Eternal King Chapter 295: End of trial

The mysterious ancient writing on the tombstone turned out to be a secret sword technique.

Heavenly Book shows: the incomplete Heaven Rank secret technique “Heavenly Sword Secret Art“, the secret technique that assists the practice of Kendo, contains the mind.

It can speed up the cultivation of sword skills, greatly increase the power of sword skills, increase the chance of sword awareness, and realize the true meaning of kendo.

This secret technique is derived from one of the three “Kendo Books”, and the secret technique itself is incomplete.

“It’s just incomplete, rank has reached Heaven Rank!”

Luo Tian is full of emotions.

This kind of incompleteness is not a part missing, but “Heavenly Sword Secret Art” only created a part.

Once the content is completed, rank may be improved.

“What is Three Great Sword Path Mystic Books?”

In his heart, doubts appeared.

“It takes more than one hundred pages to know!”

A line appears on Heavenly Book.

“If you only want to understand Three Great Sword Path Mystic Books, you need a hundred pages of energy…What level of things is this?”

Luo Tian can’t help but be curious, but he will not be bored and spend a hundred pages of energy just to understand this thing.

Brother Luo, what’s wrong with you?”

Cheng Wanli finds that Luo Tian suddenly stops and does not leave, asking questions.


Luo Tian smiled lightly.

“The tombstone is broken, the treasure is gone, and you still laugh!”

Cheng Wanli is speechless.

In fact, Luo Tian planned from the beginning to find an opportunity to destroy the tombstone.

The tombstone is very heavy, carrying obstacles around and carrying enemies.

It’s better to destroy under the eyes of everyone.

Anyway, the information on the tombstone is included in Heavenly Book.


The rain suddenly became more violent, like a torrent, leaning down from the sky.

In the dark black clouds, the electricity flashed, and a lightning bolt split towards Luo Tian and Cheng Wanli.


Luo Tian immediately shouted, and the speed of Cheng Wanli skyrocketed, leap twenty meters away.


A thunder landed, and a large blackened pit was split from the ground behind.

In the sky, the electric light is getting stronger and stronger, there are lightning strikes at any time, and where there are testers, it will be focused on.

The crisis from Floating Mountain is getting scarier.

“The environment of Floating Mountain has deteriorated to this level. Hurry to the Floating Mountain center and strive to stay here longer!”

Cheng Wanli frowns tightly.


The top of Cloudy Sky Sect!

Many high-level leaders converge and stare at the hanging mountain above!

From the outside, they can also vaguely observe that the environment of Floating Mountain has deteriorated.


teleportation formation in the square suddenly blinked white, and a disciple was sent out!

“How is it going inside?”

An elder asked immediately.

“In Floating Mountain, a huge mausoleum was unearthed with many monsters and even Earth Rank puppets!”

The situation before this disciple will be sent out is probably recounted.

“Mausoleum? Earth Rank puppet?”

The high-level colors are slightly shocked.

Generally speaking, only positions above three Great Elder(s) have the right to build tombs in Floating Mountain.

However, puppets are very rare, Earth Rank puppets are rare!

“Five hundred years ago, there were very few puppets in Earth Rank. There were quite a few thousand years ago!”

The three elders caressed.

That is to say, the mausoleum was at least five hundred years ago the Cloudy Sky Sect high-rise, or even more distant.

“Is there any treasure in this world?”

Elder Mao asked.

“There is a tombstone, very extraordinary, the text on it is very old…”

“Tombstone treasure?”

All high-level executives are a little puzzled and can’t think of anything.

Even Cloudy Sky Sect Master did not come to any conclusion.

This makes the high-level people more happy, because the origin of this tombstone may be very long, and contains a big secret.

“Who has the tombstone fallen into?”

“Falled in…Luo Tian, but was broken by Luo Tian.”

This disciple was very angry with Luo Tian‘s behavior at that time, so he concealed part of the facts.

The senior executives were stunned.

Luo Tian, isn’t it the person with the lowest cultivation base among those forty places?

This precious treasure actually fell into his hands.

And Luo Tian also shattered the tombstone!

This precious treasure is actually broken!

“Also, Brother Han Yuan, was killed by Luo Tian…”

The disciple went on to spoil.


The elders are shocked!

Ten Great Core Disciple Han Yuan was killed by Luo Tian!

This kid is simply Heaven Fiend Lonely Star, and it’s really harmful!

The impression of Luo Tian’s by all high-level officials is a bit worse.

At the same time, he was more interested in the mausoleum, and actually killed Ten Great Core Disciple easily.

At this time.

Many people sent it out, including the Core Disciple blue-haired woman.

When the blue-haired woman was inquired about the Han Yuan, she also bite it and was killed by Luo Tian.

After all, she knows the identity background of Cheng Wanli.

“I was also hurt by Luo Tian. He used me and Qiao Hai to lead away the Earth Rank puppet, ran in and searched for treasures, and finally shattered the most expensive tombstone, claiming that he could not get it, who Don’t even think about it!”

The blue-haired woman distorts the facts.

She, Han Yuan and Qiao Hai, the three have a good relationship.

Luo Tian stole their achievements and also killed Han Yuan, making the blue-haired woman resentful.

After hearing the blue-haired woman’s words, many high-level looks were unpleasant.

“Huh, this sub-conduct is really bad, not only selfishness, but also cruelty, let my Sect lose a Core Disciple!”

“I suggest waiting for this kid to come out and convict him!”

