Eternal King Chapter 538: Save my ears

The whole audience was excited!

Fairy Wonderful Sound descendants, the first to play, the song sounds like a natural sound, the score is currently the highest, ranking first!

And now, Fairy Wonderful Sound‘s mantle is about to play!

It’s really a fierce showdown.

“Heir to Fairy Wonderful Sound?”

Temple Master Huafeng is puzzled, how could he not know that there is such a number one character.

He felt threatened faintly, and the first place might be taken away!

“I didn’t expect Temple Master Shang, I still met these talents.”

Several Martial Town Spirit Temple‘s Temple Master, so they have a high opinion of Temple Master Shang.

In the past, the parties were ignored Temple Master Shang, which was a bit pleasant.

However, in his heart, it gradually became unremarkable.


The performer stepped onto the stage and the audience suddenly calmed down, inexplicably cold.

Heir of Fairy Wonderful Sound… looks like this?

The audience is uncomfortable.

The image of the crow is so ridiculous, with dark hair and smoke.

“Gaga, Er and other ants, can hear the performance of this God, is the most proud thing in your life!”

The crow shouted proudly.

The audience is a little disdainful. The successors of Fairy Wonderful Sound are so arrogant?

But I have to say that after the crows have said so, they really want to see how the crows behave!

The crow took out [Wonderful Sound Zither], straightened it, and pawed gently on the strings to start playing.


An indescribable horror sound pierced the soul, causing everyone in the audience to tremble and goose bumps.

“Stop it… Ah!”

Someone shouted that this was all wrong.


A series of terrible magic sounds burst out, as if all the ghosts were crying and crying.

It seems that everything is trembling with fear where the sound of the piano is.

All the audience of arena burst into a torrent of painful cry!


The side of pink clothed woman is dull.

This is…Heir of Fairy Wonderful Sound? I’m afraid that a three-year-old will play better than this?

“My ears…save me…”

Several referees, covering their ears, screamed in pain.

They are accustomed to beautiful music, and the pain they suffer is far more than ordinary people!

In the zither’s skill competition, the simple competition skills are not allowed to use the true essence and spiritual power amounts!

Otherwise, the high cultivation base will definitely prevail.

However, the crow doesn’t know what happened here. Without using the true essence and spiritual power volume, the sound is extremely penetrating and destructive power.

The scene.

Only Heaven Rank martial artist is more resistant.

But the top ten Temple Master are also dumbfounded and messy in the wind.

Little Friend Luo, can you make your spirit pet…stop.”

red-faced‘s mouth twitched and his voice was trembling!

He and the middle-aged woman could not have imagined that the crow’s zither’s skill was so terrifying!

“Ugly bird, come down!”

Luo Tian has already retreated to the edge of the arena.

“Boys, do you hear that there are cheers all around? Fans are so fanatical, how can this God exit?”

The crow’s eyes flashed, and she said radiantly.


Luo Tian thought about it and took a few steps back.


An Temple Master of Martial Town Spirit Temple reprimanded!

According to regulations, the top ten Temple Master cannot interfere in the game, but this Temple Master can’t help it.

Listen more, he is afraid he will be crazy.

But as it happens, the crow opened his mouth and sang a song at this time: “Please don’t miss brother, brother is just a legend…”

The combination of singing and piano sounds makes the crow’s singing reach a level of “disastrous humanity”!

Even Heaven Rank martial artist is greatly affected, upset, irritable, and **** chaotic!

Weeping and crying in all directions.

Luo Tian noticed Temple Master Shang’s intensely questioning gaze, he shook his head and sighed: “I advise you to think carefully.”

“How many referees can this God score?”

The crow asked while playing and singing.


This is the mental activity of all the referees. They feel that their ears seem to be stained by turns.

But I don’t know why.

Inwardly, they have respected and worshipped the crow. They want to listen for a while and want to give the crow… full marks!

When several referees found this, they were even more terrified. They knew that what life is better than death.

“Zero points!”

Several referees, took the brush and prepared to give points to end this torture.

But they found that at the moment of writing, the body actually wanted to write out of control!


The referees roared.

If this is given to ten, they will die in their lifetime.

The audience also saw this scene, all of them were unbelievable, and they wanted to stop fighting!

Finally, the top four referees all wrote ten points.

But the fifth referee, writing halfway through, was angry and bloody, and fell down after spitting blood!

The crow stopped playing.

The audience calmed down, followed by violent scolding, and some even wished to kill them directly.

Fortunately, this is an event organized by ten Temple Masters.

this God full score!” crow cried.

But how can the referees allow the crow to get full marks? Isn’t it a joke to pass it?

On the tenth of the last referee, he passed out after writing only half of it and was forcibly judged to be five points!

So the final score of the crow is nine points!

“Unfair, this God is a perfect score!” The crow was very angry.

“Otherwise, when the referee wakes up, this God plays another song!”

As soon as this remark came out, a large number of guards were dispatched, and the crow was forced out.

“This, there was a little accident just now, and the next is the chess showdown.”

The referee hastily announced.

On the high platform.

The remaining nine Temple Masters all looked at Temple Master Shang.

