Eternal King Chapter 570: You will die soon

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“…The old man let the scene of Dragon Cloud City on the same day be reproduced here!”

Azure Armor Patriarch‘s words, with great confidence, made everyone in Black Iron City tremble and panic!


With a wave of Azure Armor Patriarch‘s arm, one layer glorious green swept out, like the stormy waves, and like the giant claws of the wild beast, suddenly hit the defensive great formation of Black Iron City.

This moment.

All members of Black Iron City are tense and dignified.

The old lady in the brown robe at the peak of Heaven Pool Realm 1st layer judged that cultivation base of Azure Armor Patriarch is Heaven Pool Realm 3rd layer!

She feels even heavier.

I’m just afraid that I can’t stop Azure Armor Patriarch!


The white mask surrounding the Black Iron City resists the attack of Azure Armor Patriarch. The mask is twisted and the light flashes, and finally resists.

See this scene.

Purple Silk Palace Lord, brown robe and old lady, all relieved.

The defensive great formation in this city is difficult to resist the attack of Heaven Pool Realm 3rd layer.

But two days ago.

Luo Tian said that he understood formation and gave a little pointer to perfect the moat great formation.

Purple Silk Palace Lord didn’t believe it.

A person’s energy is limited. Luo Tian is so young, Martial Path cultivation base is so high. Even if you really understand formation, you can’t achieve much.

But now, Purple Silk Palace Lord is admired from the heart.

“However, even if formation is perfect, I am afraid it will not be able to stop it for too long.”

Purple Silk Palace Lord is worried.

Peng! Punt! Punt!

Azure Armor Patriarch continuously attacked.

He was a little surprised. The performance of defensive great formation in this city is very good.

But he is also confident and will soon be able to break through.


Luo Tian and the crow appear in the shadow of a rock.

a person and a bird Black Iron City in the distance, an Azure Armor Clan in mid-air, bombarded indiscriminately, earth-shattering energy fluctuations, deterring all creatures thousands of kilometers away!

“Young man, you are too pitted. Every time I pull this God to do such a dangerous thing.”

The crow yelled.

“If this time is completed, I will let you have a concert in Black Iron City!” said Luo Tian.

this God likes a generous and friendly person like you, it’s a word.” The crow’s eyes are bright.

After all, Luo Tian has been dealing with ugly birds for so long, and he has already been able to deal with this product skillfully.

It’s just that it’s hard for the generals of Black Iron City.

“Speaking of teenagers, are you okay? This is Heaven Pool Realm 3rd layer.”

The crow said worriedly.

In the face of Heaven Pool Realm 3rd layer, escape is the safest way.

But when Luo Tian is withdrawn, Black Iron City will be finished and Dongchen will be defeated.

One more thing.

Luo Tian sensed the crisis early in the morning and had time to think about countermeasures.

He did not answer the crow’s words, closed his eyes slightly, and calculated.

Time passes slowly.

Everyone in Black Iron City looked at Azure Armor Patriarch and looked at the weakening defensive great formation.

With Azure Armor Patriarch, the corners of the mouth are gradually raised!

The last blow will break the battle!


Five green light scars with a length of 100 meters, tearing down, defensive great formation is about to break.

At this time.

Luo Tian and the crow rushed out.

this God curses you… The old disease recurs and the disease is ridden!”

At the command of Luo Tian’s, the crow used the ability to curse!

The next moment, Luo Tian launched killing move!

Cross Shadow Chop!”

In his eyes, the black sword shadow flashes and Void Yin Sword Intent breaks out!

The nearby void is suddenly dim and dull.

Oh! laugh!

The two dark and splendid sword lights burst out in an arc, like a dead viper, quietly silent, giving a deadly threat.

This is by far the strongest swordsmanship Luo Tian can exhibit, and the fastest.


In Black Iron City.

With the order of Purple Silk Palace Lord, the whole army launched an attack!

As soon as Azure Armor Patriarch broke formation, he faced a front and back attack and could not respond in time!

Peng! Bang!

hiding the sky and covering the earth‘s attack, rushing wildly.

The attack of Purple Silk Palace Lord and the old woman in the brown robe hit Azure Armor Patriarch.

Luo Tian’sCross Shadow Chop“, also hit!

This is the perfect time to fight back!


Purple Silk Palace Lord smiled.

He was really worried that Luo Tian was fooling them and had slipped away.

Fortunately, Luo Tian carried out a sneak attack as planned, and Black Iron City also immediately cooperated, hitting Azure Armor Patriarch back and forth.

“You guys are too happy?”

A hoarse and cold voice came from the chaotic explosion!

The figure of Azure Armor Patriarch appears.

I saw him condensing one layer cyan True Essence Cover all over his body, which was already broken, but he himself was safe and sound.

Only the robe has a few notches.


Purple Silk Palace Lord looked shocked and took a few steps back.

This is terrible too!

You know, just now that everyone launched a sneak attack, the timing is also perfect. How could this be the result?

The strength of Heaven Pool Realm 3rd layer is so terrifying?

Luo Tian?”

Azure Armor Patriarch looked at a young man in white behind him, and a cold light appeared in his eyes!

Just now, the sword attack from the rear broke his True Essence Cover, leaving two gaps in his clothes.

No one even noticed that his skin was cut through two small openings!

So, Azure Armor Patriarch was curious about the people behind the attack.

Unexpectedly, it is Luo Tian!

“Your courage is quite big, knowing that the old man came and did not run, but dare to attack?”

“You think this way you can kill the old man?”

Azure Armor Patriarch chuckled, Luo Tian underestimated him.

However, the sword technique of Luo Tian’s really surprised him. This kind of enemies with terrible potential must be eliminated as soon as possible.

At the moment Azure Armor Patriarch raised his hand.

