Eternal King Chapter 374: Fight against Wuye

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As expected by Luo Tian, Wu Ye stopped sprinting and decided to intercept all human geniuses!

This may waste him a lot of time, resulting in poor performance.

But in Wu Ye’s opinion.

Perhaps eradicating the enemy is also a kind of performance, which can add points.

He stood on the white jade bridge quietly, as if the guardians of the island and palace wanted to intercept others.

“Not good!”

Luo Tian has a complexion.

Wuye in the front and green-haired woman in the back, what should I do?

“Hahaha, you are all dead. I don’t want to take half of the benefits from here!”

Tu Kai in the back laughed with pride.

White woman, Qi Yuntian looks slightly condensed.

When it comes to numbers, Sea Hunting Clan is dominant, and so is strength!

Allowing to fight is very detrimental to them.

But for now, the most dangerous thing is Luo Tian, which was attacked by the green-haired woman and Wu Ye.

Luo Tian must be supported. If he is solved by the enemy, we will have nothing to end.”

Women in white said to Qi Yuntian.

Qi Yuntian nodded lightly, the two accelerated their speed and prepared to assist Luo Tian.

At this time, the Tu Kai on the left laughs wildly: “Your opponent, it is us!”


An inky black chain runs through it. The metal claws on the front end move the forest coldly and kill the woman in white.

“All stay!”

Another Sea Hunting Clan man shot, a massive palm strength shot, suddenly the waves rolled.

He is the fourth place Sea Hunting Clan, the double peak of cultivation base Earth Essence Realm, but only slightly weaker than the woman in green.


The woman in white scolds, and the turquoise smoke rolls around her body, turning into a turquoise ribbon, and hits instantly.

Qi Yuntian also exudes a glance, striking a brilliant crystal white aurora palm strength!

Four people on the third staircase are fighting.

The woman in white was worried, hesitant, and she said firmly: “I stopped these two people, you help Luo Tian!”

Qi Yuntian is stunned.

The woman in white actually wants to fight against the two big Sea Hunting Clans alone. With her strength, she may even die!

The woman in white wants to help Luo Tian’s, it seems too strong.

“Hello, do it yourself!”

Qi Yuntian lightly said.

He is not familiar with women in white, and he wants to pass the test as soon as possible, there is no reason to refuse.


Qi Yuntian dropped the enemy and accelerated away.

At this moment, there was an amazing energy coming out from behind. Looking back, I saw the woman in white taking out a broken jade ruler, with purple, green and blue light flowing on it.

The broken jade ruler, the three-color brilliance, radiates the transcendental power to suppress everything!

When the jade ruler waved, the three-color streamer burst to a height of 100 meters, poured down, and cut towards the Tu Kai duo.


The Tu Kai dumbfounded, this white woman actually has such a powerful Divine Weapon.

The Qi Yuntian was also surprised and immediately reassured and quickly went away.


The Luo Tian on the Baiyu Bridge is slightly sluggish.

The dark night in front is like a dark cloud of dark fog, hiding a terrorist crisis.

The green-haired woman in the back, killing intent is strong, like a mad beast, quickly approaching.

“Go to death!”

At a certain moment, when the green-haired woman was less than 100 meters away from Luo Tian, she immediately produced a sword.


A deep dark green sword gas rolled up one layer water vortex and strangled towards Luo Tian, seeming to devour everything.

The seawater of eerie blue is all rolled up, making this sword corrosive.


Luo Tian pulled out [Ice Trail Sword], the sword-like prototype broke out, “Heavenly Sword Secret Art” urged, the cold power of Nether Dragon God Vein, also integrated into 50% to 60%.


A sparkling Jianxia with crystal clear ice and cold, with a kind of cold and boundless meaning, is cut from the sky and cut on the vortex of the sword gas and water flow.

Coldness comes, the sword vortex and water vortex freezes, and its power weakens.

The fierce sword light then slashed down, two strong sword qi, fierce confrontation collision, a burst of noise.

In the end, Luo Tian wiped out the sword of the green-haired woman with a sword.

