Eternal King Chapter 262: No. 1

  Four Heavenly Caves outside.

  Ying Feihang and Cheng Wanli, focusing on Heart Demon Heavenly Cave.

  ”Luo Tian, where can you go?”

  Cheng Wanli wants to see how far away he is from Luo Tian’s.

  His test scores reached 32,500 points, which is extremely good.

The Ying Feihang on the side of    is a little surprised by the performance of Cheng Wanli and intends to make friends.

   But now, he wants to know more, what is the result of Luo Tian.

   intuitively told him that Li Zhiyun is crazy and Luo Tian can’t get rid of it.

   after a while.


  Luo Tian was sent out.

  Ying Feihang stared away and found that Luo Tian‘s face and expression were normal, and there was no sign of madness.

   He showed disappointment, and his plan failed completely.

   and Cheng Wanli looks at Heart Demon Scoreboard for the first time.

  Heart Demon Heavenly Cave points are not calculated by time, but by the number of trials that have been experienced, so the length of time can not be judged.

  The next moment, Cheng Wanli froze, staring straight at Heart Demon Scoreboard, holding his breath.

  He knows that Luo Tian’s points are higher than himself, but how could it be so much higher?


  Ying Feihang noticed the strange appearance of Cheng Wanli, followed his eyes and looked at Heart Demon Scoreboard.

   “Four… 43,000 points!”

  Ying Feihang was suddenly dumbfounded, his eyes protruded, and his chin was difficult to close.

   That number is too shocking, leaving Ying Feihang‘s mind blank for a while.

  ”How is this possible?”

  Ying Feihang is unbelievable and suspects that he is wrong.

   The opening order of Four Great Heavenly Caves is also a sort of difficulty.

   Even if Luo Tian is Slaughtering Heavenly Cave and gets 43,000 points, Ying Feihang will feel incredible.

   Not to mention Heart Demon Heavenly Cave!

   Such amazing results, it is difficult to achieve the elite disciple of the previous sect, Ten Great Core Disciple, there is no complete assurance!

How does   Luo Tian do it?

   “43,000 points, first!”

   striking characters, ranking first in Heart Demon Scoreboard.


  Luo Tian is a little surprised.

  As he expected, his results were amazing, and he ranked first!

   This is because he came out ahead of time. If he continues to test in Heart Demon Heavenly Cave, his score can even reach 50,000 points, which is even more shocking.

   “Huh? Is Heart Demon Scoreboard the first replacement?”

   An old disciple glanced at Heart Demon Scoreboard next to him while watching Survival Scoreboard.

   “First, Luo Tian? Forty-three thousand! My God!”

   The old disciple suddenly startled.

   “Look at Heart Demon Scoreboard, the first place is 43,000 points!”

   “What? So high points? Is Ten Great Core Disciple coming to the test?”

   “No, it’s Luo Tian!”

In the blink of an eye, all the attention around me was attracted to Heart Demon Scoreboard!

   Forty-three thousand points, it was too shocking.

Who is Luo Tian? Some old disciples know the deeds of the first two Heavenly Cave trials of Luo Tian, and a few have never heard of Luo Tian.

   This is exactly the case. The name Luo Tian, with this point, is shocking!

   “there is human beyond the human, there is Heaven beyond the Heaven, did not expect his spiritual will to be so amazing, no wonder his practice speed is so fast and his strength is extraordinary.”

  Cheng Wanli is confessed to oral administration of Luo Tian.

   “Luo Tian!”

   Suddenly, Ying Feihang scolded, striding forward, and was fierce.

   “What’s your job?”

  Luo Tian glanced coldly.

  He already knew that Li Zhiyun was interfering with him, and was behind the scenes of Ying Feihang.

  Luo Tian is not difficult to guess. When Slaughtering Heavenly Cave, Liu Yi and Wang Fu shot against themselves, I am afraid that it is also controlled by Ying Feihang.

   “Hum, after the Li Zhiyun came out, he became crazy, got into trouble, and shouted your name! And you got such a high score.”

   “There are a lot of doubts, what are you doing in Heart Demon Heavenly Cave?”

  Ying Feihang sternly questioned.

   In fact, Li Zhiyun mentions the name Luo Tian’s, Ying Feihang is an exaggeration and slanders Luo Tian.

   He has no choice.

Master    secretly assisted, and gave the spirit secret technique of “Chaotic Heart Technique“, but he still failed.

  Ying Feihang can only grasp these doubts and deal with Luo Tian.

  As long as the madness of Li Zhiyun is blamed on Luo Tian, the purpose is achieved!

   And this is not out of nothing, Ying Feihang is convinced that the madness of Li Zhiyun is caused by Luo Tian.

   “Isn’t it true to tell me?”

   A coercive pressure spread out.

   Replaced with other newly-incarnated disciples, I am afraid that the souls who have been scared by Ying Feihang will not keep their hearts.

   is so strong!

  Luo Tian can feel that Ying Feihang cultivation base is extremely powerful, at least Spirit Sea Realm 8th layer.

   “Is there anything to explain! I have a high score, that is because I am excellent! Isn’t it good?”

  Luo Tian is not afraid, but sneers.

  In the illusion of Heart Demon Heavenly Cave, he even confronted the fake three elders.

   “Well, even if it is excellent, there can never be such a high score! You must have secretly practiced the evil door secret technique, or found a loophole in Heart Demon Heavenly Cave, cheating and achieving the current results!”

   “Also, don’t you evade the question about Li Zhiyun, did you make him get into trouble?”

  Ying Feihang identified Luo Tian as having a problem.

  The death of Li Zhiyun is related to Luo Tian.

  Luo Tian has such a high score, there are doubts.

  As long as he bites these things, it will make things worse, there is a master behind him, and the loser must be Luo Tian.

