Eternal King Chapter 51: The majesty of silver

   It was just dawn.

   Outside the Luo Tian’s residence, there was a loud noise.

In front of the door, dozens of Bronze Student gathered, most of them are Vein-Opening six-year-old or older students, one by one with burning eyes and high spirits.

   from today.

  Luo Tian’s ten-day “protection period” ends, any Bronze Student, can defeat him through the challenge to become Silver Student.

   “Luo Tian, don’t get out! Today, Lord Hou will strip off your silver identity!”

  Tang Wei embraced with both hands, his face proud.

   Behind him, stood a row of dozens of Bronze Students, all of whom were recently received younger brothers, and even more of them are Vein-Opening six heavy old students.

  Not only that.

   On the side of Tang Wei, there is still a Silver Student, which is Li Hai!

  With Silver Student backing, plus a dozen younger brothers, Tang Wei‘s rehearsal and great power.

  嗖! Whoosh! Whoosh!

There are more and more Bronze Student    who came over, and soon gathered nearly a hundred people.

   “Cao Yang is here!”

   Suddenly, the appearance of a thin boy made the face of Bronze Student change greatly, and tacitly gave way.

   “Cao Yang is the overlord of Bronze District, occupying the best residence for a long time!”

  All Bronze Student showed their awe and evaded.

   on Bronze District.

  Cao Yang is recognized as the strongest and invincible.

   He is an veteran of the last two sessions. He stayed for a long time at the six peaks of Vein-Opening and his strength is unfathomable.

   a few days ago.

  Nangong Yu issued a challenge to Cao Yang. The two of them played hundreds of tricks, and finally they couldn’t do it. The outcome is unknown.

  However, Nangong Yu eventually went to retreat and practiced, and did not reappear.

   “Cao Mou wants to see, freshmen test the first level.”

  Cao Yang has a thin body and narrow eyes, a hint of excitement and anticipation.

   This Bronze District gangster is aiming directly at Luo Tian!


   A cold, oppressive gaze glanced at Cao Yang.

   “Li Hai!”

  Cao Yang‘s complexion changed suddenly.

  Li Hai stood next to Xiaohou Ye and issued a warning to him.

   is obvious.

  Li Hai does not allow Cao Yang to intervene in this matter. The identity of Silver Student is destined to belong to Tang Wei!

   “Damn! This Li Hai is too much!”

  Cao Yang looks gloomy and strongly presses his heart with anger.

   In Bronze District, he is the strongest, but he can hardly contend with Li Hai, which has a terrible strength and a higher status.

   is at this moment.


The door of the Pavilion opened and walked out of a handsome young man in a silver-white robe.

   “Early morning, disturbing clear dreams, you are more dedicated than the crowing rooster.”

  Luo Tian said lazily.

  The ridiculous words made everyone’s face look ugly.

   “Luo Tian, you are now talking about it! You will be deprived of your status as a silver disciple. Don’t beg for mercy.”

  Tang Wei hummed coldly, and there was a hint of cruelty in the eyes.

   “Luo Tian! The protection period has passed, it is useless for you to ask for mercy now, and do not accept the challenge!”

  Li Hai has a cool look, as if looking at a dying person.

   “Challenge? Alright!”

  Luo Tian glanced at nearly 100 Bronze Student, nodded with satisfaction.

   “So many people are here today, it’s just a solution.”

  If in the future, Luo Tian will be bothered by being challenged every day.

   “Crazy kid!”

   “Fortunately, he won the first place of the freshman, and he was not ashamed.”

   a crowd of Bronze Students on the field, scolded in anger.

   Even Bronze District, Cao Yang, can’t help but be sullen.

   This year’s freshman is the first, really not crazy!

  Gazing Sun Peak, as a place where trainees live and practice, there are many performance martial arts venues and contests.

   Soon, everyone found a nearby Yanwuchang.

   “Who comes first?”

  Luo Tian stood in the middle of the Yanwuchang, and looked down at the eyes of nearly a hundred Bronze Student.

   His gaze turned and landed on Tang Wei, revealing a hint of war.

  In the test of Saint Mansion, he once retreated from the injury of Tang Wei. There was really no chance of winning.

   “Haha! How can you easily fight, Xiaohouye, go through my level first.”

Behind Tang Wei, a Vein-Opening six-folded monkey-faced teenager came out with a smirk.

  Tang Wei stands proudly, with a light smile on his face, which has not stopped.

