Eternal King Chapter 511: Come for a big show

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“…Do you want the Bandit King treasure?”

When Lu Hongyi heard this, his expression froze, revealing surprise.

In the Luo Tian’s discourse, she showed strong self-confidence, as if Luo Tian could help her if she agreed.

It stands to reason that such words are totally unbelievable.

But she feels inexplicable that it is worth believing.

“What do you do?”

Lu Hongyi voice inquiry.

“First of all, after you get the Bandit King treasure, you have to share 40% of my benefits. Otherwise, I can go to other partners.”

Luo Tian first discuss the conditions.

“No problem.”

Lu Hongyi hesitated and agreed.

In the current situation, the scene is chaotic and there are many competitors. She has low hopes of obtaining the Bandit King treasure.

If Luo Tian can really help her get the treasure, why not divide 40% of the benefits?

“No problem, you can swear by Heart Demon!”

Luo Tian continued.

“Okay, I swear by Heart Demon, I will never violate the agreement, and I will not hurt you…”

“Well, next, if you cooperate with me…”

Luo Tian will be planned one by one.

“Originally, it is able to tame the blood of future generations of Bandit King, and can tame a Ice Flood Dragon…”

“How did you know my identity?”

Lu Hongyi‘s eyes are burning.

After the death of Void Pirate King, his people were also massacred!

In Three Great Overlord Rank Influences, there is the same reward mission, which is the pursuit of descendants of Bandit King!

Lu Hongyi is extremely low-key and never reveals its identity to outsiders!

“You don’t have to worry about this.” Luo Tian didn’t explain.

He has been in the Lu Hongyi team, but he has never completely trusted this woman, but has been observing her and understanding her.

As the understanding increases, it is not difficult for Luo Tian to calculate the origin of this woman.

Lu Hongyi did not continue to struggle with identity, and some hesitant voice said: “Your way… will it work?”

The Luo Tian’s plan is okay, but whether it can be done is another matter.

In the eyes of Lu Hongyi, that is almost impossible.

However, if the dead horse is a living horse doctor, Luo Tian is confident, then try it!


Bai Ying did not follow the instructions of Luo Tian and sneaked into the bottom of the cold lake to find the blood left by Bandit King.

There is an unknown danger at the bottom of the Hantan Lake, and it may be gone forever.

The point is.

Bai Ying had heard that Asura Bandit Group‘s Lu Hanye is a descendant of Void Pirate King.

This speculation is not clearly proved.

But Bai Ying thinks it’s worth a try.

In addition, he also has to determine which Ice Flood Dragon can be directly tamed by special techniques.

Junior brother Chen, you take a closer look at these Ice Flood Dragons, there should be some differences between them, or something special…”

Bai Ying transmits a voice to a honest man.


Han Hou is a disciple of Elder Lu. He doesn’t know why Bai Ying asked him to observe these, but he still does.

And for Bai Ying himself, Yu Guang glanced at Lu Hanye.

Subsequently, when fighting Heaven Rank Ice Flood Dragon, he showed some weakness and deliberately approached Lu Hanye.

“Is Supreme Essence Sect the true disciple Bai Ying, is it not Ice Flood Dragon?”

Lu Hanye gave a cold glance and smiled lightly.

He wearing [Roaming Dragon Soft Armor] will be ignored by Ice Flood Dragon. Coupled with this Profound Artifact‘s own defense, Lu Hanye is much easier than the rest.

He even distracted some attention, looking for the last level of method of solving.

“Go away, don’t block me!”

Bai Ying yelled.

Lu Hanye was disdainful and ignored Bai Ying.

As a new captain of Asura Bandit Group, how could he be easily retreated by Bai Ying.

But suddenly, Lu Hanye sensed a crisis.

I saw Bai Ying suddenly launched an attack on him. A beam of Changhong-like sword gas came from the bombardment, revealing a terror that pierced everything.

Bai Ying, what are you doing?”

Lu Hanye rebuked, immediately waved his sword to face it, and a dark and gloomy knife swept away!

Ding Xie!

The sword and light sword collided, and a violent black and white gas burst erupted.

Lu Hanye retreats five or six steps in a row, the body’s blood and tumbling!

After all, Bai Ying had a premeditated sudden attack, and after getting [Roaming Dragon Soft Armor], he was too lax.

Of course, because of [Roaming Dragon Soft Armor], Lu Hanye did not suffer obvious injuries, but only suffered a few internal injuries.

Oh! laugh! laugh!

Bai Ying chased Lu Hanye while chasing victory, chasing Lu Hanye with brilliant white sword lights shining in all directions!

Bai Ying, you can’t be crazy!”

Lu Hanye‘s somber face growls!

In today’s situation, Bai Ying actually shot him against everything. This is likely to lead to everyone being annihilated by the Ice Flood Dragon army and no one survived.