But one layer sword qi and water flowed out, smashing Luo Tian’s True Qi Body Protection, blocked by Heavenly Furnace Treasure Body, and took a few steps back.

A blue sea wave happened to roll up from the back and pounce on Luo Tian.


Luo Tian pushed “Wind-Governing Secret Art” to the limit, avatar was the wind, and thrilled to avoid.

“Huh? Are you okay?”

The green-haired woman frowned, somewhat dissatisfied.

She originally thought that her sword could bury Luo Tian.

The facts do not have much advantage.

“Sword intention prototype?”

The green-haired woman is a little uncertain.

After all, the prototype of Jianyi is only high-level Earth Essence Realm in order to comprehend. Even Wuye, the level of comprehension of True Intent has not reached the point of prototype.

But only the prototype of sword intention can make Luo Tian form a greater repression of her swordsmanship, thus defusing her attack.


In the mid-air, a fierce, cold sword spirit, swiftly and violently killed, revealing a general momentum.

With this sword, let the green-haired woman be sure that Luo Tian has realized the prototype of sword intention!

“Dare you dare to take the initiative to attack?”

The green-haired woman snorted, her face disdainful.

Even if she realized the prototype of the sword intention, the huge gap of cultivation base was there. She used the sword intention to cut out a strong sword and smash the fierce sword spirit.

“Come again!”

Luo Tian drinks lightly, Ninth Firmament Sword Secret Art‘s fourth-style “Jianjuan residual cloud” comes out.

A gloomy cold light sword gas came out to form a mighty sword gas tornado, and went through with a cold and violent gesture!

For Luo Tian, it is better to attack aggressively than passively.

After all, it’s not one-on-one heads-up at the moment, but it’s attacking and interfering with each other in special tests.

Active attack, Luo Tian can also have a certain impact on green-haired women, who wins and loses, not necessarily!

“Find death!”

The green-haired woman snorted coldly and shot with all her strength. The mighty dark green sword light, with a magnificent sword and water flow, launched a crazy attack, cold and brutal!

Luo Tian sword moves changed, Ninth Firmament Sword Secret Art fifth style “Crazy Sword Shower” was launched.

Thousands of cold and fierce sword spirits appear in the void, resonating with Spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth and sword moves, exuding a magnificent momentum, if you want to wash and smash all enemies.


The two launched a fierce confrontation at a long distance.

On attack strength.

Luo Tian is in a weak position, but due to the long distance between the two sides, relying on defense and movement technique, it can timely withstand or evade some aftershock attacks.

Although the green-haired woman has the advantage, it is not without influence.

Luo Tian’s swordsmanship is meticulous, very tricky, and can always kill her from the gap.

The green-haired woman was at a loss for a while, but she didn’t expect the Luo Tian sword skills to be so advanced.

A moment.

The blue sea waves stirred up on the left side flew, the green-haired woman had no time to dodge, True Essence Cover was directly corroded and melted, leaving a large piece of decay in her arm.


The green-haired woman screamed, her forehead sweating coldly.

She has a frontal combat ability, better than Luo Tian, but she is in a difficult test and the environment is complex, so she can’t do everything.

But Luo Tian can do it.

He is as windy and elegant. Coupled with “Heavenly Furnace Treasure Body” breaking through three layer perfection, it has extremely strong defensive power and the ability to cope with various situations is much stronger than the green-haired woman.

“Sword Wind Fury!”

Cold and boundless, the sword of Ling Chongxiao burst out, resonating with Spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth, stirring the waves.

A fierce and unmatched sword light, set off a dark and icy storm, screamed furiously, screamed in all directions!

This is the strongest sword move of Luo Tian’s. Suddenly, the green-haired woman panicked.

After one click.

Regardless of the result, Luo Tian immediately departed and moved forward quickly, pulling away from the green-haired woman.


The green-haired woman scolded, and a dark green violent sword light erupted, the tough Luo Tian sword.


The half-air sword gas collided and exploded, the storm spread out, and affected the green-haired woman, which made her panic-stricken and almost fell to Baiyu Bridge.