  Tang Wei played against Luo Tian, knowing that the other party’s battle strength is better than the average Vein-Opening six-fold.

   and now.

  Luo Tian becomes Silver Student. These ten days will definitely use the resource advantages of the student level to improve the strength a lot.

  Let your men explore the reality and consume Luo Tian by the way.

   Once the Tang Wei is shot, it must be crushed to defeat Luo Tian in an absolutely strong attitude!

   “This Tang Wei is really good!”

   “First let the men consume Luo Tian, and then win in one fell swoop, it is really a good abacus.”

  Many people saw the intention of Tang Wei.

   “Tang Wei is really shameless, but it is really safe!”

  Cao Yang is unwilling.

  He originally thought that if Tang Wei fails, he still has a chance.

  Unexpectedly, Tang Wei actually used such a mean method.

   “Wheels battle?”

  Luo Tian was a stun first, and then a sharp flash in his eyes.

   “I want to see how many men you have and dare to ignore everything for you.”

  Face the wheel battle, Luo Tian is not afraid.

   “What? Dang Silver Student, dare not fight me!”

  The monkey-faced boy entered the martial arts field and sneered.

   did not wait for Luo Tian to respond.


  The six qi veins in his body urged, condensed on his palms, and exploded violently.

   “Open the tablet palm!”

  The face of the monkey-faced boy is dark blue, with a metallic cold light, and contains a huge and heavy power.

   The powerful power of this palm, it is easy to open the stone and crack the stone.

  ”Opening the palm of the tablet is to press people with strength, which is suitable for consumption and can also explore his reality.”

  Tang Wei nodded secretly.


  Facing the palm of the force splitting the stone, Luo Tian is light and windy, and does not flinch halfway.

  With his current movement technique attainment, it is easy to avoid.

  It is just that he disdains to hide, even “Ning Xing Jian Zhi”, he is too lazy to use it.


  Luo Tian suddenly shot with a palm, like a piercing hail, intercepting the palm of the monkey-faced boy.


   The two palms collided, agitating a chill.

  Luo Tian stands still, the lines are not moving.


   was the monkey-faced boy who snorted and quit.

   “This power…”

  The face of the monkey’s face was pale, and he only felt that his arm was eroded by a cold force. Qi and blood and true qi were running, and they were a little stiff.

   “Come again!”

  Luo Tian laughed lightly and took the lead this time.

   “My “Opening the Tablet” is good at playing hard! I don’t believe that he has been resisting hard, and he can consume him even if he is not good.”

  The monkey-faced boy’s heart is set.

   slap! Fluffy!

  The two figures are violently confronting each other on the Yanwuchang ground, and the air is constantly bursting.

   “This guy, so domineering power and true qi!”

  The monkey-faced boy was completely suppressed, breathless.

  In one collision after arm came with severe pain, and then he froze.

  Luo Tian’s shot, but seemed calm and relaxed.

  Through repeated collisions with the opponent’s “Open Tablet Palm”, his true qi in qi vein was stimulated and concussed, becoming smoother and smoother.

   It turns out.

  Luo Tian has just broken through the fifth layer of Vein-Opening, and the state is not stable. He is using the other party as a whetstone to consolidate cultivation base true qi.


   The confrontation between the two continued for dozens of moves.

  The state of the monkey-faced boy continued to decline. Beans sweated from the forehead, and the palm strength road and speed dropped sharply.

On his arm, one layer frost had condensed on his arm, almost losing his intuition.

   Everyone outside can see that the monkey-faced boy is gone.

   “It should be able to consume this kid.”

  Tang Wei smiled.

   Luo Tian has been promoted to the fifth level of Vein-Opening, but the strength he has shown is not taken seriously by him.

   “Let’s finish!”

  Luo Tian took a light drink, suddenly bullied, and slapped the arm of the monkey-faced boy with a palm.

  Snap! Click!

   A tremendous force of ice came, and the monkey-faced boy’s entire arm burst apart.


  The monkey-faced boy screamed and flew out.

   “You are so cruel! But it is just a discussion, and even an arm was scrapped.”

  Monkey-faced teenager howling in pain.

   “Today, everyone who challenges me must give up one arm!”

  Luo Tian‘s indifferent gaze scanned the field.

   “This is the price you have to pay to challenge the majesty of Silver Student as a bronze!”


Near the Yanwuchang, a group of teenagers took a breath.

  Especially behind Tang Wei, those little brothers looked stunned and became bloodless.

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