Eternal King Chapter 379: Sign a contract

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In the hall, a gorgeous Red Lotus Sword xia blooms, filling the entire field of vision.

The whole hall fell into the heat, and the Spirit Essence Spring Water in the water pool was all evaporated.

After a sword.

A rift spread from the foot of Luo Tian all the way to the end of the hall, while the mermaid woman was lying there.

There was a black blood stain on her body, and blood spattered from her shoulder to her abdomen.

“Cough, you actually have “Profound Artifact“!”

The mermaid woman coughed up a few traces of blood, her face pale and very weak.

If she is at her peak, don’t be afraid of the sword Luo Tian.

But there is only a ray of remnant in her body, defeating that blue phantom, it takes a lot of strength and is in a weak state.

At the moment, the sword Luo Tian has caused her injuries, and the situation is more serious.

“You just lied to me!”

Luo Tian looks angered while holding Red Lotus Sword.

The Mermaid woman just made a compromise on the surface, but launched a sneak attack, wounding Ning Xueyao seriously.

Even if Luo Tian does not have this hole card, everything is over.

“What about me… cheating on you? Ocean Blue Saint Bead is my item, but you force it!”

The mermaid’s face is arrogant and her tone is tough, but there is a panic flash in her eyes.

“Hell it up!”

Luo Tian cold drink.

If it weren’t for him, the mermaid might still be a corpse, and she might sleep forever.

The Mermaid is not grateful to Dade, but also revenge!


A leather whip appears in the hands of Luo Tian. The surface is dark black, and it stretches for dozens of meters in an instant. Like a ghost, it hooks to the mermaid.

“This is?”

The Mermaid woman is surprised and recognizes this extraordinary thing.

She has no time to evade, and the one layer ice crystal cold mist is released on her body surface, but the physical level attack has little effect on the leather whip hook.

The hook just slowed down a little bit, quickly penetrated the ice crystal cold mist, hooked the neck of the mermaid girl, and instantly pulled back in front of Luo Tian!

A beautiful and noble mermaid jade body, which is only half a foot away from Luo Tian, especially a pair of tall and snowy white jade peaks, almost to be attached to the chest of Luo Tian’s.

Extremely beautiful face, noble and elegant temperament, intricate and exquisite jade body… It is difficult to hold back for any man, and the heart is burning fiery.

But at the moment, Luo Tian has no intention to appreciate these.

“You just wanted to sneak attack!”

Luo Tian asked indifferently.

His spiritual consciousness noticed that the mermaid woman was secretly accumulating strength, and seemed to be planning another sneak attack.

So, Luo Tian decisively used this strange treasure to control the mermaid girl.

“Well… fuck, let me go!”

The mermaid’s body is blood-solidified, her thinking consciousness is blocked, her body is difficult to move, and she can’t even speak.

She did not expect that Luo Tian actually saw through her means.

And this treasure is extraordinary.

How come this kid has so many cards?

“Looking at you, I am still unconvinced and unwilling to compromise!”

Luo Tian eyes cold, [Red Lotus Sword] slowly piercing the mermaid body of the mermaid.

A burning inflammatory force burned in her body.


The severe pain caused the fish woman to tremble, and a faint scream was heard.

In fact, if the fish girl successfully accumulated power to launch a sneak attack, it may have reversed the situation.

Luo Tian seems to have [Red Lotus Sword] such a big killer, but it consumes too much. The sword just consumed 50% or 60% of his true qi.

He can force the second sword, but the power will be weakened, and the third sword cannot be used.

The Mermaid woman saw this and was ready to attack.

It’s a pity that I was seen through by Luo Tian.


The mermaid is controlled by a leather whip hook, without battle strength.

Luo Tian does not need to urge [Red Lotus Sword] at all. With the sharpness and power of the blade itself, it is enough to hurt the mermaid.

“Damn…I will never spare you…”

The mermaid girl’s cold and shady eyes, full of shame, staring at Luo Tian, cursing her heart.

In her identity, she was so tortured by a Spirit Sea Realm human kid, and the mermaid woman felt unprecedented humiliation.

“Your eyes, I don’t like it very much.”

Luo Tian lightly said.

He will pierce [Red Lotus Sword] into the body of the mermaid and slowly pull it out. The process is very slow, causing the face of the mermaid to twist and pain.


Luo Tian changed place and thrust [Red Lotus Sword] into it again.

Luo Tian did this because he wanted to gradually increase the injuries of the mermaid and make the opponent weaker and safer.

In addition, he wants to deter mermaids.

“Now tell me that you are acknowledge allegiance and still want to die under this sword!”

Luo Tian looks cold, and his tone is not urgent.


Mermaid woman was soaked in cold sweat.

If it is not for her good health, these two swords are afraid that she will be killed. The severe pain and torture of the body made her inner hatred angry and angry. How would you like acknowledge allegiance?

However, the increased pain and torture also made her mental consciousness weaker and weaker.

“If you don’t want acknowledge allegiance, you can shake your head, the third sword, I will stab your heart!”

Luo Tian indifferently said, slowly pull out [Red Lotus Sword], aiming at the heart of the mermaid girl.

Strong death crisis, shocking mermaid woman all over.

She has no doubt that Luo Tian will pierce this sword.

