Eternal King Chapter 356: Sea Demon Palace

With the appearance of “Winter secret realm“, the strange and powerful aura, even Jianzuo secret realm, was squeezed aside, and the inheritance channel showed an unstable trend.

Later, the inheritance channel of the Winter secret realm was opened, and it was a dark blue ellipse, which was extremely stable and seemed to be able to withstand the entry of many people.

“Is this really Winter secret realm?”

The Earth Essence Realm great expert who personally opened the mysterious heritage are all puzzled and a little unsure.

In the past, the Winter secret realm was opened, but there is no such momentum, and the scene presented by the phantom is also very different.

“Perhaps secret realm itself has changed.”

Blue Water Palace is an elder.

Inheritance was initiated by them personally, without any mistakes, and there should be no mistakes.

Luo Tian glanced around.

He feels that the mutation of Winter secret realm is related to the Orb of his body.

But everyone’s attention just now was attracted by the mysterious inheritance itself. Earth Essence Realm great expert is all starting the inheritance, so no one has discovered this.

“Yuntian, True Martial Inheritance failed to open, you choose another one.”

Vice-President Long said slightly regretfully.

The opportunities for the three major inheritances are the most. Every time they are opened, at least several geniuses will get a chance, which will affect the pattern of the entire continent in the future.

The resource treasures brought from the inheritance into the mainland can also cause a storm.

Not to mention that Qi Yuntian is still a genius of Heaven Ring Alliance cultivation, he naturally hopes that Qi Yuntian will benefit the most.

Qi Yuntian is slightly silent.

The most expected True Martial Inheritance failed to open, and now he has a little interest in Winter secret realm.

But the open privileges in your hands cannot be wasted, they are used to open the Profound Thunder Inheritance and give others some opportunities.

Not long.

Profound Thunder Inheritance opened smoothly. The inheritance of phantom is the same as Jianzuo secret realm, which was squeezed aside by Winter secret realm.

“Okay, three mysterious inheritances have been opened. Now, you can choose to enter.”

Vice-President Long glanced across the audience.

Luo Tian is entangled.

He was originally aiming at the Jianzuka secret realm, but the change of secret realm in Winter made him hesitate.

The change of Winter secret realm is related to the Orb of his body. Choosing this mysterious heritage, he may get more benefits.

In addition, the inheritance phantom of the secret realm of In Winter, which has crushed the other two major inheritances, also made Luo Tian guess that the In Winter secret realm, which once ranked fifth in the mysterious inheritance, may not be so simple at this moment.

“I choose, Winter secret realm!”

Qi Yuntian has no hesitation, he is not interested in Kendo and Thunder Path.


He jumped into the blue light hole, vanished from sight.


Without saying anything, Tian Xiejian chose Jianzuka secret realm, and he also appointed two disciples of the same class to enter together, including Xia Bingyue.

The entrance of Jianzuo secret realm suddenly shook and twisted, shrinking a large circle.

Everyone passes, it consumes power.

According to Vice-President Long’s estimate, Jianzuo secret realm may only allow seven or eight people to enter.

After hesitating, Shangguanju chose Rindong secret realm.

He has little interest in these three mysterious heritages.

The most intuitive picture at the moment is the phantom inheritance of the Winter secret realm, which is more powerful than the Jianzuka Heritage and Profound Thunder Inheritance, so I made such a choice.

“Huh? This winter secret realm channel is so stable. After entering the two, there is not much impact.”

Great Elder(s) is slightly weird.

Or the timing is better.

Next, two others chose Jianzuka secret realm.

I saw the channel of Jianzuka secret realm.

Luo Tian knows that he must make a decision as soon as possible.

At this time, he chose to calculate.

After five interest.

The hesitation on his face disappeared and he made a choice.

“I choose, Winter secret realm!”

In addition, Luo Tian can prevent someone from entering this secret realm, or bring two people into.

He doesn’t have many acquaintances. Among them, Cheng Wanli and Ji Qingrong are more than 20 Spirit Lists. They don’t need Luo Tian band, they also have the opportunity to enter secret realm.

Ning Xin, ranked more than 80, Luo Tian gave her this opportunity.

Oh! Whoosh!

Luo Tian and Ning Xin, step into the deep blue light hole, vanished from sight.

And Ji Bing (Extreme Ice) Fairy breathed a sigh of relief, Luo Tian did not prevent him from entering the winter secret realm, without a word, she also chose to enter it.

In all mysterious heritages, Winter secret realm is the most suitable for her.

Next, someone made a choice.

After entering the eighth man, Jianzui secret realm, the entrance collapsed and disappeared, and phantom also disappeared.

Followed by Profound Thunder Inheritance, only seven people entered and disappeared.

Only Winter secret realm, after entering the eleven or two, the entrance to the inheritance channel has not disappeared, it is relatively strong.

Then the genius in the back lined up to enter the Winter secret realm.

There is only one secret realm left, no choice, no one wants to give up.

The entrance to the tunnel was not closed until the winter secret realm entered 45 people.

This scene made some seniors present at the scene, all a little surprised.

In the past, only about 30 people could enter the three inheritances of each Heaven’s Chosen Assembly.

This session, the total number of people reached 60.

“So many geniuses have entered the mysterious heritage, I wonder if it is a blessing or a curse!”

Purple Silk Palace‘s black robe sighed.

