Eternal King Chapter 404: Horrible enemy

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The moment the four Luo Tian entered teleportation formation, they felt the colorful brilliance retreating quickly.

Everything in the field of vision is chaotic and hasty, and nothing can be seen clearly.

Suddenly, the gorgeous streamer faded away and replaced with darkness.

“This is the world of Dongchen Outer World?”

All four of them left Dongchen for the first time, looking at everything around them curiously.

The dark space is immense, in the sky only has a gray wind blowing gently, mysterious and lonely.

The Outer World space is very different from the space in Eastern Chen Continent in material level.

In in the sky and Luo Tian, the body seems to have no weight. If you don’t intentionally fly, your body can float in the air, but it will sink slowly.


Luo Tian urged true essence and flew away.

Gravity, air resistance and other factors are almost negligible. I feel that when flying in Outer World Void, the speed is three or four times that of Eastern Chen Continent.

“However, Outer World Void and Spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth are thin and thin to the limit. Once true essence is exhausted, it cannot be replenished in time, and the consequences are unimaginable…”

That’s why, when traveling on Outer World, you must prepare flying props or flying mounts.

“Cough cough, you all give up.”

Cheng Wanli stepped back a few steps and took out an ancient cyan boat from the storage space. The two-story loft is as high as nearly 20 meters long.

Luo Tian has seen airship of Heaven Ring Alliance and airship of Azure Armor Clan, which are much larger than this.

But Heaven Ring Alliance and Azure Armor Clan‘s airship are the property of great forces.

At this moment, this ancient cyan boat can be said to be the private property of Earth Essence Realm 1st layer Cheng Wanli, which is quite amazing.

It’s good to have money at home, Luo Tian can’t help feeling.

“Come on board!”

Cheng Wanli smiled proudly.

There are ten separate rooms on the ancient cyan boat with basic living facilities.

“This ship is named ‘Void Ship’, which is dedicated to Outer World Void sailing, and it has the positioning of the human territories on it, and it can sail automatically!”

Cheng Wanli is proudly introduced.

“This is very convenient!”

Luo Tian nodded.

Eastern Chen Continent is a hidden secret realm’s space, moving all the time, and the vast universe is too vast, Luo Tian and others do not have a map.

This Void Ship is positioned with human territories and can navigate automatically.

On the way, Luo Tian and others do not need to stare at all times, they can retreat and practice.


Void Ship vibrated slightly, a variety of subtle sounds came from around, and then flew up.

The speed of Void Ship is equal to the speed of Eastern Chen Continent Earth Essence Realm above six.

Outer World Void is not a real nothingness. There are gray winds everywhere. The flying speed is too fast. These gray winds are like a cold knife.

Fortunately, this Void Ship has a certain defensive ability, and the one layer light-cyan mask is condensed throughout the body.

In Void Ship, everyone looked around.

“The vast universe, large and small interfaces, countless. The location of Eastern Chen Continent fluctuates, but has always been in the outermost area of ​​the vast universe…”

Cheng Wanli sighed.

I don’t know how long it will take to meet the next Small World.

Luo Tian and others have chosen a room and practiced quietly!

Inside is different from Outer World.

Eastern Chen Continent is just a small dust on the edge of the vast universe, isolated from the world.

Outer World, large and small interfaces, collide with each other, and the cultivation of spiritual civilization develops rapidly.

The minimum standard for Outer World travel is Earth Essence Realm.

After leaving Dongchen, the Luo Tian four deeply felt their own insignificance. There was a kind of pressure and helplessness when they first left the small village and came to the big city.

In the room.

Luo Tian takes out a light blue ordinary stone.

This is “Ice Dragon Heavenly Cold Stone” after the power is sealed.

Luo Tian has the highest value among the three treasures harvested in the Bi Qing Martial Venerable Inheritance treasure land.

Luo Tian held “Ice Dragon Heavenly Cold Stone” in his hand, and then urged Nether Dragon God Vein in his body, a faint suction came.


On the surface of Ice Dragon Heavenly Cold Stone, blue scale-mark flashes, and a glorious glory is scattered.

The Luo Tian was stiff, and a faint dragon’s roar sound was heard.


Luo Tian urges Nether Dragon God Vein to absorb the cold force penetrating the body before the limbs can regain consciousness.


The dragon shape Divine Vein in the Luo Tian body, nether-blue scales flickering in the cold light and misty mist.

At the end of Divine Vein, there is a tendency for the lack of texture to grow.

Ice Dragon Heavenly Cold Stone can strengthen Nether Dragon God Vein and make up for the incomplete.

“This treasure, true value!”

The cold power contained in Ice Dragon Heavenly Cold Stone is pure and overbearing, which is extremely nourishing for Nether Dragon God Vein!

Luo Tian had previously obtained treasures that benefited Nether Dragon God Vein, and all aspects were far inferior to Ice Dragon Heavenly Cold Stone.

Only half an hour.

Luo Tian’s Nether Dragon God Vein, there is no small improvement. With that cold power alone, it can double the Earth Essence Realm and form a strong interference.

“With this thing, my Nether Dragon God Vein will continue to grow and become my powerful means!”

Luo Tian looks happy.

At this time.

The scream of Cheng Wanli came from outside: “Careful, there are other creatures near you!”

Ye Feng, Luo Tian, Yi Jingwen suddenly left the house!

They came to Outer World Void for the first time and encountered other creatures. They were all alert.

