu.

  Liu Lusai point benefits ~ ~ can even get confused.

   “I don’t mean to instruct your students, Lin Guangchao has to give my students a three-month sparring. But thank you for this.”

  Luo Tian smiled and nodded.

   The two didn’t talk much, Ye Shuiyun seemed to be having trouble, and left quickly.


  Luo Tian goes to Vegetation Court.

  It took more than four months to perform team tasks, and he visited Mu Qingqing again.

  Vegetation Court Rising Sun Building.

  Luo Tian find the classroom where Mu Qingqing is located.

   “Mu Qingqing, kneel down for me!”

   “Say, did you steal the ten Blood Jade Spirit Ginseng?”

  An old man with a long beard, with his hands on his back, has a stern look and a gloomy look.

   “Teacher, not me.”

  Mu Qingqing knelt down.

   “Hmm, I think it was you who stole it. I think you were honest, and then I gave that piece of spirit materials to you to take care of. But you are actually guilty and stealing Blood Jade Spirit Ginseng!”

  The old man with a long beard reprimanded severely, looking angry, and took a long whip from the storage space with one hand!


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