Elder Mao sneered.

His words were supported by several elders, all of them in the same vein.

“This matter, wait until Floating Mountain Trial is over!”

The suzerain spoke indifferently, and no one talked anymore.

“Damn, how did the suzerain maintain this kid again, would Luo Tian be the illegitimate son of the suzerain?”

Elder Mao is unwilling.

Last time, he asked the suzerain to do justice, but returned without success.

But in fact, he was scolded by the suzerain!

The three elders did not say much. He knew that the patriarch would maintain Luo Tian, but when the evidence of Luo Tian’s was conclusive, the patriarch could not say anything.

At the same time, he appreciates Luo Tian‘s behavior of breaking the tombstone.

The three elders don’t want to see what opportunities Luo Tian gets from the tombstone.

After a while.

A few more disciples were sent out.

Floating Mountain Trial, nearing the end, there should be less than ten disciples remaining!”

Second Elder Road.

The rest of the senior executives nodded and agreed with this view.

At present, only twenty people have been sent.

That is to say, maybe ten disciples died in it.

The Sovereign is relieved.

Cheng Wanli has not yet come out, which has proved that Cheng Wanli will enter the top ten this time.

This result proves to a certain extent that Cheng Wanli may become Ten Great Core Disciple before long.

Feihang, you are beyond the expectations of a teacher, and actually persisted to the present, it seems that you are inside, there are many opportunities!”

Three elders are more satisfied.

Qiao Hai and Ying Feihang both entered the top ten. He, a master, is also very respectable.

But to the surprise of the three elders, Luo Tian was not even sent out.


In Floating Mountain.

Luo Tian and Cheng Wanli came to the Floating Mountain center. At this moment, the natural disaster here also reached a terrible level.

Ice and snow, lightning ray flashes, earthquakes and volcanoes, just like the end of the world.

Suddenly, in the forest in front, a silver giant wolf was killed, and his whole body exuded a chill.

The silver giant wolf cultivation base reached Half-Step Earth Essence Realm, and led a dozen men to chase down Luo Tian and Cheng Wanli.

Luo Tian and Cheng Wanli fled immediately.

At this time, Floating Mountain Trial faced the natural disasters and monster attacks of this place, almost everyone was running away.

Fight non-stop, keep your teeth clenched!

This situation is very similar to the survival trial, but it is more difficult.

After all, even the storage bag can’t be opened, almost everyone is carrying weight to escape, and here Spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth is thin, and supplementing true qi can only rely on the Elixir.

A moment.

When Luo Tian and Cheng Wanli escaped, they passed a river, and a giant toad suddenly burst out of them, and their mouth opened to shoot a poisonous arrow.

The cultivation base of this giant toad is also Half-Step Earth Essence Realm, but it is highly toxic and threatens the silver wolf that surpasses that Half-Step Earth Essence Realm.

In a hurry to escape, Luo Tian and Cheng Wanli are separated.

After a long escape.

Cheng Wanli has also attracted the attention of some monsters. Helpless, he urged the blue waterdrop mark on the back of his hand.


He attacked with all his strength, and a fierce tornado of water gathered on the top of his head.

In addition to the power of Spirit Pond Mark, Cheng Wanli also urged a secret technique, making this blow more powerful than the general Half-Step Earth Essence Realm.

A large area of ​​monsters was washed away by the water tornado.

Only the silver giant wolf, and a few stronger monsters, carried over and continued to hunt down.

Cheng Wanli tried his best, even consumed the last Spirit Pond Mark, and persisted for a while.

“It should be in the top ten!”

“That kid Luo Tian, there are so many marks, maybe he hasn’t been sent out yet…”

Cheng Wanli has a little regret, he participated in this trial, the original goal was to surpass Luo Tian.


He was hurt all over, facing the rolling torrent that suddenly appeared in front of him, he crushed the token and was sent out!


The other side!

The crisis facing Luo Tian is similar to that of Cheng Wanli, and it has also been chased by many monsters.

Only the impact of natural disasters on him is small. After all, Luo Tian practiced powerful body refining exercises.

“Stamp of Power!”

Luo Tian urges a golden round mark!

Suddenly, a golden radiance wrapped around the body.

The Luo Tian’s body, as if cast in gold, is indestructible and full of explosive power!

Return to Essence Cloud Parting Hand!”

Luo Tian smashed in one palm, the crystal yellow giant palm up to four or five meters, contains unparalleled terror force, rushed out!

Boom! Punt!

The air is thundering, the wind is roaring, and the powerful palm is crushed, and the giant toad of Half-Step Earth Essence Realm is directly blown away.

There are also nearly ten monster beasts, which are crushed into puree!

“Get out of here!”

Luo Tian screams and kills!

He wrestled close with the monsters~ Between his arms and legs, an amazing force erupted, and blood splattered around him!

It seems that he is a real monster, fierce and invincible!

Luo Tian will surround all his monsters and kill them in the shortest time.

At this time, the effect of the power mark disappears, and the golden awn on the Luo Tian dissipates.

“Sure enough, the power stamp is the best for me!”

Luo Tian laughed.

At this moment, a long-eared man escaped, and a dozen monsters followed to kill him.

“Why…you haven’t been teleported, nor have you been chased by the monster?”

The long-eared man asked in surprise.

How dangerous Floating Mountain is at this moment, and Luo Tian of Spirit Sea Realm 7th layer is still here, which is really surprising and unbelievable. Reading Network

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