Eternal King Chapter 415: Void skeleton

On ghost qi’s dark Void Ship, several robbers looked at the dark blue Void Ship behind them, betting how long the ship would last.

The robbers present have lost several times to Vice-Captain.

Today, Vice-Captain bet that Dark Blue Void Ship can hold on for two hours. In their view, this is absolutely impossible.

“It looks like I can finally win today!”

The strong man thought to himself.

Vice-Captain is such a voluptuous woman. The men present are extremely tempted, but they dare not offend blasphemy.

In the gambling way, win Vice-Captain once, maybe you will be favored by Vice-Captain.

A few more bandits joined the bet.

Then everyone stared at the dark blue Void Ship in the rear.

“Huh? The Void Ship is relatively stable, and it seems that the man at the helm is a veteran.”

“Even if it is a veteran, it is difficult to deal with the chaotic Chaotic Wind Drift!”

The bandits talked.


“No, someone on the ship is watching us!”

The Yan Lihui at the helm feels invisible oppression and is very nervous.

His previous thought was that Dead Spirit Bandit Group was one of the seven famous legendary robbers. They had a very high vision, and they only stared at big prey.

Luo Tian also felt the gaze of Dead Spirit Bandits and looked slightly condensed: “Ignore them and go your own way!”

“The route of Dead Spirit Bandits seems to be the same as ours.”

Yan Lihui said, otherwise he will not follow Dead Spirit Bandits.

“Then bypass!”

Luo Tian shouted, stepped forward, and took the helm personally.

Normal Void Ship, it is difficult to get through Chaotic Wind Drift safely, and it is extremely dangerous to deliberately bypass, he is not at ease Yan Lihui.

Yan Lihui obediently gave way, and he was relieved.


Dark blue Void Ship reverses direction and rushes to the left of Dead Spirit Bandits, ready to bypass and stay away from Dead Spirit Bandits.

But Luo Tian didn’t know that his behavior made Dead Spirit Bandits excited!

“Look, that ship suddenly swayed and could not support it anymore!”

“That ship is turning, it’s just looking for death!”

The robbers were excited and it was less than half a cup of tea before they bet until now.

Vice-Captain Chihong beautiful eyes slightly condensed. According to her guess, the dark blue Void Ship is no problem for two hours, but it can suddenly change lanes and bend. There are too many uncertainties and it may be destroyed in advance.

The bandits watched the dark blue Void Ship quietly.


I saw that Void Ship suddenly seemed to be more flexible, and it was the best route to travel through the chaotic and complicated wind.

It was not until the dark blue Void Ship that left everyone’s vision that they suddenly awakened!

“It escaped!”

“Betting is not over!”

“Catch up!” The woman in red ordered.

Suddenly, Dead Spirit Bandits Void Ship also reversed direction and chased past.

The performance of all aspects of their Void Ship is several times that of the dark blue Void Ship, and they can easily catch up.

Dead Spirit Bandits must witness the destruction of Dark Blue Void Ship and complete the bet.

But the dark blue Void Ship in front of it seems to want to get rid of them, and various turns change lanes.

“Keep up!” Red woman indifferently said.

The helmsman listens to the orders and follows the dark blue Void Ship.

At this moment, the two Void Ships seem to be racing on a complex circuit.

Gradually, the helmsman of Dead Spirit Bandits feels a little pressure, and Void Ship is slightly bumpy.

In contrast, the dark blue Void Ship in front is much more stable.

This point cannot hide the senses of the bandits.

Their helmsman, but the veteran who sailed on Outer World Void for twenty or thirty years, actually lost to the dark blue Void Ship.


The **** red lips of a woman in red are raised, and she suddenly feels that dark blue Void Ship may last longer.


Dark blue Void Ship.

Luo Tian is at the helm, and the rest are staring nervously at the rear. Void Ship of Dead Spirit Bandits is always like a shadow of death.

“My God, is Dead Spirit Bandits staring at us?”

Yan Lihui loses its calmness.

Dead Spirit Bandits is definitely an even more terrifying enemy than Purple Scales Clan.

Luo Tian was also a little depressed. He wanted to stay away from Dead Spirit Bandits. As a result, the other party took the initiative to keep up and could not get rid of it.

But Dead Spirit Bandits did not show obvious hostility, what exactly do they want to do?

Luo Tian dare not care.

At this stage, their goal is to sail smoothly and strive to leave the range of Chaotic Wind Drift at an early date.

Because he was stared at by Dead Spirit Bandits, he was afraid that Yan Lihui would be over-stressed and make mistakes, so he has been at the helm himself.

“However, as Seven Great Legendary Bandit Groups, Dead Spirit Bandits only has this person?”

Luo Tian noticed something wrong.

In that Dead Spirit Bandits Void Ship, there were only 30 or 40 bandits.

Is this just one of the Dead Spirit Bandit Group ships?

Time passes slowly.

Three hours passed quickly.

For such a long period of time, under the control of Luo Tian’s, Void Ship has hardly experienced any strong currents and has been relatively stable.

Yan Lihui looks a little dull, thinking: “Is it deceiving? Really a newcomer to Outer World?”

The voyage of three hours in the void is so smooth that even a veteran with more than ten years of Outer World travel is extremely difficult to achieve.

Yi Jingwen is even more surprised. She started the Outer World Void trip with Luo Tian, but the gap between the two is really big.

On Dead Spirit Bandits Void Ship, many bet robbers are silent.