These mysterious inheritances all have a certain mortality rate. The more you enter, the more likely you are to die.

But in most cases, the benefits outweigh the disadvantages.


At the same time, somewhere in the vast starry sky.

The top of a huge mountain of Qingtian, heavy rain, thunder and thunder, and the sky was dark.

Several figures of the great shore floating in the void exude an indescribable terror, like a mighty heavenly prestige, which deter all creatures.


The figure of a green robe headed, bursting into a turbulent true essence, turned into a blue water light, covering hundreds of meters in a circle.

The spiritual qi of between Heaven and Earth, all the rainwater in the nearby clouds, all gathered, forming a huge vortex in in the sky, covering the sky.


After two breaths, a dark blue oval channel opens up!

“Trial has begun!”

“It is said that this is a secret realm’s space that existed in the Middle Ages. I don’t know how many precious treasures are hidden in it. Maybe there are some great expert inheritance treasures in the Middle Ages!”

Below, the figures cheered and cheered.

However, when they are ready to enter.


The huge phantom scene in the sky suddenly shuddered, as if suffering some kind of powerful suction, and moved away.

The entrance to secret realm’s space quickly collapsed and dissipated.

“What’s going on?”

“How did the secret realm channel close?”

The many figures below are uncertain.

The several great shore figures floating in the sky are all pale.

“Dare to dare to **** my secret realm of “Sea Demon Palace“!”

A gloomy voice came out, an invisible repressive breath, covering the whole mountain top, suddenly silent.

“Check this king to see who is so bold!”

With a single order, the entire Sea Demon Palace was shaken.

“Palace, although secret realm is forcibly ingested by other forces, we can still pull it back and send a few people to check the situation!”

A figure next to him bowed his head respectfully said.

By contrast, sending people in directly makes it easier to find out what the forces are doing.


Sea Demon Palace acted again, re-established contact with the ancient secret realm by tough means, and opened up a very unstable channel.

The number of people entering is limited, and Sea Demon Palace selects five disciples.

When you look closely, the skin tones of these five people are dark blue, with dark green hair and pupils, long teeth and ears, and no bridge of nose.

They are similar in shape to humans, but they are totally different from humans!


After a period of disorder, the body of Luo Tian sank suddenly and landed on a wet grass.

The vicissitudes of ancient Spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth are rushing towards us.

Luo Tian looked around and found no one.

“It seems to have been randomly sent to various places!”

Luo Tian low mumble.

Moreover, it is obviously not Winter secret realm, but another unknown and mysterious space!

The points that Luo Tian remembers about Winter secret realm will not be useful here.

“It is imperative to understand the situation here first, and then look for treasure opportunities!”

The time to enter the mysterious heritage is limited, generally between half a month and a month.

If Luo Tian didn’t gain in this unknown secret realm, maybe after half a month to go out, it would be surpassed by other geniuses in mysterious inheritance, the title of King of Heaven’s Chosen was changed.

Luo Tian performed “Wind-Governing Secret Art” quietly sneaking.

It didn’t take long before he suddenly saw a spiritual qi thick tree with two red spirit fruit.

Blood Jade Fruit!”

Luo Tian suddenly appeared happy.

Blood Jade Fruit, 3-star precious material, is an anti-healing medicine that can quickly heal injuries and save lives.

Take it directly without being injured to strengthen the body and strengthen the body.

Blood Jade Fruit is rare in Eastern Chen Continent, so it is expensive, and each can cost at least eight thousand Spirit Essence Coin.

“It seems that this unknown secret realm will not let me down too much!”

The Luo Tian looks slightly happy and quickly approaches, picking up two Blood Jade Fruits.

Suddenly, in the depths of the forest, there was a terrifying breath of horror!


Luo Tian puts on a cloak of shadow and transforms into a gray shadow, disappearing away instantly.

Almost at the next moment, a giant black tiger five meters high arrived, with a huge deer monster in his mouth.

When it saw that Blood Jade Fruit was missing, it suddenly threw away the flesh in its mouth and gave a thunderous roar, and a terrible demon whirlwind swept away!

“It’s dangerous!”

Luo Tian escaped in time.

The black giant tiger is a Earth Rank monster, and the breath is extremely terrible. Luo Tian estimates that it is difficult to win without using some cards.

“There are many treasures in this place, but there are also many crises!”

I just came here and encountered monsters of Earth Essence Realm level. It seems that this unknown secret realm is definitely not simple.

“Cquack… Junior, this God smells the baby’s breath. If you have good things, you must know how to share them. You will be thundered if you eat single food.”

The Heavenly Book in my mind, the sound of crow excitement came.

Luo Tian immediately hid two Blood Jade Fruit into the storage space, and then released the crow.

“How about baby? Where is baby?”

After the crow came out, he looked around, and finally stared at Luo Tian suspiciously.

“If you want baby, you can do your best.”

“Go, fly to the sky to survey the terrain.”

Luo Tian ordered.

Crow’s face is helpless~ still do it, flying high into the sky.

And this time.

Luo Tian feels the sapphire orb carrying with him, slightly throbbing.

After taking it out, Luo Tian saw a deep blue glow inside, pointing to the west.

“This is guiding me?”

Luo Tian is surprised.

Please take half a day off today~ It’s stuck, only one more.

(End of this chapter)


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