Eternal King Chapter 577: Sword cut 4 sides

“Scary boy, look at how arrogant you are, Elder Hu is out, you have no way to escape!”

Old bearded man laughs.

He and another Heaven Rank martial artist in the family attacked Luo Tian head-on.

Behind Luo Tian, Heaven Pool Realm 3rd layer’s Sea Demon Palace Elder Hu is launching a formidable attack, that monstrous claw that looks like a **** devil, tearing everything and striking Luo Tian.

“Did I say to escape?”

Luo Tian asked back.


Qing Yue’s cold voice sounded, [Ice Nether Sword] Sheathed!

Heavenly Wind Fifth Form, Fast Winds Extinguishing Clouds!”

Luo Tian sword intention broke out, a sword cut out.

The straight, bright white sword light, set off a violent cold wind, with a sharp sky, and split away.

The swordsmanship has not yet arrived, the old man with a beard feels the crisis!

Chi Pun!

It seemed that a sword of lightning fell, and the cold light of sword gas exploded.

The long-bearded old man’s robe was cut out several times, and his figure backed a dozen steps!

He hasn’t slowed down completely yet, another flash of icy sword light, slashing quickly, does not give the long-bearded old man a chance to breathe!

“Scary boy, don’t you die?”

Old man with a long beard loudly shouted.

Luo Tian attacked him frantically, exposing his back completely to Elder Hu, which is almost a dead end!

Elder Hu is Heaven Pool Realm 3rd layer. Will you give up these opportunities?

Luo Tian ignored the old man with a long beard.


His swordsmanship continued to attack, as if there was no end to it.

The old man with a long beard receded again and again, and there were bloodstains on his body, ranging from deep to shallow.

And this time.

The attack of Elder Hu suddenly came behind Luo Tian.

Heavenly Furnace Treasure Shield!”

After Luo Tian urged Heavenly Furnace Treasure Body, the whole body of silver light bloomed, and a silver crystal light shield appeared behind!

The Elder Hu attack hit Heavenly Furnace Treasure Shield.

The Luo Tian serves two purposes, even defensive means. But Heavenly Furnace Treasure Shield blocked Elder Hu‘s attack, there was no problem, and some cracks appeared.

Not only that.

With the power of Elder Hu, Luo Tian rushed forward quickly, closer to the old man with a long beard!

“This kid…”

Elder Hu frowned!

Luo Tian’s defense means exceeded his expectations.

And Luo Tian also used his attack to further force the bearded old man!

The Luo Tian’s sword technique has not stopped, the offensive is fierce and violent, this is the fifth type “Fast Winds Extinguishing Clouds“.

The old man with a long beard is under the sword trick of Luo Tian.

“Save me, Elder Hu!”

The old man with a long beard looks frightened and panic, calling for help!

“Not saved!”

A beam of cold light flashed through Luo Tian!


His last sword crossed the neck of the old bearded man, and a head flew up!

The old bearded man died!

The entire Azure Armor Clan is howling and roaring!

On the two major Heaven Pool Realm of Azure Armor Clan, only the last Heaven Pool Realm 1st layer is left!

“Boy, kill someone in front of me, you are so arrogant!”

The hoarse and cold voice of Elder Hu sounded.

He did not take Luo Tian seriously, but now Elder Hu is annoyed!

“Is it arrogant to kill someone in front of you? Then there is no way, I may be arrogant for a while.”

Luo Tian felt a little funny and said lightly and casually.

Because he is going to exterminate the top executives of Azure Armor Clan, he will kill many people!

Elder Hu is completely angry!

This human junior is so rampant!

A cane appeared in his hand, with a black metallic luster all over his body, and a black skull claw at the front, which was unusually grim!

This is a top-notch Profound Artifact!

For a junior who has just broken through Heaven Pool Realm, he used this weapon, which has been regarded as extremely important!


Elder Hu waved his cane, and there was a black and cold paw, which was like a ghost malicious ghost impacted away!


Luo Tian uses the Moon Shadow Steps method to transform into an afterglow figure, avoiding the Elder Hu attack.

Next moment, Luo Tian approached the last Heaven Rank martial artist of Azure Armor Clan!


The Heaven Rank martial artist felt Luo Tian’s killing intent and immediately turned to escape, breaking out at the fastest speed!

But all is doomed.

Luo Tian is a simple sword, contains the destructive power of great strength, extremely accurate, blocked the escape route of this Heaven Rank martial artist!


The last name of Azure Armor Clan, Heaven Rank martial artist, is divided into two parts!

“I’m killing you in front of you again.”

Luo Tian has a light tone.

Elder Hu‘s face was gloomy and he snorted: “You can’t escape my palm!”


Luo Tian spiritual consciousness swept away, he just avoided the Elder Hu attack.

But the dark claws seemed to have spirituality, and they pounced again.

Luo Tian continued to perform movement technique, rushed into the Azure Armor Clan crowd, and launched the killing!

All of these came to kill him.

They are all high-level Azure Armor Clan.

So Luo Tian did not keep his hands, all beheaded!


The splendid blood flashed out, and seven or eight corpses fell in an instant!

This scene terrified the rest of the Azure Armor Clan. The fleeing hastily escaped and shouted for help or help!

As for Elder Hu, it stands still, without moving at all, but constantly waving its cane to launch an attack!

In the blink of an eye.

There are already ten giant black claws, chasing Luo Tian like ghosts!

“Is that special Profound Artifact?”

Luo Tian thoughtfully.

Elder Hu‘s attack will always pursue the target.

It didn’t matter at first.