“Actually persisted for three hours?”

“Their helmsmen seem to be more professional than ours!”

“We all lost!”

It is relatively rare to lose. The bet will be used for confiscation and used for navigation and maintenance of Void Ship.

But the strong man suddenly blinked.

“I think Vice-Captain won this bet!” The strong man said.

The rest of the robbers are puzzled. Vice-Captain bets on two hours. This dark blue Void Ship even has great hopes to successfully pass Chaotic Wind Drift.

“Oh, because this ship will be finished soon, and the time guessed by Vice-Captain is the closest, so Vice-Captain won!”

The strong man sneered.

The next moment, he rushed out of Void Ship and was exposed to Chaotic Wind Drift.


The masculine man’s body surface condenses True Essence Cover of one layer crystal bright bright yellow to resist the cutting of Chaotic Wind Drift.

After that, he flew to the dark blue Void Ship, palm true essence condensed.

At this moment, the robbers finally realized that the strong man wanted to destroy the Void Ship personally and let Vice-Captain win.

Although the strong man’s approach has ruined the game, it can please Vice-Captain.

If they question it, it might make Vice-Captain unhappy.

“It’s so cunning, actually use this method to please Vice-Captain!”

“Why didn’t I think of it!”

The robbers are heartbroken and remorseful.


The majestic man floating in the chaotic void, the condensed palm of true essence suddenly cut, and a thick and huge dark yellow palm blade, which was 20 to 30 meters long, fell from the sky.

Chaotic Wind Drift, all cut in half, the dark yellow palm blade cut into the dark blue Void Ship!

At this moment of crisis, Dark Blue Void Ship suddenly accelerated to bend.


The huge yellow blade of the dark yellow is less than one meter away from the dark blue Void Ship.

“Did you actually do it?”

Luo Tian stands in front of the rudder and turns to stare behind.

The strong man is also a mid-level Earth Essence Realm, but it is much stronger than Yan Lihui. Once the palm is hit, it will definitely have a serious impact on Void Ship, or even directly smash the defensive cover.

If Luo Tian is at the helm, the danger will be detected in time, and the consequences will be disastrous.

“Well? Avoid it?” The strong man was very surprised.

He originally wanted to show some performance, please Vice-Captain.

As a result, the attack did not hit, which is a shame.

On Dead Spirit Bandits Void Ship, there was also a stir to ridicule and ridicule a strong man for his dish, and some people even wanted to play in person.

The strong man is unhappy, ready to attack again, and must destroy that ship Void Ship.

At this time.


Chaotic Wind Drift becomes more violent, and his vision is a bit blurred.

The strong male True Essence Cover was quickly weakened by wear and tear, and he immediately mobilized true essence to supplement it.

“What’s going on?”

The strong man noticed something strange and suddenly felt a powerful and mysterious spiritual qi fluctuation!

I saw a kilometer away from the left, there is a group of Chaotic Wind Drift wrapped light layer!

As he approached, the strong man saw that there was a bone over thirty meters long, with a strange shape and an incomplete shape, which seemed to have experienced a long time.

A long distance away, the strong man felt the strong breath emanating from the corpse, and his body true essence coagulated slowly.

“Found it, found the treasure!”

The strong man is extremely excited, forgets Luo Tian and others, and returns to his Void Ship.

The carnival was full of excitement.

They went deep into Chaotic Wind Drift, searched for three days, and finally found the baby!

But the woman in red in Vice-Captain suddenly asked, “Who told you to attack that Void Ship?”

Quiet for a while.

The strong man is panicked, so I don’t know how to answer?

He couldn’t figure it out, how could he please Vice-Captain, why did he dislike Vice-Captain?

“I bet that I don’t like someone to interfere, it is to lose or win, and I have a fixed number!”

The red woman’s red eyes glanced indifferently, causing the tremendous man to tremble, nodding and apologizing.

At this time.

All the rest of the bandits in the cabin are out.

The captain is three meters tall, with a dark complexion, a strange appearance, no hair, and a black tattoo on his face!

Ninth Leader!”

The bandits shouted respectfully.

“I finally found it!”

Ninth Leader‘s dark and dark pupil reveals excitement.

Void Ship gradually approached, seeing the huge corpse, a purple long whip wrapped around its arm, the mysterious patterns on the surface, flashing strange purple luster, emitting amazing energy fluctuations.

Profound Artifact!” The red woman’s eyes shine brightly.

The Profound Artifact of the lowest quality is of great value, and it is only used for top rank Earth Essence Realm or Heaven Pool Realm.

Ninth Leader, there are other babies!”

A bandit shouted.

I saw the huge skeletal head and a broken yellow helmet.

In the bones, there are two jade stones of different sizes, which are flashing purple and blue, and there seem to be several Among them, “Blood Corpse Flower” can be distinguished.

Blood Corpse Flower, generally only grows near the corpse, and absorbs the essence of the corpse to grow.

The value of Blood Corpse Flower is both high and low, depending on the cultivation base of the corpse and the remaining flesh and blood essence.

“All won!”

Ninth Leader gave a cold drink.


The huge black Void Ship urged the defensive cover with all its strength and brought it close to the past.

Nearby, Luo Tian’s Void Ship also stopped, and everyone stared at the huge skeleton in the core area of ​​Chaotic Wind Drift.

“There are treasures in Chaotic Wind Drift?”

Luo Tian is very unexpected.

(End of this chapter)

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