“…this Lord was also deceived by it and mistakenly thought it was the successor of Fairy Wonderful Sound…”

Temple Master Shang immediately shakes the pan.

The behavior of Crow this time is really shaking one to the core, and he also lost Temple Master Shang‘s face.

However, the crows finally scored and ranked fourth among all players!

This result makes Temple Master Shang more satisfied, but it is a bit uncomfortable.

On arena.

Two players are playing.

The game of chess is a random draw.

The candidates for Temple Master Shang made a total of five innings, one win and four losses, and a fiasco!

It’s not just a matter of his chess skills.

Because of the first game, the behavior of the crows angered everyone.

They cannot avenge the crow, but they can avenge other candidates sent by Temple Master Shang.

The Crows ranked fourth in the first game by vile means, and they could not stand it!

The next three games.

Be sure to select the candidate of Temple Master Shang and kill a piece of film without leaving!

One day passed.

After the chess competition, the Temple Master Shang is ranked last from the bottom.

This result made the other nine Temple Masters feel more comfortable.

Even if the candidate sent in the first game of Temple Master Shang gets the fourth by wonderful means, but in the next few games, the situation on the Temple Master Shang side will only get worse.

The final result will not change much.

“Next, it is an archery game!”

The first person to be on stage is still Temple Master Huafeng!

It was a man at the peak of Earth Essence Realm, with only one eye, like the eyes of a condor, who could see everything!

The next moment.

On the entire arena, a mysterious pattern flickered and cyan light of one layer enveloped it.

In the mid-air, condensing round targets of blue color, flashing light, like a meteor, wandering irregularly and quickly!

The special target condensed by formation reaches Earth Essence Realm ninefold.

The eyesight is too poor to capture the speed of the target.

“Within three breaths, the more targets you hit, the higher the score!”

The referee announces the rules!

With his order.

In the pupil of the one-eyed man, there is a faint golden glow.

He threw up his arrows and shot like thunder!

In an instant, he shot six arrows, and without any pause, he immediately took out the six arrows and shot them. The whole action was flowing and full of beauty!

Oh, oh!

The arrows burst into the air!

The three breaths passed quickly, and the one-eyed man stopped!

The formation also stopped functioning, and all light-cyan targets floated in midair.

The audience stared away and counted!

A total of 36 arrows, all of them hit the bullseye, and there are a few arrows, which pierced the target and hit the bullseye of the second target!

“In three breaths, a total of 36 arrows were shot, hitting 42 bullseyes!”

After the referee announced the result, the audience cheered!

It’s a candidate sent by Temple Master Huafeng. This archery is really amazing.


Someone came on the scene, and the results were far worse than the one-eyed men.

The closest result to the one-eyed man is also the shooting of 30 arrows in three breaths, hitting 32 bullseyes!

“Oh, he is a descendant of Arrow King!”

Temple Master Huafeng laughed.

Descendants of Arrow King?

Everyone looked at the one-eyed man’s gaze, which was suddenly different.

At the True Martial Realm level, almost standing at the top of Shattered Star Territory, I didn’t expect the origin of this one-eyed man to be so amazing!

“Last one, please come on stage!”

The referee said.

But no one is on stage.

“What’s going on?”

“No one is playing?”

The audience around was puzzled.

The referee checked the information and learned that the last person was the candidate for Temple Master Shang, but he was not present.

Temple Master Shang, why is your problem again?”

A Temple Master laughed.

This Temple Master still remembers the first game.

The crow sent by Temple Master is so abominable, but ranked fourth.

But fortunately, in the chess game, Temple Master Shang is ranked last from the bottom.

In the current archery competition, the Temple Master Shang candidate did not come, it is estimated to be the bottom!

“Oh, Temple Master Shang won’t find anyone at all?” Another Temple Master said.

Temple Master, bad!”

At this time, the housekeeper came in a hurry.

“Why didn’t Lin Tai come?” Temple Master Shang said in a deep voice.

“This…On the day before, Lin Tai was fighting with people and was severely injured. Now he is recovering from injury. I am afraid I cannot participate in the competition.”

The housekeeper said truthfully.

The rest of the Temple Master heard this, and they all couldn’t help laughing, and had a headache.

“Who did it?”

Temple Master Shang looks somber.

If it is caused by other Temple Master malicious competition, he is also an excuse.

“…Sun Cave.”

The housekeeper whispered.

Sun Cave is a rough man who was defeated by Luo Tian.

Defeated in the hands of Luo Tian, he felt great humiliation and, in a rage, did such a thing.

After listening to Temple Master Shang, he was very angry.

But now, he is unable to save the situation.

Archery competition, you can only abstain.

“Because of the selection of Temple Master Shang, there was a temporary accident and I could not come to the competition, so…”

On arena, the referee announced.


A sound interrupts it!

“Archery competition, let me try it!”

On the audience stand, all eyes instantly gathered on a man in a green robe!

Luo Tian?”

Temple Master Shang was surprised and touched.

Someone will definitely be better than abstaining.

As long as Luo Tian’s archery is not a bad thing, he can accept it.


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