She tried her best to stabilize, but her legs were corroded by the blue water.

“A bit interesting.”

Wu Ye stands on the spot, watching the battle between Luo Tian and the green-haired woman quietly.

The cultivation base with the Spirit Sea Realm nine-fold peak is in the hands of the green-haired woman at the Earth Essence Realm double-peak.

Most people can’t do it.

Wu Ye judged that Luo Tian’s’s sensory and reaction skills are particularly powerful and suitable for this test.

This is why Luo Tian can take advantage.

“Hum, since the net is cast, you are dead!”

The green-haired woman stared back at Luo Tian’s with resentment.

She originally thought that Luo Tian would run back and give up the test, at least one life could be recovered.

Unexpectedly, Luo Tian dared to move forward, which did not put Wu Ye in his eyes!

“Oh, good!”

Wu Ye’s mouth sneered, staring at Luo Tian and approaching herself a little bit.

One thousand meters… eight hundred meters… five hundred meters!

One hundred meters!

Wu Ye shot immediately, a gloomy and gray-white brilliance turned into a condensed and generous exercise, and rushed towards Luo Tian instantly.

The white jade bridge is very narrow, and the Luo Tian has limited dodge space. It is surrounded by this horse.

In an instant, the terrible and decaying power of death looms over Luo Tian.


Luo Tian urged Heavenly Furnace Treasure Body, the one layer sapphire film on the body surface quickly and dimly peeled off, followed by the skin, black and decay, a breath of death diffused out.

For the first time against Wu Ye, Luo Tian really felt the horror of this person!

His Heavenly Furnace Treasure Body is totally unsustainable, continue, even worry about his life!


Luo Tian shouted in a low voice, Nether Dragon God Vein broke out, one layer‘s cold and lingering vortex of cold fog spread instantaneously, condensing to a distance of ten meters around the body!

The cold power of Nether Dragon God Vein is applied to the whole body’s black and white horse training, freezing it completely.


A stroke of Cold Wind Palm came out, and the solid black and white horse training was crushed by a palm and drifted with the cold wind.

“Your Martial Vein Variant Power is not simple.”

Wu Ye calmly commented, but did not mind.


His robe was flying, and a mist of black and white rolled out, the dark atmosphere of silence disappeared, and the surroundings fell into black and white.

At this moment, he seems to be the spokesperson of death, and any creature is instinctively fearful.

In the rear, the woman in white turned out to contain two Sea Hunting Clans.

She used her hole cards, and the strength that broke out was at least the level of King of Heaven’s Chosen.

At this moment, the woman in white has a pair of beautiful eyes, full of worry, looking at Luo Tian.

“Why should I be so risky, why not escape…”

The woman in white is eager.

Silent Night Claw!”

Wu Ye suddenly shot, a pale and gritty hand claw with black patterns on the surface, with the breath of death and the terrible trend of slaughtering everything, suddenly killed.

At this moment, Luo Tian‘s body was instinctively fearful, and his hair was standing upright.

It’s too strong!

Is this the genius of Sea Demon Palace Earth Essence Realm 3rd layer?

The gap between Luo Tian and Wu Ye’s cultivation base is too large, this blow gives him the illusion that it is difficult to resist.

The green-haired woman in the back, the smile on her face even more fierce.

Wu Ye’s claws, she didn’t dare to resist, Luo Tian is dead!

But at this a figure flew out of the sight of the green-haired woman.

Luo Tian, I will help you!”

Qi Yuntian loudly shouted quickly approached, the bright and white true essence on the body surface waved up!


Luo Tian was shocked and looked a little happy!

Originally, he planned to use [Red Lotus Sword], or the master card given by Master Mu Yunshi to resolve the crisis.

But I didn’t expect that Qi Yuntian could quickly come to support!


The sky and the world are stirring, and the blue sea is surging.

The icy immenseness, the sharp sword meaning of Chongxiao, and the palm technique meaning of covering the sky and fighting the sky, broke out!

(=One second to remember) reading network

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