The fight between Bai Ying and Lu Hanye instantly caught the attention of the audience.

Ice Flood Dragon also showed a sneer of disdain, as if mocking this group of outsiders, this time still fighting.

Bai Ying why he…”

Lu Hongyi is also puzzled.

Luo Tian has informed Bai Ying that the way to tame Ice Flood Dragon, Bai Ying should dive into the bottom of the cold lake, why suddenly fight with Lu Hanye.

“The origin of Lu Hanye should be the same as yours!” Luo Tian said.

“We have less time to prepare, and we are ready to shoot! Let’s play a big show!”

Luo Tian blood in the body can not help boiling up!


Lu Hanye was caught flat-footed and stepped back and forth.

But wearing [Roaming Dragon Soft Armor], he is extremely tenacious and cannot even fail, but it takes time to slow down.


An inexplicable sword gas flew by Lu Hanye‘s ear, and three drops of blood splattered out.

Bai Ying fixed his gaze, ingested the three drops of blood from the air, and packed it in a jade bottle.

After doing all this, he immediately stopped the offensive and turned away.

Lu Hanye looked blank.

He is about to slow down and fight back against Bai Ying, but why did Bai Ying suddenly withdraw?

“Not good!”

Lu Hanye is aware of the conspiracy!

“Could Luo Tian have discovered method of solving and informed Bai Ying?”

And the key to method of solving is the blood of future generations of Void Pirate King?

Bai Ying, where to go!”

Lu Hanye catches up immediately, Bai Ying must not be allowed to succeed!

The blood of Bandit King‘s descendants, he is all over!

However, he did not know how to operate it, so he could only stare at Bai Ying.


Lu Hanye wielded a large sword, a blade of darkness like darkness, with a cold and bone-like breath, running through!


Bai Ying sees Lu Hanye chasing after, and wielding a sword to face it.

At the same time, he voiced and asked Han Ho’s man: “Junior brother Chen, did you find it?”

Senior Brother Bai, the Ice Flood Dragon of Half-Step Heaven Pool Realm, there are some differences… The mysterious rune on its neck seems to have some strange power!”

The honest man is not very sure.

All Ice Flood Dragon‘s necks have a circle of mysterious patterns, which is difficult to distinguish.

Han Hou man has seen similar ancient writing before he can judge the difference.

“Good job!”

Bai Ying smiled, and set his goal!


The layers of white light flow burst out of the Bai Ying body. His speed soared, got rid of the entanglement of Lu Hanye, and went straight to the Ice Flood Dragon of the Half-Step Heaven Pool Realm!

“Come on!”

Lu Hanye speculates that Bai Ying’s actions at this moment may overturn the situation.

He will never allow it!


Behind the Lu Hanye, a pair of transparent black wings emerged. His speed greatly increased, and he caught up with it, slashing with a sword!

Bai Ying did not expect that Lu Hanye is so persistent and difficult.

The two are entangled again, getting closer and closer to the Ice Flood Dragon of the Half-Step Heaven Pool Realm.

“It’s about to succeed!”

Bai Ying suddenly crushed the jade bottle and wrapped the blood with true awesome!


Small blood, shooting towards the mysterious rune on Ice Flood Dragon‘s neck!

“Not good!”

At this moment, Lu Hanye only knew what Bai Ying was going to do.

He wanted to stop it, it was too late!

But suddenly!


A faint purple whip whips past and smashes that tiny blood!


Bai Ying shouted in exasperation!

Lu Hanye looks ecstatic, looking at the person who is trying to stop it, it is Lu Hongyi!

But whoever blocked the Bai Ying plan, that’s enough!

Bai Ying, let me do it for you next!”

Lu Hanye looks excited, his eyes glow scarlet blood!

“Wrong, it’s me!”

Lu Hongyi smiled indifferently, and a drop of blood flew from his fingertips, hitting the mysterious rune on the neck of Ice Flood Dragon.

“You? Hahaha, stupid, what’s the use of your blood?”

Lu Hanye mocked.

Through the behavior of Bai Ying, he guessed that the blood of descendants of Bandit King must be needed!



When a drop of blood from Lu Hongyi hits the circle of mysterious runes, the red ripples of one layer fluctuate.

The mysterious rune that wraps around the neck of Ice Flood Dragon is gradually stained with bright blood red!


This Ice Flood Dragon roars in the sky, and the cold waves sweep across the world!

Afterwards, it lowered its head, looked at Lu Hongyi, and flew over intimately.

“It’s done!”

The Lu Hongyi was so happy that it landed on the back of this Ice Flood Dragon!

“Go there!”

She pointed to the colorful light door on the Bandit King statue and gave orders!

Ice Flood Dragon immediately complied and flew away with Lu Hongyi!

This sudden scene left everyone on the scene unresponsive!

How did Lu Hongyi suddenly tame Ice Flood Dragon?

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