But when the attack has accumulated to a certain level, it is a bit scary!

Imagine how terrifying it is to face the siege of Heaven Pool Realm 3rd layer nine attacks.


Elder Hu launched another attack, and in the sky appeared the tenth dark and gigantic claw!

“Oh, Luo Tian, can you still be arrogant in front of the old man?”

Elder Hu sneered.

He saw early in the morning that the Luo Tian movement technique is exceptionally fast, somewhat similar to the legendary Void Pirate King‘s movement technique.

Assume that Luo Tian has obtained several treasures of Bandit King.

Elder Hu thinks that Luo Tian is very likely, and learned a few movement technique of Bandit King.

Once Luo Tian wants to escape, he may not be able to stop himself.

So, he made use of his special Profound Artifact and set up a “Tian Luo Di Wang”!

It doesn’t matter if you sacrifice a few Azure Armor Clan for this.


In all directions, ten black death claws were killed towards Luo Tian.

The evasion of Luo Tian is extremely difficult, but even if it is avoided, it will continue to be pursued!

“Good job, Elder Hu!”

Ju Huan laughed.

“It’s worthy of being a son of Ju Huan, there is such a strong man secretly protecting.”

Supreme Essence Sect peerless genius Luo Tian, this time is dead!”

Several young brothers complimented.

Although their cultivation base is low, the situation is clear now!

Elder Hu has an absolute advantage, and his advantage is gradually expanding!

“Your game is okay, but for me, it’s easy to break.”

Luo Tian glanced around for four weeks without panic.


In a blink of an eye, the Luo Tian is divided into nine, and it is scattered everywhere!

As soon as “Moon Tracks Bewildering Shadow” came out, the game of Elder Hu was messed up!

The eleven attacks seem to be unclear, who is the target of your attack!

Moon Tracks Bewildering Shadow, it can be said that this method is completely restrained!


The body of Luo Tian’s suddenly urged Divine Vein, one layer‘s dark and deep cold vortex, swept through a circle of three or four hundred meters in an instant.

Two Nether Dark Frost Dragon swim in the cold vortex.

This is the further enhanced performance of Martial Vein Variant Power after Luo Tian cultivation base breaks through Heaven Pool Realm.

All attacks of Elder Hu are caught in a vortex of cold power, eroded and frozen!

Empty pompom…

Luo Tian simply sweeps out a few swords and smashes everything!

Looking at your elaborate layout is such a result, Elder Hu is difficult to accept.

“But that’s it.”

Luo Tian commented lightly, and took the initiative to kill.

Elder Hu was angered and killed the past.


In the metal cane, a dark beam of light was shot, crushing everything and slamming away.

Elder Hu will be deployed, and the frontal attack method is also powerful.

Absolute Wind!”

Luo Tian exhibits the fourth form of Heavenly Wind Divine Sword.


A brilliant white sword-like sword traverses the sky and earth, piercing the dark beam of light directly!

In terms of attack power, practicing Heaven Rank top grade swordsmanship, and comprehending Luo Tian of Sword Intent of Wind, it is even better!


Luo Tian’s sword technique contains a powerful cold power.

Once the enemy is hurt, the chill will erode away.

Even if there is no injury, as long as the sword is close to the enemy by a certain distance, Divine Vein chill can also affect the enemy.


The legs of Elder Hu were bloodied by a sword qi.

This scene shocked Elder Hu.

A lot of Azure Armor Clan and Ju Huan below are shocking!

Head to head, Luo Tian is actually stronger than Elder Hu!

Oh! Uh! Uh!

Luo Tian urges the Moon Shadow Steps method, the original elegant and flexible swordsmanship, becomes weird and tricky, and it is unpredictable!

Elder Hu adds a few more scars.


Elder Hu has a dignified complexion, and has a strong doubt in his heart!

He is so arrogant Heaven Pool Realm 3rd How could it not be an Luo Tian’s opponent?

Nether Shadow Dark Thorn.”

The Luo Tian sword moves are changed, and the second form of “Void Yin Sword Art” is displayed!

A cold and weird dark sword spirit, extremely condensed, quietly piercing the void!

This sword Luo Tian uses Void Yin Sword Intent, the sword is hidden quickly, and destructive power is enhanced!


Elder Hu’s True Essence Cover was punctured, and a black sword gas as thin as a finger pierced his chest!

Elder Hu spouted a mouthful of blood.

He no longer hesitated and turned to escape!


Luo Tian chases away!

The audience was silent, and everyone was stunned.

Two Heaven Ranks of Azure Armor Clan were killed, secretly protecting Heaven Pool Realm 3rd layer of Ju Huan, and also fleeing from Luo Tian!

It’s terrible, so cruel!


“When the demon comes back, he will definitely not let us go, go!”

In Azure Armor Clan, everyone hurriedly fled.

Luo Tian, you are waiting for your son, wait for me to return to Sea Demon Palace, and let my great-grandfather send a stronger man.”

Ju Huan scolded angrily and ruefully and fled.

But before leaving, he glanced at the wide-faced man and the gentle woman.

“Both of you, die for your son!”

Ju Huan shouted.

He cultivation base Earth Essence Realm sixfold, to solve these two humans related to Luo Tian, it is easy!


A cold voice sounded behind Ju Huan: “What do you want to do?”

The people shuddered and turned around to see, Luo Tian somehow came back, blood dripping down the sword in his hand.

And all the hairs on the back of Ju Huan were raised, and they turned around dullly, and saw Luo Tian, which was like a sword **** of death, and a heart fell to the bottom.


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