   “Li Zhiyun, you don’t say that I forgot, Li Zhiyun in Heart Demon Heavenly Cave, the spirit of evil art interferes with me, I will report this matter to the senior management to investigate thoroughly!”

  Luo Tian looks angry.

  Ying Feihang groaned.

   did not expect that Li Zhiyun not only failed, but was also noticed by Luo Tian, what a fool!

   “You have to slander Li Zhiyun, he is crazy and can’t stand against you. But if he really interferes with you, you have already failed, how can you get such a high score?”

  Ying Feihang sneered.

   “Because I…excellent, he did not succeed!”

  Luo Tian is a matter of course.


  Ying Feihang twitched at the corner of his mouth, wishing to immediately take down Luo Tian.

   is at this moment.


  The arrival of a Law Enforcement Team, everyone in Law Enforcement Team wears black clothes, cultivation base are all high-end Spirit Sea Realm, and the leader is Half-Step Earth Essence Realm!

  Law Enforcement Team was originally intended to capture Li Zhiyun.

   “Luo Tian, you must quibble, go to Law Enforcement Hall and plead guilty!”

  Ying Feihang sneered, squinting at the leader Law Enforcement Team.

   This Law Enforcement Team chief is from the three elders and will naturally help Ying Feihang.

   “Luo Tian, what did you do?”

  Law Enforcement Team, a man surprisedly said.

  He was the Law Enforcement Team member who sent Washing Marrow Pill to Luo Tian. He had promised that Luo Tian could help him if he was in trouble.

   “I didn’t commit anything, Ying Feihang **** me insults.”

  Luo Tian looked at this person with a look of joy.

  However, the man appeared embarrassed.

The captain    obviously helped Ying Feihang, and Ying Feihang is a disciple of the three elders, he did not dare to offend.

   “Luo Tian, if you are really innocent, Law Enforcement Team will not wrong you.”

   The man sighed and returned to the team.

   “Get me!”

   Captain ordered.

  Several law enforcement members come up, they will win Luo Tian.

The ancestral Law Enforcement Team is powerful, and all are high-end Spirit Sea Realm, and Luo Tian is difficult to resist.

   “Slow down!”

   Just then, Cheng Wanli shouted.

   “Who are you? How dare you shout at Law Enforcement Team…”

   looked at the captain with a bad look, and immediately looked amazed, then swallowed the following words.

  He spent a long time in Cloudy Sky Sect and recognized the identity of Cheng Wanli.

   “I can testify that Luo Tian did not cheat or do anything to Li Zhiyun.”

  Cheng Wanli indifferently said.

  Law Enforcement Team has a long frown.

   Although he was in the same vein as the three elders, this matter, after all, was not personally commanded by the three elders.

   Between Ying Feihang and Cheng Wanli, the **** captain quickly made a choice.

   “Well, we will investigate this matter and make a judgment!”

  Law Enforcement Team took the team members, grabbed Li Zhiyun, and left here.


  Ying Feihang was stunned.

  Cheng Wanli sentence, actually changed the Law Enforcement Team long decision.

  Ying Feihang glanced coldly at Luo Tian and Cheng Wanli, and went away angrily.

   “Thank you Brother Cheng!”

  Luo Tian has a strange face.

   It seems that the background of Cheng Wanli in the sect is indeed not simple.


   is just that day.

   Two major events spread and caused heated discussion in the previous sect.

   The first thing is the result of Luo Tian Heart Demon Heavenly Cave.

   Anyone who hears this news is surprised and questioned.

   Some people came to the Four Heavenly Caves in person and saw the ranking on the standings, and they still questioned!

   A new disciple who has just entered the sect can never get such a high score!

   Then, the second thing spread.

   That’s because Luo Tian cheated on Heart Demon Heavenly Cave, and even got Li Zhiyun out of control and went crazy.

After this incident came out, more people were convinced that Luo Tian cheated!

   “It’s ridiculous, Spirit Sea Realm is five-fold, how can Heart Demon Heavenly Cave get 43,000 points! Such obvious cheating, are we really blind?”

   “But I believe that Luo Tian has cultivated the spirit evil art. Li Zhiyun may have accidentally discovered this and was mad by Luo Tian!”

   “The Zongmen senior will surely investigate. At most three days, Luo Tian will go to jail!”

  The previous sect was discussing this matter.

Ning Xin came to the Luo Tian’s residence immediately when he heard the news.

   “Luo Tian, is it true or false?”

  Ning Xin asked worriedly.

   She doesn’t believe too much, the Luo Tian’s score is real. Forty-three thousand points, it’s too scary.

   On the other hand, Li Zhiyun and Luo Tian’s are indeed contradictory.

   “Of course all are fake.”

  Luo Tian said with a smile.

  Ning Xin didn’t believe it and was justified. His grades were indeed scary.

   Fortunately, Luo Tian was just left Heart Demon Heavenly Cave.

   Otherwise, Luo Tian is sure to reach 50,000 points, which will undoubtedly make people more jealous.


  After Ying Feihang left Four Heavenly Caves, he came to the House of the Three Elders immediately.

   “…this is what it is!”

  Ying Feihang tells the story again.


  Three elders complexion sank, the air in the hall suddenly stagnate, Ying Feihang felt a choking depression.

   He did not expect that, with his help, Ying Feihang actually failed, making things happen like this.

   But the three elders also saw it.

  Luo Tian’s is not simple, not only a mental strategy, but also a talent for strength.

   must be removed!

   “Come back!”

The three elders said impatiently.

   “Master, that Luo Tian…”

  Ying Feihang is a little hesitant.

   “Hmm, the end of this matter is set!”

  The three elders grumbled coldly.

  With his power, this thing, what he said, is what.


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