There was a tingling pain in his shoulder and his arm was slightly stiff.

Luo Tian smiled, and the crow’s curse worked.


Luo Tian loudly shouted, the fifth type Absolute Wind of “Heavenly Wind Divine Sword“!


The whirlwind of the brilliant white sword condenses and turns into a hundred-meter-long, dancing white light!

This sword is killing the right shoulder of Azure Armor Patriarch!

The army of Purple Silk Palace Lord and Black Iron City also launched an offensive against Azure Armor Patriarch.

Peng Bang! Bang

This time, beyond the expectations of Azure Armor Patriarch, his old illness suddenly relapsed, allowing the enemy to take advantage of it.

In the dust.

Azure Armor Patriarch takes a few steps back.

His shirt was slightly worn out, leaving several scars on his body.

Among them, the Luo Tian’s sword technique is elegant, flexible, and extremely precise, leaving a blood stain on the right shoulder of Azure Armor Patriarch!

Azure Armor Patriarch looks gloomy and stares at the crow!

This crow just shouted: “I curse you, the old disease relapses, and the disease is ridden!”

Azure Armor Patriarch does have some old diseases. It is not a big problem on weekdays. The impact is weak, and it can exert more than 90% of its strength. There are only one or two days per month, which will be more obvious and can only display 70% of the strength.

As a result, after the crow shouted, his old illness really broke out!

One more thing.

The first time he saw this bird, how did it know that it had an old disease?

“You must be curious, my pet, why do you know you have old diseases!”

Luo Tian suddenly laughed, his eyes flashing strange serene glow, revealing a strange and unpredictable breath!

“Not only do I know this, I also know that when you were young, women ran away with others.”

Luo Tian continued.

As soon as this remark comes out, the cold light bursts out of Azure Armor Patriarch!

This is a taboo in his mind, and few people in Azure Armor Clan know about it or dare to mention it.

How did Luo Tian know?

“I also know that your first son died at the age of one!”

Luo Tian said again.


Azure Armor Patriarch points to Luo Tian, fingers are shaking!

How does this kid know?


On the Black Iron City side, the sky-striking attack came over and launched a fierce attack on Azure Armor Patriarch!

Azure Armor Patriarch does not have the strong physical defense of Luo Tian. Even if it can be resisted with True Essence Cover, but in the face of the attack of tens of thousands of troops, true essence consumes fast.

“I know everything, I know everything. I still know your future, would you like to hear it?”

Luo Tian has a smile on his face, an unfathomable, mysterious attitude!

No one wants to know their future!

Normally, Azure Armor Patriarch is not so easily fooled.

But Luo Tian’s is too clever and interlocking.

First of all, the curse of the crow caused Azure Armor Patriarch doubts, and then two sentences of Luo Tian’s, unveiling the most painful experience in Azure Armor Patriarch‘s life.

All of this was learned by Luo Tian through Heavenly Book.

Regardless of the cost, he deduce all the information of the enemy, and then took the right medicine to formulate this plan!

Even if the Azure Armor Patriarch is powerful, it still falls into the pit dug by Luo Tian.

All this because he underestimated Luo Tian.

“Your future is death. You will die soon!”

Luo Tian sneered, “Demonic Will Technique” pushed to the limit!

The consciousness of Azure Armor Patriarch is fearful at this instant.

Luo Tian used “Demonic Will Technique” and also used swordsmanship to siege Azure Armor Patriarch with tens of thousands of troops.

“You can’t defy death!”

Luo Tian continues to interfere with Azure Armor Clan‘s mental consciousness, and intends to use “using the mind to control the sword” method to sneak attack on Azure Armor Patriarch.

The frontal attack is less effective. If the sneak attack succeeds, the advantage can be further expanded!

But suddenly!

Azure Armor Patriarch looks terrible and yells angrily: “Nonsense, you will die soon!”

Vendetta ~ makes Azure Armor Patriarch extremely deep against Luo Tian killing intent!

He was so angry that he launched a strong killing move against Luo Tian!

Nether Gathering Claw!”

Qingming mist is rolling, and a faint, blue, spooky ghost claw is protruding from it, exuding the terrible breath of shaking one to the core!

This hand claw, as if from a ghost, will drag Luo Tian down!

Luo Tian run away!”

Purple Silk Palace Lord and the old lady of the brown robe saw this scene, and their face changed a lot!

The killing move of Heaven Pool Realm 3rd layer is enough to instantly instakill the two of them. If Luo Tian cannot avoid it, it will definitely die!

But the killing move of Heaven Pool Realm 3rd layer is not so easy to avoid!

Chi Pun!

The ghost ghost claw instantly caught Luo Tian, and a violent glory burst apart!

“Damn it!”

Purple Silk Palace Lord gritted his teeth, looking miserable!

Luo Tian is dead. The next situation may be overturned by Azure Armor Patriarch!

At the same time, he also regrets that such a peerless genius died here!

This will be a great misfortune for Dongchen!


In the explosion, suddenly shot two black and harsh death sword lights, containing a fatal chill, killing Azure Armor Patriarch.


Azure Armor Patriarch was shocked!

Luo Tian is only the peak of Earth Essence Realm’s ninth heavy face. In the face of the blow he just made, even if he was not lucky, he was not far from death.


The two dark sword lights crossed into a cross shape.

The Azure Armor Patriarch, which was caught off guard, was cut in an instant, and two **** wounds appeared!

And the dust around Luo Tian dispersed.

I saw a huge silver furnace surrounded by him!

Luo Tian has many injuries all over it, but they all recovered at an alarming rate.

This is the kind of defense secret technique and Inextinguishable Treasure Furnace that can only be developed by training Heavenly Furnace Shield Body to perfection level!

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