I saw the distant void, a big blue ship, sailing fast.

“The size and speed of that Void Ship are far more than ours, avoid it.”

Ye Feng Shen channel.

But Luo Tian‘s eyes are slightly fixed, and there is a sense of familiarity.

At the same time, Good Fortune Secret Art sent strong signs of crisis.

“No good, run away!”

Luo Tian shouted.

He remembered that the style of the Void Ship in the distance was very similar to the Void Ship that suddenly broke into Heaven’s Top Mountain Range that day.

That is to say, that ship is likely to be another team of Azure Armor Clan!

Cheng Wanli and others are unknown, but did not question Luo Tian’s.

Cheng Wanli immediately controls Void Ship, away from the big blue ship.


On the large cyan ship, a white spot of light shone.


In the next moment, a bright and fiery beam of light penetrates through the void for thousands of kilometers, shining brightly on the vision of Luo Tian and others.

Cheng Wanli controlled Void Ship, bursting out at the fastest speed, the stern was still hit, and turned into ashes directly.

“No, Void Ship is about to explode!”

Cheng Wanli exclaimed.

A dangerous force of riots, which has fluctuated from within Void Ship, is getting stronger!


The big blue boat.

More than twenty Azure Armor Clan, looking into the distance.

“Hit a small broken ship.”

A young man in gold clothes Azure Armor Clan with a cruel smile on the corner of his mouth.

“It seems to be a few humans!”

A middle-aged Azure Armor Clan in a gray robe, with a majestic and ruthless face, and eyes dreary cold.

“How come humans suddenly appear in this area?”

“It’s impossible, the human world that my family is searching for… will they just come out from there?”

With this remark, Azure Armor Clan‘s face cheered up.

A few months ago.

The senior Sea Demon Palace handed them a task to search for a hidden human Small World in this void area.

As a subsidiary force of Sea Demon Palace, Azure Armor Clan is steadfast and dispatched several teams to search.

Now, they seem to have found a clue.

“Second Uncle, those human beings, let me take them back!”

Azure Armor Clan‘s young man in gold with an excited smile on his face.


Azure Armor Clan gray robe hesitated three times in middle age and nodded slightly.

The four human beings, cultivation base are very weak, the strongest one is the Earth Essence Realm double, and the golden-clothed youth cultivation base Earth Essence Realm 3rd layer should be no problem.

Jinyi Youth immediately took two followers and left Void Ship.


An ancient cyan Void Ship bursts and the fire shines.

Before that, Luo Tian and others have jumped ship, avoiding the explosion.

If they stayed on the ship, they were afraid that their bones would be gone.

“The gap between Void Ship is too big!”

Luo Tian Shen channel.

The Void Ship of Azure Armor Clan not only explodes the Void Ship of Cheng Wanli in body speed, but also has powerful attacking methods.

The beam just now, even if it is intermediate Earth Essence Realm, has to yield.

The Void Ship of Cheng Wanli has a relatively defensive performance and is directly exploded.

“Damn, my Void Ship!”

Cheng Wanli is a distressed look.

“Master said, Outer World Void is in crisis, but this is too dangerous!”

The Ye Feng has a lingering fear.

As soon as I left Eastern Chen Continent, I encountered such things and almost died.

“Hurry up!”

Luo Tian shouted.

At the next moment, three Azure Armor Clan figures, one Earth Essence Realm 3rd layer, and two Earth Essence Realm doubles appear above the blazing flames!

“A few of you, you can’t go anywhere!”

A young man in golden clothes, with a high profile, overlooking the Luo Tian indifferently!

In the next moment, the three Azure Armor Clan attacked!

A cyan spear appeared in the hands of the young man in the golden clothing, and speared a dark blue light like a mad dragon.


Ye Feng immediately made a sword and cut a magnificent crystal white sword light.

Jianguang struck the gun shadow instantaneously, and the dark green gun shadow was like a mad dragon, tearing the sword light cut off by Ye Feng.

“What a terrible blow!”

Ye Feng was horrified.

Among the four, he has the highest cultivation base and broke the double of Earth Essence Realm half a month ago, but he couldn’t even stop the golden man.


The violent violent glance passed by the blue gun shadow. The Ye Feng was lifted off a dozen meters away, the sleeve robe was torn off, and the arm was bloodied.

Ye Feng immediately stood up and escaped quickly.

Since the three of Azure Armor Clan suddenly killed, the four of Luo Tian hurriedly escaped and were broken up.

Luo Tian and Yi Jingwen together, Ye Feng and Cheng Wanli escaped together.

“Eh? Human beauty!”

Golden clothes youth glanced at Yi Jingwen, revealing a hint of obscene smile.

“The two human beings are handed over to you!”

Golden youth commanded and killed Luo Tian and Yi Jingwen.

Oh! Whoosh!

The dark and empty void, Luo Tian and Yi Jingwen escaped quickly.

Luo Tian, are they just…Azure Armor Clan?”

Yi Jingwen inquiry.

She just learned from Master that foreign clan named Azure Armor Clan broke into Eastern Chen Continent.

Once the location of Eastern Chen Continent is exposed, war will come!

“Yes!” Luo Tian nodded.

Why did Azure Armor Clan break into Eastern Chen Continent? When calculating before Luo Tian, I got some clues and had some guesses in my heart.

Azure Armor Clan is also a race in the sea, and I am afraid that it cannot be separated from Sea Hunting Clan.

(=One second to remember) reading network

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