The heart that had sworn to die was shaken at this moment, generating a strong desire to survive.

At the moment [Red Lotus Sword] is advancing forward.

The mermaid girl nodded hard, and the look of acknowledge allegiance came out.


Luo Tian withdrew the whip hook and [Red Lotus Sword], the body of the mermaid woman, like a pool of soft mud, paralyzed on the ground.


She gasped for breath, and anger and resentment appeared in her eyes, but soon dissipated.

Luo Tian came to Xueyao and lifted his veil.

The familiar face in my memory appears again.

The Luo Tian‘s heart suddenly shook, he didn’t understand and sighed: “Xueyao, why do you hide your identity…”

It is conceivable that Ning Xueyao may not reveal its identity unless it is in a life-and-death crisis.

Ning Xueyao is in a coma, no answer.

Luo Tian inspected Ning Xueyao’s injury and found that there was no harm, but the spirit was strongly impacted, and he passed out in a coma and soon woke up.

“Who the **** are you? How did you die?”

Luo Tian looked at the healing mermaid girl and asked casually.

“I… don’t know.”

Mermaid girl’s eyebrows are slightly wrinkled and she shakes her head.

She slept for too long, and now it is still a state of residual soul, too much memory loss, almost blank chaos in her mind.

“Give me Ocean Blue Saint Bead, I can answer your question.” The mermaid woman eagerly.

“Forget it, I am not very curious anyway.”

Luo Tian turned to look at Ning Xueyao.

The mermaid’s face was heavy and annoyed.

She is in a weak state now.

After a fierce battle with Youlan phantom, she suffered a lot of trauma, and then the sword of Luo Tian caused her great harm.

If at this moment, Luo Tian comes another sword, she will even be distracted and die completely.

“Actually, Martial Venerable remnant’s will has not been eliminated, it is just broken up and can be reunited!”

The Mermaid said again.

Luo Tian was slightly shocked. He really didn’t know this.

“If I recover enough power, I can destroy Martial Venerable remnant’s will, and then control this place, you can get more benefits from me!”

Mermaid girl seriously said.

Luo Tian suddenly fell into contemplation.

There are many treasures here. If Martial Venerable remnant’s will controls this place, he can only choose two treasures according to the rules.

If the mermaid can control this place, then some talk, Luo Tian can get more benefits.

Although Luo Tian has obtained Martial Venerable Inheritance, this is the inheritance of Water Path system, which is inconsistent with his Martial Path.

“Do you have any way to control this?”

Luo Tian didn’t believe it easily.

Even if Martial Venerable remnant will is not present, this crystal palace is not something that most people can control.

Luo Tian asked Heavenly Book, and the answer is that he cannot control it at this stage. If it takes a few decades or breaks through Heaven Pool Realm, it is possible.

“The remnant soul consciousness that I wanted to occupy my body before has something to do with Bi Qing Martial Venerable. I did not completely eliminate him, but also absorbed and integrated some…”

The mermaid paused and confessed: “As long as I get the remnant soul in Ocean Blue Saint Bead, I will be able to completely absorb and merge it, so as to control this inheritance palace.”

Luo Tian rubs his chin with his hand and thinks about it.

After a while.

He made a decision, “I promise you, but the remnant soul in Ocean Blue Saint Bead can only hand over 40%.”

This is the bottom line of Luo Tian’s.

Ocean Blue Saint Bead is the lifeblood of the Mermaid, he must control it, this is his means of balancing the Mermaid.

After all, when the mermaid’s soul grows stronger, her strength recovers and the threat will increase, so Luo Tian has to defend.

“In addition, you and I have to sign a contract to prevent you from violating the agreement after your strength!” Luo Tian continued.

The Mermaid nodded in agreement.

As long as you can control this place and restore the peak strength, everything is easy to say, and she will make Luo Tian regret at that time!

Heavenly Book, I need a contract that can bind others.”

Heavenly Book is laborious and offers several different contracts.

“Hey? And Master and Slave Contract…”

Luo Tian‘s eyes stayed on one of the contracts, pondering for a while, he asked Heavenly Book to infer this contract.

After .

Luo Tian cuts his finger, draws blood, and outlines a complex and strange blood pattern in in the sky.

“Take out a drop of essential blood.”

Luo Tian said to mermaid girl.

The mermaid woman’s eyebrows frowned slightly, and hesitated a bit, as if she felt that the contract drawn by Luo Tian was problematic.

But with a memory loss of more than 90%, she was difficult to distinguish and was craving another part of her soul, so she took out a drop of essential blood as required.


That bizarre blood twisted in midair, gradually transparent, and integrated into Luo Tian and Mermaid girl.

Luo Tian and Mermaid have a strange feeling about each other.

“Hoo, Master and Slave Contract, it’s done!”

Luo Tian was relieved and immediately rejoiced!

With this contract signed, even if the Mermaid is his maid or servant, her orders must be obeyed.

As a result, the mermaid woman’s threat to Luo Tian’s is almost minimal.

And he also has a mermaid maid with unprecedented strength!

“Wait for this woman to control it, and I will come in again in the future, the treasure here is not hers, but mine…”

Thinking of this, Luo Tian instantly felt like he was making a lot of money.

(=One second to remember) reading network

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